module Distribution.Simple.Build (
build, makefile, initialBuildSteps
#ifdef DEBUG
) where
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( Compiler(..), CompilerFlavor(..) )
import Distribution.PackageDescription
( PackageDescription(..), BuildInfo(..),
setupMessage, Executable(..), Library(..),
autogenModuleName )
import Distribution.Package ( PackageIdentifier(..), showPackageId )
import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( CopyDest(..), BuildFlags(..),
MakefileFlags(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess ( preprocessSources, PPSuffixHandler )
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
( LocalBuildInfo(..),
InstallDirs(..), absoluteInstallDirs,
prefixRelativeInstallDirs )
import Distribution.Simple.Configure
( localBuildInfoFile )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, die )
import Distribution.System
import System.FilePath ( (</>), pathSeparator )
import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList, fromJust, isNothing )
import Control.Monad ( unless, when )
import System.Directory ( getModificationTime, doesFileExist )
import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC as GHC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.JHC as JHC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.NHC as NHC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Hugs as Hugs
import Distribution.PackageDescription (hasLibs)
import Distribution.Verbosity
#ifdef DEBUG
import Test.HUnit (Test)
build :: PackageDescription
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> BuildFlags
-> [ PPSuffixHandler ]
-> IO ()
build pkg_descr lbi flags suffixes = do
let verbosity = buildVerbose flags
initialBuildSteps pkg_descr lbi verbosity suffixes
setupMessage verbosity "Building" pkg_descr
case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
GHC -> pkg_descr lbi verbosity
JHC -> pkg_descr lbi verbosity
Hugs -> pkg_descr lbi verbosity
NHC -> pkg_descr lbi verbosity
_ -> die ("Building is not supported with this compiler.")
makefile :: PackageDescription
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> MakefileFlags
-> [ PPSuffixHandler ]
-> IO ()
makefile pkg_descr lbi flags suffixes = do
let verb = makefileVerbose flags
initialBuildSteps pkg_descr lbi verb suffixes
when (not (hasLibs pkg_descr)) $
die ("Makefile is only supported for libraries, currently.")
setupMessage verb "Generating Makefile" pkg_descr
case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
GHC -> GHC.makefile pkg_descr lbi flags
_ -> die ("Generating a Makefile is not supported for this compiler.")
initialBuildSteps :: PackageDescription
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> Verbosity
-> [ PPSuffixHandler ]
-> IO ()
initialBuildSteps pkg_descr lbi verbosity suffixes = do
let buildInfos =
map libBuildInfo (maybeToList (library pkg_descr)) ++
map buildInfo (executables pkg_descr)
unless (any buildable buildInfos) $ do
let name = showPackageId (package pkg_descr)
die ("Package " ++ name ++ " can't be built on this system.")
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (buildDir lbi)
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (autogenModulesDir lbi)
buildPathsModule pkg_descr lbi
preprocessSources pkg_descr lbi False verbosity suffixes
autogenModulesDir :: LocalBuildInfo -> String
autogenModulesDir lbi = buildDir lbi </> "autogen"
buildPathsModule :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
buildPathsModule pkg_descr lbi =
let pragmas
| absolute || isHugs = ""
| otherwise =
"{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fffi #-}\n"++
"{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}\n"
| absolute = ""
| isHugs = "import System.Environment\n"
| otherwise =
"import Foreign\n"++
"import Foreign.C\n"++
"import Data.Maybe\n"
header =
"module " ++ paths_modulename ++ " (\n"++
"\tgetBinDir, getLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir,\n"++
"\t) where\n"++
"import Data.Version"++
"\nversion :: Version"++
"\nversion = " ++ show (pkgVersion (package pkg_descr))++
| absolute =
"\nbindir, libdir, datadir, libexecdir :: FilePath\n"++
"\nbindir = " ++ show flat_bindir ++
"\nlibdir = " ++ show flat_libdir ++
"\ndatadir = " ++ show flat_datadir ++
"\nlibexecdir = " ++ show flat_libexecdir ++
"\ngetBinDir, getLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getBinDir = return bindir\n"++
"getLibDir = return libdir\n"++
"getDataDir = return datadir\n"++
"getLibexecDir = return libexecdir\n" ++
"getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++
"getDataFileName name = return (datadir ++ "++path_sep++" ++ name)\n"
| otherwise =
"\nprefix = " ++ show flat_prefix ++
