module CmmCPS (
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import BlockId
import Cmm
import CmmLint
import PprCmm
import CmmLive
import CmmBrokenBlock
import CmmProcPoint
import CmmCallConv
import CmmCPSGen
import CmmUtils
import ClosureInfo
import CLabel
import SMRep
import Constants
import DynFlags
import ErrUtils
import Maybes
import Outputable
import UniqSupply
import UniqSet
import Unique
import Control.Monad
cmmCPS :: DynFlags
-> [Cmm]
-> IO [Cmm]
cmmCPS dflags cmm_with_calls
= do { when (dopt Opt_DoCmmLinting dflags) $
do showPass dflags "CmmLint"
case firstJusts $ map cmmLint cmm_with_calls of
Just err -> do printDump err
ghcExit dflags 1
Nothing -> return ()
; showPass dflags "CPS"
; uniqSupply <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'p'
; let supplies = listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply
; let cpsd_cmm = zipWith doCpsProc supplies cmm_with_calls
; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cps_cmm "CPS Cmm" (pprCmms cpsd_cmm)
; return cpsd_cmm }
doCpsProc :: UniqSupply -> Cmm -> Cmm
doCpsProc s (Cmm c)
= Cmm $ concat $ zipWith cpsProc (listSplitUniqSupply s) c
cpsProc :: UniqSupply
-> CmmTop
-> [CmmTop]
cpsProc _ proc@(CmmData _ _) = [proc]
cpsProc _ proc@(CmmProc _ _ _ (ListGraph []))
= pprTrace "cpsProc: unexpected empty proc" (ppr proc) [proc]
cpsProc uniqSupply (CmmProc info ident params (ListGraph blocks)) = cps_procs
(uniqSupply1, uniqSupply2) = splitUniqSupply uniqSupply
uniques :: [[Unique]]
uniques = map uniqsFromSupply $ listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply1
(stack_check_block_unique:stack_use_unique:adaptor_uniques) :
block_uniques = uniques
proc_uniques = map (map (map uniqsFromSupply . listSplitUniqSupply) . listSplitUniqSupply) $ listSplitUniqSupply uniqSupply2
stack_use = CmmLocal (LocalReg stack_use_unique (cmmRegType spReg))
stack_check_block_id = BlockId stack_check_block_unique
stack_check_block = make_stack_check stack_check_block_id info stack_use (blockId $ head blocks)
forced_blocks = stack_check_block : blocks
CmmInfo maybe_gc_block_id update_frame _ = info
broken_blocks :: ([(BlockId, ContFormat)], [BrokenBlock])
broken_blocks =
(\x -> (concatMap fst x, concatMap snd x)) $
zipWith3 (breakBlock (maybeToList maybe_gc_block_id))
(FunctionEntry info ident params :
repeat ControlEntry)
f' = selectContinuations (fst broken_blocks)
broken_blocks' = map (makeContinuationEntries f') $
concat $
zipWith (adaptBlockToFormat f')
(snd broken_blocks)
live :: BlockEntryLiveness
live = cmmLiveness $ map cmmBlockFromBrokenBlock broken_blocks'
proc_points :: UniqSet BlockId
proc_points = calculateProcPoints broken_blocks'
block_env :: BlockEnv BrokenBlock
block_env = blocksToBlockEnv broken_blocks'
continuations :: [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)]
continuations = map (gatherBlocksIntoContinuation live proc_points block_env)
(uniqSetToList proc_points)
formats :: [(CLabel,
Maybe CLabel,
[Maybe LocalReg]))]
formats = selectContinuationFormat live continuations
formats' :: (WordOff, WordOff, [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)])
formats'@(_, _, format_list) = processFormats formats update_frame continuations
continuations' :: [Continuation CmmInfo]
continuations' = map (applyContinuationFormat format_list) continuations
cps_procs :: [CmmTop]
cps_procs = zipWith (continuationToProc formats' stack_use) proc_uniques continuations'
make_stack_check :: BlockId -> CmmInfo -> CmmReg -> BlockId
-> GenBasicBlock CmmStmt
make_stack_check stack_check_block_id info stack_use next_block_id =
BasicBlock stack_check_block_id $
check_stmts ++ [CmmBranch next_block_id]
check_stmts =
case info of
CmmInfo (Just gc_block) _ _
-> [CmmCondBranch
(CmmMachOp (MO_U_Lt (typeWidth (cmmRegType spReg)))
[CmmReg stack_use, CmmReg spLimReg])
CmmInfo Nothing _ _
-> []
collectNonProcPointTargets ::
UniqSet BlockId -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock
-> UniqSet BlockId -> [BlockId] -> UniqSet BlockId
collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks current_targets new_blocks =
if sizeUniqSet current_targets == sizeUniqSet new_targets
then current_targets
else foldl
(collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks)
(map (:[]) targets)
blocks' = map (lookupWithDefaultBEnv blocks (panic "TODO")) new_blocks
targets =
uniqSetToList $ (unionManyUniqSets $ map (mkUniqSet . brokenBlockTargets) blocks')
`minusUniqSet` proc_points
new_targets = current_targets `unionUniqSets` (mkUniqSet targets)
gatherBlocksIntoContinuation ::
BlockEntryLiveness -> UniqSet BlockId -> BlockEnv BrokenBlock
-> BlockId -> Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)
gatherBlocksIntoContinuation live proc_points blocks start =
Continuation info_table clabel params is_gc_cont body
children = (collectNonProcPointTargets proc_points blocks (unitUniqSet start) [start]) `minusUniqSet` (unitUniqSet start)
start_block = lookupWithDefaultBEnv blocks unknown_block start
children_blocks = map (lookupWithDefaultBEnv blocks unknown_block) (uniqSetToList children)
unknown_block :: a
unknown_block = panic "unknown block in gatherBlocksIntoContinuation"
body = start_block : children_blocks
info_table = case start_block_entry of
