module Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PerFragment (
sampleAlphaToCoverage, sampleAlphaToOne, sampleCoverage,
ComparisonFunction(..), alphaFunc,
stencilTest, stencilFunc, stencilFuncSeparate, StencilOp(..), stencilOp,
stencilOpSeparate, activeStencilFace,
QueryObject(QueryObject), QueryTarget(..), withQuery,
queryCounterBits, currentQuery,
queryResult, queryResultAvailable,
blend, BlendEquation(..), blendEquation, blendEquationSeparate,
BlendingFactor(..), blendFuncSeparate, blendFunc, blendColor,
LogicOp(..), logicOp
) where
import Control.Monad ( liftM2, liftM3 )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc ( alloca )
import Foreign.Marshal.Array ( withArrayLen, peekArray, allocaArray )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BufferObjects ( ObjectName(..) )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Capability (
makeCapability, makeStateVarMaybe )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BasicTypes (
GLboolean, GLint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLenum, GLclampf, GLclampd, Capability )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.BlendingFactor (
BlendingFactor(..), marshalBlendingFactor, unmarshalBlendingFactor )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.ComparisonFunction ( ComparisonFunction(..),
marshalComparisonFunction, unmarshalComparisonFunction )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.CoordTrans ( Position(..), Size(..) )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Exception ( bracket_ )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Extensions (
FunPtr, unsafePerformIO, Invoker, getProcAddress )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Face ( marshalFace, unmarshalFace )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Colors ( Face )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.GLboolean (
marshalGLboolean, unmarshalGLboolean )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.PeekPoke ( peek1 )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.QueryUtils (
getInteger1, getInteger4, getEnum1, getFloat1, getFloat4, getDouble2,
getBoolean1 )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.StateVar (
HasGetter(get), GettableStateVar, makeGettableStateVar,
SettableStateVar, makeSettableStateVar,
StateVar, makeStateVar )
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.VertexSpec ( Color4(..), rgbaMode )
#include "HsOpenGLExt.h"
scissor :: StateVar (Maybe (Position, Size))
scissor =
(return CapScissorTest)
(getInteger4 makeSB GetScissorBox)
(\(Position x y, Size w h) -> glScissor x y w h)
where makeSB x y w h = (Position x y, Size (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h))
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glScissor" glScissor ::
GLint -> GLint -> GLsizei -> GLsizei -> IO ()
sampleAlphaToCoverage :: StateVar Capability
sampleAlphaToCoverage = makeCapability CapSampleAlphaToCoverage
sampleAlphaToOne :: StateVar Capability
sampleAlphaToOne = makeCapability CapSampleAlphaToOne
sampleCoverage :: StateVar (Maybe (GLclampf, Bool))
sampleCoverage =
(return CapSampleCoverage)
(liftM2 (,) (getFloat1 id GetSampleCoverageValue)
(getBoolean1 unmarshalGLboolean GetSampleCoverageInvert))
(\(value, invert) -> glSampleCoverageARB value (marshalGLboolean invert))
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_ARB_multisample or OpenGL 1.3",glSampleCoverageARB,GLclampf -> GLboolean -> IO ())
depthBounds :: StateVar (Maybe (GLclampd, GLclampd))
depthBounds =
(return CapDepthBoundsTest)
(getDouble2 (,) GetDepthBounds)
(uncurry glDepthBoundsEXT)
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test",glDepthBoundsEXT,GLclampd -> GLclampd -> IO ())
