Win32- A binding to part of the Win32 librarySource codeContentsIndex
MaintainerEsa Ilari Vuokko <>
A collection of FFI declarations for interfacing with Win32.
badRegion :: RegionType -> BoolSource
combineRgn :: HRGN -> HRGN -> HRGN -> ClippingMode -> IO RegionTypeSource
c_CombineRgn :: PRGN -> PRGN -> PRGN -> ClippingMode -> IO RegionTypeSource
offsetRgn :: HRGN -> INT -> INT -> IO RegionTypeSource
c_OffsetRgn :: PRGN -> INT -> INT -> IO RegionTypeSource
getRgnBox :: HRGN -> LPRECT -> IO RegionTypeSource
c_GetRgnBox :: PRGN -> LPRECT -> IO RegionTypeSource
createEllipticRgn :: INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> IO HRGNSource
c_CreateEllipticRgn :: INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> IO PRGNSource
createEllipticRgnIndirect :: LPRECT -> IO HRGNSource
c_CreateEllipticRgnIndirect :: LPRECT -> IO PRGNSource
createRectRgn :: INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> IO HRGNSource
c_CreateRectRgn :: INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> IO PRGNSource
createRectRgnIndirect :: LPRECT -> IO HRGNSource
c_CreateRectRgnIndirect :: LPRECT -> IO PRGNSource
createRoundRectRgn :: INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> IO HRGNSource
c_CreateRoundRectRgn :: INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> IO PRGNSource
createPolygonRgn :: [POINT] -> PolyFillMode -> IO HRGNSource
c_CreatePolygonRgn :: Ptr POINT -> Int -> PolyFillMode -> IO PRGNSource
equalRgn :: PRGN -> PRGN -> IO BoolSource
fillRgn :: HDC -> HRGN -> HBRUSH -> IO ()Source
c_FillRgn :: HDC -> PRGN -> HBRUSH -> IO BoolSource
invertRgn :: HDC -> HRGN -> IO ()Source
c_InvertRgn :: HDC -> PRGN -> IO BoolSource
paintRgn :: HDC -> HRGN -> IO ()Source
c_PaintRgn :: HDC -> PRGN -> IO BoolSource
frameRgn :: HDC -> HRGN -> HBRUSH -> Int -> Int -> IO ()Source
c_FrameRgn :: HDC -> PRGN -> HBRUSH -> Int -> Int -> IO BoolSource
ptInRegion :: HRGN -> Int -> Int -> IO BoolSource
c_PtInRegion :: PRGN -> Int -> Int -> IO BoolSource
rectInRegion :: HRGN -> RECT -> IO BoolSource
c_RectInRegion :: PRGN -> Ptr RECT -> IO BoolSource
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