module CmmLive (
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import BlockId
import Cmm
import Dataflow
import Maybes
import Panic
import UniqSet
type CmmLive = UniqSet LocalReg
type BlockEntryLiveness = BlockEnv CmmLive
type BlockSources = BlockEnv (UniqSet BlockId)
type BlockStmts = BlockEnv [CmmStmt]
cmmLiveness :: [CmmBasicBlock] -> BlockEntryLiveness
cmmLiveness blocks =
fixedpoint (cmmBlockDependants sources)
(cmmBlockUpdate blocks')
(map blockId blocks)
(mkBlockEnv [(blockId b, emptyUniqSet) | b <- blocks])
sources :: BlockSources
sources = cmmBlockSources blocks
blocks' :: BlockStmts
blocks' = mkBlockEnv $ map block_name blocks
block_name :: CmmBasicBlock -> (BlockId, [CmmStmt])
block_name b = (blockId b, blockStmts b)
cmmBlockSources :: [CmmBasicBlock] -> BlockSources
cmmBlockSources blocks = foldr aux emptyBlockEnv blocks
aux :: CmmBasicBlock
-> BlockSources
-> BlockSources
aux block sourcesUFM =
foldUniqSet (add_source_edges $ blockId block)
(branch_targets $ blockStmts block)
add_source_edges :: BlockId -> BlockId
-> BlockSources
-> BlockSources
add_source_edges source target ufm =
addToBEnv_Acc (flip addOneToUniqSet) unitUniqSet ufm target source
branch_targets :: [CmmStmt] -> UniqSet BlockId
branch_targets stmts =
mkUniqSet $ concatMap target stmts where
target (CmmBranch ident) = [ident]
target (CmmCondBranch _ ident) = [ident]
target (CmmSwitch _ blocks) = mapMaybe id blocks
target _ = []
cmmBlockDependants :: BlockSources -> BlockId -> [BlockId]
cmmBlockDependants sources ident =
uniqSetToList $ lookupWithDefaultBEnv sources emptyUniqSet ident
cmmBlockUpdate ::
-> BlockId
-> Maybe BlockId
-> BlockEntryLiveness
-> Maybe BlockEntryLiveness
cmmBlockUpdate blocks node _ state =
if (sizeUniqSet old_live) == (sizeUniqSet new_live)
then Nothing
else Just $ extendBlockEnv state node new_live
new_live, old_live :: CmmLive
new_live = cmmStmtListLive state block_stmts
old_live = lookupWithDefaultBEnv state missing_live node
block_stmts :: [CmmStmt]
block_stmts = lookupWithDefaultBEnv blocks missing_block node
missing_live = panic "unknown block id during liveness analysis"
missing_block = panic "unknown block id during liveness analysis"
cmmStmtListLive :: BlockEntryLiveness -> [CmmStmt] -> CmmLive
cmmStmtListLive other_live stmts =
foldr ((.) . (cmmStmtLive other_live)) id stmts emptyUniqSet
type CmmLivenessTransformer = CmmLive -> CmmLive
addLive, addKilled :: CmmLive -> CmmLivenessTransformer
addLive new_live live = live `unionUniqSets` new_live
addKilled new_killed live = live `minusUniqSet` new_killed
cmmFormalsToLiveLocals :: HintedCmmFormals -> [LocalReg]
cmmFormalsToLiveLocals formals = map hintlessCmm formals
cmmStmtLive :: BlockEntryLiveness -> CmmStmt -> CmmLivenessTransformer
cmmStmtLive _ (CmmNop) = id
cmmStmtLive _ (CmmComment _) = id
cmmStmtLive _ (CmmAssign reg expr) =
cmmExprLive expr . reg_liveness where
reg_liveness =
case reg of
(CmmLocal reg') -> addKilled $ unitUniqSet reg'
(CmmGlobal _) -> id
cmmStmtLive _ (CmmStore expr1 expr2) =
cmmExprLive expr2 . cmmExprLive expr1
cmmStmtLive _ (CmmCall target results arguments _ _) =
target_liveness .
foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map hintlessCmm arguments) .
addKilled (mkUniqSet $ cmmFormalsToLiveLocals results) where
target_liveness =
case target of
(CmmCallee target _) -> cmmExprLive target
(CmmPrim _) -> id
cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmBranch target) =
addLive (lookupWithDefaultBEnv other_live emptyUniqSet target)
cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmCondBranch expr target) =
cmmExprLive expr .
addLive (lookupWithDefaultBEnv other_live emptyUniqSet target)
cmmStmtLive other_live (CmmSwitch expr targets) =
cmmExprLive expr .
(foldr ((.) . (addLive .
lookupWithDefaultBEnv other_live emptyUniqSet))
(mapCatMaybes id targets))
cmmStmtLive _ (CmmJump expr params) =
const (cmmExprLive expr $ foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map hintlessCmm params) $ emptyUniqSet)
cmmStmtLive _ (CmmReturn params) =
const (foldr ((.) . cmmExprLive) id (map hintlessCmm params) $ emptyUniqSet)
cmmExprLive :: CmmExpr -> CmmLivenessTransformer
cmmExprLive expr = addLive (mkUniqSet $ expr_liveness expr) where
expr_liveness :: CmmExpr -> [LocalReg]
expr_liveness (CmmLit _) = []
expr_liveness (CmmLoad expr _) = expr_liveness expr
expr_liveness (CmmReg reg) = reg_liveness reg
expr_liveness (CmmMachOp _ exprs) = concatMap expr_liveness exprs
expr_liveness (CmmRegOff reg _) = reg_liveness reg
expr_liveness (CmmStackSlot _ _) = panic "cmmExprLive CmmStackSlot"
reg_liveness :: CmmReg -> [LocalReg]
reg_liveness (CmmLocal reg) = [reg]
reg_liveness (CmmGlobal _) = []