% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 19931998
\section[WwLib]{A library for the ``worker\/wrapper'' backend to the strictness analyser}
module WwLib ( mkWwBodies, mkWWstr, mkWorkerArgs ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils ( exprType )
import Id ( Id, idType, mkSysLocal, idNewDemandInfo, setIdNewDemandInfo,
isOneShotLambda, setOneShotLambda, setIdUnfolding,
import IdInfo ( vanillaIdInfo )
import DataCon
import NewDemand ( Demand(..), DmdResult(..), Demands(..) )
import MkId ( realWorldPrimId, voidArgId, mkRuntimeErrorApp, rUNTIME_ERROR_ID,
mkUnpackCase, mkProductBox )
import TysWiredIn ( tupleCon )
import Type
import Coercion ( mkSymCoercion, splitNewTypeRepCo_maybe )
import BasicTypes ( Boxity(..) )
import Var ( Var )
import UniqSupply
import Unique
import Util ( zipWithEqual )
import Outputable
import FastString
%* *
%* *
Here's an example. The original function is:
g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
g = \/\ a -> \ x ys ->
case x of
0 -> head ys
_ -> head (tail ys)
From this, we want to produce:
g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
g = \/\ a -> \ x ys ->
case x of
I# x# -> $wg a x# ys
$wg :: forall a . Int# -> [a] -> a
$wg = \/\ a -> \ x# ys ->
x = I# x#
case x of
0 -> head ys
_ -> head (tail ys)
Something we have to be careful about: Here's an example:
f (I# a) (I# b) = a +# b
g = f
\tr{f} will get a worker all nice and friendlylike; that's good.
{\em But we don't want a worker for \tr{g}}, even though it has the
same strictness as \tr{f}. Doing so could break laziness, at best.
Consequently, we insist that the number of strictnessinfo items is
exactly the same as the number of lambdabound arguments. (This is
probably slightly paranoid, but OK in practice.) If it isn't the
same, we ``revise'' the strictness info, so that we won't propagate
the unusable strictnessinfo into the interfaces.
%* *
\subsection{The worker wrapper core}
%* *
@mkWwBodies@ is called when doing the worker\/wrapper split inside a module.
mkWwBodies :: Type
-> [Demand]
-> DmdResult
-> [Bool]
-> UniqSM ([Demand],
Id -> CoreExpr,
CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
mkWwBodies fun_ty demands res_info one_shots
= do { let arg_info = demands `zip` (one_shots ++ repeat False)
; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty) <- mkWWargs emptyTvSubst fun_ty arg_info
; (work_args, wrap_fn_str, work_fn_str) <- mkWWstr wrap_args
; (wrap_fn_cpr, work_fn_cpr, _cpr_res_ty)
<- if any isId work_args then
mkWWcpr res_ty res_info
return (id, id, res_ty)
; let (work_lam_args, work_call_args) = mkWorkerArgs work_args res_ty
; return ([idNewDemandInfo v | v <- work_call_args, isId v],
Note InlineMe . wrap_fn_args . wrap_fn_cpr . wrap_fn_str . applyToVars work_call_args . Var,
mkLams work_lam_args. work_fn_str . work_fn_cpr . work_fn_args) }
%* *
\subsection{Making wrapper args}
%* *
During workerwrapper stuff we may end up with an unlifted thing
which we want to letbind without losing laziness. So we
add a void argument. E.g.
f = /\a -> \x y z -> E::Int#
fw = /\ a -> \void -> E
f = /\ a -> \x y z -> fw realworld
We use the statetoken type which generates no code.
mkWorkerArgs :: [Var]
-> Type
-> ([Var],
mkWorkerArgs args res_ty
| any isId args || not (isUnLiftedType res_ty)
= (args, args)
| otherwise
= (args ++ [voidArgId], args ++ [realWorldPrimId])
%* *
\subsection{Coercion stuff}
%* *
We really want to "look through" coerces.
Reason: I've seen this situation:
let f = coerce T (\s -> E)
in \x -> case x of
p -> coerce T' f
q -> \s -> E2
r -> coerce T' f
If only we w/w'd f, we'd get
let f = coerce T (\s -> fw s)
fw = \s -> E
in ...
