#include "Typeable.h"
module Network.BSD (
, getNetworkByName
, getNetworkByAddr
, getNetworkEntries
, setNetworkEntry
, getNetworkEntry
, endNetworkEntry
) where
import Network.Socket
import Control.Concurrent ( MVar, newMVar, withMVar )
import Foreign.C.Error ( throwErrnoIfMinus1, throwErrnoIfMinus1_ )
import Foreign.C.String ( CString, peekCString, peekCStringLen, withCString )
import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt, CULong, CChar, CSize, CShort )
import Foreign.Ptr ( Ptr, nullPtr )
import Foreign.Storable ( Storable(..) )
import Foreign.Marshal.Array ( allocaArray0, peekArray0 )
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( with, fromBool )
import Data.Typeable
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import GHC.IOBase
import Control.Monad ( liftM )
type ProtocolName = String
data ServiceEntry =
ServiceEntry {
serviceName :: ServiceName,
serviceAliases :: [ServiceName],
servicePort :: PortNumber,
serviceProtocol :: ProtocolName
} deriving (Show)
instance Storable ServiceEntry where
sizeOf _ = 32
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek p = do
s_name <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p >>= peekCString
s_aliases <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peekCString
s_port <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p
s_proto <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) p >>= peekCString
return (ServiceEntry {
serviceName = s_name,
serviceAliases = s_aliases,
servicePort = PortNum (fromIntegral (s_port :: CInt)),
serviceProtocol = s_proto
poke p = error "Storable.poke(BSD.ServiceEntry) not implemented"
getServiceByName :: ServiceName
-> ProtocolName
-> IO ServiceEntry
getServiceByName name proto = withLock $ do
withCString name $ \ cstr_name -> do
withCString proto $ \ cstr_proto -> do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getServiceByName" "no such service entry"
$ (trySysCall (c_getservbyname cstr_name cstr_proto))
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getservbyname"
c_getservbyname :: CString -> CString -> IO (Ptr ServiceEntry)
getServiceByPort :: PortNumber -> ProtocolName -> IO ServiceEntry
getServiceByPort (PortNum port) proto = withLock $ do
withCString proto $ \ cstr_proto -> do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getServiceByPort" "no such service entry"
$ (trySysCall (c_getservbyport (fromIntegral port) cstr_proto))
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getservbyport"
c_getservbyport :: CInt -> CString -> IO (Ptr ServiceEntry)
getServicePortNumber :: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
getServicePortNumber name = do
(ServiceEntry _ _ port _) <- getServiceByName name "tcp"
return port
getServiceEntry :: IO ServiceEntry
getServiceEntry = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getServiceEntry" "no such service entry"
$ trySysCall c_getservent
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "getservent" c_getservent :: IO (Ptr ServiceEntry)
setServiceEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
setServiceEntry flg = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_setservent (fromBool flg)
foreign import ccall unsafe "setservent" c_setservent :: CInt -> IO ()
endServiceEntry :: IO ()
endServiceEntry = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_endservent
foreign import ccall unsafe "endservent" c_endservent :: IO ()
getServiceEntries :: Bool -> IO [ServiceEntry]
getServiceEntries stayOpen = do
setServiceEntry stayOpen
getEntries (getServiceEntry) (endServiceEntry)
data ProtocolEntry =
ProtocolEntry {
protoName :: ProtocolName,
protoAliases :: [ProtocolName],
protoNumber :: ProtocolNumber
} deriving (Read, Show)
instance Storable ProtocolEntry where
sizeOf _ = 24
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek p = do
p_name <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p >>= peekCString
p_aliases <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peekCString
p_proto <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p
return (ProtocolEntry {
protoName = p_name,
protoAliases = p_aliases,
protoNumber = p_proto
poke p = error "Storable.poke(BSD.ProtocolEntry) not implemented"
getProtocolByName :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolByName name = withLock $ do
withCString name $ \ name_cstr -> do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getProtocolByName" ("no such protocol name: " ++ name)
$ (trySysCall.c_getprotobyname) name_cstr
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getprotobyname"
c_getprotobyname :: CString -> IO (Ptr ProtocolEntry)
getProtocolByNumber :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolByNumber num = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getProtocolByNumber" ("no such protocol number: " ++ show num)
$ (trySysCall.c_getprotobynumber) (fromIntegral num)
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getprotobynumber"
c_getprotobynumber :: CInt -> IO (Ptr ProtocolEntry)
getProtocolNumber :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolNumber
getProtocolNumber proto = do
(ProtocolEntry _ _ num) <- getProtocolByName proto
return num
getProtocolEntry :: IO ProtocolEntry
getProtocolEntry = withLock $ do
ent <- throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getProtocolEntry" "no such protocol entry"
$ trySysCall c_getprotoent
peek ent
foreign import ccall unsafe "getprotoent" c_getprotoent :: IO (Ptr ProtocolEntry)
setProtocolEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
setProtocolEntry flg = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_setprotoent (fromBool flg)
foreign import ccall unsafe "setprotoent" c_setprotoent :: CInt -> IO ()
endProtocolEntry :: IO ()
endProtocolEntry = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_endprotoent
foreign import ccall unsafe "endprotoent" c_endprotoent :: IO ()
getProtocolEntries :: Bool -> IO [ProtocolEntry]
getProtocolEntries stayOpen = withLock $ do
setProtocolEntry stayOpen
getEntries (getProtocolEntry) (endProtocolEntry)
data HostEntry =
HostEntry {
hostName :: HostName,
