% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996-1998

Printing of Core syntax

module PprCore (
	pprCoreExpr, pprParendExpr,
	pprCoreBinding, pprCoreBindings, pprCoreAlt,
    ) where

import CoreSyn
import CostCentre
import Var
import Id
import IdInfo
import NewDemand
import Id
import IdInfo

import DataCon
import TyCon
import Type
import Coercion
import BasicTypes
import Util
import Outputable
import FastString

%*									*
\subsection{Public interfaces for Core printing (excluding instances)}
%*									*

@pprParendCoreExpr@ puts parens around non-atomic Core expressions.

pprCoreBindings :: OutputableBndr b => [Bind b] -> SDoc
pprCoreBinding  :: OutputableBndr b => Bind b  -> SDoc
pprCoreExpr     :: OutputableBndr b => Expr b  -> SDoc
pprParendExpr   :: OutputableBndr b => Expr b  -> SDoc

pprCoreBindings = pprTopBinds
pprCoreBinding  = pprTopBind 

instance OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Bind b) where
    ppr bind = ppr_bind bind

instance OutputableBndr b => Outputable (Expr b) where
    ppr expr = pprCoreExpr expr

%*									*
\subsection{The guts}
%*									*

pprTopBinds :: OutputableBndr a => [Bind a] -> SDoc
pprTopBinds binds = vcat (map pprTopBind binds)

pprTopBind :: OutputableBndr a => Bind a -> SDoc
pprTopBind (NonRec binder expr)
 = ppr_binding (binder,expr) $$ text ""

pprTopBind (Rec binds)
  = vcat [ptext (sLit "Rec {"),
	  vcat (map ppr_binding binds),
	  ptext (sLit "end Rec }"),
	  text ""]

ppr_bind :: OutputableBndr b => Bind b -> SDoc

ppr_bind (NonRec val_bdr expr) = ppr_binding (val_bdr, expr)
ppr_bind (Rec binds)  	       = vcat (map pp binds)
				 pp bind = ppr_binding bind <> semi

ppr_binding :: OutputableBndr b => (b, Expr b) -> SDoc
ppr_binding (val_bdr, expr)
  = pprBndr LetBind val_bdr $$ 
    hang (ppr val_bdr <+> equals) 2 (pprCoreExpr expr)

pprParendExpr   expr = ppr_expr parens expr
pprCoreExpr expr = ppr_expr noParens expr

noParens :: SDoc -> SDoc
noParens pp = pp

ppr_expr :: OutputableBndr b => (SDoc -> SDoc) -> Expr b -> SDoc
	-- The function adds parens in context that need
	-- an atomic value (e.g. function args)

ppr_expr add_par (Type ty)  = add_par (ptext (sLit "TYPE") <+> ppr ty)	-- Wierd
ppr_expr _       (Var name) = ppr name
ppr_expr _       (Lit lit)  = ppr lit

ppr_expr add_par (Cast expr co) 
  = add_par $
    sep [pprParendExpr expr, 
	 ptext (sLit "`cast`") <+> parens (pprCo co)]
    pprCo co = sep [ppr co, dcolon <+> ppr (coercionKindPredTy co)]

ppr_expr add_par expr@(Lam _ _)
  = let
	(bndrs, body) = collectBinders expr
    add_par $
    hang (ptext (sLit "\\") <+> sep (map (pprBndr LambdaBind) bndrs) <+> arrow)
	 2 (pprCoreExpr body)

ppr_expr add_par expr@(App {})
  = case collectArgs expr of { (fun, args) -> 
	pp_args     = sep (map pprArg args)
	val_args    = dropWhile isTypeArg args	 -- Drop the type arguments for tuples
	pp_tup_args = sep (punctuate comma (map pprCoreExpr val_args))
    case fun of
	Var f -> case isDataConWorkId_maybe f of
			-- Notice that we print the *worker*
			-- for tuples in paren'd format.
		   Just dc | saturated && isTupleTyCon tc
			   -> tupleParens (tupleTyConBoxity tc) pp_tup_args
			     tc	       = dataConTyCon dc
			     saturated = val_args `lengthIs` idArity f

		   _ -> add_par (hang (ppr f) 2 pp_args)

