This library provides the following extensions to the IO monad:
, unsafePerformIO
and unsafeInterleaveIO
described in ]
extends the standard openFile action with support
for opening binary files.
triggers an immediate garbage collection
prints the string in its first argument, and then
returns the second argument as its result. The trace
function is not
referentially transparent, and should only be used for debugging, or for
monitoring execution.
compares two values for pointer equality without
evaluating them. The results are not referentially transparent and
may vary significantly from one compiler to another or in the face of
semantics-preserving program changes. However, pointer equality is useful
in creating a number of referentially transparent constructs such as this
simplified memoisation function:
> cache :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
> cache f = \x -> unsafePerformIO (check x)
> where
> ref = unsafePerformIO (newIORef (error "cache", error "cache"))
> check x = readIORef ref >>= \ (x',a) ->
> if x `unsafePtrEq` x' then
> return a
> else
> let a = f x in
> writeIORef ref (x, a) >>
> return a
module IOExts where
fixIO :: (a -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a
unsafeInterleaveIO :: IO a -> IO a
data IORef a -- mutable variables containing values of type a
newIORef :: a -> IO (IORef a)
readIORef :: IORef a -> IO a
writeIORef :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()
instance Eq (IORef a)
data IOArray ix elt -- mutable arrays indexed by values of type ix
-- containing values of type a.
newIOArray :: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> elt -> IO (IOArray ix elt)
boundsIOArray :: Ix ix => IOArray ix elt -> (ix, ix)
readIOArray :: Ix ix => IOArray ix elt -> ix -> IO elt
writeIOArray :: Ix ix => IOArray ix elt -> ix -> elt -> IO ()
freezeIOArray :: Ix ix => IOArray ix elt -> IO (Array ix elt)
instance Eq (IOArray ix elt)
openFileEx :: FilePath -> IOModeEx -> IO Handle
data IOModeEx = BinaryMode IO.IOMode | TextMode IO.IOMode
instance Eq IOModeEx
instance Read IOModeEx
instance Show IOModeEx
performGC :: IO ()
trace :: String -> a -> a
unsafePtrEq :: a -> a -> Bool