FunctionEntry info _ _ -> Right info
ContinuationEntry _ srt _ -> Left srt
ControlEntry -> Right (CmmInfo Nothing Nothing CmmNonInfoTable)
is_gc_cont = case start_block_entry of
FunctionEntry _ _ _ -> False
ContinuationEntry _ _ gc_cont -> gc_cont
ControlEntry -> False
start_block_entry = brokenBlockEntry start_block
clabel = case start_block_entry of
FunctionEntry _ label _ -> label
_ -> mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique start
params = case start_block_entry of
FunctionEntry _ _ args -> args
ContinuationEntry args _ _ -> args
ControlEntry ->
uniqSetToList $
lookupWithDefaultBEnv live unknown_block start
selectContinuationFormat :: BlockEnv CmmLive
-> [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)]
-> [(CLabel, (CmmFormals, Maybe CLabel, [Maybe LocalReg]))]
selectContinuationFormat live continuations =
map (\c -> (continuationLabel c, selectContinuationFormat' c)) continuations
selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation
(Right (CmmInfo _ _ (CmmInfoTable _ _ _ (ContInfo format _))))
label formals _ _) =
(formals, Just label, format)
selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation (Right _) _ formals _ _) =
(formals, Nothing, [])
selectContinuationFormat' (Continuation (Left _) label formals _ blocks) =
let ident = brokenBlockId $ head blocks
in (formals,
Just label,
map Just $ uniqSetToList $
lookupWithDefaultBEnv live unknown_block ident)
unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in selectContinuationFormat"
processFormats :: [(CLabel, (CmmFormals, Maybe CLabel, [Maybe LocalReg]))]
-> Maybe UpdateFrame
-> [Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)]
-> (WordOff, WordOff, [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)])
processFormats formats update_frame continuations =
(max_size + update_frame_size, update_frame_size, formats')
max_size = maximum $
0 : map (continuationMaxStack formats') continuations
formats' = map make_format formats
make_format (label, (formals, top, stack)) =
ContinuationFormat {
continuation_formals = formals,
continuation_label = top,
continuation_frame_size = stack_size stack +
if isJust top
then label_size
else 0,
continuation_stack = stack })
update_frame_size = case update_frame of
Nothing -> 0
(Just (UpdateFrame _ args))
-> label_size + update_size args
update_size [] = 0
update_size (expr:exprs) = width + update_size exprs
width = (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType expr) `quot` wORD_SIZE
label_size = 1 :: WordOff
stack_size [] = 0
stack_size (Nothing:formats) = 1 + stack_size formats
stack_size (Just reg:formats) = width + stack_size formats
width = (widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ localRegType reg) `quot` wORD_SIZE
continuationMaxStack :: [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)]
-> Continuation a
-> WordOff
continuationMaxStack _ (Continuation _ _ _ True _) = 0
continuationMaxStack formats (Continuation _ label _ False blocks) =
max_arg_size + continuation_frame_size stack_format
stack_format = maybe unknown_format id $ lookup label formats
unknown_format = panic "Unknown format in continuationMaxStack"
max_arg_size = maximum $ 0 : map block_max_arg_size blocks
block_max_arg_size block =
maximum (final_arg_size (brokenBlockExit block) :
map stmt_arg_size (brokenBlockStmts block))
final_arg_size (FinalReturn args) =
argumentsSize (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) args
final_arg_size (FinalJump _ args) =
argumentsSize (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) args
final_arg_size (FinalCall _ _ _ _ _ _ True) = 0
final_arg_size (FinalCall next _ _ args _ _ False) =
argumentsSize (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) args +
continuation_frame_size next_format
next_format = maybe unknown_format id $ lookup next' formats
next' = mkReturnPtLabel $ getUnique next
final_arg_size _ = 0
stmt_arg_size (CmmJump _ args) =
argumentsSize (cmmExprType . hintlessCmm) args
stmt_arg_size (CmmCall _ _ _ (CmmSafe _) _) =
panic "Safe call in processFormats"
stmt_arg_size (CmmReturn _) =
panic "CmmReturn in processFormats"
stmt_arg_size _ = 0
applyContinuationFormat :: [(CLabel, ContinuationFormat)]
-> Continuation (Either C_SRT CmmInfo)
-> Continuation CmmInfo
applyContinuationFormat formats
(Continuation (Right (CmmInfo gc update_frame
(CmmInfoTable clos prof tag (ContInfo _ srt))))
label formals is_gc blocks) =
Continuation (CmmInfo gc update_frame (CmmInfoTable clos prof tag (ContInfo format srt)))
label formals is_gc blocks
format = continuation_stack $ maybe unknown_block id $ lookup label formats
unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in applyContinuationFormat"
applyContinuationFormat _ (Continuation
(Right info) label formals is_gc blocks) =
Continuation info label formals is_gc blocks
applyContinuationFormat formats (Continuation
(Left srt) label formals is_gc blocks) =
Continuation (CmmInfo gc Nothing (CmmInfoTable undefined prof tag (ContInfo (continuation_stack $ format) srt)))
label formals is_gc blocks
gc = Nothing
prof = ProfilingInfo zeroCLit zeroCLit
tag = rET_SMALL
format = maybe unknown_block id $ lookup label formats
unknown_block = panic "unknown BlockId in applyContinuationFormat"