% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 19941998
\section[TysPrim]{Wiredin knowledge about primitive types}
module TysPrim(
alphaTyVars, betaTyVars, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar, deltaTyVar,
alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy, deltaTy,
openAlphaTy, openBetaTy, openAlphaTyVar, openBetaTyVar, openAlphaTyVars,
charPrimTyCon, charPrimTy,
intPrimTyCon, intPrimTy,
wordPrimTyCon, wordPrimTy,
addrPrimTyCon, addrPrimTy,
floatPrimTyCon, floatPrimTy,
doublePrimTyCon, doublePrimTy,
statePrimTyCon, mkStatePrimTy,
realWorldTyCon, realWorldTy, realWorldStatePrimTy,
arrayPrimTyCon, mkArrayPrimTy,
byteArrayPrimTyCon, byteArrayPrimTy,
mutableArrayPrimTyCon, mkMutableArrayPrimTy,
mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon, mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy,
mutVarPrimTyCon, mkMutVarPrimTy,
mVarPrimTyCon, mkMVarPrimTy,
tVarPrimTyCon, mkTVarPrimTy,
stablePtrPrimTyCon, mkStablePtrPrimTy,
stableNamePrimTyCon, mkStableNamePrimTy,
bcoPrimTyCon, bcoPrimTy,
weakPrimTyCon, mkWeakPrimTy,
threadIdPrimTyCon, threadIdPrimTy,
int32PrimTyCon, int32PrimTy,
word32PrimTyCon, word32PrimTy,
int64PrimTyCon, int64PrimTy,
word64PrimTyCon, word64PrimTy,
anyPrimTyCon, anyPrimTy, anyPrimTyCon1, mkAnyPrimTyCon
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Var ( TyVar, mkTyVar )
import Name ( Name, BuiltInSyntax(..), mkInternalName, mkWiredInName )
import OccName ( mkTyVarOccFS, mkTcOccFS )
import TyCon ( TyCon, mkPrimTyCon, mkLiftedPrimTyCon )
import Type
import SrcLoc
import Unique ( mkAlphaTyVarUnique, pprUnique )
import PrelNames
import StaticFlags
import FastString
import Outputable
import Data.Char
%* *
\subsection{Primitive type constructors}
%* *
primTyCons :: [TyCon]
= [ addrPrimTyCon
, arrayPrimTyCon
, byteArrayPrimTyCon
, charPrimTyCon
, doublePrimTyCon
, floatPrimTyCon
, intPrimTyCon
, int32PrimTyCon
, int64PrimTyCon
, bcoPrimTyCon
, weakPrimTyCon
, mutableArrayPrimTyCon
, mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
, mVarPrimTyCon
, tVarPrimTyCon
, mutVarPrimTyCon
, realWorldTyCon
, stablePtrPrimTyCon
, stableNamePrimTyCon
, statePrimTyCon
, threadIdPrimTyCon
, wordPrimTyCon
, word32PrimTyCon
, word64PrimTyCon
, anyPrimTyCon, anyPrimTyCon1
mkPrimTc :: FastString -> Unique -> TyCon -> Name
mkPrimTc fs unique tycon
= mkWiredInName gHC_PRIM (mkTcOccFS fs)
(ATyCon tycon)
charPrimTyConName, intPrimTyConName, int32PrimTyConName, int64PrimTyConName, wordPrimTyConName, word32PrimTyConName, word64PrimTyConName, addrPrimTyConName, floatPrimTyConName, doublePrimTyConName, statePrimTyConName, realWorldTyConName, arrayPrimTyConName, byteArrayPrimTyConName, mutableArrayPrimTyConName, mutableByteArrayPrimTyConName, mutVarPrimTyConName, mVarPrimTyConName, tVarPrimTyConName, stablePtrPrimTyConName, stableNamePrimTyConName, bcoPrimTyConName, weakPrimTyConName, threadIdPrimTyConName, anyPrimTyConName, anyPrimTyCon1Name :: Name
charPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Char#") charPrimTyConKey charPrimTyCon
intPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Int#") intPrimTyConKey intPrimTyCon
int32PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Int32#") int32PrimTyConKey int32PrimTyCon
int64PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Int64#") int64PrimTyConKey int64PrimTyCon
wordPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Word#") wordPrimTyConKey wordPrimTyCon
word32PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Word32#") word32PrimTyConKey word32PrimTyCon
