module Distribution.Simple.SetupWrapper (setupWrapper) where
import qualified Distribution.Make as Make
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.Configure
( configCompiler, getInstalledPackages,
configDependency )
import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( reqPathArg )
import Distribution.PackageDescription
( readPackageDescription,
BuildType(..), cabalVersion )
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( distPref )
import Distribution.Simple.Program ( ProgramConfiguration,
rawSystemProgramConf, ghcProgram )
import Distribution.Simple.GHC (ghcVerbosityOptions)
import Distribution.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import Distribution.Compat.Exception ( finally )
import Distribution.Verbosity
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
setupWrapper ::
-> Maybe FilePath
-> IO ()
setupWrapper args mdir = inDir mdir $ do
let (flag_fn, _, _, errs) = getOpt' Permute opts args
when (not (null errs)) $ die (unlines errs)
let Flags { withCompiler = hc, withHcPkg = hcPkg, withVerbosity = verbosity
} = foldr (.) id flag_fn defaultFlags
pkg_descr_file <- defaultPackageDesc verbosity
ppkg_descr <- readPackageDescription verbosity pkg_descr_file
setupDir = distPref </> "setup"
setupHs = setupDir </> "setup" <.> "hs"
setupProg = setupDir </> "setup" <.> exeExtension
trySetupScript f on_fail = do
b <- doesFileExist f
if not b then on_fail else do
hasSetup <- do b' <- doesFileExist setupProg
if not b' then return False else do
t1 <- getModificationTime f
t2 <- getModificationTime setupProg
return (t1 < t2)
unless hasSetup $ do
(comp, conf) <- configCompiler (Just GHC) hc hcPkg
emptyProgramConfiguration normal
let verRange = descCabalVersion (packageDescription ppkg_descr)
cabal_flag <- configCabalFlag verbosity verRange comp conf
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True setupDir
rawSystemProgramConf verbosity ghcProgram conf $
++ ["--make", f, "-o", setupProg
,"-odir", setupDir, "-hidir", setupDir]
++ ghcVerbosityOptions verbosity
rawSystemExit verbosity setupProg args
case lookup (buildType (packageDescription ppkg_descr)) buildTypes of
Just (mainAction, mainText) ->
if withinRange cabalVersion (descCabalVersion (packageDescription ppkg_descr))
then mainAction args
else do createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True setupDir
writeFile setupHs mainText
trySetupScript setupHs $ error "panic! shouldn't happen"
Nothing ->
trySetupScript "Setup.hs" $
trySetupScript "Setup.lhs" $
die "no special Build-Type, but lacks Setup.hs or Setup.lhs"
buildTypes :: [(BuildType, ([String] -> IO (), String))]
buildTypes = [
(Simple, (defaultMainArgs, "import Distribution.Simple; main=defaultMain")),
(Configure, (defaultMainWithHooksArgs defaultUserHooks,
"import Distribution.Simple; main=defaultMainWithHooks defaultUserHooks")),
(Make, (Make.defaultMainArgs, "import Distribution.Make; main=defaultMain"))]
inDir :: Maybe FilePath -> IO () -> IO ()
inDir Nothing m = m
inDir (Just d) m = do
old <- getCurrentDirectory
setCurrentDirectory d
m `finally` setCurrentDirectory old
data Flags
= Flags {
withCompiler :: Maybe FilePath,
withHcPkg :: Maybe FilePath,
withVerbosity :: Verbosity
defaultFlags :: Flags
defaultFlags = Flags {
withCompiler = Nothing,
withHcPkg = Nothing,
withVerbosity = normal
setWithCompiler :: Maybe FilePath -> Flags -> Flags
setWithCompiler f flags = flags{ withCompiler=f }
setWithHcPkg :: Maybe FilePath -> Flags -> Flags
setWithHcPkg f flags = flags{ withHcPkg=f }
setVerbosity :: Verbosity -> Flags -> Flags
setVerbosity v flags = flags{ withVerbosity=v }
opts :: [OptDescr (Flags -> Flags)]
opts = [
Option "w" ["with-setup-compiler"] (reqPathArg (setWithCompiler.Just))
"give the path to a particular compiler to use on setup",
Option "" ["with-setup-hc-pkg"] (reqPathArg (setWithHcPkg.Just))
"give the path to the package tool to use on setup",
Option "v" ["verbose"] (OptArg (setVerbosity . flagToVerbosity) "n")
"Control verbosity (n is 0--3, default verbosity level is 1)"
configCabalFlag :: Verbosity -> VersionRange -> Compiler -> ProgramConfiguration -> IO [String]
configCabalFlag _ AnyVersion _ _ = return []
configCabalFlag verbosity range comp conf = do
ipkgs <- getInstalledPackages verbosity comp UserPackageDB conf
>>= return . fromMaybe []
cabal_pkgid <- configDependency verbosity ipkgs (Dependency "Cabal" range)
return ["-package", showPackageId cabal_pkgid]