{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  System.Console.SimpleLineEditor
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2000,2003, Malcolm Wallace
-- License     :  GPL (if it depends on readline, which is GPL)
--                BSD (otherwise)
-- Maintainer  :  libraries@haskell.org
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (unix-specific at the moment)
-- A simple line editor, using the GNU readline library if available,
-- or a small emulation otherwise.

module System.Console.SimpleLineEditor
  ( initialise		--	:: IO ()
  , restore		--	:: IO ()
  , getLineEdited	--	:: String -> IO (Maybe String)
  , delChars		--	:: String -> IO ()
  ) where

import System.IO (stdin, stdout, BufferMode(..), hSetBuffering)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import System.Console.Readline
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import System.Cmd (system)
import System.IO (hGetChar)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

-- | Set up the environment so that the terminal passes characters directly
--   into the Haskell program, for immediate interpretation by the line editor.
initialise :: IO ()
initialise = do
    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
    hSetBuffering stdin  NoBuffering
    -- The following call is probably non-portable.  Better suggestions?
    -- Note, we turn OFF terminal echoing of input characters
    system("stty -icanon min 1 -echo")
    return ()

-- | Restore the environment so that the terminal is usable in normal
--   mode once again.
restore :: IO ()
restore = do
    hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
    hSetBuffering stdin  LineBuffering
    -- The following call is probably non-portable.  Better suggestions?
    -- We assume the terminal should echo input characters after restoration
    system("stty icanon echo")
    return ()

-- | Remove the given string from immediately behind (to the left of) the
--   current cursor position.
delChars :: String -> IO ()
delChars []     = return ()
delChars (_:xs) = do putStr "\BS \BS"
                     delChars xs

-- | 'getLineEdited p' uses the string @p@ as a prompt, and returns a line
--   of input from the user.  The user can edit the line in-place before
--   completion, using common readline-like command keys.  (The real readline
--   is used when available, or otherwise a simplified emulation.)


getLineEdited :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
getLineEdited prompt = do
  ms <- readline prompt
  case ms of 
    Nothing -> return ms
    Just s  -> when (not (all isSpace s)) (addHistory s) >> return ms


-- nasty imperative state holds the command history
history :: IORef [String]
history = unsafePerformIO (newIORef [])

getLineEdited :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
getLineEdited prompt = do
    putStr prompt
    previous <- readIORef history
    ms <- gl "" 0 ([],previous)
    case ms of 
      Nothing -> return ms
      Just s  -> do when (not (all isSpace s))
                         (writeIORef history (reverse s: previous))
                    return ms
    gl s 0 hist = do	-- s is accumulated line (in reverse)
			-- 0 is cursor position FROM THE END of the string
      cmd <- lineCmd
      case cmd of
        Char c   -> putChar c >> gl (c:s) 0 hist
        Accept   -> return (Just (reverse s))
        Cancel   -> return Nothing
        Delete L -> if null s then gl s 0 hist
                    else delChars "_" >> gl (tail s) 0 hist
        Delete Begin -> delChars s >> gl "" 0 hist
        Move L   -> if not (null s) then putStr ("\BS") >> gl s 1 hist
                    else gl s 0 hist
        History  -> case hist of
                      (_fut, [])    -> gl s 0 hist
                      (fut, p:past) -> do delChars s
                                          putStr (reverse p)
                                          gl p 0 (s:fut, past)
        Future   -> case hist of
                      ([], _past)   -> gl s 0 hist
                      (f:fut, past) -> do delChars s
                                          putStr (reverse f)
                                          gl f 0 (fut, s:past)
        _        -> gl s 0 hist

