% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998

@Uniques@ are used to distinguish entities in the compiler (@Ids@,
@Classes@, etc.) from each other.  Thus, @Uniques@ are the basic
comparison key in the compiler.

If there is any single operation that needs to be fast, it is @Unique@
comparison.  Unsurprisingly, there is quite a bit of huff-and-puff
directed to that end.

Some of the other hair in this code is to be able to use a
``splittable @UniqueSupply@'' if requested/possible (not standard

module Unique (
        -- * Main data types
	Unique, Uniquable(..), 
	-- ** Constructors, desctructors and operations on 'Unique's


	mkUnique,			-- Used in UniqSupply
	mkUniqueGrimily,		-- Used in UniqSupply only!
	getKey, getKeyFastInt,		-- Used in Var, UniqFM, Name only!

	incrUnique,			-- Used for renumbering
	deriveUnique,			-- Ditto
	newTagUnique,			-- Used in CgCase


        -- ** Making built-in uniques

	-- now all the built-in Uniques (and functions to make them)
	-- [the Oh-So-Wonderful Haskell module system wins again...]
	mkTupleTyConUnique, mkTupleDataConUnique,
	mkPreludeMiscIdUnique, mkPreludeDataConUnique,
	mkPreludeTyConUnique, mkPreludeClassUnique,

    ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import BasicTypes
import FastTypes
import FastString
import Outputable
import StaticFlags

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
--just for implementing a fast [0,61) -> Char function
import GHC.Exts (indexCharOffAddr#, Char(..))
import Data.Array
import Data.Char	( chr, ord )

%*									*
\subsection[Unique-type]{@Unique@ type and operations}
%*									*

The @Chars@ are ``tag letters'' that identify the @UniqueSupply@.
Fast comparison is everything on @Uniques@:

--why not newtype Int?

-- | The type of unique identifiers that are used in many places in GHC
-- for fast ordering and equality tests. You should generate these with
-- the functions from the 'UniqSupply' module
data Unique = MkUnique FastInt

Now come the functions which construct uniques from their pieces, and vice versa.
The stuff about unique *supplies* is handled further down this module.

mkUnique	:: Char -> Int -> Unique	-- Builds a unique from pieces
unpkUnique	:: Unique -> (Char, Int)	-- The reverse

mkUniqueGrimily :: Int -> Unique		-- A trap-door for UniqSupply
getKey		:: Unique -> Int		-- for Var
getKeyFastInt	:: Unique -> FastInt		-- for Var

incrUnique	:: Unique -> Unique
deriveUnique	:: Unique -> Int -> Unique
newTagUnique	:: Unique -> Char -> Unique

isTupleKey	:: Unique -> Bool

mkUniqueGrimily x = MkUnique (iUnbox x)

{-# INLINE getKey #-}
getKey (MkUnique x) = iBox x
{-# INLINE getKeyFastInt #-}
getKeyFastInt (MkUnique x) = x

incrUnique (MkUnique i) = MkUnique (i +# _ILIT(1))

-- deriveUnique uses an 'X' tag so that it won't clash with
-- any of the uniques produced any other way
deriveUnique (MkUnique i) delta = mkUnique 'X' (iBox i + delta)

-- newTagUnique changes the "domain" of a unique to a different char
newTagUnique u c = mkUnique c i where (_,i) = unpkUnique u

-- pop the Char in the top 8 bits of the Unique(Supply)

-- No 64-bit bugs here, as long as we have at least 32 bits. --JSM

-- and as long as the Char fits in 8 bits, which we assume anyway!

mkUnique c i
  = MkUnique (tag `bitOrFastInt` bits)
    !tag  = fastOrd (cUnbox c) `shiftLFastInt` _ILIT(24)
    !bits = iUnbox i `bitAndFastInt` _ILIT(16777215){-``0x00ffffff''-}

unpkUnique (MkUnique u)
  = let
	-- as long as the Char may have its eighth bit set, we
	-- really do need the logical right-shift here!
	tag = cBox (fastChr (u `shiftRLFastInt` _ILIT(24)))
	i   = iBox (u `bitAndFastInt` _ILIT(16777215){-``0x00ffffff''-})
    (tag, i)

%*									*
\subsection[Uniquable-class]{The @Uniquable@ class}
%*									*

-- | Class of things that we can obtain a 'Unique' from
class Uniquable a where
    getUnique :: a -> Unique

hasKey		:: Uniquable a => a -> Unique -> Bool
x `hasKey` k	= getUnique x == k

instance Uniquable FastString where
 getUnique fs = mkUniqueGrimily (iBox (uniqueOfFS fs))

instance Uniquable Int where
 getUnique i = mkUniqueGrimily i

%*									*
\subsection[Unique-instances]{Instance declarations for @Unique@}
%*									*

And the whole point (besides uniqueness) is fast equality.  We don't
use `deriving' because we want {\em precise} control of ordering
(equality on @Uniques@ is v common).

eqUnique, ltUnique, leUnique :: Unique -> Unique -> Bool
eqUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 ==# u2
ltUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 <#  u2
leUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2) = u1 <=# u2

cmpUnique :: Unique -> Unique -> Ordering
cmpUnique (MkUnique u1) (MkUnique u2)
  = if u1 ==# u2 then EQ else if u1 <# u2 then LT else GT

instance Eq Unique where
    a == b = eqUnique a b
    a /= b = not (eqUnique a b)

instance Ord Unique where
    a  < b = ltUnique a b
    a <= b = leUnique a b
    a  > b = not (leUnique a b)
    a >= b = not (ltUnique a b)
    compare a b = cmpUnique a b

instance Uniquable Unique where
    getUnique u = u

We do sometimes make strings with @Uniques@ in them:
pprUnique :: Unique -> SDoc
pprUnique uniq
  | opt_SuppressUniques
  = empty	-- Used exclusively to suppress uniques so you 
  | otherwise	-- can compare output easily
  = case unpkUnique uniq of
      (tag, u) -> finish_ppr tag u (text (iToBase62 u))

#ifdef UNUSED
pprUnique10 :: Unique -> SDoc
pprUnique10 uniq	-- in base-10, dudes
  = case unpkUnique uniq of
      (tag, u) -> finish_ppr tag u (int u)

finish_ppr :: Char -> Int -> SDoc -> SDoc
finish_ppr 't' u _pp_u | u < 26
  =	-- Special case to make v common tyvars, t1, t2, ...
	-- come out as a, b, ... (shorter, easier to read)
    char (chr (ord 'a' + u))
finish_ppr tag _ pp_u = char tag <> pp_u

instance Outputable Unique where
    ppr u = pprUnique u

instance Show Unique where
    showsPrec p uniq = showsPrecSDoc p (pprUnique uniq)

%*									*
\subsection[Utils-base62]{Base-62 numbers}
%*									*

A character-stingy way to read/write numbers (notably Uniques).
The ``62-its'' are \tr{[0-9a-zA-Z]}.  We don't handle negative Ints.
Code stolen from Lennart.

iToBase62 :: Int -> String
iToBase62 n_
  = ASSERT(n_ >= 0) go (iUnbox n_) ""
    go n cs | n <# _ILIT(62)
	     = case chooseChar62 n of { c -> c `seq` (c : cs) }
	     | otherwise
	     =	case (quotRem (iBox n) 62) of { (q_, r_) ->
                case iUnbox q_ of { q -> case iUnbox r_ of { r ->
		case (chooseChar62 r) of { c -> c `seq`
		(go q (c : cs)) }}}}

    chooseChar62 :: FastInt -> Char
    {-# INLINE chooseChar62 #-}
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
    --then FastInt == Int#
    chooseChar62 n = C# (indexCharOffAddr# chars62 n)
    !chars62 = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"#
    --Haskell98 arrays are portable
    chooseChar62 n = (!) chars62 n
    chars62 = listArray (0,61) "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"

%*									*
\subsection[Uniques-prelude]{@Uniques@ for wired-in Prelude things}
%*									*

Allocation of unique supply characters:
	v,t,u : for renumbering value-, type- and usage- vars.
	B:   builtin
	C-E: pseudo uniques	(used in native-code generator)
	X:   uniques derived by deriveUnique
	_:   unifiable tyvars   (above)
	0-9: prelude things below
	     (no numbers left any more..)
	::   (prelude) parallel array data constructors

	other a-z: lower case chars for unique supplies.  Used so far:

	d	desugarer
	f	AbsC flattener
	g	SimplStg
	n	Native codegen
	r	Hsc name cache
	s	simplifier

mkAlphaTyVarUnique     :: Int -> Unique
mkPreludeClassUnique   :: Int -> Unique
mkPreludeTyConUnique   :: Int -> Unique
mkTupleTyConUnique     :: Boxity -> Int -> Unique
mkPreludeDataConUnique :: Int -> Unique
mkTupleDataConUnique   :: Boxity -> Int -> Unique
mkPrimOpIdUnique       :: Int -> Unique
mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  :: Int -> Unique
mkPArrDataConUnique    :: Int -> Unique

mkAlphaTyVarUnique i            = mkUnique '1' i

mkPreludeClassUnique i          = mkUnique '2' i

-- Prelude type constructors occupy *three* slots.
-- The first is for the tycon itself; the latter two
-- are for the generic to/from Ids.  See TysWiredIn.mk_tc_gen_info.

mkPreludeTyConUnique i		= mkUnique '3' (3*i)
mkTupleTyConUnique Boxed   a	= mkUnique '4' (3*a)
mkTupleTyConUnique Unboxed a	= mkUnique '5' (3*a)

-- Data constructor keys occupy *two* slots.  The first is used for the
-- data constructor itself and its wrapper function (the function that
-- evaluates arguments as necessary and calls the worker). The second is
-- used for the worker function (the function that builds the constructor
-- representation).

mkPreludeDataConUnique i	= mkUnique '6' (2*i)	-- Must be alphabetic
mkTupleDataConUnique Boxed a	= mkUnique '7' (2*a)	-- ditto (*may* be used in C labels)
mkTupleDataConUnique Unboxed a	= mkUnique '8' (2*a)

-- This one is used for a tiresome reason
-- to improve a consistency-checking error check in the renamer
isTupleKey u = case unpkUnique u of
		(tag,_) -> tag == '4' || tag == '5' || tag == '7' || tag == '8'

mkPrimOpIdUnique op         = mkUnique '9' op
mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  i    = mkUnique '0' i

-- No numbers left anymore, so I pick something different for the character
-- tag 
mkPArrDataConUnique a	        = mkUnique ':' (2*a)

-- The "tyvar uniques" print specially nicely: a, b, c, etc.
-- See pprUnique for details

initTyVarUnique :: Unique
initTyVarUnique = mkUnique 't' 0

mkPseudoUniqueC, mkPseudoUniqueD, mkPseudoUniqueE, mkPseudoUniqueH,
   mkBuiltinUnique :: Int -> Unique

mkBuiltinUnique i = mkUnique 'B' i
mkPseudoUniqueC i = mkUnique 'C' i -- used for getUnique on Regs
mkPseudoUniqueD i = mkUnique 'D' i -- used in NCG for getUnique on RealRegs
mkPseudoUniqueE i = mkUnique 'E' i -- used in NCG spiller to create spill VirtualRegs
mkPseudoUniqueH i = mkUnique 'H' i -- used in NCG spiller to create spill VirtualRegs