{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
-- | Clean out unneeded spill\/reload instrs
-- * Handling of join points
--   B1:                          B2:
--    ...                          ...
--       RELOAD SLOT(0), %r1          RELOAD SLOT(0), %r1
--       ... A ...                    ... B ...
--       jump B3                      jump B3
--                B3: ... C ...
--                    RELOAD SLOT(0), %r1
--                    ...
-- the plan:
--	So long as %r1 hasn't been written to in A, B or C then we don't need the
--	reload in B3.
--	What we really care about here is that on the entry to B3, %r1 will always
--	have the same value that is in SLOT(0) (ie, %r1 is _valid_)
--	This also works if the reloads in B1\/B2 were spills instead, because
--	spilling %r1 to a slot makes that slot have the same value as %r1.

module RegAlloc.Graph.SpillClean (

import RegAlloc.Liveness
import Instruction
import Reg

import BlockId
import Cmm
import UniqSet
import UniqFM
import Unique
import State
import Outputable
import Util

import Data.List        ( find, nub )

type Slot = Int

-- | Clean out unneeded spill\/reloads from this top level thing.
	:: Instruction instr
	=> LiveCmmTop instr -> LiveCmmTop instr

cleanSpills cmm
	= evalState (cleanSpin 0 cmm) initCleanS

-- | do one pass of cleaning
	:: Instruction instr
	=> Int 
	-> LiveCmmTop instr 
	-> CleanM (LiveCmmTop instr)

cleanSpin spinCount code
 = do	jumpValid	<- gets sJumpValid
	pprTrace "cleanSpin"
	 	(  int spinCount
		$$ text "--- code"
		$$ ppr code
		$$ text "--- joins"
		$$ ppr jumpValid)
	 $ cleanSpin' spinCount code

cleanSpin spinCount code
 = do
 	-- init count of cleaned spills\/reloads
	modify $ \s -> s
		{ sCleanedSpillsAcc	= 0
		, sCleanedReloadsAcc	= 0
		, sReloadedBy		= emptyUFM }

 	code_forward	<- mapBlockTopM cleanBlockForward  code
	code_backward	<- mapBlockTopM cleanBlockBackward code_forward

	-- During the cleaning of each block we collected information about what regs
	--	were valid across each jump. Based on this, work out whether it will be
	--	safe to erase reloads after join points for the next pass.

	-- remember how many spills\/reloads we cleaned in this pass
	spills		<- gets sCleanedSpillsAcc
	reloads		<- gets sCleanedReloadsAcc
	modify $ \s -> s
		{ sCleanedCount	= (spills, reloads) : sCleanedCount s }

	-- if nothing was cleaned in this pass or the last one
	--	then we're done and it's time to bail out
	cleanedCount	<- gets sCleanedCount
	if take 2 cleanedCount == [(0, 0), (0, 0)]
	   then return code

	-- otherwise go around again
	   else cleanSpin (spinCount + 1) code_backward

-- | Clean one basic block
	:: Instruction instr
	=> LiveBasicBlock instr 
	-> CleanM (LiveBasicBlock instr)

cleanBlockForward (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
 = do
 	-- see if we have a valid association for the entry to this block
 	jumpValid	<- gets sJumpValid
 	let assoc	= case lookupUFM jumpValid blockId of
				Just assoc	-> assoc
				Nothing		-> emptyAssoc

 	instrs_reload	<- cleanForward    blockId assoc [] instrs
	return	$ BasicBlock blockId instrs_reload

	:: Instruction instr
	=> LiveBasicBlock instr 
	-> CleanM (LiveBasicBlock instr)

cleanBlockBackward (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
 = do	instrs_spill	<- cleanBackward  emptyUniqSet  [] instrs
	return	$ BasicBlock blockId instrs_spill