	_ -> add_par (hang (pprParendExpr fun) 2 pp_args)

ppr_expr add_par (Case expr var ty [(con,args,rhs)])
  = add_par $
    sep [sep [ptext (sLit "case") <+> pprCoreExpr expr,
	      ifPprDebug (braces (ppr ty)),
	      sep [ptext (sLit "of") <+> ppr_bndr var, 
		   char '{' <+> ppr_case_pat con args]
	 pprCoreExpr rhs,
	 char '}'
    ppr_bndr = pprBndr CaseBind

ppr_expr add_par (Case expr var ty alts)
  = add_par $
    sep [sep [ptext (sLit "case")
		<+> pprCoreExpr expr
		<+> ifPprDebug (braces (ppr ty)),
	      ptext (sLit "of") <+> ppr_bndr var <+> char '{'],
	 nest 2 (sep (punctuate semi (map pprCoreAlt alts))),
	 char '}'
    ppr_bndr = pprBndr CaseBind

-- special cases: let ... in let ...
-- ("disgusting" SLPJ)

ppr_expr add_par (Let bind@(NonRec val_bdr rhs@(Let _ _)) body)
  = add_par $
    vcat [
      hsep [ptext (sLit "let {"), (pprBndr LetBind val_bdr $$ ppr val_bndr), equals],
      nest 2 (pprCoreExpr rhs),
      ptext (sLit "} in"),
      pprCoreExpr body ]

ppr_expr add_par (Let bind@(NonRec val_bdr rhs) expr@(Let _ _))
  = add_par
    (hang (ptext (sLit "let {"))
	  2 (hsep [ppr_binding (val_bdr,rhs),
		   ptext (sLit "} in")])
     pprCoreExpr expr)

-- General case (recursive case, too)
ppr_expr add_par (Let bind expr)
  = add_par $
    sep [hang (ptext keyword) 2 (ppr_bind bind <+> ptext (sLit "} in")),
	 pprCoreExpr expr]
    keyword = case bind of
		Rec _      -> (sLit "letrec {")
		NonRec _ _ -> (sLit "let {")

ppr_expr add_par (Note (SCC cc) expr)
  = add_par (sep [pprCostCentreCore cc, pprCoreExpr expr])

ppr_expr add_par (Note InlineMe expr)
  = add_par $ ptext (sLit "__inline_me") <+> pprParendExpr expr

ppr_expr add_par (Note (CoreNote s) expr)
  = add_par $ 
    sep [sep [ptext (sLit "__core_note"), pprHsString (mkFastString s)],
         pprParendExpr expr]

pprCoreAlt :: OutputableBndr a => (AltCon, [a] , Expr a) -> SDoc
pprCoreAlt (con, args, rhs) 
  = hang (ppr_case_pat con args) 2 (pprCoreExpr rhs)

ppr_case_pat :: OutputableBndr a => AltCon -> [a] -> SDoc
ppr_case_pat (DataAlt dc) args
  | isTupleTyCon tc
  = tupleParens (tupleTyConBoxity tc) (hsep (punctuate comma (map ppr_bndr args))) <+> arrow
    ppr_bndr = pprBndr CaseBind
    tc = dataConTyCon dc

ppr_case_pat con args
  = ppr con <+> sep (map ppr_bndr args) <+> arrow
    ppr_bndr = pprBndr CaseBind

pprArg :: OutputableBndr a => Expr a -> SDoc
pprArg (Type ty) = ptext (sLit "@") <+> pprParendType ty
pprArg expr      = pprParendExpr expr

Other printing bits-and-bobs used with the general @pprCoreBinding@
and @pprCoreExpr@ functions.

instance OutputableBndr Var where
  pprBndr = pprCoreBinder

pprCoreBinder :: BindingSite -> Var -> SDoc
pprCoreBinder LetBind binder
  | isTyVar binder = pprKindedTyVarBndr binder
  | otherwise
  = vcat [sig, pprIdExtras binder, pragmas]
    sig     = pprTypedBinder binder
    pragmas = ppIdInfo binder (idInfo binder)

-- Lambda bound type variables are preceded by "@"
pprCoreBinder LambdaBind bndr 
  | isDeadBinder bndr
  = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
    if debugStyle sty then
	parens (pprTypedBinder bndr)
	char '_'
  | otherwise
  = parens (pprTypedBinder bndr)