    gl s n hist = do	-- s is accumulated line, n(/=0) is cursor position
      cmd <- lineCmd
      case cmd of
        Char c   -> do putStr (c: reverse (take n s))
                       putStr (replicate n '\BS')
                       gl (take n s ++ c: drop n s) n hist
        Accept   -> return (Just (reverse s))
        Cancel   -> return Nothing
        Move R   -> do let n1 = n-1
                       putStr (reverse (take n s)++" ")
                       putStr (replicate n '\BS')
                       gl s n1 hist
        Delete R -> do let n1 = n-1
                       putStr (reverse (take n1 s) ++ " ")
                       putStr (replicate (n1+1) '\BS')
                       gl (take n1 s ++ drop n s) n1 hist
        Move L   -> do let n1 = n+1
                       if n1 <= length s then do
                           putStr ('\BS':reverse (take n1 s))
                           putStr (replicate n1 '\BS')
                           gl s n1 hist
                         else do
                           putStr (reverse s++" ")
                           putStr (replicate n1 '\BS')
                           gl s n hist
        Delete L -> do let n1 = n+1
                       if n1 <= length s then do
                           putStr ('\BS':reverse (take n s)++" ")
                           putStr (replicate n1 '\BS')
                           gl (take n s ++ drop n1 s) n hist
                         else do
                           putStr (reverse s++" ")
                           putStr (replicate n1 '\BS')
                           gl s n hist
        History  -> case hist of
                      (_fut, [])    -> gl s n hist
                      (fut, p:past) -> do putStr (replicate n ' ')
                                          delChars s
                                          putStr (reverse p)
                                          gl p 0 (s:fut, past)
        Future   -> case hist of
                      ([], _past)   -> gl s n hist
                      (f:fut, past) -> do putStr (replicate n ' ')
                                          delChars s
                                          putStr (reverse f)
                                          gl f 0 (fut, s:past)
        _        -> gl s n hist

-- Define a mini-command language, to separate the lexing of input
-- commands from their interpretation.  Note there is room for expansion
-- here, e.g. commands include word-at-a-time movement, but we don't
-- currently have a key binding for that.
data LineCmd = Char Char | Move Cursor | Delete Cursor
             | Accept | Cancel | History | Future | NoOp
data Cursor  = L | R | Begin | End -- not implemented yet: | WordL | WordR

-- This little lexer for keystrokes does a reasonable job, but there
-- are plenty of problems.  E.g. the backspace key might generate a
-- ^H character and not display it, which results in a mismatched cursor
-- position.  Behaviour is highly dependent on terminal settings I imagine.
lineCmd :: IO LineCmd
lineCmd = do
    c1 <- hGetChar stdin
    case c1 of
      '\n'   -> putChar '\n' >> return Accept
      '\^K'  -> putChar '\n' >> return Cancel
      '\DEL' -> return (Delete L)
      '\BS'  -> return (Delete L)
      '\^L'  -> return (Move R)
      '\^[' -> do
        c2 <- hGetChar stdin
        case c2 of
          'k' -> return History
          'j' -> return Future
          '[' -> do
              c3 <- hGetChar stdin
              case c3 of
                'D' -> return (Move L)
                'C' -> return (Move R)
                'A' -> return History
                'B' -> return Future
                '3' -> do c <- hGetChar stdin
                          case c of
                            '~' -> return (Delete R)
                            _   -> return NoOp
                '4' -> do c <- hGetChar stdin
                          case c of
                            '~' -> return (Move End)
                            _   -> return NoOp
                '1' -> do c <- hGetChar stdin
                          case c of
                            '~' -> return (Move Begin)
                            _   -> return NoOp
                _   -> return NoOp
          'O' -> do
              c3 <- hGetChar stdin
              case c3 of
                'D' -> return (Move L)
                'C' -> return (Move R)
                'A' -> return History
                'B' -> return Future
                _   -> return NoOp
          _   -> return NoOp
      _ -> return (Char c1)

#endif /* USE_READLINE */

-- | A simple interactive test for the line-editing functionality.

-- (This illustrates the necessary use of 'initialise' and 'restore'
--  as brackets around the editing loop.)
testIt :: IO ()
testIt = initialise >> loop >> restore
  where loop = do l <- getLineEdited "prompt> "
                  when (isJust l) (putStrLn (fromJust l))
                  when (l/=Just "quit") loop