alphaFunc :: StateVar (Maybe (ComparisonFunction, GLclampf))
alphaFunc =
(return CapAlphaTest)
(liftM2 (,) (getEnum1 unmarshalComparisonFunction GetAlphaTestFunc)
(getFloat1 id GetAlphaTestRef))
(uncurry (glAlphaFunc . marshalComparisonFunction))
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glAlphaFunc" glAlphaFunc ::
GLenum -> GLclampf -> IO ()
stencilTest :: StateVar Capability
stencilTest = makeCapability CapStencilTest
stencilFunc :: StateVar (ComparisonFunction, GLint, GLuint)
stencilFunc =
(liftM3 (,,) (getEnum1 unmarshalComparisonFunction GetStencilFunc)
(getInteger1 id GetStencilRef)
(getInteger1 fromIntegral GetStencilValueMask))
(\(func, ref, mask) ->
glStencilFunc (marshalComparisonFunction func) ref mask)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glStencilFunc" glStencilFunc ::
GLenum -> GLint -> GLuint -> IO ()
stencilFuncSeparate :: Face -> SettableStateVar (ComparisonFunction, GLint, GLuint)
stencilFuncSeparate face =
makeSettableStateVar $ \(func, ref, mask) ->
glStencilFuncSeparate (marshalFace face) (marshalComparisonFunction func) ref mask
EXTENSION_ENTRY("OpenGL 2.0",glStencilFuncSeparate,GLenum -> GLenum -> GLint -> GLuint -> IO ())
data StencilOp =
| OpKeep
| OpReplace
| OpIncr
| OpIncrWrap
| OpDecr
| OpDecrWrap
| OpInvert
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalStencilOp :: StencilOp -> GLenum
marshalStencilOp x = case x of
OpZero -> 0x0
OpKeep -> 0x1e00
OpReplace -> 0x1e01
OpIncr -> 0x1e02
OpIncrWrap -> 0x8507
OpDecr -> 0x1e03
OpDecrWrap -> 0x8508
OpInvert -> 0x150a
unmarshalStencilOp :: GLenum -> StencilOp
unmarshalStencilOp x
| x == 0x0 = OpZero
| x == 0x1e00 = OpKeep
| x == 0x1e01 = OpReplace
| x == 0x1e02 = OpIncr
| x == 0x8507 = OpIncrWrap
| x == 0x1e03 = OpDecr
| x == 0x8508 = OpDecrWrap
| x == 0x150a = OpInvert
| otherwise = error ("unmarshalStencilOp: illegal value " ++ show x)
stencilOp :: StateVar (StencilOp, StencilOp, StencilOp)
stencilOp =
(liftM3 (,,) (getEnum1 unmarshalStencilOp GetStencilFail)
(getEnum1 unmarshalStencilOp GetStencilPassDepthFail)
(getEnum1 unmarshalStencilOp GetStencilPassDepthPass))
(\(sf, spdf, spdp) -> glStencilOp (marshalStencilOp sf)
(marshalStencilOp spdf)
(marshalStencilOp spdp))
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glStencilOp" glStencilOp ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ()
stencilOpSeparate :: Face -> SettableStateVar (StencilOp, StencilOp, StencilOp)
stencilOpSeparate face =
makeSettableStateVar $ \(sf, spdf, spdp) ->
glStencilOpSeparate (marshalFace face)
(marshalStencilOp sf)
(marshalStencilOp spdf)
(marshalStencilOp spdp)
EXTENSION_ENTRY("OpenGL 2.0",glStencilOpSeparate,GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ())
activeStencilFace :: StateVar (Maybe Face)
activeStencilFace =
(return CapStencilTestTwoSide)
(getEnum1 unmarshalFace GetActiveStencilFace)
(glActiveStencilFaceEXT . marshalFace)
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_EXT_stencil_two_side",glActiveStencilFaceEXT,GLenum -> IO ())
depthFunc :: StateVar (Maybe ComparisonFunction)
depthFunc =
(return CapDepthTest)
(getEnum1 unmarshalComparisonFunction GetDepthFunc)
(glDepthFunc . marshalComparisonFunction)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glDepthFunc" glDepthFunc :: GLenum -> IO ()
newtype QueryObject = QueryObject { queryID :: GLuint }
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
instance ObjectName QueryObject where
genObjectNames n =
allocaArray n $ \buf -> do
glGenQueriesARB (fromIntegral n) buf
fmap (map QueryObject) $ peekArray n buf
deleteObjectNames queryObjects =