-- | Clean out unneeded reload instructions.
--	Walking forwards across the code
--	  On a reload, if we know a reg already has the same value as a slot
--	  then we don't need to do the reload.
	:: Instruction instr
	=> BlockId			-- ^ the block that we're currently in
	-> Assoc Store	 		-- ^ two store locations are associated if they have the same value
	-> [LiveInstr instr]		-- ^ acc
	-> [LiveInstr instr] 		-- ^ instrs to clean (in backwards order)
	-> CleanM [LiveInstr instr]	-- ^ cleaned instrs  (in forward   order)

cleanForward _ _ acc []
	= return acc

-- write out live range joins via spill slots to just a spill and a reg-reg move
--	hopefully the spill will be also be cleaned in the next pass
cleanForward blockId assoc acc (li1 : li2 : instrs)

	| SPILL  reg1  slot1	<- li1
	, RELOAD slot2 reg2	<- li2
	, slot1 == slot2
	= do
		modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedReloadsAcc = sCleanedReloadsAcc s + 1 }
		cleanForward blockId assoc acc
			(li1 : Instr (mkRegRegMoveInstr reg1 reg2) Nothing : instrs)

cleanForward blockId assoc acc (li@(Instr i1 _) : instrs)
	| Just (r1, r2)	<- takeRegRegMoveInstr i1
	= if r1 == r2
		-- erase any left over nop reg reg moves while we're here
		--	this will also catch any nop moves that the "write out live range joins" case above
		--	happens to add
		then cleanForward blockId assoc acc instrs

		-- if r1 has the same value as some slots and we copy r1 to r2,
		--	then r2 is now associated with those slots instead
		else do	let assoc'	= addAssoc (SReg r1) (SReg r2)
					$ delAssoc (SReg r2)
					$ assoc

			cleanForward blockId assoc' (li : acc) instrs

cleanForward blockId assoc acc (li : instrs)

	-- update association due to the spill
	| SPILL reg slot	<- li
	= let	assoc'	= addAssoc (SReg reg)  (SSlot slot)
			$ delAssoc (SSlot slot)
			$ assoc
	  in	cleanForward blockId assoc' (li : acc) instrs

	-- clean a reload instr
	| RELOAD{}		<- li
	= do	(assoc', mli)	<- cleanReload blockId assoc li
		case mli of
		 Nothing	-> cleanForward blockId assoc' acc 		instrs
		 Just li'	-> cleanForward blockId assoc' (li' : acc)	instrs

	-- remember the association over a jump
	| Instr instr _ 	<- li
	, targets		<- jumpDestsOfInstr instr
	, not $ null targets
	= do	mapM_ (accJumpValid assoc) targets
		cleanForward blockId assoc (li : acc) instrs

	-- writing to a reg changes its value.
	| Instr instr _		<- li
	, RU _ written		<- regUsageOfInstr instr
	= let assoc'	= foldr delAssoc assoc (map SReg $ nub written)
	  in  cleanForward blockId assoc' (li : acc) instrs

-- bogus, to stop pattern match warning
cleanForward _ _ _ _ 
	= panic "RegAlloc.Graph.SpillClean.cleanForward: no match"

-- | Try and rewrite a reload instruction to something more pleasing
	:: Instruction instr
	=> BlockId 
	-> Assoc Store 
	-> LiveInstr instr
	-> CleanM (Assoc Store, Maybe (LiveInstr instr))

cleanReload blockId assoc li@(RELOAD slot reg)

	-- if the reg we're reloading already has the same value as the slot
	--	then we can erase the instruction outright
	| elemAssoc (SSlot slot) (SReg reg) assoc
	= do 	modify 	$ \s -> s { sCleanedReloadsAcc = sCleanedReloadsAcc s + 1 }
	   	return	(assoc, Nothing)

	-- if we can find another reg with the same value as this slot then
	--	do a move instead of a reload.
	| Just reg2	<- findRegOfSlot assoc slot
	= do	modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedReloadsAcc = sCleanedReloadsAcc s + 1 }

		let assoc'	= addAssoc (SReg reg) (SReg reg2)
				$ delAssoc (SReg reg)
				$ assoc

		return	(assoc', Just $ Instr (mkRegRegMoveInstr reg2 reg) Nothing)

	-- gotta keep this instr
	| otherwise
	= do	-- update the association
		let assoc'	= addAssoc (SReg reg)  (SSlot slot)	-- doing the reload makes reg and slot the same value
				$ delAssoc (SReg reg)			-- reg value changes on reload
				$ assoc

		-- remember that this block reloads from this slot
		accBlockReloadsSlot blockId slot

	    	return	(assoc', Just li)

cleanReload _ _ _
	= panic "RegSpillClean.cleanReload: unhandled instr"

