% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998

``Finite maps'' are the heart of the compiler's
lookup-tables/environments and its implementation of sets.  Important

This code is derived from that in the paper:
S Adams
"Efficient sets: a balancing act"
Journal of functional programming 3(4) Oct 1993, pp553-562

The code is SPECIALIZEd to various highly-desirable types (e.g., Id)
near the end.

module FiniteMap (
        -- * Mappings keyed from arbitrary types
        FiniteMap, -- abstract type

        -- ** Manipulating those mappings
        emptyFM, unitFM, listToFM,



        mapFM, filterFM,

        sizeFM, isEmptyFM, elemFM, lookupFM, lookupWithDefaultFM,

        fmToList, keysFM, eltsFM,

    ) where

#if defined(DEBUG_FINITEMAPS)/* NB NB NB */
#define OUTPUTABLE_key , Outputable key
#define OUTPUTABLE_key {--}

import Maybes
import Bag ( Bag, foldrBag )
import Outputable

#if 0
import GHC.Exts
-- was this import only needed for I#, or does it have something
-- to do with the (not-presently-used) IF_NCG also?

import Data.List

#if 0
#  define IF_NCG(a) a
#  define IF_NCG(a) {--}

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{The signature of the module}
%*                                                                      *

emptyFM     :: FiniteMap key elt
unitFM      :: key -> elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-- | In the case of duplicates keys, the last item is taken
listToFM    :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => [(key,elt)] -> FiniteMap key elt
-- | In the case of duplicate keys, who knows which item is taken
bagToFM     :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => Bag (key,elt) -> FiniteMap key elt


-- | Throws away any previous binding
addToFM     :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
            => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-- | Throws away any previous binding, items are added left-to-right
addListToFM :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
            => FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)] -> FiniteMap key elt

-- | Combines added item with previous item, if any
addToFM_C       :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => (elt -> elt -> elt)
                           -> FiniteMap key elt -> key -> elt
                           -> FiniteMap key elt
-- | Combines added item with previous item, if any, items are added left-to-right
addListToFM_C   :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => (elt -> elt -> elt)
                           -> FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)]
                           -> FiniteMap key elt

-- | Deletion doesn't complain if you try to delete something which isn't there
delFromFM       :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                => FiniteMap key elt -> key   -> FiniteMap key elt
-- | Deletion doesn't complain if you try to delete something which isn't there
delListFromFM   :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                => FiniteMap key elt -> [key] -> FiniteMap key elt


-- | Bindings in right argument shadow those in the left
plusFM          :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt

-- | Combines bindings for the same thing with the given function, 
-- bindings in right argument shadow those in the left
plusFM_C        :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                => (elt -> elt -> elt)
                -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt

-- | Deletes from the left argument any bindings in the right argument
minusFM         :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt

intersectFM     :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-- | Combines bindings for the same thing in the two maps with the given function
intersectFM_C   :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                => (elt1 -> elt2 -> elt3)
                -> FiniteMap key elt1 -> FiniteMap key elt2
                -> FiniteMap key elt3

foldFM          :: (key -> elt -> a -> a) -> a -> FiniteMap key elt -> a
mapFM           :: (key -> elt1 -> elt2)
                -> FiniteMap key elt1 -> FiniteMap key elt2
filterFM        :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                => (key -> elt -> Bool)
                -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt

sizeFM                  :: FiniteMap key elt -> Int
isEmptyFM               :: FiniteMap key elt -> Bool

elemFM                  :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                        => key -> FiniteMap key elt -> Bool
lookupFM                :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                        => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> Maybe elt
-- | Supplies a "default" element in return for an unmapped key
lookupWithDefaultFM     :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
                        => FiniteMap key elt -> elt -> key -> elt

fmToList        :: FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)]
keysFM          :: FiniteMap key elt -> [key]
eltsFM          :: FiniteMap key elt -> [elt]

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{The @FiniteMap@ data type, and building of same}
%*                                                                      *

