#include "fusion-phases.h"
module Data.Array.Parallel.Lifted.Instances (
dPA_Int, dPR_Int, upToPA_Int,
dPA_Word8, dPR_Word8,
dPA_Double, dPR_Double,
dPA_Bool, toPrimArrPA_Bool, truesPA#,
dPA_Unit, dPA_2, dPA_3, dPA_4, dPA_5,
) where
import Data.Array.Parallel.Lifted.PArray
import Data.Array.Parallel.Lifted.Repr
import Data.Array.Parallel.Lifted.Unboxed
import GHC.Exts ( Int#, Int(..), (+#), (*#),
Double#, Double(..) )
import GHC.Word ( Word8(..) )
data instance PArray Int = PInt Int# PArray_Int#
type instance PRepr Int = Int
dPA_Int :: PA Int
dPA_Int = PA {
toPRepr = id
, fromPRepr = id
, toArrPRepr = id
, fromArrPRepr = id
, dictPRepr = dPR_Int
dPR_Int :: PR Int
dPR_Int = PR {
lengthPR = lengthPR_Int
, emptyPR = emptyPR_Int
, replicatePR = replicatePR_Int
, replicatelPR = replicatelPR_Int
, repeatPR = repeatPR_Int
, indexPR = indexPR_Int
, bpermutePR = bpermutePR_Int
, appPR = appPR_Int
, applPR = applPR_Int
, packPR = packPR_Int
, combine2PR = combine2PR_Int
, fromListPR = fromListPR_Int
, nfPR = nfPR_Int
lengthPR_Int (PInt n# _) = n#
emptyPR_Int = PInt 0# emptyPA_Int#
replicatePR_Int n# i = PInt n# (case i of I# i# -> replicatePA_Int# n# i#)
replicatelPR_Int n# ns (PInt _ is) = PInt n# (replicatelPA_Int# n# ns is)
repeatPR_Int n# (PInt m# is) = PInt (n# *# m#) (repeatPA_Int# n# is)
indexPR_Int (PInt _ ns) i# = I# (indexPA_Int# ns i#)
bpermutePR_Int (PInt _ ns) is = PInt (lengthPA_Int# is) (bpermutePA_Int# ns is)
appPR_Int (PInt m# ms) (PInt n# ns) = PInt (m# +# n#) (appPA_Int# ms ns)
applPR_Int is (PInt m# ms) js (PInt n# ns)
= PInt (m# +# n#) (applPA_Int# is ms js ns)
packPR_Int (PInt _ ns) n# bs = PInt n# (packPA_Int# ns n# bs)
combine2PR_Int n# sel is (PInt _ xs) (PInt _ ys)
= PInt n# (combine2PA_Int# n# sel is xs ys)
fromListPR_Int n# xs = PInt n# (fromListPA_Int# n# xs)
nfPR_Int (PInt _ xs) = xs `seq` ()
upToPA_Int :: Int -> PArray Int
upToPA_Int (I# n#) = PInt n# (upToPA_Int# n#)
data instance PArray Word8 = PWord8 Int# PArray_Word8#
type instance PRepr Word8 = Word8
dPA_Word8 :: PA Word8
dPA_Word8 = PA {
toPRepr = id
, fromPRepr = id
, toArrPRepr = id
, fromArrPRepr = id
, dictPRepr = dPR_Word8
dPR_Word8 :: PR Word8
dPR_Word8 = PR {
lengthPR = lengthPR_Word8
, emptyPR = emptyPR_Word8
, replicatePR = replicatePR_Word8
, replicatelPR = replicatelPR_Word8
, repeatPR = repeatPR_Word8
, indexPR = indexPR_Word8
, bpermutePR = bpermutePR_Word8
, appPR = appPR_Word8
, applPR = applPR_Word8
, packPR = packPR_Word8
, combine2PR = combine2PR_Word8
, fromListPR = fromListPR_Word8
, nfPR = nfPR_Word8
lengthPR_Word8 (PWord8 n# _) = n#
emptyPR_Word8 = PWord8 0# emptyPA_Word8#
replicatePR_Word8 n# d
= PWord8 n# (case d of W8# d# -> replicatePA_Word8# n# d#)
replicatelPR_Word8 n# ns (PWord8 _ ds)
= PWord8 n# (replicatelPA_Word8# n# ns ds)
repeatPR_Word8 n# (PWord8 m# is) = PWord8 (n# *# m#) (repeatPA_Word8# n# is)
indexPR_Word8 (PWord8 _ ds) i# = W8# (indexPA_Word8# ds i#)
bpermutePR_Word8 (PWord8 _ ds) is
= PWord8 (lengthPA_Int# is) (bpermutePA_Word8# ds is)
appPR_Word8 (PWord8 m# ms) (PWord8 n# ns)
= PWord8 (m# +# n#) (appPA_Word8# ms ns)
applPR_Word8 is (PWord8 m# ms) js (PWord8 n# ns)
= PWord8 (m# +# n#) (applPA_Word8# is ms js ns)
packPR_Word8 (PWord8 _ ns) n# bs = PWord8 n# (packPA_Word8# ns n# bs)
combine2PR_Word8 n# sel is (PWord8 _ xs) (PWord8 _ ys)
= PWord8 n# (combine2PA_Word8# n# sel is xs ys)
fromListPR_Word8 n# xs = PWord8 n# (fromListPA_Word8# n# xs)
nfPR_Word8 (PWord8 _ xs) = xs `seq` ()
data instance PArray Double = PDouble Int# PArray_Double#
type instance PRepr Double = Double
dPA_Double :: PA Double
dPA_Double = PA {
toPRepr = id
, fromPRepr = id
, toArrPRepr = id
, fromArrPRepr = id
, dictPRepr = dPR_Double
