% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 19921998
Taken quite directly from the Peyton Jones/Lester paper.
module CoreFVs (
exprSomeFreeVars, exprsSomeFreeVars,
exprFreeNames, exprsFreeNames,
idRuleVars, idFreeVars, varTypeTyVars, varTypeTcTyVars,
ruleRhsFreeVars, rulesFreeVars,
ruleLhsFreeNames, ruleLhsFreeIds,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import CoreSyn
import Id
import IdInfo
import NameSet
import UniqFM
import Name
import VarSet
import Var
import TcType
import Util
import Outputable
%* *
\section{Finding the free variables of an expression}
%* *
This function simply finds the free variables of an expression.
So far as type variables are concerned, it only finds tyvars that are
* free in type arguments,
* free in the type of a binder,
but not those that are free in the type of variable occurrence.
exprFreeVars :: CoreExpr -> VarSet
exprFreeVars = exprSomeFreeVars isLocalVar
exprsFreeVars :: [CoreExpr] -> VarSet
exprsFreeVars = foldr (unionVarSet . exprFreeVars) emptyVarSet
bindFreeVars :: CoreBind -> VarSet
bindFreeVars (NonRec _ r) = exprFreeVars r
bindFreeVars (Rec prs) = addBndrs (map fst prs)
(foldr (union . rhs_fvs) noVars prs)
isLocalVar emptyVarSet
exprSomeFreeVars :: InterestingVarFun
-> CoreExpr
-> VarSet
exprSomeFreeVars fv_cand e = expr_fvs e fv_cand emptyVarSet
exprsSomeFreeVars :: InterestingVarFun
-> [CoreExpr]
-> VarSet
exprsSomeFreeVars fv_cand = foldr (unionVarSet . exprSomeFreeVars fv_cand) emptyVarSet
type InterestingVarFun = Var -> Bool
type FV = InterestingVarFun
-> VarSet
-> VarSet
union :: FV -> FV -> FV
union fv1 fv2 fv_cand in_scope = fv1 fv_cand in_scope `unionVarSet` fv2 fv_cand in_scope
noVars :: FV
noVars _ _ = emptyVarSet
oneVar :: Id -> FV
oneVar var fv_cand in_scope
= ASSERT( isId var )
if keep_it fv_cand in_scope var
then unitVarSet var
else emptyVarSet
someVars :: VarSet -> FV
someVars vars fv_cand in_scope
= filterVarSet (keep_it fv_cand in_scope) vars
keep_it :: InterestingVarFun -> VarSet -> Var -> Bool
keep_it fv_cand in_scope var
| var `elemVarSet` in_scope = False
| fv_cand var = True
| otherwise = False
addBndr :: CoreBndr -> FV -> FV
addBndr bndr fv fv_cand in_scope
= someVars (varTypeTyVars bndr) fv_cand in_scope
`unionVarSet` fv fv_cand (in_scope `extendVarSet` bndr)
addBndrs :: [CoreBndr] -> FV -> FV
addBndrs bndrs fv = foldr addBndr fv bndrs
expr_fvs :: CoreExpr -> FV
expr_fvs (Type ty) = someVars (tyVarsOfType ty)
expr_fvs (Var var) = oneVar var
expr_fvs (Lit _) = noVars
expr_fvs (Note _ expr) = expr_fvs expr
expr_fvs (App fun arg) = expr_fvs fun `union` expr_fvs arg
expr_fvs (Lam bndr body) = addBndr bndr (expr_fvs body)
expr_fvs (Cast expr co) = expr_fvs expr `union` someVars (tyVarsOfType co)