Invariants about @FiniteMap@:
all keys in a FiniteMap are distinct
all keys in left  subtree are $<$ key in Branch and
all keys in right subtree are $>$ key in Branch
size field of a Branch gives number of Branch nodes in the tree
size of left subtree is differs from size of right subtree by a
factor of at most \tr{sIZE_RATIO}

-- | A finite mapping from (orderable) key types to elements
data FiniteMap key elt
  = EmptyFM
  | Branch key elt        -- Key and elt stored here
    {-# UNPACK #-} !Int   -- Size >= 1
    (FiniteMap key elt)   -- Children
    (FiniteMap key elt)

emptyFM = EmptyFM
  = Branch bottom bottom 0 bottom bottom
    bottom = panic "emptyFM"

--  #define EmptyFM (Branch _ _ 0 _ _)

unitFM key elt = Branch key elt 1 emptyFM emptyFM

listToFM = addListToFM emptyFM

bagToFM = foldrBag (\(k,v) fm -> addToFM fm k v) emptyFM

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{Adding to and deleting from @FiniteMaps@}
%*                                                                      *

addToFM fm key elt = addToFM_C (\ _old new -> new) fm key elt

addToFM_C _        EmptyFM key elt = unitFM key elt
addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt
  = case compare new_key key of
        LT -> mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
        GT -> mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
        EQ -> Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r

addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs
    = addListToFM_C (\ _old new -> new) fm key_elt_pairs

addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs
  = foldl' add fm key_elt_pairs	-- foldl adds from the left
    add fmap (key,elt) = addToFM_C combiner fmap key elt

delFromFM EmptyFM _ = emptyFM
delFromFM (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r) del_key
  = case compare del_key key of
        GT -> mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (delFromFM fm_r del_key)
        LT -> mkBalBranch key elt (delFromFM fm_l del_key) fm_r
        EQ -> glueBal fm_l fm_r

delListFromFM fm keys = foldl' delFromFM fm keys

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{Combining @FiniteMaps@}
%*                                                                      *

plusFM_C _ EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
plusFM_C _ fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
plusFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 _ left right)
  = mkVBalBranch split_key new_elt
                 (plusFM_C combiner lts left)
                 (plusFM_C combiner gts right)
    lts     = splitLT fm1 split_key
    gts     = splitGT fm1 split_key
    new_elt = case lookupFM fm1 split_key of
                Nothing   -> elt2
                Just elt1 -> combiner elt1 elt2

-- It's worth doing plusFM specially, because we don't need
-- to do the lookup in fm1.
-- FM2 over-rides FM1.

plusFM EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
plusFM fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
plusFM fm1 (Branch split_key elt1 _ left right)
  = mkVBalBranch split_key elt1 (plusFM lts left) (plusFM gts right)
    lts     = splitLT fm1 split_key
    gts     = splitGT fm1 split_key

minusFM EmptyFM _ = emptyFM
minusFM fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
minusFM fm1 (Branch split_key _ _ left right)
  = glueVBal (minusFM lts left) (minusFM gts right)
    -- The two can be way different, so we need glueVBal
    lts = splitLT fm1 split_key -- NB gt and lt, so the equal ones
    gts = splitGT fm1 split_key -- are not in either.

intersectFM fm1 fm2 = intersectFM_C (\ _ right -> right) fm1 fm2

intersectFM_C _ _ EmptyFM = emptyFM
intersectFM_C _ EmptyFM _ = emptyFM
intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 _ left right)

  | maybeToBool maybe_elt1 -- split_elt *is* in intersection
  = mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2)
                 (intersectFM_C combiner lts left)
                 (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)

  | otherwise -- split_elt is *not* in intersection
  = glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left)
             (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)

    lts = splitLT fm1 split_key -- NB gt and lt, so the equal ones
    gts = splitGT fm1 split_key -- are not in either.

