-- | Utils for calculating general worst, bound, squeese and free, functions.
--	as per: "A Generalized Algorithm for Graph-Coloring Register Allocation"
--		Michael Smith, Normal Ramsey, Glenn Holloway.
--		PLDI 2004
--	These general versions are not used in GHC proper because they are too slow.
--	Instead, hand written optimised versions are provided for each architecture
--	in MachRegs*.hs 
--	This code is here because we can test the architecture specific code against it.

module RegAlloc.Graph.ArchBase (

import UniqSet
import Unique

-- Some basic register classes.
--	These aren't nessesarally in 1-to-1 correspondance with the allocatable
--	RegClasses in MachRegs.hs
data RegClass
	-- general purpose regs
	= ClassG32	-- 32 bit GPRs
	| ClassG16	-- 16 bit GPRs
	| ClassG8	-- 8  bit GPRs
	-- floating point regs
	| ClassF64	-- 64 bit FPRs
	deriving (Show, Eq, Enum)

-- | A register of some class
data Reg
	-- a register of some class
	= Reg RegClass Int
	-- a sub-component of one of the other regs
	| RegSub RegSub Reg
	deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | so we can put regs in UniqSets
instance Uniquable Reg where
	getUnique (Reg c i)
	 = mkUnique 'R'
	 $ fromEnum c * 1000 + i

	getUnique (RegSub s (Reg c i))
	 = mkUnique 'S'
	 $ fromEnum s * 10000 + fromEnum c * 1000 + i

	getUnique (RegSub _ (RegSub _ _))
	  = error "RegArchBase.getUnique: can't have a sub-reg of a sub-reg."

-- | A subcomponent of another register
data RegSub
	= SubL16	-- lowest 16 bits
	| SubL8		-- lowest  8 bits
	| SubL8H	-- second lowest 8 bits
	deriving (Show, Enum, Ord, Eq)

-- | Worst case displacement
--	a node N of classN has some number of neighbors, 
--	all of which are from classC.
--	(worst neighbors classN classC) is the maximum number of potential
--	colors for N that can be lost by coloring its neighbors.

-- This should be hand coded/cached for each particular architecture,
--	because the compute time is very long..

	:: (RegClass 	-> UniqSet Reg)
	-> (Reg 	-> UniqSet Reg)
	-> Int -> RegClass -> RegClass -> Int

worst regsOfClass regAlias neighbors classN classC
 = let	regAliasS regs	= unionManyUniqSets
 			$ map regAlias
			$ uniqSetToList regs

	-- all the regs in classes N, C
 	regsN		= regsOfClass classN
	regsC		= regsOfClass classC
	-- all the possible subsets of c which have size < m
	regsS		= filter (\s -> sizeUniqSet s >= 1 && sizeUniqSet s <= neighbors)
			$ powersetLS regsC

	-- for each of the subsets of C, the regs which conflict with posiblities for N
		= map (\s -> intersectUniqSets regsN (regAliasS s)) regsS

  in	maximum $ map sizeUniqSet $ regsS_conflict

-- | For a node N of classN and neighbors of classesC
--	(bound classN classesC) is the maximum number of potential 
--	colors for N that can be lost by coloring its neighbors.

	:: (RegClass 	-> UniqSet Reg)
	-> (Reg		-> UniqSet Reg)
	-> RegClass -> [RegClass] -> Int

bound regsOfClass regAlias classN classesC
 = let	regAliasS regs	= unionManyUniqSets
 			$ map regAlias
			$ uniqSetToList regs
		= unionManyUniqSets
		$ map (regAliasS . regsOfClass) classesC

	overlap	= intersectUniqSets (regsOfClass classN) regsC_aliases
   in	sizeUniqSet overlap

-- | The total squeese on a particular node with a list of neighbors.
--	A version of this should be constructed for each particular architecture,
--	possibly including uses of bound, so that alised registers don't get counted
--	twice, as per the paper.
	:: (RegClass	-> UniqSet Reg)
	-> (Reg		-> UniqSet Reg)
	-> RegClass -> [(Int, RegClass)] -> Int

squeese regsOfClass regAlias classN countCs
	= sum (map (\(i, classC) -> worst regsOfClass regAlias i classN classC) countCs)

-- | powerset (for lists)
powersetL :: [a] -> [[a]]
powersetL 	= map concat . mapM (\x -> [[],[x]])
-- | powersetLS (list of sets)
powersetLS :: Uniquable a => UniqSet a -> [UniqSet a]
powersetLS s	= map mkUniqSet $ powersetL $ uniqSetToList s

-- | unions (for sets)
unionsS :: Ord a => Set (Set a) -> Set a
unionsS	ss 	= Set.unions $ Set.toList ss