expr_fvs (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
= expr_fvs scrut `union` someVars (tyVarsOfType ty) `union` addBndr bndr
(foldr (union . alt_fvs) noVars alts)
alt_fvs (_, bndrs, rhs) = addBndrs bndrs (expr_fvs rhs)
expr_fvs (Let (NonRec bndr rhs) body)
= rhs_fvs (bndr, rhs) `union` addBndr bndr (expr_fvs body)
expr_fvs (Let (Rec pairs) body)
= addBndrs (map fst pairs)
(foldr (union . rhs_fvs) (expr_fvs body) pairs)
rhs_fvs :: (Id,CoreExpr) -> FV
rhs_fvs (bndr, rhs) = expr_fvs rhs `union` someVars (bndrRuleVars bndr)
exprs_fvs :: [CoreExpr] -> FV
exprs_fvs exprs = foldr (union . expr_fvs) noVars exprs
%* *
\section{Free names}
%* *
ruleLhsFreeNames :: CoreRule -> NameSet
ruleLhsFreeNames (BuiltinRule { ru_fn = fn }) = unitNameSet fn
ruleLhsFreeNames (Rule { ru_fn = fn, ru_args = tpl_args })
= addOneToNameSet (exprsFreeNames tpl_args) fn
exprFreeNames :: CoreExpr -> NameSet
exprFreeNames e
= go e
go (Var v)
| isExternalName n = unitNameSet n
| otherwise = emptyNameSet
where n = idName v
go (Lit _) = emptyNameSet
go (Type ty) = tyClsNamesOfType ty
go (App e1 e2) = go e1 `unionNameSets` go e2
go (Lam v e) = go e `delFromNameSet` idName v
go (Note _ e) = go e
go (Cast e co) = go e `unionNameSets` tyClsNamesOfType co
go (Let (NonRec _ r) e) = go e `unionNameSets` go r
go (Let (Rec prs) e) = exprsFreeNames (map snd prs) `unionNameSets` go e
go (Case e _ ty as) = go e `unionNameSets` tyClsNamesOfType ty
`unionNameSets` unionManyNameSets (map go_alt as)
go_alt (_,_,r) = go r
exprsFreeNames :: [CoreExpr] -> NameSet
exprsFreeNames es = foldr (unionNameSets . exprFreeNames) emptyNameSet es
%* *
\section[freevarseverywhere]{Attaching free variables to every subexpression}
%* *
ruleRhsFreeVars :: CoreRule -> VarSet
ruleRhsFreeVars (BuiltinRule {}) = noFVs
ruleRhsFreeVars (Rule { ru_fn = fn, ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_rhs = rhs })
= delFromUFM fvs fn
fvs = addBndrs bndrs (expr_fvs rhs) isLocalVar emptyVarSet
ruleFreeVars :: CoreRule -> VarSet
ruleFreeVars (Rule { ru_fn = fn, ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_rhs = rhs, ru_args = args })
= delFromUFM fvs fn
fvs = addBndrs bndrs (exprs_fvs (rhs:args)) isLocalVar emptyVarSet
rulesFreeVars :: [CoreRule] -> VarSet
rulesFreeVars rules = foldr (unionVarSet . ruleFreeVars) emptyVarSet rules
ruleLhsFreeIds :: CoreRule -> VarSet
ruleLhsFreeIds (BuiltinRule {}) = noFVs
ruleLhsFreeIds (Rule { ru_bndrs = bndrs, ru_args = args })
= addBndrs bndrs (exprs_fvs args) isLocalId emptyVarSet
Note [Rule free var hack]
Don't include the Id in its own rhs freevar set.
Otherwise the occurrence analyser makes bindings recursive
that shoudn't be. E.g.
RULE: f (f x y) z ==> f x (f y z)
Also since rule_fn is a Name, not a Var, we have to use the grungy delUFM.
