3.19. Word

This library provides unsigned integers of various sizes. The types supported are as follows:

type number of bits
Word8 8
Word16 16
Word32 32
Word64 64

For each type W above, we provide the following functions and instances. The type I refers to the signed integer type of the same size.

data W            -- Unsigned Ints
instance Eq       W
instance Ord      W
instance Show     W
instance Read     W
instance Bounded  W
instance Num      W
instance Real     W
instance Integral W
instance Enum     W
instance Ix       W
instance Bits     W
word8ToWord16  :: Word8   -> Word16
word8ToWord32  :: Word8   -> Word32
word8ToWord64  :: Word8   -> Word64

word16ToWord8   :: Word16  -> Word8
word16ToWord32  :: Word16  -> Word32
word16ToWord64  :: Word16  -> Word64

word32ToWord8  :: Word32 -> Word8
word32ToWord16 :: Word32 -> Word16
word32ToWord64 :: Word32 -> Word64

word64ToWord8  :: Word64 -> Word8
word64ToWord16 :: Word64 -> Word16
word64ToWord32 :: Word64 -> Word32

word8ToInt     :: Word8  -> Int
word16ToInt    :: Word16 -> Int
word32ToInt    :: Word32 -> Int
word64ToInt    :: Word64 -> Int

intToWord8     :: Int    -> Word8
intToWord16    :: Int    -> Word16
intToWord32    :: Int    -> Word32
intToWord64    :: Int    -> Word64

word64ToInteger :: Word64  -> Integer
integerToWord64 :: Integer -> Word64


Implementation notes: