% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996-1998

This module contains "tidying" code for *nested* expressions, bindings, rules.
The code for *top-level* bindings is in TidyPgm.

module CoreTidy (
	tidyExpr, tidyVarOcc, tidyRule, tidyRules 
    ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import CoreSyn
import CoreArity
import Id
import IdInfo
import Type
import Var
import VarEnv
import UniqFM
import Name hiding (tidyNameOcc)
import SrcLoc
import Maybes

import Data.List

%*									*
\subsection{Tidying expressions, rules}
%*									*

tidyBind :: TidyEnv
	 -> CoreBind
	 ->  (TidyEnv, CoreBind)

tidyBind env (NonRec bndr rhs)
  = tidyLetBndr env (bndr,rhs) =: \ (env', bndr') ->
    (env', NonRec bndr' (tidyExpr env' rhs))

tidyBind env (Rec prs)
  = mapAccumL tidyLetBndr  env prs	=: \ (env', bndrs') ->
    map (tidyExpr env') (map snd prs)	=: \ rhss' ->
    (env', Rec (zip bndrs' rhss'))

------------  Expressions  --------------
tidyExpr :: TidyEnv -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
tidyExpr env (Var v)   	 =  Var (tidyVarOcc env v)
tidyExpr env (Type ty) 	 =  Type (tidyType env ty)
tidyExpr _   (Lit lit)   =  Lit lit
tidyExpr env (App f a) 	 =  App (tidyExpr env f) (tidyExpr env a)
tidyExpr env (Note n e)  =  Note (tidyNote env n) (tidyExpr env e)
tidyExpr env (Cast e co) =  Cast (tidyExpr env e) (tidyType env co)

tidyExpr env (Let b e) 
  = tidyBind env b 	=: \ (env', b') ->
    Let b' (tidyExpr env' e)

tidyExpr env (Case e b ty alts)
  = tidyBndr env b 	=: \ (env', b) ->
    Case (tidyExpr env e) b (tidyType env ty) 
	 (map (tidyAlt b env') alts)

tidyExpr env (Lam b e)
  = tidyBndr env b 	=: \ (env', b) ->
    Lam b (tidyExpr env' e)

------------  Case alternatives  --------------
tidyAlt :: CoreBndr -> TidyEnv -> CoreAlt -> CoreAlt
tidyAlt _case_bndr env (con, vs, rhs)
  = tidyBndrs env vs 	=: \ (env', vs) ->
    (con, vs, tidyExpr env' rhs)

------------  Notes  --------------
tidyNote :: TidyEnv -> Note -> Note
tidyNote _ note            = note

------------  Rules  --------------
tidyRules :: TidyEnv -> [CoreRule] -> [CoreRule]
tidyRules _   [] = []
tidyRules env (rule : rules)
  = tidyRule env rule  		=: \ rule ->
    tidyRules env rules 	=: \ rules ->
    (rule : rules)

tidyRule :: TidyEnv -> CoreRule -> CoreRule
tidyRule _   rule@(BuiltinRule {}) = rule
tidyRule env rule@(Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs,
			  ru_fn = fn, ru_rough = mb_ns })
  = tidyBndrs env bndrs		=: \ (env', bndrs) ->
    map (tidyExpr env') args  	=: \ args ->
    rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args, 
	   ru_rhs   = tidyExpr env' rhs,
	   ru_fn    = tidyNameOcc env fn, 
	   ru_rough = map (fmap (tidyNameOcc env')) mb_ns }

%*									*
\subsection{Tidying non-top-level binders}
%*									*

tidyNameOcc :: TidyEnv -> Name -> Name
-- In rules and instances, we have Names, and we must tidy them too
-- Fortunately, we can lookup in the VarEnv with a name
tidyNameOcc (_, var_env) n = case lookupUFM var_env n of
				Nothing -> n
				Just v  -> idName v

tidyVarOcc :: TidyEnv -> Var -> Var
tidyVarOcc (_, var_env) v = lookupVarEnv var_env v `orElse` v

-- tidyBndr is used for lambda and case binders
tidyBndr :: TidyEnv -> Var -> (TidyEnv, Var)
tidyBndr env var
  | isTyVar var = tidyTyVarBndr env var
  | otherwise   = tidyIdBndr env var

tidyBndrs :: TidyEnv -> [Var] -> (TidyEnv, [Var])
tidyBndrs env vars = mapAccumL tidyBndr env vars

tidyLetBndr :: TidyEnv -> (Id, CoreExpr) -> (TidyEnv, Var)
-- Used for local (non-top-level) let(rec)s
tidyLetBndr env (id,rhs) 
  = ((tidy_env,new_var_env), final_id)
    ((tidy_env,var_env), new_id) = tidyIdBndr env id

	-- We need to keep around any interesting strictness and
	-- demand info because later on we may need to use it when
	-- converting to A-normal form.
	-- eg.
	--	f (g x),  where f is strict in its argument, will be converted
	--	into  case (g x) of z -> f z  by CorePrep, but only if f still
	-- 	has its strictness info.
	-- Similarly for the demand info - on a let binder, this tells 
	-- CorePrep to turn the let into a case.
	-- Similarly arity info for eta expansion in CorePrep
	-- Set inline-prag info so that we preseve it across 
	-- separate compilation boundaries
    final_id = new_id `setIdInfo` new_info
    idinfo   = idInfo id
    new_info = vanillaIdInfo
		`setArityInfo`		exprArity rhs
		`setAllStrictnessInfo`	newStrictnessInfo idinfo
		`setNewDemandInfo`	newDemandInfo idinfo
		`setInlinePragInfo`	inlinePragInfo idinfo

    -- Override the env we get back from tidyId with the new IdInfo
    -- so it gets propagated to the usage sites.
    new_var_env = extendVarEnv var_env id final_id

-- Non-top-level variables
tidyIdBndr :: TidyEnv -> Id -> (TidyEnv, Id)
tidyIdBndr env@(tidy_env, var_env) id
  = -- do this pattern match strictly, otherwise we end up holding on to
    -- stuff in the OccName.
    case tidyOccName tidy_env (getOccName id) of { (tidy_env', occ') -> 
	-- Give the Id a fresh print-name, *and* rename its type
	-- The SrcLoc isn't important now, 
	-- though we could extract it from the Id
	-- All nested Ids now have the same IdInfo, namely vanillaIdInfo,
	-- which should save some space; except that we hang onto dead-ness
	-- (at the moment, solely to make printing tidy core nicer)
	-- But note that tidyLetBndr puts some of it back.
        ty'      = tidyType env (idType id)
        name'    = mkInternalName (idUnique id) occ' noSrcSpan
	id'      = mkLocalIdWithInfo name' ty' new_info
	var_env' = extendVarEnv var_env id id'
        new_info | isDeadOcc (idOccInfo id) = deadIdInfo
	         | otherwise 	            = vanillaIdInfo
     ((tidy_env', var_env'), id')

deadIdInfo :: IdInfo
deadIdInfo = vanillaIdInfo `setOccInfo` IAmDead

(=:) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
m =: k = m `seq` k m