withArrayLen (map queryID queryObjects) $
glDeleteQueriesARB . fromIntegral
isObjectName = fmap unmarshalGLboolean . glIsQueryARB . queryID
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_ARB_occlusion_query or OpenGL 1.5",glGenQueriesARB,GLsizei -> Ptr GLuint -> IO ())
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_ARB_occlusion_query or OpenGL 1.5",glDeleteQueriesARB,GLsizei -> Ptr GLuint -> IO ())
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_ARB_occlusion_query or OpenGL 1.5",glIsQueryARB,GLuint -> IO GLboolean)
data QueryTarget =
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalQueryTarget :: QueryTarget -> GLenum
marshalQueryTarget x = case x of
SamplesPassed -> 0x8914
beginQuery :: QueryTarget -> QueryObject -> IO ()
beginQuery t = glBeginQueryARB (marshalQueryTarget t) . queryID
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_ARB_occlusion_query or OpenGL 1.5",glBeginQueryARB,GLenum -> GLuint -> IO ())
endQuery :: QueryTarget -> IO ()
endQuery = glEndQueryARB . marshalQueryTarget
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_ARB_occlusion_query or OpenGL 1.5",glEndQueryARB,GLenum -> IO ())
withQuery :: QueryTarget -> QueryObject -> IO a -> IO a
withQuery t q = bracket_ (beginQuery t q) (endQuery t)
data GetQueryPName =
| CurrentQuery
marshalGetQueryPName :: GetQueryPName -> GLenum
marshalGetQueryPName x = case x of
QueryCounterBits -> 0x8864
CurrentQuery -> 0x8865
queryCounterBits :: QueryTarget -> GettableStateVar GLsizei
queryCounterBits = getQueryi fromIntegral QueryCounterBits
currentQuery :: QueryTarget -> GettableStateVar (Maybe QueryObject)
currentQuery =
(\q -> if q == 0 then Nothing else Just (QueryObject (fromIntegral q)))
getQueryi :: (GLint -> a) -> GetQueryPName -> QueryTarget -> GettableStateVar a
getQueryi f p t =
makeGettableStateVar $
alloca $ \buf -> do
glGetQueryivARB (marshalQueryTarget t) (marshalGetQueryPName p) buf
peek1 f buf
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_ARB_occlusion_query or OpenGL 1.5",glGetQueryivARB,GLenum -> GLenum -> Ptr GLint -> IO ())
data GetQueryObjectPName =
| QueryResultAvailable
marshalGetQueryObjectPName :: GetQueryObjectPName -> GLenum
marshalGetQueryObjectPName x = case x of
QueryResult -> 0x8866
QueryResultAvailable -> 0x8867
queryResult :: QueryObject -> GettableStateVar GLuint
queryResult = getQueryObjectui id QueryResult
queryResultAvailable :: QueryObject -> GettableStateVar Bool
queryResultAvailable = getQueryObjectui unmarshalGLboolean QueryResultAvailable
getQueryObjectui ::
(GLuint -> a) -> GetQueryObjectPName -> QueryObject -> GettableStateVar a
getQueryObjectui f p q =
makeGettableStateVar $
alloca $ \buf -> do
glGetQueryObjectuivARB (queryID q) (marshalGetQueryObjectPName p) buf
peek1 f buf
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_ARB_occlusion_query or OpenGL 1.5",glGetQueryObjectuivARB,GLuint -> GLenum -> Ptr GLuint -> IO ())
blend :: StateVar Capability
blend = makeCapability CapBlend
data BlendEquation =
| FuncSubtract
| FuncReverseSubtract
| Min
| Max
| LogicOp
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalBlendEquation :: BlendEquation -> GLenum
marshalBlendEquation x = case x of
FuncAdd -> 0x8006
FuncSubtract -> 0x800a
FuncReverseSubtract -> 0x800b
Min -> 0x8007
Max -> 0x8008
LogicOp -> 0xbf1
unmarshalBlendEquation :: GLenum -> BlendEquation
unmarshalBlendEquation x
| x == 0x8006 = FuncAdd
| x == 0x800a = FuncSubtract
| x == 0x800b = FuncReverseSubtract
| x == 0x8007 = Min
| x == 0x8008 = Max
| x == 0xbf1 = LogicOp
| otherwise = error ("unmarshalBlendEquation: illegal value " ++ show x)
blendEquation :: StateVar BlendEquation
blendEquation =