-- | Clean out unneeded spill instructions.
--	 If there were no reloads from a slot between a spill and the last one
--	 then the slot was never read and we don't need the spill.
--	SPILL   r0 -> s1
--	RELOAD  s1 -> r2
--	SPILL   r3 -> s1	<--- don't need this spill
--	SPILL   r4 -> s1
--	RELOAD  s1 -> r5
--	Maintain a set of
--		"slots which were spilled to but not reloaded from yet"
--	Walking backwards across the code:
--	 a) On a reload from a slot, remove it from the set.
--	 a) On a spill from a slot
--		If the slot is in set then we can erase the spill,
--			because it won't be reloaded from until after the next spill.
--		otherwise
--			keep the spill and add the slot to the set
-- TODO: This is mostly inter-block
--	 we should really be updating the noReloads set as we cross jumps also.
	:: UniqSet Int 			-- ^ slots that have been spilled, but not reloaded from
	-> [LiveInstr instr]		-- ^ acc
	-> [LiveInstr instr]		-- ^ instrs to clean (in forwards order)
	-> CleanM [LiveInstr instr]	-- ^ cleaned instrs  (in backwards order)

cleanBackward noReloads acc lis
 = do	reloadedBy	<- gets sReloadedBy
 	cleanBackward' reloadedBy noReloads acc lis

cleanBackward' _ _      acc []
	= return  acc

cleanBackward' reloadedBy noReloads acc (li : instrs)

	-- if nothing ever reloads from this slot then we don't need the spill
	| SPILL _ slot	<- li
	, Nothing	<- lookupUFM reloadedBy (SSlot slot)
	= do	modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedSpillsAcc = sCleanedSpillsAcc s + 1 }
		cleanBackward noReloads acc instrs

	| SPILL _ slot	<- li
	= if elementOfUniqSet slot noReloads

	   -- we can erase this spill because the slot won't be read until after the next one
	   then do
		modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedSpillsAcc = sCleanedSpillsAcc s + 1 }
	   	cleanBackward noReloads acc instrs

	   else do
		-- this slot is being spilled to, but we haven't seen any reloads yet.
		let noReloads'	= addOneToUniqSet noReloads slot
	   	cleanBackward noReloads' (li : acc) instrs

	-- if we reload from a slot then it's no longer unused
	| RELOAD slot _		<- li
	, noReloads'		<- delOneFromUniqSet noReloads slot
	= cleanBackward noReloads' (li : acc) instrs

	-- some other instruction
	| otherwise
	= cleanBackward noReloads (li : acc) instrs

-- collateJoinPoints:
-- | combine the associations from all the inward control flow edges.
collateJoinPoints :: CleanM ()
 = modify $ \s -> s
 	{ sJumpValid	= mapUFM intersects (sJumpValidAcc s)
	, sJumpValidAcc	= emptyUFM }

intersects :: [Assoc Store]	-> Assoc Store
intersects []		= emptyAssoc
intersects assocs	= foldl1' intersectAssoc assocs

-- | See if we have a reg with the same value as this slot in the association table.
findRegOfSlot :: Assoc Store -> Int -> Maybe Reg
findRegOfSlot assoc slot
	| close			<- closeAssoc (SSlot slot) assoc
	, Just (SReg reg)	<- find isStoreReg $ uniqSetToList close
	= Just reg

	| otherwise
	= Nothing

type CleanM = State CleanS
data CleanS
	= CleanS
	{ -- regs which are valid at the start of each block.
	  sJumpValid		:: UniqFM (Assoc Store)

 	  -- collecting up what regs were valid across each jump.
	  --	in the next pass we can collate these and write the results
	  --	to sJumpValid.
	, sJumpValidAcc		:: UniqFM [Assoc Store]

	  -- map of (slot -> blocks which reload from this slot)
	  --	used to decide if whether slot spilled to will ever be
	  --	reloaded from on this path.
	, sReloadedBy		:: UniqFM [BlockId]

	  -- spills\/reloads cleaned each pass (latest at front)
	, sCleanedCount		:: [(Int, Int)]

	  -- spills\/reloads that have been cleaned in this pass so far.
	, sCleanedSpillsAcc	:: Int
	, sCleanedReloadsAcc	:: Int }

initCleanS :: CleanS
	= CleanS
	{ sJumpValid		= emptyUFM
	, sJumpValidAcc		= emptyUFM

