ghc-6.12.1: The GHC APISource codeContentsIndex
mkCCostCentre :: CostCentre -> CmmLit
mkCCostCentreStack :: CostCentreStack -> CmmLit
dynProfHdr :: CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr]
profDynAlloc :: ClosureInfo -> CmmExpr -> Code
profAlloc :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> Code
staticProfHdr :: CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]
initUpdFrameProf :: CmmExpr -> Code
enterCostCentre :: ClosureInfo -> CostCentreStack -> StgExpr -> Code
enterCostCentrePAP :: CmmExpr -> Code
enterCostCentreThunk :: CmmExpr -> Code
chooseDynCostCentres :: CostCentreStack -> [Id] -> StgExpr -> FCode (CmmExpr, CmmExpr)
costCentreFrom :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
curCCS :: CmmExpr
curCCSAddr :: CmmExpr
emitCostCentreDecl :: CostCentre -> Code
emitCostCentreStackDecl :: CostCentreStack -> Code
emitRegisterCC :: CostCentre -> Code
emitRegisterCCS :: CostCentreStack -> Code
emitSetCCC :: CostCentre -> Code
emitCCS :: CostCentreStack -> FCode CmmExpr
ldvEnter :: CmmExpr -> Code
ldvEnterClosure :: ClosureInfo -> Code
ldvRecordCreate :: CmmExpr -> Code
mkCCostCentre :: CostCentre -> CmmLitSource
mkCCostCentreStack :: CostCentreStack -> CmmLitSource
dynProfHdr :: CmmExpr -> [CmmExpr]Source
profDynAlloc :: ClosureInfo -> CmmExpr -> CodeSource
Record the allocation of a closure. The CmmExpr is the cost centre stack to which to attribute the allocation.
profAlloc :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CodeSource
Record the allocation of a closure (size is given by a CmmExpr) The size must be in words, because the allocation counter in a CCS counts in words.
staticProfHdr :: CostCentreStack -> [CmmLit]Source
initUpdFrameProf :: CmmExpr -> CodeSource
enterCostCentre :: ClosureInfo -> CostCentreStack -> StgExpr -> CodeSource
enterCostCentrePAP :: CmmExpr -> CodeSource
enterCostCentreThunk :: CmmExpr -> CodeSource
chooseDynCostCentres :: CostCentreStack -> [Id] -> StgExpr -> FCode (CmmExpr, CmmExpr)Source
costCentreFrom :: CmmExpr -> CmmExprSource
curCCS :: CmmExprSource
curCCSAddr :: CmmExprSource
emitCostCentreDecl :: CostCentre -> CodeSource
emitCostCentreStackDecl :: CostCentreStack -> CodeSource
emitRegisterCC :: CostCentre -> CodeSource
emitRegisterCCS :: CostCentreStack -> CodeSource
emitSetCCC :: CostCentre -> CodeSource
emitCCS :: CostCentreStack -> FCode CmmExprSource
ldvEnter :: CmmExpr -> CodeSource
ldvEnterClosure :: ClosureInfo -> CodeSource
ldvRecordCreate :: CmmExpr -> CodeSource
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