hostAliases :: [HostName],
hostFamily :: Family,
hostAddresses :: [HostAddress]
} deriving (Read, Show)
instance Storable HostEntry where
sizeOf _ = 32
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek p = do
h_name <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p >>= peekCString
h_aliases <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peekCString
h_addrtype <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p
h_addr_list <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 24)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peek
return (HostEntry {
hostName = h_name,
hostAliases = h_aliases,
hostFamily = unpackFamily h_addrtype,
hostAddresses = h_addr_list
poke p = error "Storable.poke(BSD.ServiceEntry) not implemented"
hostAddress :: HostEntry -> HostAddress
hostAddress (HostEntry nm _ _ ls) =
case ls of
[] -> error ("BSD.hostAddress: empty network address list for " ++ nm)
(x:_) -> x
getHostByName :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
getHostByName name = withLock $ do
withCString name $ \ name_cstr -> do
ent <- throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getHostByName" "no such host entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_gethostbyname name_cstr
peek ent
foreign import CALLCONV safe "gethostbyname"
c_gethostbyname :: CString -> IO (Ptr HostEntry)
getHostByAddr :: Family -> HostAddress -> IO HostEntry
getHostByAddr family addr = do
with addr $ \ ptr_addr -> withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getHostByAddr" "no such host entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_gethostbyaddr ptr_addr (fromIntegral (sizeOf addr)) (packFamily family)
>>= peek
foreign import CALLCONV safe "gethostbyaddr"
c_gethostbyaddr :: Ptr HostAddress -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr HostEntry)
getHostEntry :: IO HostEntry
getHostEntry = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getHostEntry" "unable to retrieve host entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_gethostent
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "gethostent" c_gethostent :: IO (Ptr HostEntry)
setHostEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
setHostEntry flg = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_sethostent (fromBool flg)
foreign import ccall unsafe "sethostent" c_sethostent :: CInt -> IO ()
endHostEntry :: IO ()
endHostEntry = withLock $ c_endhostent
foreign import ccall unsafe "endhostent" c_endhostent :: IO ()
getHostEntries :: Bool -> IO [HostEntry]
getHostEntries stayOpen = do
setHostEntry stayOpen
getEntries (getHostEntry) (endHostEntry)
type NetworkAddr = CULong
type NetworkName = String
data NetworkEntry =
NetworkEntry {
networkName :: NetworkName,
networkAliases :: [NetworkName],
networkFamily :: Family,
networkAddress :: NetworkAddr
} deriving (Read, Show)
instance Storable NetworkEntry where
sizeOf _ = 32
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek p = do
n_name <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0)) p >>= peekCString
n_aliases <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8)) p
>>= peekArray0 nullPtr
>>= mapM peekCString
n_addrtype <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 16)) p
n_net <- ((\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 20)) p
return (NetworkEntry {
networkName = n_name,
networkAliases = n_aliases,
networkFamily = unpackFamily (fromIntegral
(n_addrtype :: CInt)),
networkAddress = n_net
poke p = error "Storable.poke(BSD.NetEntry) not implemented"
getNetworkByName :: NetworkName -> IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkByName name = withLock $ do
withCString name $ \ name_cstr -> do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getNetworkByName" "no such network entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_getnetbyname name_cstr
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "getnetbyname"
c_getnetbyname :: CString -> IO (Ptr NetworkEntry)
getNetworkByAddr :: NetworkAddr -> Family -> IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkByAddr addr family = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getNetworkByAddr" "no such network entry"
$ trySysCall $ c_getnetbyaddr addr (packFamily family)
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "getnetbyaddr"
c_getnetbyaddr :: NetworkAddr -> CInt -> IO (Ptr NetworkEntry)
getNetworkEntry :: IO NetworkEntry
getNetworkEntry = withLock $ do
throwNoSuchThingIfNull "getNetworkEntry" "no more network entries"
$ trySysCall $ c_getnetent
>>= peek
foreign import ccall unsafe "getnetent" c_getnetent :: IO (Ptr NetworkEntry)
setNetworkEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
setNetworkEntry flg = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_setnetent (fromBool flg)
foreign import ccall unsafe "setnetent" c_setnetent :: CInt -> IO ()
endNetworkEntry :: IO ()
endNetworkEntry = withLock $ trySysCall $ c_endnetent
foreign import ccall unsafe "endnetent" c_endnetent :: IO ()
getNetworkEntries :: Bool -> IO [NetworkEntry]
getNetworkEntries stayOpen = do
setNetworkEntry stayOpen
getEntries (getNetworkEntry) (endNetworkEntry)
lock :: MVar ()
lock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()
withLock :: IO a -> IO a
withLock act = withMVar lock (\_ -> act)
getHostName :: IO HostName
getHostName = do
let size = 256
allocaArray0 size $ \ cstr -> do
throwSocketErrorIfMinus1_ "getHostName" $ c_gethostname cstr (fromIntegral size)
peekCString cstr
foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "gethostname"
c_gethostname :: CString -> CSize -> IO CInt
getEntries :: IO a
-> IO ()
-> IO [a]
getEntries getOne atEnd = loop
loop = do
vv <- catch (liftM Just getOne) ((const.return) Nothing)
case vv of
Nothing -> return []
Just v -> loop >>= \ vs -> atEnd >> return (v:vs)
trySysCall act = act
throwNoSuchThingIfNull :: String -> String -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO (Ptr a)
throwNoSuchThingIfNull loc desc act = do
ptr <- act
if (ptr == nullPtr)
then ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing loc desc Nothing)
else return ptr