%* *
\section[freevarseverywhere]{Attaching free variables to every subexpression}
%* *
The free variable pass annotates every node in the expression with its
NONGLOBAL free variables and type variables.
type CoreBindWithFVs = AnnBind Id VarSet
type CoreExprWithFVs = AnnExpr Id VarSet
freeVarsOf :: CoreExprWithFVs -> IdSet
freeVarsOf (free_vars, _) = free_vars
noFVs :: VarSet
noFVs = emptyVarSet
aFreeVar :: Var -> VarSet
aFreeVar = unitVarSet
unionFVs :: VarSet -> VarSet -> VarSet
unionFVs = unionVarSet
delBindersFV :: [Var] -> VarSet -> VarSet
delBindersFV bs fvs = foldr delBinderFV fvs bs
delBinderFV :: Var -> VarSet -> VarSet
delBinderFV b s = (s `delVarSet` b) `unionFVs` varTypeTyVars b
varTypeTyVars :: Var -> TyVarSet
varTypeTyVars var
| isLocalId var || isCoVar var = tyVarsOfType (idType var)
| otherwise = emptyVarSet
varTypeTcTyVars :: Var -> TyVarSet
varTypeTcTyVars var
| isLocalId var || isCoVar var = tcTyVarsOfType (idType var)
| otherwise = emptyVarSet
idFreeVars :: Id -> VarSet
idFreeVars id = ASSERT( isId id) idRuleVars id `unionVarSet` varTypeTyVars id
bndrRuleVars ::Var -> VarSet
bndrRuleVars v | isTyVar v = emptyVarSet
| otherwise = idRuleVars v
idRuleVars ::Id -> VarSet
idRuleVars id = ASSERT( isId id) specInfoFreeVars (idSpecialisation id)
%* *
\subsection{Free variables (and types)}
%* *
freeVars :: CoreExpr -> CoreExprWithFVs
freeVars (Var v)
= (fvs, AnnVar v)
fvs | isLocalVar v = aFreeVar v
| otherwise = noFVs
freeVars (Lit lit) = (noFVs, AnnLit lit)
freeVars (Lam b body)
= (b `delBinderFV` freeVarsOf body', AnnLam b body')
body' = freeVars body
freeVars (App fun arg)
= (freeVarsOf fun2 `unionFVs` freeVarsOf arg2, AnnApp fun2 arg2)
fun2 = freeVars fun
arg2 = freeVars arg
freeVars (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
= ((bndr `delBinderFV` alts_fvs) `unionFVs` freeVarsOf scrut2 `unionFVs` tyVarsOfType ty,
AnnCase scrut2 bndr ty alts2)
scrut2 = freeVars scrut
(alts_fvs_s, alts2) = mapAndUnzip fv_alt alts
alts_fvs = foldr1 unionFVs alts_fvs_s
fv_alt (con,args,rhs) = (delBindersFV args (freeVarsOf rhs2),
(con, args, rhs2))
rhs2 = freeVars rhs
freeVars (Let (NonRec binder rhs) body)
= (freeVarsOf rhs2 `unionFVs` body_fvs `unionFVs` bndrRuleVars binder,
AnnLet (AnnNonRec binder rhs2) body2)
rhs2 = freeVars rhs
body2 = freeVars body
body_fvs = binder `delBinderFV` freeVarsOf body2
freeVars (Let (Rec binds) body)
= (delBindersFV binders all_fvs,
AnnLet (AnnRec (binders `zip` rhss2)) body2)
(binders, rhss) = unzip binds
rhss2 = map freeVars rhss
rhs_body_fvs = foldr (unionFVs . freeVarsOf) body_fvs rhss2
all_fvs = foldr (unionFVs . idRuleVars) rhs_body_fvs binders
body2 = freeVars body
body_fvs = freeVarsOf body2
freeVars (Cast expr co)
= (freeVarsOf expr2 `unionFVs` cfvs, AnnCast expr2 co)
expr2 = freeVars expr
cfvs = tyVarsOfType co
freeVars (Note other_note expr)
= (freeVarsOf expr2, AnnNote other_note expr2)
expr2 = freeVars expr
freeVars (Type ty) = (tyVarsOfType ty, AnnType ty)