dPR_Double :: PR Double
dPR_Double = PR {
lengthPR = lengthPR_Double
, emptyPR = emptyPR_Double
, replicatePR = replicatePR_Double
, replicatelPR = replicatelPR_Double
, repeatPR = repeatPR_Double
, indexPR = indexPR_Double
, bpermutePR = bpermutePR_Double
, appPR = appPR_Double
, applPR = applPR_Double
, packPR = packPR_Double
, combine2PR = combine2PR_Double
, fromListPR = fromListPR_Double
, nfPR = nfPR_Double
lengthPR_Double (PDouble n# _) = n#
emptyPR_Double = PDouble 0# emptyPA_Double#
replicatePR_Double n# d
= PDouble n# (case d of D# d# -> replicatePA_Double# n# d#)
replicatelPR_Double n# ns (PDouble _ ds)
= PDouble n# (replicatelPA_Double# n# ns ds)
repeatPR_Double n# (PDouble m# is) = PDouble (n# *# m#) (repeatPA_Double# n# is)
indexPR_Double (PDouble _ ds) i# = D# (indexPA_Double# ds i#)
bpermutePR_Double (PDouble _ ds) is
= PDouble (lengthPA_Int# is) (bpermutePA_Double# ds is)
appPR_Double (PDouble m# ms) (PDouble n# ns)
= PDouble (m# +# n#) (appPA_Double# ms ns)
applPR_Double is (PDouble m# ms) js (PDouble n# ns)
= PDouble (m# +# n#) (applPA_Double# is ms js ns)
packPR_Double (PDouble _ ns) n# bs = PDouble n# (packPA_Double# ns n# bs)
combine2PR_Double n# sel is (PDouble _ xs) (PDouble _ ys)
= PDouble n# (combine2PA_Double# n# sel is xs ys)
fromListPR_Double n# xs = PDouble n# (fromListPA_Double# n# xs)
nfPR_Double (PDouble _ xs) = xs `seq` ()
type instance PRepr Bool = Sum2 Void Void
data instance PArray Bool = PBool Int# PArray_Int# PArray_Int#
(PArray Void) (PArray Void)
dPA_Bool :: PA Bool
dPA_Bool = PA {
toPRepr = toPRepr_Bool
, fromPRepr = fromPRepr_Bool
, toArrPRepr = toArrPRepr_Bool
, fromArrPRepr = fromArrPRepr_Bool
, dictPRepr = dPR_Sum2 dPR_Void dPR_Void
toPRepr_Bool False = Alt2_1 void
toPRepr_Bool True = Alt2_2 void
fromPRepr_Bool (Alt2_1 _) = False
fromPRepr_Bool (Alt2_2 _) = True
toArrPRepr_Bool (PBool n# sel# is# fs ts) = PSum2 n# sel# is# fs ts
fromArrPRepr_Bool (PSum2 n# sel# is# fs ts) = PBool n# sel# is# fs ts
toPrimArrPA_Bool :: PArray Bool -> PArray_Bool#
toPrimArrPA_Bool (PBool _ ns# _ _ _) = toBoolPA# ns#
truesPA# :: PArray Bool -> Int#
truesPA# (PBool _ _ _ fs ts) = lengthPA# dPA_Void ts
type instance PRepr () = ()
dPA_Unit :: PA ()
dPA_Unit = PA {
toPRepr = id
, fromPRepr = id
, toArrPRepr = id
, fromArrPRepr = id
, dictPRepr = dPR_Unit
type instance PRepr (a,b) = (a,b)
dPA_2 :: PA a -> PA b -> PA (a,b)
dPA_2 pa pb = PA {
toPRepr = id
, fromPRepr = id
, toArrPRepr = id
, fromArrPRepr = id
, dictPRepr = dPR_2 (mkPR pa) (mkPR pb)
type instance PRepr (a,b,c) = (a,b,c)
dPA_3 :: PA a -> PA b -> PA c -> PA (a,b,c)
dPA_3 pa pb pc
= PA {
toPRepr = id
, fromPRepr = id
, toArrPRepr = id
, fromArrPRepr = id
, dictPRepr = dPR_3 (mkPR pa) (mkPR pb) (mkPR pc)
type instance PRepr (a,b,c,d) = (a,b,c,d)
dPA_4 :: PA a -> PA b -> PA c -> PA d -> PA (a,b,c,d)
dPA_4 pa pb pc pd
= PA {
toPRepr = id
, fromPRepr = id
, toArrPRepr = id
, fromArrPRepr = id
, dictPRepr = dPR_4 (mkPR pa) (mkPR pb) (mkPR pc) (mkPR pd)
type instance PRepr (a,b,c,d,e) = (a,b,c,d,e)
dPA_5 :: PA a -> PA b -> PA c -> PA d -> PA e -> PA (a,b,c,d,e)
dPA_5 pa pb pc pd pe
= PA {
toPRepr = id
, fromPRepr = id
, toArrPRepr = id
, fromArrPRepr = id
, dictPRepr = dPR_5 (mkPR pa) (mkPR pb) (mkPR pc) (mkPR pd) (mkPR pe)
type instance PRepr (PArray a) = PArray (PRepr a)
dPA_PArray :: PA a -> PA (PArray a)
dPA_PArray pa
= PA {
toPRepr = toArrPRepr pa
, fromPRepr = fromArrPRepr pa
, toArrPRepr = toNestedPRepr pa
, fromArrPRepr = fromNestedPRepr pa
, dictPRepr = dPR_PArray (dictPRepr pa)
toNestedPRepr pa (PNested n# lens is xs)
= PNested n# lens is (toArrPRepr pa xs)
fromNestedPRepr pa (PNested n# lens is xs)
= PNested n# lens is (fromArrPRepr pa xs)