word64PrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Word64#") word64PrimTyConKey word64PrimTyCon
addrPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Addr#") addrPrimTyConKey addrPrimTyCon
floatPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Float#") floatPrimTyConKey floatPrimTyCon
doublePrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Double#") doublePrimTyConKey doublePrimTyCon
statePrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "State#") statePrimTyConKey statePrimTyCon
realWorldTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "RealWorld") realWorldTyConKey realWorldTyCon
arrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Array#") arrayPrimTyConKey arrayPrimTyCon
byteArrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "ByteArray#") byteArrayPrimTyConKey byteArrayPrimTyCon
mutableArrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "MutableArray#") mutableArrayPrimTyConKey mutableArrayPrimTyCon
mutableByteArrayPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "MutableByteArray#") mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
mutVarPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "MutVar#") mutVarPrimTyConKey mutVarPrimTyCon
mVarPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "MVar#") mVarPrimTyConKey mVarPrimTyCon
tVarPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "TVar#") tVarPrimTyConKey tVarPrimTyCon
stablePtrPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "StablePtr#") stablePtrPrimTyConKey stablePtrPrimTyCon
stableNamePrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "StableName#") stableNamePrimTyConKey stableNamePrimTyCon
bcoPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "BCO#") bcoPrimTyConKey bcoPrimTyCon
weakPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Weak#") weakPrimTyConKey weakPrimTyCon
threadIdPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "ThreadId#") threadIdPrimTyConKey threadIdPrimTyCon
anyPrimTyConName = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Any") anyPrimTyConKey anyPrimTyCon
anyPrimTyCon1Name = mkPrimTc (fsLit "Any1") anyPrimTyCon1Key anyPrimTyCon1
%* *
\subsection{Support code}
%* *
alphaTyVars is a list of type variables for use in templates:
["a", "b", ..., "z", "t1", "t2", ... ]
tyVarList :: Kind -> [TyVar]
tyVarList kind = [ mkTyVar (mkInternalName (mkAlphaTyVarUnique u)
(mkTyVarOccFS (mkFastString name))
noSrcSpan) kind
| u <- [2..],
let name | c <= 'z' = [c]
| otherwise = 't':show u
where c = chr (u2 + ord 'a')
alphaTyVars :: [TyVar]
alphaTyVars = tyVarList liftedTypeKind
betaTyVars :: [TyVar]
betaTyVars = tail alphaTyVars
alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar, deltaTyVar :: TyVar
(alphaTyVar:betaTyVar:gammaTyVar:deltaTyVar:_) = alphaTyVars
alphaTys :: [Type]
alphaTys = mkTyVarTys alphaTyVars
alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy, deltaTy :: Type
(alphaTy:betaTy:gammaTy:deltaTy:_) = alphaTys
openAlphaTyVars :: [TyVar]
openAlphaTyVar, openBetaTyVar :: TyVar
openAlphaTyVars@(openAlphaTyVar:openBetaTyVar:_) = tyVarList openTypeKind
openAlphaTy, openBetaTy :: Type
openAlphaTy = mkTyVarTy openAlphaTyVar
openBetaTy = mkTyVarTy openBetaTyVar
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimbasic]{Basic primitive types (@Char#@, @Int#@, etc.)}
%* *
pcPrimTyCon :: Name -> Int -> PrimRep -> TyCon
pcPrimTyCon name arity rep
= mkPrimTyCon name kind arity rep
kind = mkArrowKinds (replicate arity liftedTypeKind) result_kind
result_kind = unliftedTypeKind
pcPrimTyCon0 :: Name -> PrimRep -> TyCon
pcPrimTyCon0 name rep
= mkPrimTyCon name result_kind 0 rep