    maybe_elt1 = lookupFM fm1 split_key
    Just elt1  = maybe_elt1

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{Mapping, folding, and filtering with @FiniteMaps@}
%*                                                                      *

foldFM _ z EmptyFM = z
foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r)
  = foldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l

mapFM _ EmptyFM = emptyFM
mapFM f (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r)
  = Branch key (f key elt) size (mapFM f fm_l) (mapFM f fm_r)

filterFM _ EmptyFM = emptyFM
filterFM p (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r)
  | p key elt -- Keep the item
  = mkVBalBranch key elt (filterFM p fm_l) (filterFM p fm_r)

  | otherwise -- Drop the item
  = glueVBal (filterFM p fm_l) (filterFM p fm_r)

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{Interrogating @FiniteMaps@}
%*                                                                      *

--{-# INLINE sizeFM #-}
sizeFM EmptyFM               = 0
sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) = size

isEmptyFM fm = sizeFM fm == 0

lookupFM EmptyFM _ = Nothing
lookupFM (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r) key_to_find
  = case compare key_to_find key of
        LT -> lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
        GT -> lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
        EQ -> Just elt

key `elemFM` fm = isJust (lookupFM fm key)

lookupWithDefaultFM fm deflt key
  = case (lookupFM fm key) of { Nothing -> deflt; Just elt -> elt }

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{Listifying @FiniteMaps@}
%*                                                                      *

fmToList fm = foldFM (\  key elt  rest -> (key, elt) : rest) [] fm
keysFM fm   = foldFM (\  key _elt rest -> key        : rest) [] fm
eltsFM fm   = foldFM (\ _key elt  rest -> elt        : rest) [] fm

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{The implementation of balancing}
%*                                                                      *

%*                                                                      *
\subsubsection{Basic construction of a @FiniteMap@}
%*                                                                      *

@mkBranch@ simply gets the size component right.  This is the ONLY
(non-trivial) place the Branch object is built, so the ASSERTion
recursively checks consistency.  (The trivial use of Branch is in


mkBranch :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) -- Used for the assertion checking only
         => Int
         -> key -> elt
         -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
         -> FiniteMap key elt

mkBranch _which key elt fm_l fm_r
  = --ASSERT( left_ok && right_ok && balance_ok )
    if not ( left_ok && right_ok && balance_ok ) then
        pprPanic ("mkBranch:"++show _which)
                 (vcat [ppr [left_ok, right_ok, balance_ok],
                            ppr key,
                            ppr fm_l,
                            ppr fm_r])
        result = Branch key elt (1 + left_size + right_size) fm_l fm_r
--    if sizeFM result <= 8 then
--    else
--      pprTrace ("mkBranch:"++(show which)) (ppr result) (
--      result
--      )
    left_ok  = case fm_l of
                EmptyFM                  -> True
                Branch _ _ _ _ _  -> let
                                                biggest_left_key = fst (findMax fm_l)
                                            biggest_left_key < key
    right_ok = case fm_r of
                EmptyFM                  -> True
                Branch _ _ _ _ _ -> let
                                                smallest_right_key = fst (findMin fm_r)
                                            key < smallest_right_key
    balance_ok = True -- sigh
      = -- Both subtrees have one or no elements...
        (left_size + right_size <= 1)
-- NO         || left_size == 0  -- ???
-- NO         || right_size == 0 -- ???
        -- ... or the number of elements in a subtree does not exceed
        -- sIZE_RATIO times the number of elements in the other subtree
      || (left_size  * sIZE_RATIO >= right_size &&
          right_size * sIZE_RATIO >= left_size)

    left_size  = sizeFM fm_l
    right_size = sizeFM fm_r

%*                                                                      *
\subsubsection{{\em Balanced} construction of a @FiniteMap@}
%*                                                                      *

@mkBalBranch@ rebalances, assuming that the subtrees aren't too far
out of whack.