"\nbindirrel = " ++ show (fromJust flat_bindirrel) ++
"getBinDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getBinDir = getPrefixDirRel bindirrel\n\n"++
"getLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getLibDir = "++mkGetDir flat_libdir flat_libdirrel++"\n\n"++
"getDataDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getDataDir = "++mkGetDir flat_datadir flat_datadirrel++"\n\n"++
"getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath\n"++
"getLibexecDir = "++mkGetDir flat_libexecdir flat_libexecdirrel++"\n\n"++
"getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++
"getDataFileName name = do\n"++
" dir <- getDataDir\n"++
" return (dir `joinFileName` name)\n"++
in do btime <- getModificationTime localBuildInfoFile
exists <- doesFileExist paths_filepath
ptime <- if exists
then getModificationTime paths_filepath
else return btime
if btime >= ptime
then writeFile paths_filepath (header++body)
else return ()
InstallDirs {
prefix = flat_prefix,
bindir = flat_bindir,
libdir = flat_libdir,
datadir = flat_datadir,
libexecdir = flat_libexecdir
} = absoluteInstallDirs pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest
InstallDirs {
bindir = flat_bindirrel,
libdir = flat_libdirrel,
datadir = flat_datadirrel,
libexecdir = flat_libexecdirrel,
progdir = flat_progdirrel
} = prefixRelativeInstallDirs pkg_descr lbi
mkGetDir _ (Just dirrel) = "getPrefixDirRel " ++ show dirrel
mkGetDir dir Nothing = "return " ++ show dir
absolute =
hasLibs pkg_descr
|| isNothing flat_bindirrel
|| not (supportsRelocatableProgs (compilerFlavor (compiler lbi)))
supportsRelocatableProgs Hugs = True
supportsRelocatableProgs GHC = case os of
Windows _ -> True
_ -> False
supportsRelocatableProgs _ = False
paths_modulename = autogenModuleName pkg_descr
paths_filename = paths_modulename ++ ".hs"
paths_filepath = autogenModulesDir lbi </> paths_filename
isHugs = compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) == Hugs
| isHugs = "progdirrel :: String\n"++
"progdirrel = "++show (fromJust flat_progdirrel)++"\n\n"++
| otherwise = get_prefix_win32
path_sep = show [pathSeparator]
get_prefix_win32 :: String
get_prefix_win32 =
"getPrefixDirRel :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++
"getPrefixDirRel dirRel = do \n"++
" let len = (2048::Int) -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.\n"++
" buf <- mallocArray len\n"++
" ret <- getModuleFileName nullPtr buf len\n"++
" if ret == 0 \n"++
" then do free buf;\n"++
" return (prefix `joinFileName` dirRel)\n"++
" else do exePath <- peekCString buf\n"++
" free buf\n"++
" let (bindir,_) = splitFileName exePath\n"++
" return ((bindir `minusFileName` bindirrel) `joinFileName` dirRel)\n"++
"foreign import stdcall unsafe \"windows.h GetModuleFileNameA\"\n"++
" getModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CString -> Int -> IO Int32\n"
get_prefix_hugs :: String
get_prefix_hugs =
"getPrefixDirRel :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++
"getPrefixDirRel dirRel = do\n"++
" mainPath <- getProgName\n"++
" let (progPath,_) = splitFileName mainPath\n"++
" let (progdir,_) = splitFileName progPath\n"++
" return ((progdir `minusFileName` progdirrel) `joinFileName` dirRel)\n"
filename_stuff :: String
filename_stuff =
"minusFileName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath\n"++
"minusFileName dir \"\" = dir\n"++
"minusFileName dir \".\" = dir\n"++
"minusFileName dir suffix =\n"++
" minusFileName (fst (splitFileName dir)) (fst (splitFileName suffix))\n"++
"joinFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath\n"++
"joinFileName \"\" fname = fname\n"++
"joinFileName \".\" fname = fname\n"++
"joinFileName dir \"\" = dir\n"++
"joinFileName dir fname\n"++
" | isPathSeparator (last dir) = dir++fname\n"++
" | otherwise = dir++pathSeparator:fname\n"++
"splitFileName :: FilePath -> (String, String)\n"++
"splitFileName p = (reverse (path2++drive), reverse fname)\n"++
" where\n"++
" (path,drive) = case p of\n"++
" (c:':':p) -> (reverse p,[':',c])\n"++
" _ -> (reverse p,\"\")\n"++
" (fname,path1) = break isPathSeparator path\n"++
" path2 = case path1 of\n"++
" [] -> \".\"\n"++
" [_] -> path1 -- don't remove the trailing slash if \n"++
" -- there is only one character\n"++
" (c:path) | isPathSeparator c -> path\n"++
" _ -> path1\n"++
"pathSeparator :: Char\n"++
(case os of
Windows _ -> "pathSeparator = '\\\\'\n"
_ -> "pathSeparator = '/'\n") ++
"isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool\n"++
(case os of
Windows _ -> "isPathSeparator c = c == '/' || c == '\\\\'\n"
_ -> "isPathSeparator c = c == '/'\n")
#ifdef DEBUG
hunitTests :: [Test]
hunitTests = []