result_kind = unliftedTypeKind
charPrimTy :: Type
charPrimTy = mkTyConTy charPrimTyCon
charPrimTyCon :: TyCon
charPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 charPrimTyConName WordRep
intPrimTy :: Type
intPrimTy = mkTyConTy intPrimTyCon
intPrimTyCon :: TyCon
intPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 intPrimTyConName IntRep
int32PrimTy :: Type
int32PrimTy = mkTyConTy int32PrimTyCon
int32PrimTyCon :: TyCon
int32PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 int32PrimTyConName IntRep
int64PrimTy :: Type
int64PrimTy = mkTyConTy int64PrimTyCon
int64PrimTyCon :: TyCon
int64PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 int64PrimTyConName Int64Rep
wordPrimTy :: Type
wordPrimTy = mkTyConTy wordPrimTyCon
wordPrimTyCon :: TyCon
wordPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 wordPrimTyConName WordRep
word32PrimTy :: Type
word32PrimTy = mkTyConTy word32PrimTyCon
word32PrimTyCon :: TyCon
word32PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 word32PrimTyConName WordRep
word64PrimTy :: Type
word64PrimTy = mkTyConTy word64PrimTyCon
word64PrimTyCon :: TyCon
word64PrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 word64PrimTyConName Word64Rep
addrPrimTy :: Type
addrPrimTy = mkTyConTy addrPrimTyCon
addrPrimTyCon :: TyCon
addrPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 addrPrimTyConName AddrRep
floatPrimTy :: Type
floatPrimTy = mkTyConTy floatPrimTyCon
floatPrimTyCon :: TyCon
floatPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 floatPrimTyConName FloatRep
doublePrimTy :: Type
doublePrimTy = mkTyConTy doublePrimTyCon
doublePrimTyCon :: TyCon
doublePrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 doublePrimTyConName DoubleRep
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimstate]{The @State#@ type (and @_RealWorld@ types)}
%* *
State# is the primitive, unlifted type of states. It has one type parameter,
State# RealWorld
State# s
where s is a type variable. The only purpose of the type parameter is to
keep different state threads separate. It is represented by nothing at all.
mkStatePrimTy :: Type -> Type
mkStatePrimTy ty = mkTyConApp statePrimTyCon [ty]
statePrimTyCon :: TyCon
statePrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon statePrimTyConName 1 VoidRep
RealWorld is deeply magical. It is *primitive*, but it is not
*unlifted* (hence ptrArg). We never manipulate values of type
RealWorld; it's only used in the type system, to parameterise State#.
realWorldTyCon :: TyCon
realWorldTyCon = mkLiftedPrimTyCon realWorldTyConName liftedTypeKind 0 PtrRep
realWorldTy :: Type
realWorldTy = mkTyConTy realWorldTyCon
realWorldStatePrimTy :: Type
realWorldStatePrimTy = mkStatePrimTy realWorldTy
Note: the ``statepairing'' types are not truly primitive, so they are
defined in \tr{TysWiredIn.lhs}, not here.
%* *
%* *
The type constructor Any is type to which you can unsafely coerce any
lifted type, and back.
* It is lifted, and hence represented by a pointer
* It does not claim to be a *data* type, and that's important for
the code generator, because the code gen may *enter* a data value
but never enters a function value.
It's also used to instantiate unconstrained type variables after type
checking. For example
length Any []
Annoyingly, we sometimes need Anys of other kinds, such as (*->*) etc.
This is a bit like tuples. We define a couple of useful ones here,
and make others up on the fly. If any of these others end up being exported
into interface files, we'll get a crash; at least until we add interfacefile
syntax to support them.