mkBalBranch :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
            => key -> elt
            -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
            -> FiniteMap key elt

mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R

  | size_l + size_r < 2
  = mkBranch 1{-which-} key elt fm_L fm_R

  | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l -- Right tree too big
  = case fm_R of
        Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr
                | sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr -> single_L fm_L fm_R
                | otherwise                       -> double_L fm_L fm_R
        _ -> panic "mkBalBranch: impossible case 1"

  | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r -- Left tree too big
  = case fm_L of
        Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr
                | sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll -> single_R fm_L fm_R
                | otherwise                       -> double_R fm_L fm_R
        _ -> panic "mkBalBranch: impossible case 2"
  | otherwise -- No imbalance
  = mkBranch 2{-which-} key elt fm_L fm_R

    size_l   = sizeFM fm_L
    size_r   = sizeFM fm_R

    single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr)
        = mkBranch 3{-which-} key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4{-which-} key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
    single_L _ _ = panic "mkBalBranch: impossible case 3"

    double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rr)
        = mkBranch 5{-which-} key_rl elt_rl
                   (mkBranch 6{-which-} key   elt   fm_l   fm_rll)
                   (mkBranch 7{-which-} key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
    double_L _ _ = panic "mkBalBranch: impossible case 4"

    single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lr) fm_r
        = mkBranch 8{-which-} key_l elt_l fm_ll
                   (mkBranch 9{-which-} key elt fm_lr fm_r)
    single_R _ _ = panic "mkBalBranch: impossible case 5"

    double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r
        = mkBranch 10{-which-} key_lr elt_lr
                   (mkBranch 11{-which-} key_l elt_l fm_ll  fm_lrl)
                   (mkBranch 12{-which-} key   elt   fm_lrr fm_r)
    double_R _ _ = panic "mkBalBranch: impossible case 6"

mkVBalBranch :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
             => key -> elt
             -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
             -> FiniteMap key elt

-- Assert: in any call to (mkVBalBranch_C comb key elt l r),
--         (a) all keys in l are < all keys in r
--         (b) all keys in l are < key
--         (c) all keys in r are > key

mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r = addToFM fm_r key elt
mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM = addToFM fm_l key elt

mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lr)
                     fm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr)
  | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r
  = mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr

  | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l
  = mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_lr fm_r)

  | otherwise
  = mkBranch 13{-which-} key elt fm_l fm_r

    size_l = sizeFM fm_l
    size_r = sizeFM fm_r

%*                                                                      *
\subsubsection{Gluing two trees together}
%*                                                                      *

@glueBal@ assumes its two arguments aren't too far out of whack, just
like @mkBalBranch@.  But: all keys in first arg are $<$ all keys in

glueBal :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
        => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
        -> FiniteMap key elt

glueBal EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
glueBal fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
glueBal fm1 fm2
  -- The case analysis here (absent in Adams' program) is really to deal
  -- with the case where fm2 is a singleton. Then deleting the minimum means
  -- we pass an empty tree to mkBalBranch, which breaks its invariant.
  | sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1
  = mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)

  | otherwise
  = mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1) fm2
    (mid_key1, mid_elt1) = findMax fm1
    (mid_key2, mid_elt2) = findMin fm2

@glueVBal@ copes with arguments which can be of any size.
But: all keys in first arg are $<$ all keys in second.

glueVBal :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
         => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
         -> FiniteMap key elt

glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
glueVBal fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lr)
         fm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr)
  | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r
  = mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (glueVBal fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr

  | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l
  = mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (glueVBal fm_lr fm_r)

  | otherwise -- We now need the same two cases as in glueBal above.
  = glueBal fm_l fm_r
    size_l = sizeFM fm_l
    size_r = sizeFM fm_r

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{Local utilities}
%*                                                                      *

splitLT, splitGT :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> FiniteMap key elt