	, sReloadedBy		= emptyUFM

	, sCleanedCount		= []

	, sCleanedSpillsAcc	= 0
	, sCleanedReloadsAcc	= 0 }

-- | Remember the associations before a jump
accJumpValid :: Assoc Store -> BlockId -> CleanM ()
accJumpValid assocs target
 = modify $ \s -> s {
	sJumpValidAcc = addToUFM_C (++)
				(sJumpValidAcc s)
				[assocs] }

accBlockReloadsSlot :: BlockId -> Slot -> CleanM ()
accBlockReloadsSlot blockId slot
 = modify $ \s -> s {
 	sReloadedBy = addToUFM_C (++)
				(sReloadedBy s)
				(SSlot slot)
				[blockId] }

-- A store location can be a stack slot or a register
data Store
	= SSlot Int
	| SReg  Reg

-- | Check if this is a reg store
isStoreReg :: Store -> Bool
isStoreReg ss
 = case ss of
 	SSlot _	-> False
	SReg  _	-> True

-- spill cleaning is only done once all virtuals have been allocated to realRegs
instance Uniquable Store where
    getUnique (SReg  r)
	| RegReal (RealRegSingle i)	<- r
	= mkUnique 'R' i

	| RegReal (RealRegPair r1 r2)	<- r
	= mkUnique 'P' (r1 * 65535 + r2)

	| otherwise
	= error "RegSpillClean.getUnique: found virtual reg during spill clean, only real regs expected."

    getUnique (SSlot i)			= mkUnique 'S' i

instance Outputable Store where
	ppr (SSlot i)	= text "slot" <> int i
	ppr (SReg  r)	= ppr r

-- Association graphs.
--	In the spill cleaner, two store locations are associated if they are known
--	to hold the same value.
type Assoc a	= UniqFM (UniqSet a)

-- | an empty association
emptyAssoc :: Assoc a
emptyAssoc	= emptyUFM

-- | add an association between these two things
addAssoc :: Uniquable a
	 => a -> a -> Assoc a -> Assoc a

addAssoc a b m
 = let	m1	= addToUFM_C unionUniqSets m  a (unitUniqSet b)
 	m2	= addToUFM_C unionUniqSets m1 b (unitUniqSet a)
   in	m2

-- | delete all associations to a node
delAssoc :: (Outputable a, Uniquable a)
 	 => a -> Assoc a -> Assoc a

delAssoc a m
	| Just aSet	<- lookupUFM  m a
	, m1		<- delFromUFM m a
	= foldUniqSet (\x m -> delAssoc1 x a m) m1 aSet

	| otherwise	= m

-- | delete a single association edge (a -> b)
delAssoc1 :: Uniquable a
	=> a -> a -> Assoc a -> Assoc a

delAssoc1 a b m
	| Just aSet	<- lookupUFM m a
	= addToUFM m a (delOneFromUniqSet aSet b)

	| otherwise	= m

-- | check if these two things are associated
elemAssoc :: (Outputable a, Uniquable a)
	  => a -> a -> Assoc a -> Bool

elemAssoc a b m
	= elementOfUniqSet b (closeAssoc a m)

-- | find the refl. trans. closure of the association from this point
closeAssoc :: (Outputable a, Uniquable a)
	=> a -> Assoc a -> UniqSet a

closeAssoc a assoc
 = 	closeAssoc' assoc emptyUniqSet (unitUniqSet a)
	closeAssoc' assoc visited toVisit
	 = case uniqSetToList toVisit of

		-- nothing else to visit, we're done
	 	[]	-> visited


		 -- we've already seen this node
		 |  elementOfUniqSet x visited
		 -> closeAssoc' assoc visited (delOneFromUniqSet toVisit x)

		 -- haven't seen this node before,
		 --	remember to visit all its neighbors
		 |  otherwise
		 -> let neighbors
		 	 = case lookupUFM assoc x of
				Nothing		-> emptyUniqSet
				Just set	-> set

		   in closeAssoc' assoc
			(addOneToUniqSet visited x)
			(unionUniqSets   toVisit neighbors)

-- | intersect
	:: Uniquable a
	=> Assoc a -> Assoc a -> Assoc a

intersectAssoc a b
 	= intersectUFM_C (intersectUniqSets) a b