% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
\section[TcForeign]{Typechecking \tr{foreign} declarations}
A foreign declaration is used to either give an externally
implemented function a Haskell type (and calling interface) or
give a Haskell function an external calling interface. Either way,
the range of argument and result types these functions can accommodate
is restricted to what the outside world understands (read C), and this
module checks to see if a foreign declaration has got a legal type.
module TcForeign
, tcForeignExports
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import HsSyn
import TcRnMonad
import TcHsType
import TcExpr
import TcEnv
import ForeignCall
import ErrUtils
import Id
#if alpha_TARGET_ARCH
import Type
import SMRep
import Name
import TcType
import DynFlags
import Outputable
import SrcLoc
import Bag
import FastString
isForeignImport :: LForeignDecl name -> Bool
isForeignImport (L _ (ForeignImport _ _ _)) = True
isForeignImport _ = False
isForeignExport :: LForeignDecl name -> Bool
isForeignExport (L _ (ForeignExport _ _ _)) = True
isForeignExport _ = False
%* *
%* *
tcForeignImports :: [LForeignDecl Name] -> TcM ([Id], [LForeignDecl Id])
tcForeignImports decls
= mapAndUnzipM (wrapLocSndM tcFImport) (filter isForeignImport decls)
tcFImport :: ForeignDecl Name -> TcM (Id, ForeignDecl Id)
tcFImport fo@(ForeignImport (L loc nm) hs_ty imp_decl)
= addErrCtxt (foreignDeclCtxt fo) $
do { sig_ty <- tcHsSigType (ForSigCtxt nm) hs_ty
; let
(_, t_ty) = tcSplitForAllTys sig_ty
(arg_tys, res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys t_ty
id = mkLocalId nm sig_ty
; imp_decl' <- tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty imp_decl
; return (id, ForeignImport (L loc id) undefined imp_decl') }
tcFImport d = pprPanic "tcFImport" (ppr d)
tcCheckFIType :: Type -> [Type] -> Type -> ForeignImport -> TcM ForeignImport
tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport _ safety _ (CLabel _))
= ASSERT( null arg_tys )
do { checkCg checkCOrAsmOrInterp
; checkSafety safety
; check (isFFILabelTy res_ty) (illegalForeignTyErr empty sig_ty)
; return idecl }
tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport cconv safety _ CWrapper) = do
checkCg checkCOrAsmOrInterp
checkCConv cconv
checkSafety safety
case arg_tys of
[arg1_ty] -> do checkForeignArgs isFFIExternalTy arg1_tys
checkForeignRes nonIOok isFFIExportResultTy res1_ty
checkForeignRes mustBeIO isFFIDynResultTy res_ty
checkFEDArgs arg1_tys
(arg1_tys, res1_ty) = tcSplitFunTys arg1_ty
_ -> addErrTc (illegalForeignTyErr empty sig_ty)
return idecl
tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport cconv safety _ (CFunction target))
| isDynamicTarget target = do
checkCg checkCOrAsmOrInterp
checkCConv cconv
checkSafety safety
case arg_tys of
[] -> do
check False (illegalForeignTyErr empty sig_ty)
return idecl
(arg1_ty:arg_tys) -> do
dflags <- getDOpts
check (isFFIDynArgumentTy arg1_ty)
(illegalForeignTyErr argument arg1_ty)
checkForeignArgs (isFFIArgumentTy dflags safety) arg_tys
checkForeignRes nonIOok (isFFIImportResultTy dflags) res_ty
return idecl
| cconv == PrimCallConv = do
dflags <- getDOpts
check (dopt Opt_GHCForeignImportPrim dflags)
(text "Use -XGHCForeignImportPrim to allow `foreign import prim'.")
checkCg (checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp)
checkCTarget target
check (playSafe safety)
(text "The safe/unsafe annotation should not be used with `foreign import prim'.")
checkForeignArgs (isFFIPrimArgumentTy dflags) arg_tys
checkForeignRes nonIOok (isFFIPrimResultTy dflags) res_ty
return idecl
| otherwise = do
checkCg (checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp)
checkCConv cconv
checkSafety safety
checkCTarget target
dflags <- getDOpts
checkForeignArgs (isFFIArgumentTy dflags safety) arg_tys
checkForeignRes nonIOok (isFFIImportResultTy dflags) res_ty
checkMissingAmpersand dflags arg_tys res_ty
return idecl
checkCTarget :: CCallTarget -> TcM ()
checkCTarget (StaticTarget str) = do
checkCg checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp
check (isCLabelString str) (badCName str)
checkCTarget DynamicTarget = panic "checkCTarget DynamicTarget"
checkMissingAmpersand :: DynFlags -> [Type] -> Type -> TcM ()
checkMissingAmpersand dflags arg_tys res_ty
| null arg_tys && isFunPtrTy res_ty &&
dopt Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports dflags
= addWarn (ptext (sLit "possible missing & in foreign import of FunPtr"))
| otherwise
= return ()
On an Alpha, with foreign export dynamic, due to a giant hack when
building adjustor thunks, we only allow 4 integer arguments with
foreign export dynamic (i.e., 32 bytes of arguments after padding each
argument to a quadword, excluding floatingpoint arguments).