-- splitLT fm split_key  =  fm restricted to keys <  split_key
-- splitGT fm split_key  =  fm restricted to keys >  split_key

splitLT EmptyFM _ = emptyFM
splitLT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r) split_key
  = case compare split_key key of
        LT -> splitLT fm_l split_key
        GT -> mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
        EQ -> fm_l

splitGT EmptyFM _ = emptyFM
splitGT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r) split_key
  = case compare split_key key of
        GT -> splitGT fm_r split_key
        LT -> mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
        EQ -> fm_r

findMin :: FiniteMap key elt -> (key,elt)
findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) = (key, elt)
findMin (Branch _   _   _ fm_l    _) = findMin fm_l
findMin EmptyFM = panic "findMin: Empty"

deleteMin :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
deleteMin (Branch _   _   _ EmptyFM fm_r) = fm_r
deleteMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l    fm_r)
    = mkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r
deleteMin EmptyFM = panic "deleteMin: Empty"

findMax :: FiniteMap key elt -> (key, elt)
findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM) = (key, elt)
findMax (Branch _   _   _ _    fm_r) = findMax fm_r
findMax EmptyFM = panic "findMax: Empty"

deleteMax :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
deleteMax (Branch _   _   _ fm_l EmptyFM) = fm_l
deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l    fm_r) = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)
deleteMax EmptyFM = panic "deleteMax: Empty"

%*                                                                      *
%*                                                                      *


instance (Outputable key) => Outputable (FiniteMap key elt) where
    ppr fm = pprX fm

pprX EmptyFM = char '!'
pprX (Branch key elt sz fm_l fm_r)
 = parens (hcat [pprX fm_l, space,
                 ppr key, space, int sz, space,
                 pprX fm_r])
-- and when not debugging the package itself...
instance (Outputable key, Outputable elt) => Outputable (FiniteMap key elt) where
    ppr fm = ppr (fmToList fm)

#if 0
instance (Eq key, Eq elt) => Eq (FiniteMap key elt) where
  fm_1 == fm_2 = (sizeFM   fm_1 == sizeFM   fm_2) &&   -- quick test
                 (fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2)

{- NO: not clear what The Right Thing to do is:
instance (Ord key, Ord elt) => Ord (FiniteMap key elt) where
  fm_1 <= fm_2 = (sizeFM   fm_1 <= sizeFM   fm_2) &&   -- quick test
                 (fmToList fm_1 <= fmToList fm_2)

%*                                                                      *
\subsection{Efficiency pragmas for GHC}
%*                                                                      *

When the FiniteMap module is used in GHC, we specialise it for
\tr{Uniques}, for dastardly efficiency reasons.

#if 0


                :: FiniteMap (FastString, FAST_STRING) elt -> [((FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING),elt)] -> FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt
                 , FiniteMap RdrName elt -> [(RdrName,elt)] -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
                :: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> [(TyCon,elt)] -> FiniteMap TyCon elt
                 , (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FastString elt -> [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
                :: FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> elt  -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
                 , FiniteMap FastString elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt  -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
                 , FiniteMap (FastString, FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) -> elt  -> FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt
                 , FiniteMap RdrName elt -> RdrName -> elt  -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt  -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
                :: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) elt -> (RdrName, RdrName) -> elt -> FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) elt
                 , (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FastString elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
                :: Bag (FastString,elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
{-# SPECIALIZE delListFromFM
                :: FiniteMap RdrName elt -> [RdrName]   -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
                 , FiniteMap FastString elt -> [FAST_STRING]   -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [Reg]   -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
                :: [([Char],elt)] -> FiniteMap [Char] elt
                 , [(FastString,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
                 , [((FastString,FAST_STRING),elt)] -> FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
                :: FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> Maybe elt
                 , FiniteMap [Char] elt -> [Char] -> Maybe elt
                 , FiniteMap FastString elt -> FAST_STRING -> Maybe elt
                 , FiniteMap (FastString,FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) -> Maybe elt
                 , FiniteMap RdrName elt -> RdrName -> Maybe elt
                 , FiniteMap (RdrName,RdrName) elt -> (RdrName,RdrName) -> Maybe elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> Maybe elt)
{-# SPECIALIZE lookupWithDefaultFM
                :: FiniteMap FastString elt -> elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> elt -> Reg -> elt)
                :: FiniteMap RdrName elt -> FiniteMap RdrName elt -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
                 , FiniteMap FastString elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
                :: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FastString elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)

#endif /* compiling with ghc and have specialiser */

#endif /* 0 */