{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Arrays
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2006 Roman Leshchinskiy
-- License     :  see libraries/ndp/LICENSE
-- Maintainer  :  Roman Leshchinskiy <rl@cse.unsw.edu.au>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- Operations on distributed arrays.


#include "fusion-phases.h"

module Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Arrays (
  lengthD, splitLenD, splitLengthD, splitD, joinLengthD, joinD, splitJoinD,
  splitSD, joinSD, splitJoinSD,

  permuteD, bpermuteD, atomicUpdateD, bpermuteSD',

  Distribution, balanced, unbalanced
) where

import Data.Array.Parallel.Base (
  (:*:)(..), fstS, ST, runST)
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Sequential
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Gang (
  Gang, gangSize, seqGang)
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.DistST (
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Types (
  DT, Dist, indexD, lengthD, newD, writeMD, zipD, unzipD,
  segdSD, concatSD,
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Basics
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Combinators (
  mapD, zipWithD, scanD,
  zipWithDST_, mapDST_)
import Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Scalars (

here s = "Data.Array.Parallel.Unlifted.Distributed.Arrays." ++ s

data Distribution

balanced :: Distribution
{-# NOINLINE balanced #-}
balanced = error $ here "balanced: touched"

unbalanced :: Distribution
{-# NOINLINE unbalanced #-}
unbalanced = error $ here "unbalanced: touched"

-- | Distribute the length of an array over a 'Gang'.
splitLengthD :: UA a => Gang -> UArr a -> Dist Int
splitLengthD g = splitLenD g . lengthU

-- | Distribute the given array length over a 'Gang'.
splitLenD :: Gang -> Int -> Dist Int
splitLenD g n = newD g (`fill` 0)
    p = gangSize g
    l = n `div` p
    m = n `mod` p
    fill md i | i < m     = writeMD md i (l+1) >> fill md (i+1)
              | i < p     = writeMD md i l     >> fill md (i+1)
              | otherwise = return ()

-- | Distribute an array over a 'Gang' such that each threads gets the given
-- number of elements.
splitAsD :: UA a => Gang -> Dist Int -> UArr a -> Dist (UArr a)
{-# INLINE splitAsD #-}
splitAsD g dlen !arr = zipWithD (seqGang g) (sliceU arr) is dlen
    is = fstS $ scanD g (+) 0 dlen

-- | Distribute an array over a 'Gang'.
splitD :: UA a => Gang -> Distribution -> UArr a -> Dist (UArr a)
{-# INLINE_DIST splitD #-}
splitD g _ !arr = zipWithD (seqGang g) (sliceU arr) is dlen
    dlen = splitLengthD g arr
    is   = fstS $ scanD g (+) 0 dlen

-- lengthD reexported from types

-- | Overall length of a distributed array.
joinLengthD :: UA a => Gang -> Dist (UArr a) -> Int
joinLengthD g = sumD g . lengthD

-- | Join a distributed array.
joinD :: UA a => Gang -> Distribution -> Dist (UArr a) -> UArr a
{-# INLINE_DIST joinD #-}
joinD g _ !darr = checkGangD (here "joinD") g darr $
                 newU n (\ma -> zipWithDST_ g (copy ma) di darr)
    di :*: n = scanD g (+) 0 $ lengthD darr
    copy ma i arr = stToDistST (copyMU ma i arr)

splitJoinD :: (UA a, UA b)
           => Gang -> (Dist (UArr a) -> Dist (UArr b)) -> UArr a -> UArr b
{-# INLINE_DIST splitJoinD #-}
splitJoinD g f !xs = joinD g unbalanced (f (splitD g unbalanced xs))

-- | Join a distributed array, yielding a mutable global array
joinDM :: UA a => Gang -> Dist (UArr a) -> ST s (MUArr a s)
{-# INLINE joinDM #-}
joinDM g darr = checkGangD (here "joinDM") g darr $
                  marr <- newMU n
                  zipWithDST_ g (copy marr) di darr
                  return marr
    di :*: n = scanD g (+) 0 $ lengthD darr
    copy ma i arr = stToDistST (copyMU ma i arr)


"splitD[unbalanced]/joinD" forall g b da.
  splitD g unbalanced (joinD g b da) = da

"splitD[balanced]/joinD" forall g da.
  splitD g balanced (joinD g balanced da) = da

"splitD/splitJoinD" forall g b f xs.
  splitD g b (splitJoinD g f xs) = f (splitD g b xs)

"splitJoinD/joinD" forall g b f da.
  splitJoinD g f (joinD g b da) = joinD g b (f da)

"splitJoinD/splitJoinD" forall g f1 f2 xs.
  splitJoinD g f1 (splitJoinD g f2 xs) = splitJoinD g (f1 . f2) xs