anyPrimTy :: Type
anyPrimTy = mkTyConApp anyPrimTyCon []
anyPrimTyCon :: TyCon
anyPrimTyCon = mkLiftedPrimTyCon anyPrimTyConName liftedTypeKind 0 PtrRep
anyPrimTyCon1 :: TyCon
anyPrimTyCon1 = mkLiftedPrimTyCon anyPrimTyCon1Name kind 0 PtrRep
kind = mkArrowKind liftedTypeKind liftedTypeKind
mkAnyPrimTyCon :: Unique -> Kind -> TyCon
mkAnyPrimTyCon unique kind
= WARN( opt_PprStyle_Debug, ptext (sLit "Urk! Inventing strangely-kinded Any TyCon:") <+> ppr unique <+> ppr kind )
name = mkPrimTc (mkFastString ("Any" ++ showSDoc (pprUnique unique))) unique tycon
tycon = mkLiftedPrimTyCon name kind 0 PtrRep
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimarrays]{The primitive array types}
%* *
arrayPrimTyCon, mutableArrayPrimTyCon, mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon,
byteArrayPrimTyCon :: TyCon
arrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon arrayPrimTyConName 1 PtrRep
mutableArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableArrayPrimTyConName 2 PtrRep
mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableByteArrayPrimTyConName 1 PtrRep
byteArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 byteArrayPrimTyConName PtrRep
mkArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type
mkArrayPrimTy elt = mkTyConApp arrayPrimTyCon [elt]
byteArrayPrimTy :: Type
byteArrayPrimTy = mkTyConTy byteArrayPrimTyCon
mkMutableArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkMutableArrayPrimTy s elt = mkTyConApp mutableArrayPrimTyCon [s, elt]
mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy :: Type -> Type
mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy s = mkTyConApp mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon [s]
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimmutvar]{The mutable variable type}
%* *
mutVarPrimTyCon :: TyCon
mutVarPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutVarPrimTyConName 2 PtrRep
mkMutVarPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkMutVarPrimTy s elt = mkTyConApp mutVarPrimTyCon [s, elt]
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimsynchvar]{The synchronizing variable type}
%* *
mVarPrimTyCon :: TyCon
mVarPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mVarPrimTyConName 2 PtrRep
mkMVarPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkMVarPrimTy s elt = mkTyConApp mVarPrimTyCon [s, elt]
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimstmvar]{The transactional variable type}
%* *
tVarPrimTyCon :: TyCon
tVarPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon tVarPrimTyConName 2 PtrRep
mkTVarPrimTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkTVarPrimTy s elt = mkTyConApp tVarPrimTyCon [s, elt]
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimstableptrs]{The stablepointer type}
%* *
stablePtrPrimTyCon :: TyCon
stablePtrPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon stablePtrPrimTyConName 1 AddrRep
mkStablePtrPrimTy :: Type -> Type
mkStablePtrPrimTy ty = mkTyConApp stablePtrPrimTyCon [ty]
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimstablenames]{The stablename type}
%* *
stableNamePrimTyCon :: TyCon
stableNamePrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon stableNamePrimTyConName 1 PtrRep
mkStableNamePrimTy :: Type -> Type
mkStableNamePrimTy ty = mkTyConApp stableNamePrimTyCon [ty]
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimBCOs]{The ``bytecode object'' type}
%* *
bcoPrimTy :: Type
bcoPrimTy = mkTyConTy bcoPrimTyCon
bcoPrimTyCon :: TyCon
bcoPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 bcoPrimTyConName PtrRep
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimWeak]{The ``weak pointer'' type}
%* *
weakPrimTyCon :: TyCon
weakPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon weakPrimTyConName 1 PtrRep
mkWeakPrimTy :: Type -> Type
mkWeakPrimTy v = mkTyConApp weakPrimTyCon [v]
%* *
\subsection[TysPrimthreadids]{The ``thread id'' type}
%* *
A thread id is represented by a pointer to the TSO itself, to ensure
that they are always unique and we can always find the TSO for a given
thread id. However, this has the unfortunate consequence that a
ThreadId# for a given thread is treated as a root by the garbage
collector and can keep TSOs around for too long.
Hence the programmer API for thread manipulation uses a weak pointer
to the thread id internally.
threadIdPrimTy :: Type
threadIdPrimTy = mkTyConTy threadIdPrimTyCon
threadIdPrimTyCon :: TyCon
threadIdPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon0 threadIdPrimTyConName PtrRep