Chapter 7 Associative Collections
The associative-collection abstraction includes finite maps, finite
relations, and priority queues where the priority is separate from element.
Associative collections are defined in Edison as a set of eight classes,
organized in the hierarchy shown in Figure 7.1. Notice that
this hierarchy mirrors the hierarchy for collections, but with the
addition of Functor as a superclass of every associative collection.
Like collections, associative collections depend heavily on multi-parameter
type classes.
AssocX |
OrdAssocX |
FiniteMapX |
OrdFiniteMapX |
empty,insert |
minElem |
insertWith |
no methods |
union,delete |
deleteMin |
unionWith |
null,size |
unsafeInsertMin |
intersectWith |
lookup |
foldr,foldl |
difference |
map,fold |
filterLT |
subset |
filter |
··· |
··· |
··· |
Assoc |
OrdAssoc |
FiniteMap |
OrdFiniteMap |
toSeq |
minElemWithKey |
unionWithKey |
no methods |
mapWithKey |
foldrWithKey |
intersectWithKey |
foldWithKey |
toOrdSeq |
··· |
filterWithKey |
··· |
··· |
Figure 7.1: The associative-collection class hierarchy, with typical methods for each class.
The operations on associative collections are similar to the operations
on collections. The differences arise from having a separate key and
element, rather than just an element. One significant implication
of this separation is that many of the methods move up in the
hierarchy, because elements are always observable for associative
collections (even though keys may not be).
Associative-Collection Methods
AssocX: empty, single, insert, insertSeq, union, unionSeq, fromSeq
OrdAssocX: unsafeInsertMin, unsafeInsertMax, unsafeFromOrdSeq, unsafeAppend
FiniteMapX: insertWith, insertWithKey, insertSeqWith, insertSeqWithKey,
unionl, unionr, unionWith, unionSeqWith, fromSeqWith, fromSeqWithKey
FiniteMap: unionWithKey, unionSeqWithKey
- Destructors:
OrdAssocX: minView, minElem, maxView, maxElem
OrdAssoc: minViewWithKey, minElemWithKey, maxViewWithKey, maxElemWithKey
- Deletions:
AssocX: delete, deleteAll, deleteSeq
OrdAssocX: deleteMin, deleteMax
- Observers:
AssocX: null, size, member, count, lookup, lookupM, lookupAll, lookupWithDefault, elements
Assoc: toSeq, keys
OrdAssoc: toOrdSeq
- Modifiers:
AssocX: adjust, adjustAll
- Maps and folds:
AssocX: map, fold, fold1
OrdAssocX: foldr, foldl, foldr1, foldl1
Assoc: mapWithKey, foldWithKey
OrdAssoc: foldrWithKey, foldlWithKey
- Filters and partitions:
AssocX: filter, partition
filterLT, filterLE, filterGT, filterGE,
partitionLT_GE, partitionLE_GT, partitionLT_GT
Assoc: filterWithKey, partitionWithKey
- Set-like operations:
FiniteMapX: intersectWith, difference, subset, subsetEq
FiniteMap: intersectWithKey
Figure 7.2: Summary of methods for the associative-collection classes.
Figure 7.2 summarizes all the methods on associative collections.
These methods will be described in more detail in the sections on each subclass
in the hierarchy.
I will frequently abbreviate ``associative collection'' as ac . I
will also refer jointly to a key and element as a binding.
7.1 AssocX
class Eq k => AssocX m k
7.1.1 Constructors
empty :: m k a
The empty ac .
- single :: k ® a ® m k a
Create an ac with a single binding.
- insert :: k ® a ® m k a ® m k a
insertSeq :: Sequence seq Þ seq (k,a) ® m k a ® m k a
Add a binding or a sequence of bindings to a collection. For finite maps,
insert keeps the new element in the case of duplicate keys, but
insertSeq keeps an unspecified element. Which key is kept is
also unspecified for both methods.
See also insertWith, insertWithKey, insertSeqWith,
and insertSeqWithKey in FiniteMapX.
- union :: m k a ® m k a ® m k a
unionSeq :: Sequence seq Þ seq (m k a) ® m k a
Merge two acs or a sequence of acs . Which element and which key to
keep in the case of duplicate keys is unspecified.
See also unionWith and unionSeqWith in FiniteMapX and
unionWithKey and unionSeqWithKey in FiniteMap.
- fromSeq :: Sequence seq Þ seq (k,a) ® m k a
Convert a list of bindings to an ac . Which element and which key
to keep in the case of duplicate keys is unspecified.
7.1.2 Deletions
delete :: k ® m k a ® m k a
deleteAll :: k ® m k a ® m k a
Delete one binding or all bindings with the given key, or leave the
ac unchanged if it does not contain the key. For bag-like
acs (i.e., those that allow multiple bindings with the same key), it
is unspecified which binding will be removed by delete.
- deleteSeq :: Sequence seq Þ seq k ® m k a ® m k a
Delete a single occurrence of each of the given keys from an ac ,
ignoring those keys that do not appear in the ac . For bag-like
acs , there may be multiple bindings with a given key, in which case
it is unspecified which is deleted.
7.1.3 Observers
null :: m k a ® Bool
Test whether the ac is empty.
- size :: m k a ® Int
Return the number of bindings in the ac .
- member :: m k a ® k ® Bool
Test whether the given key is bound in the ac .
member m k º (count xs k > 0) |
- count :: m k a ® k ® Int
Return the number of bindings with the given key.