Now we'll inline f to get
let fw = \s -> E
in \x -> case x of
p -> fw
q -> \s -> E2
r -> fw
Now we'll see that fw has arity 1, and will arity expand
the \x to get what we want.
mkWWargs :: TvSubst
-> Type
-> [(Demand,Bool)]
-> UniqSM ([Var],
CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,
CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,
mkWWargs subst fun_ty arg_info
| Just (rep_ty, co) <- splitNewTypeRepCo_maybe fun_ty
= do { (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
<- mkWWargs subst rep_ty arg_info
; return (wrap_args,
\e -> Cast (wrap_fn_args e) (mkSymCoercion co),
\e -> work_fn_args (Cast e co),
res_ty) }
| null arg_info
= return ([], id, id, substTy subst fun_ty)
| Just (tv, fun_ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
= do { let (subst', tv') = substTyVarBndr subst tv
; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
<- mkWWargs subst' fun_ty' arg_info
; return (tv' : wrap_args,
Lam tv' . wrap_fn_args,
work_fn_args . (`App` Type (mkTyVarTy tv')),
res_ty) }
| ((dmd,one_shot):arg_info') <- arg_info
, Just (arg_ty, fun_ty') <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
= do { uniq <- getUniqueM
; let arg_ty' = substTy subst arg_ty
id = mk_wrap_arg uniq arg_ty' dmd one_shot
; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
<- mkWWargs subst fun_ty' arg_info'
; return (id : wrap_args,
Lam id . wrap_fn_args,
work_fn_args . (`App` Var id),
res_ty) }
| otherwise
= WARN( True, ppr fun_ty )
return ([], id, id, substTy subst fun_ty)
applyToVars :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
applyToVars vars fn = mkVarApps fn vars
mk_wrap_arg :: Unique -> Type -> NewDemand.Demand -> Bool -> Id
mk_wrap_arg uniq ty dmd one_shot
= set_one_shot one_shot (setIdNewDemandInfo (mkSysLocal (fsLit "w") uniq ty) dmd)
set_one_shot True id = setOneShotLambda id
set_one_shot False id = id
Note [Freshen type variables]
mkWWargs may be given a type like (a~b) => <blah>
Which really means forall (co:a~b). <blah>
Because the name of the coercion variable, 'co', isn't mentioned in <blah>,
nested coercion foralls may all use the same variable; and sometimes do
see Var.mkWildCoVar.
However, when we do a worker/wrapper split, we must not use shadowed names,
else we'll get
f = /\ co /\co. fw co co
which is obviously wrong. Actually, the same is true of type variables, which
can in principle shadow, within a type (e.g. forall a. a -> forall a. a->a).
But type variables *are* mentioned in <blah>, so we must substitute.
That's why we carry the TvSubst through mkWWargs
%* *
\subsection{Strictness stuff}
%* *
mkWWstr :: [Var]
-> UniqSM ([Var],
CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,
CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
mkWWstr []
= return ([], nop_fn, nop_fn)
mkWWstr (arg : args) = do
(args1, wrap_fn1, work_fn1) <- mkWWstr_one arg
(args2, wrap_fn2, work_fn2) <- mkWWstr args
return (args1 ++ args2, wrap_fn1 . wrap_fn2, work_fn1 . work_fn2)
mkWWstr_one :: Var -> UniqSM ([Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
mkWWstr_one arg
| isTyVar arg
= return ([arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
| otherwise
= case idNewDemandInfo arg of
Abs | not (isUnLiftedType (idType arg)) ->
return ([], nop_fn, mk_absent_let arg)
Eval (Prod cs)
| Just (_arg_tycon, _tycon_arg_tys, data_con, inst_con_arg_tys)
<- deepSplitProductType_maybe (idType arg)
-> do uniqs <- getUniquesM
unpk_args = zipWith mk_ww_local uniqs inst_con_arg_tys
unpk_args_w_ds = zipWithEqual "mkWWstr" set_worker_arg_info unpk_args cs
unbox_fn = mkUnpackCase (sanitiseCaseBndr arg) (Var arg) unpk_args data_con
rebox_fn = Let (NonRec arg con_app)
con_app = mkProductBox unpk_args (idType arg)
(worker_args, wrap_fn, work_fn) <- mkWWstr unpk_args_w_ds
return (worker_args, unbox_fn . wrap_fn, work_fn . rebox_fn)
Eval (Poly Abs)
-> let
arg_w_unf = arg `setIdUnfolding` evaldUnfolding
return ([arg_w_unf], mk_seq_case arg, nop_fn)
_other_demand -> return ([arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
set_worker_arg_info worker_arg demand = set_one_shot (setIdNewDemandInfo worker_arg demand)
set_one_shot | isOneShotLambda arg = setOneShotLambda
| otherwise = \x -> x
nop_fn :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
nop_fn body = body
%* *
\subsection{CPR stuff}
%* *
@mkWWcpr@ takes the worker/wrapper pair produced from the strictness
info and adds in the CPR transformation. The worker returns an
unboxed tuple containing nonCPR components. The wrapper takes this
tuple and reproduces the correct structured output.