(getEnum1 unmarshalBlendEquation GetBlendEquation)
(glBlendEquationEXT . marshalBlendEquation)
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_EXT_blend_minmax or GL_EXT_blend_subtract or OpenGL 1.4",glBlendEquationEXT,GLenum -> IO ())
blendEquationSeparate :: StateVar (BlendEquation,BlendEquation)
blendEquationSeparate =
(liftM2 (,) (getEnum1 unmarshalBlendEquation GetBlendEquation)
(getEnum1 unmarshalBlendEquation GetBlendEquationAlpha))
(\(funcRGB, funcAlpha) ->
glBlendEquationSeparate (marshalBlendEquation funcRGB)
(marshalBlendEquation funcAlpha))
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate or OpenGL 2.0",glBlendEquationSeparate,GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ())
blendFuncSeparate ::
StateVar ((BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor), (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor))
blendFuncSeparate =
(do srcRGB <- getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendSrcRGB
srcAlpha <- getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendSrcAlpha
dstRGB <- getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendDstRGB
dstAlpha <- getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendDstAlpha
return ((srcRGB, srcAlpha), (dstRGB, dstAlpha)))
(\((srcRGB, srcAlpha), (dstRGB, dstAlpha)) ->
glBlendFuncSeparateEXT (marshalBlendingFactor srcRGB)
(marshalBlendingFactor srcAlpha)
(marshalBlendingFactor dstRGB)
(marshalBlendingFactor dstAlpha))
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_EXT_blend_func_separate or OpenGL 1.4",glBlendFuncSeparateEXT,GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ())
blendFunc :: StateVar (BlendingFactor, BlendingFactor)
blendFunc =
(liftM2 (,) (getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendSrc)
(getEnum1 unmarshalBlendingFactor GetBlendDst))
(\(s, d) ->
glBlendFunc (marshalBlendingFactor s) (marshalBlendingFactor d))
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glBlendFunc" glBlendFunc ::
GLenum -> GLenum -> IO ()
blendColor :: StateVar (Color4 GLclampf)
blendColor =
(getFloat4 Color4 GetBlendColor)
(\(Color4 r g b a) -> glBlendColorEXT r g b a)
EXTENSION_ENTRY("GL_EXT_blend_color or OpenGL 1.4",glBlendColorEXT,GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> GLclampf -> IO ())
dither :: StateVar Capability
dither = makeCapability CapDither
data LogicOp =
| And
| AndReverse
| Copy
| AndInverted
| Noop
| Xor
| Or
| Nor
| Equiv
| Invert
| OrReverse
| CopyInverted
| OrInverted
| Nand
| Set
deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show )
marshalLogicOp :: LogicOp -> GLenum
marshalLogicOp x = case x of
Clear -> 0x1500
And -> 0x1501
AndReverse -> 0x1502
Copy -> 0x1503
AndInverted -> 0x1504
Noop -> 0x1505
Xor -> 0x1506
Or -> 0x1507
Nor -> 0x1508
Equiv -> 0x1509
Invert -> 0x150a
OrReverse -> 0x150b
CopyInverted -> 0x150c
OrInverted -> 0x150d
Nand -> 0x150e
Set -> 0x150f
unmarshalLogicOp :: GLenum -> LogicOp
unmarshalLogicOp x
| x == 0x1500 = Clear
| x == 0x1501 = And
| x == 0x1502 = AndReverse
| x == 0x1503 = Copy
| x == 0x1504 = AndInverted
| x == 0x1505 = Noop
| x == 0x1506 = Xor
| x == 0x1507 = Or
| x == 0x1508 = Nor
| x == 0x1509 = Equiv
| x == 0x150a = Invert
| x == 0x150b = OrReverse
| x == 0x150c = CopyInverted
| x == 0x150d = OrInverted
| x == 0x150e = Nand
| x == 0x150f = Set
| otherwise = error ("unmarshalLogicOp: illegal value " ++ show x)
logicOp :: StateVar (Maybe LogicOp)
logicOp =
(do rgba <- get rgbaMode
return $ if rgba then CapColorLogicOp else CapIndexLogicOp)
(getEnum1 unmarshalLogicOp GetLogicOpMode)
(glLogicOp . marshalLogicOp)
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "glLogicOp" glLogicOp :: GLenum -> IO ()