- lookup :: m k a ® k ® a
lookupM :: m k a ® k ® Maybe a
lookupAll :: Sequence seq Þ m k a ® k ® seq a
lookupWithDefault :: a ® m k a ® k ® a
Find the element associated with the given given. lookup
signals an error if the key is not bound, while lookupWithDefault
returns a default value (provided as its first argument).
If there is more than one binding with the given key, it is unspecified
which element is chosen by lookup, lookupM, or
lookupWithDefault. lookupAll returns all elements bound to
the given key, but in an unspecified order.
- elements :: Sequence seq Þ m k a ® seq a
Return all elements in the given ac , in an unspecified order.
7.1.4 Modifiers
adjust :: (a ® a) ® k ® m k a ® m k a
adjustAll :: (a ® a) ® k ® m k a ® m k a
Change a single binding or all bindings for the given key by applying
a function to its element(s). If more than one binding has the
same key, it is unspecified which is modified by adjust.
7.1.5 Maps and folds
map :: (a ® b) ® m k a ® m k b
Apply a function to the elements of every binding in an ac .
This method appears both in AssocX and in Functor.
- fold :: (a ® b ® b) ® b ® m k a ® b
Combine all the elements in an ac , given a combining function and
an initial value. The elements are processed in an unspecified order.
Note that fold ignores the keys.
- fold1 :: (a ® a ® a) ® m k a ® a
Combine all the elements in a non-empty ac using the given combining
function. Signals an error if the ac is empty. The elements
are processed in an unspecified order. An implementation may choose to
process the elements linearly or in a balanced fashion (like reduce1
on sequences). Note that fold1 ignores the keys.
7.1.6 Filters and partitions
filter :: (a ® Bool) ® m k a ® m k a
Extract all the bindings whose elements satisfy the given predicate.
- partition :: (a ® Bool) ® m k a ® (m k a, m k a)
Split an ac into those bindings whose elements satisfy the given predicate,
and those bindings whose elements do not satisfy the predicate.
7.2 OrdAssocX
class (AssocX m k, Ord k) => OrdAssocX m k
7.2.1 Constructors
unsafeInsertMin :: k ® a ® m k a ® m k a
unsafeInsertMax :: m k a ® k ® a ® m k a
Insert a binding into an ac with the precondition that the given key
is £ or ³ any exisiting keys. For finite maps, this precondition
is strengthened to < or >.
- unsafeFromOrdSeq :: Sequence seq ® seq (k,a) ® m k a
Convert a sequence of bindings into an ac with the precondition that
the sequence is sorted into non-decreasing order by key. For finite
maps, this precondition is strengthened to increasing order.
- unsafeAppend :: m k a ® m k a ® m k a
Merge two acs with the precondition that every key in the first
ac is £ every key in the second ac . For finite maps, this precondition
is strengthened to <.
7.2.2 Destructors
minView :: m k a ® Maybe2 a (m k a)
maxView :: m k a ® Maybe2 (m k a) a
Remove the binding with the minimum or maximum key, and return its element
together with the remaining ac . Return Nothing2 if the
ac is empty. Which binding is removed if there is more than one minimum
or maximum is unspecified.
See also minViewWithKey and maxViewWithKey in OrdAssoc.
- minElem :: m k a ® a
maxElem :: m k a ® a
Return the element associated with the minimum or maximum key, or
signal an error if the ac is empty. Which element is chosen if
there is more than one minimum or maximum is unspecified.
See also minElemWithKey and maxElemWithKey in OrdAssoc.
7.2.3 Deletions
deleteMin :: m k a ® m k a
deleteMax :: m k a ® m k a
Delete the binding with the minimum or maximum key, or return empty
if the ac is already empty. Which binding is chosen if there is
more than one minimum or maximum is unspecified.
7.2.4 Maps and Folds
foldr :: (a ® b ® b) ® b ® m k a ® b
foldl :: (b ® a ® b) ® b ® m k a ® b
Fold across the elements in non-decreasing order by key.
- foldr1 :: (a ® a ® a) ® m k a ® a
foldl1 :: (a ® a ® a) ® m k a ® a
Fold across the elements in non-decreasing order by key, or signal
an error if the ac is empty.
7.2.5 Filters and partitions
- partitionLT_GE
7.3 FiniteMapX
class AssocX m k => FiniteMapX m k
7.3.1 Constructors
- insertWithKey
- unionl
- unionWith
- fromSeqWith
7.3.2 Set-like operations
- difference
- subset
- subsetEq
7.4 OrdFiniteMapX
class (OrdAssocX m k, FiniteMapX m k) => OrdFiniteMapX m k
This class contains no methods. It exists only as an abbreviation
for the context
(OrdAssocX m k, FiniteMapX m k)
7.5 Assoc
class AssocX m k => Assoc m k
7.5.1 Observers
- keys
7.5.2 Maps and folds
- foldWithKey
7.5.3 Filters and partitions
- partitionWithKey
7.6 OrdAssoc
class (Assoc m k, OrdAssocX m k) => OrdAssoc m k
7.6.1 Destructors
- minElemWithKey
- maxViewWithKey
- maxElemWithKey
7.6.2 Observers
7.6.3 Maps and folds
7.7 FiniteMap
class (Assoc m k, FiniteMapX m k) => FiniteMap m k
7.7.1 Constructors
7.7.2 Set-like operations
7.8 OrdFiniteMap
class (OrdAssoc m k, FiniteMap m k) => OrdFiniteMap m k
This class contains no methods. It exists only as an abbreviation
for the context
(OrdAssoc m k, FiniteMap m k)