The nonCPR results appear ordered in the unboxed tuple as if by a
lefttoright traversal of the result structure.
mkWWcpr :: Type
-> DmdResult
-> UniqSM (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,
CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,
mkWWcpr body_ty RetCPR
| not (isClosedAlgType body_ty)
= WARN( True,
text "mkWWcpr: non-algebraic or open body type" <+> ppr body_ty )
return (id, id, body_ty)
| n_con_args == 1 && isUnLiftedType con_arg_ty1 = do
(work_uniq : arg_uniq : _) <- getUniquesM
work_wild = mk_ww_local work_uniq body_ty
arg = mk_ww_local arg_uniq con_arg_ty1
con_app = mkProductBox [arg] body_ty
return (\ wkr_call -> Case wkr_call (arg) (exprType con_app) [(DEFAULT, [], con_app)],
\ body -> workerCase (work_wild) body [arg] data_con (Var arg),
| otherwise = do
uniqs <- getUniquesM
(wrap_wild : work_wild : args) = zipWith mk_ww_local uniqs (ubx_tup_ty : body_ty : con_arg_tys)
arg_vars = map Var args
ubx_tup_con = tupleCon Unboxed n_con_args
ubx_tup_ty = exprType ubx_tup_app
ubx_tup_app = mkConApp ubx_tup_con (map Type con_arg_tys ++ arg_vars)
con_app = mkProductBox args body_ty
return (\ wkr_call -> Case wkr_call (wrap_wild) (exprType con_app) [(DataAlt ubx_tup_con, args, con_app)],
\ body -> workerCase (work_wild) body args data_con ubx_tup_app,
(_arg_tycon, _tycon_arg_tys, data_con, con_arg_tys) = deepSplitProductType "mkWWcpr" body_ty
n_con_args = length con_arg_tys
con_arg_ty1 = head con_arg_tys
mkWWcpr body_ty _other
= return (id, id, body_ty)
workerCase :: Id -> CoreExpr -> [Id] -> DataCon -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
workerCase bndr (Note (SCC cc) e) args con body = Note (SCC cc) (mkUnpackCase bndr e args con body)
workerCase bndr e args con body = mkUnpackCase bndr e args con body
%* *
%* *
mk_absent_let :: Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
mk_absent_let arg body
| not (isUnLiftedType arg_ty)
= Let (NonRec arg abs_rhs) body
| otherwise
= panic "WwLib: haven't done mk_absent_let for primitives yet"
arg_ty = idType arg
abs_rhs = mkRuntimeErrorApp rUNTIME_ERROR_ID arg_ty msg
msg = "Oops! Entered absent arg " ++ showSDocDebug (ppr arg <+> ppr (idType arg))
mk_seq_case :: Id -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
mk_seq_case arg body = Case (Var arg) (sanitiseCaseBndr arg) (exprType body) [(DEFAULT, [], body)]
sanitiseCaseBndr :: Id -> Id
sanitiseCaseBndr id = id `setIdInfo` vanillaIdInfo
mk_ww_local :: Unique -> Type -> Id
mk_ww_local uniq ty = mkSysLocal (fsLit "ww") uniq ty