-- Case bound things don't get a signature or a herald, unless we have debug on
pprCoreBinder CaseBind bndr 
  = getPprStyle $ \ sty ->
    if debugStyle sty then
	parens (pprTypedBinder bndr)
	if isDeadBinder bndr then char '_'
	else pprUntypedBinder bndr

pprUntypedBinder :: Var -> SDoc
pprUntypedBinder binder
  | isTyVar binder = ptext (sLit "@") <+> ppr binder	-- NB: don't print kind
  | otherwise      = pprIdBndr binder

pprTypedBinder :: Var -> SDoc
-- Print binder with a type or kind signature (not paren'd)
pprTypedBinder binder
  | isTyVar binder  = pprKindedTyVarBndr binder
  | otherwise	    = pprIdBndr binder <+> dcolon <+> pprType (idType binder)

pprKindedTyVarBndr :: TyVar -> SDoc
-- Print a type variable binder with its kind (but not if *)
pprKindedTyVarBndr tyvar
  = ptext (sLit "@") <+> ppr tyvar <> opt_kind
    opt_kind 	-- Print the kind if not *
	| isLiftedTypeKind kind = empty
	| otherwise = dcolon <> pprKind kind
    kind = tyVarKind tyvar

-- pprIdBndr does *not* print the type
-- When printing any Id binder in debug mode, we print its inline pragma and one-shot-ness
pprIdBndr :: Id -> SDoc
pprIdBndr id = ppr id <+> pprIdBndrInfo (idInfo id)

pprIdBndrInfo :: IdInfo -> SDoc
pprIdBndrInfo info 
  = megaSeqIdInfo info `seq` doc -- The seq is useful for poking on black holes
    prag_info = inlinePragInfo info
    occ_info  = occInfo info
    dmd_info  = newDemandInfo info
    lbv_info  = lbvarInfo info

    no_info = isDefaultInlinePragma prag_info && isNoOcc occ_info && 
	      (case dmd_info of { Nothing -> True; Just d -> isTop d }) &&
	      hasNoLBVarInfo lbv_info

    doc | no_info = empty
 	| otherwise
        = brackets $ hsep [ppr prag_info, ppr occ_info, 
			   ppr dmd_info, ppr lbv_info
			   , ppr (demandInfo id)

pprIdExtras :: Id -> SDoc
pprIdExtras id = pp_scope <> ppr (idDetails id)
    pp_scope | isGlobalId id   = ptext (sLit "GblId")
    	     | isExportedId id = ptext (sLit "LclIdX")
    	     | otherwise       = ptext (sLit "LclId")

ppIdInfo :: Id -> IdInfo -> SDoc
ppIdInfo _ info
  = brackets $
    vcat [  ppArityInfo a,
	    ppWorkerInfo (workerInfo info),
	    ppCafInfo (cafInfo info),
	    ppStrictnessInfo s,
            ppCprInfo m,
	    pprNewStrictness (newStrictnessInfo info),
	    if null rules then empty
	    else ptext (sLit "RULES:") <+> vcat (map pprRule rules)
	-- Inline pragma, occ, demand, lbvar info
	-- printed out with all binders (when debug is on); 
	-- see PprCore.pprIdBndr
    a = arityInfo info
    s = strictnessInfo info
    m = cprInfo info
    rules = specInfoRules (specInfo info)

instance Outputable CoreRule where
   ppr = pprRule

pprRules :: [CoreRule] -> SDoc
pprRules rules = vcat (map pprRule rules)

pprRule :: CoreRule -> SDoc
pprRule (BuiltinRule { ru_fn = fn, ru_name = name})
  = ptext (sLit "Built in rule for") <+> ppr fn <> colon <+> doubleQuotes (ftext name)

pprRule (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_act = act, ru_fn = fn,
		ru_bndrs = tpl_vars, ru_args = tpl_args,
		ru_rhs = rhs })
  = hang (doubleQuotes (ftext name) <+> ppr act)
       4 (sep [ptext (sLit "forall") <+> braces (sep (map pprTypedBinder tpl_vars)),
	       nest 2 (ppr fn <+> sep (map pprArg tpl_args)),
	       nest 2 (ptext (sLit "=") <+> pprCoreExpr rhs)