The check is needed for both viaC and nativecode routes
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
checkFEDArgs :: [Type] -> TcM ()
#if alpha_TARGET_ARCH
checkFEDArgs arg_tys
= check (integral_args <= 32) err
integral_args = sum [ (widthInBytes . argMachRep . primRepToCgRep) prim_rep
| prim_rep <- map typePrimRep arg_tys,
primRepHint prim_rep /= FloatHint ]
err = ptext (sLit "On Alpha, I can only handle 32 bytes of non-floating-point arguments to foreign export dynamic")
checkFEDArgs _ = return ()
%* *
%* *
tcForeignExports :: [LForeignDecl Name]
-> TcM (LHsBinds TcId, [LForeignDecl TcId])
tcForeignExports decls
= foldlM combine (emptyLHsBinds, []) (filter isForeignExport decls)
combine (binds, fs) fe = do
(b, f) <- wrapLocSndM tcFExport fe
return (b `consBag` binds, f:fs)
tcFExport :: ForeignDecl Name -> TcM (LHsBind Id, ForeignDecl Id)
tcFExport fo@(ForeignExport (L loc nm) hs_ty spec) =
addErrCtxt (foreignDeclCtxt fo) $ do
sig_ty <- tcHsSigType (ForSigCtxt nm) hs_ty
rhs <- tcPolyExpr (nlHsVar nm) sig_ty
tcCheckFEType sig_ty spec
id <- mkStableIdFromName nm sig_ty loc mkForeignExportOcc
return (L loc (VarBind id rhs), ForeignExport (L loc id) undefined spec)
tcFExport d = pprPanic "tcFExport" (ppr d)
tcCheckFEType :: Type -> ForeignExport -> TcM ()
tcCheckFEType sig_ty (CExport (CExportStatic str cconv)) = do
checkCg checkCOrAsm
check (isCLabelString str) (badCName str)
checkCConv cconv
checkForeignArgs isFFIExternalTy arg_tys
checkForeignRes nonIOok isFFIExportResultTy res_ty
(_, t_ty) = tcSplitForAllTys sig_ty
(arg_tys, res_ty) = tcSplitFunTys t_ty
%* *
%* *
checkForeignArgs :: (Type -> Bool) -> [Type] -> TcM ()
checkForeignArgs pred tys
= mapM_ go tys
go ty = check (pred ty) (illegalForeignTyErr argument ty)
checkForeignRes :: Bool -> (Type -> Bool) -> Type -> TcM ()
nonIOok, mustBeIO :: Bool
nonIOok = True
mustBeIO = False
checkForeignRes non_io_result_ok pred_res_ty ty
| Just (_, res_ty, _) <- tcSplitIOType_maybe ty,
pred_res_ty res_ty
= return ()
| otherwise
= check (non_io_result_ok && pred_res_ty ty)
(illegalForeignTyErr result ty)
checkCOrAsm :: HscTarget -> Maybe SDoc
checkCOrAsm HscC = Nothing
checkCOrAsm HscAsm = Nothing
checkCOrAsm _
= Just (text "requires via-C or native code generation (-fvia-C)")
checkCOrAsmOrInterp :: HscTarget -> Maybe SDoc
checkCOrAsmOrInterp HscC = Nothing
checkCOrAsmOrInterp HscAsm = Nothing
checkCOrAsmOrInterp HscInterpreted = Nothing
checkCOrAsmOrInterp _
= Just (text "requires interpreted, C or native code generation")
checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp :: HscTarget -> Maybe SDoc
checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp HscC = Nothing
checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp HscAsm = Nothing
checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp HscInterpreted = Nothing
checkCOrAsmOrDotNetOrInterp _
= Just (text "requires interpreted, C or native code generation")
checkCg :: (HscTarget -> Maybe SDoc) -> TcM ()
checkCg check = do
dflags <- getDOpts
let target = hscTarget dflags
case target of
HscNothing -> return ()
_ ->
case check target of
Nothing -> return ()
Just err -> addErrTc (text "Illegal foreign declaration:" <+> err)
Calling conventions
checkCConv :: CCallConv -> TcM ()
checkCConv CCallConv = return ()
#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
checkCConv StdCallConv = return ()
checkCConv StdCallConv = addErrTc (text "calling convention not supported on this platform: stdcall")
checkCConv PrimCallConv = addErrTc (text "The `prim' calling convention can only be used with `foreign import'")
checkCConv CmmCallConv = panic "checkCConv CmmCallConv"
Deprecated "threadsafe" calls
checkSafety :: Safety -> TcM ()
checkSafety (PlaySafe True) = addWarn (text "The `threadsafe' foreign import style is deprecated. Use `safe' instead.")
checkSafety _ = return ()
check :: Bool -> Message -> TcM ()
check True _ = return ()
check _ the_err = addErrTc the_err
illegalForeignTyErr :: SDoc -> Type -> SDoc
illegalForeignTyErr arg_or_res ty
= hang (hsep [ptext (sLit "Unacceptable"), arg_or_res,
ptext (sLit "type in foreign declaration:")])
4 (hsep [ppr ty])
argument, result :: SDoc
argument = text "argument"
result = text "result"
badCName :: CLabelString -> Message
badCName target
= sep [quotes (ppr target) <+> ptext (sLit "is not a valid C identifier")]
foreignDeclCtxt :: ForeignDecl Name -> SDoc
foreignDeclCtxt fo
= hang (ptext (sLit "When checking declaration:"))
4 (ppr fo)