"splitD/zipU" forall g b xs ys.
  splitD g b (zipU xs ys) = zipWithD g zipU (splitD g balanced xs)
                                            (splitD g balanced ys)

"splitJoinD/zipU" forall g f xs ys.
  splitJoinD g f (zipU xs ys)
    = joinD g balanced
        (f (zipWithD g zipU (splitD g balanced xs)
                            (splitD g balanced ys)))


-- | Permute for distributed arrays.
permuteD :: UA a => Gang -> Dist (UArr a) -> Dist (UArr Int) -> UArr a
permuteD g darr dis = newU n (\ma -> zipWithDST_ g (permute ma) darr dis)
    n = joinLengthD g darr
    permute ma arr is = stToDistST (permuteMU ma arr is)

-- NOTE: The bang is necessary because the array must be fully evaluated
-- before we pass it to the parallel computation.
bpermuteD :: UA a => Gang -> UArr a -> Dist (UArr Int) -> Dist (UArr a)
{-# INLINE bpermuteD #-}
bpermuteD g !as ds = mapD g (bpermuteU as) ds

-- NB: This does not (and cannot) try to prevent two threads from writing to
-- the same position. We probably want to consider this an (unchecked) user
-- error.
atomicUpdateD :: UA a
             => Gang -> Dist (UArr a) -> Dist (UArr (Int :*: a)) -> UArr a
{-# INLINE atomicUpdateD #-}
atomicUpdateD g darr upd = runST (
    marr <- joinDM g darr
    mapDST_ g (update marr) upd
    unsafeFreezeAllMU marr
    update marr arr = stToDistST (atomicUpdateMU marr arr)

splitSegdLengthsD :: Gang -> Int -> UArr Int -> Dist (Int :*: Int)
splitSegdLengthsD g n !lens = newD g (\md -> fill md 0 0 0 0)
    m = lengthU lens
    p = gangSize g
    dlens = splitLenD g n
    fill md i j k l | i == p                  = return ()
                    | (l < e || e == 0)   -- keep empty segments at the end!
                      && j < m                = fill md i (j + 1)
                                                          (k + 1)
                                                          (l + lens !: j)
                    | otherwise               = do
                                                  writeMD md i (k :*: l)
                                                  fill md (i + 1) j 0 0
        e = dlens `indexD` i

splitSegdD' :: Gang -> Int -> USegd -> Dist (USegd :*: Int)
splitSegdD' g n !segd = zipD (mapD g lengthsToUSegd
                             $ splitAsD g segdlens lens) adlens
    lens                = lengthsUSegd segd
    segdlens :*: adlens = unzipD (splitSegdLengthsD g n lens)

joinSegD :: Gang -> Dist USegd -> USegd
joinSegD g = lengthsToUSegd
           . joinD g unbalanced
           . mapD (seqGang g) lengthsUSegd

splitSD :: UA a => Gang -> Distribution -> SUArr a -> Dist (SUArr a)
{-# INLINE_DIST splitSD #-}
splitSD g _ !sarr = zipWithD g (>:) dsegd (splitAsD g dlen flat)
    flat = concatSU sarr
    dsegd :*: dlen = unzipD (splitSegdD' g (lengthU flat) (segdSU sarr))

joinSD :: UA a => Gang -> Distribution -> Dist (SUArr a) -> SUArr a
{-# INLINE_DIST joinSD #-}
joinSD g _ !darr = joinSegD g (segdSD darr)
                >: joinD g unbalanced (concatSD darr)

splitJoinSD :: (UA a, UA b)
           => Gang -> (Dist (SUArr a) -> Dist (SUArr b)) -> SUArr a -> SUArr b
{-# INLINE_DIST splitJoinSD #-}
splitJoinSD g f !xs = joinSD g unbalanced (f (splitSD g unbalanced xs))


"splitSD[unbalanced]/joinSD" forall g b da.
  splitSD g unbalanced (joinSD g b da) = da

"splitSD[balanced]/joinSD" forall g da.
  splitSD g balanced (joinSD g balanced da) = da

"splitSD/splitJoinSD" forall g b f xs.
  splitSD g b (splitJoinSD g f xs) = f (splitSD g b xs)

"splitJoinSD/joinSD" forall g b f da.
  splitJoinSD g f (joinSD g b da) = joinSD g b (f da)

"splitJoinSD/splitJoinSD" forall g f1 f2 xs.
  splitJoinSD g f1 (splitJoinSD g f2 xs) = splitJoinSD g (f1 . f2) xs

bpermuteSD' :: UA a => Gang -> UArr a -> Dist (SUArr Int) -> Dist (SUArr a)
{-# INLINE bpermuteSD' #-}
bpermuteSD' g as = mapD g (bpermuteSU' as)