% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 19921998
\section[SCCfinal]{Modify and collect code generation for final STG program}
This is now a sortofnormal STGtoSTG pass (WDP 94/06), run by stg2stg.
Traverses the STG program collecting the cost centres. These are required
to declare the cost centres at the start of code generation.
Note: because of crossmodule unfolding, some of these cost centres may be
from other modules. But will still have to give them "extern"
Puts on CAF costcentres if the user has asked for individual CAF
Ditto for individual DICT costcentres.
Boxes toplevel inherited functions passed as arguments.
"Distributes" given costcentres to all asyetunmarked RHSs.
module SCCfinal ( stgMassageForProfiling ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import StgSyn
import CostCentre
import Id
import Name
import Module
import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply, UniqSupply )
import UniqSupply ( uniqFromSupply )
import VarSet
import ListSetOps ( removeDups )
import Outputable
import DynFlags
:: DynFlags
-> PackageId
-> Module
-> UniqSupply
-> [StgBinding]
-> (CollectedCCs, [StgBinding])
stgMassageForProfiling dflags this_pkg mod_name us stg_binds
= let
((local_ccs, extern_ccs, cc_stacks),
= initMM mod_name us (do_top_bindings stg_binds)
(fixed_ccs, fixed_cc_stacks)
= if dopt Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs dflags
then ([],[])
else ([all_cafs_cc], [all_cafs_ccs])
local_ccs_no_dups = fst (removeDups cmpCostCentre local_ccs)
extern_ccs_no_dups = fst (removeDups cmpCostCentre extern_ccs)
((fixed_ccs ++ local_ccs_no_dups,
fixed_cc_stacks ++ cc_stacks), stg_binds2)
all_cafs_cc = mkAllCafsCC mod_name
all_cafs_ccs = mkSingletonCCS all_cafs_cc
do_top_bindings :: [StgBinding] -> MassageM [StgBinding]
do_top_bindings [] = return []
do_top_bindings (StgNonRec b rhs : bs) = do
rhs' <- do_top_rhs b rhs
addTopLevelIshId b $ do
bs' <- do_top_bindings bs
return (StgNonRec b rhs' : bs')
do_top_bindings (StgRec pairs : bs)
= addTopLevelIshIds binders $ do
pairs2 <- mapM do_pair pairs
bs' <- do_top_bindings bs
return (StgRec pairs2 : bs')
binders = map fst pairs
do_pair (b, rhs) = do
rhs2 <- do_top_rhs b rhs
return (b, rhs2)
do_top_rhs :: Id -> StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs
do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ _ [] (StgSCC cc (StgConApp con args)))
| not (isSccCountCostCentre cc) && not (isDllConApp this_pkg con args)
= return (StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args)
do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_cc bi fv u srt [] body)
| noCCSAttached no_cc || currentOrSubsumedCCS no_cc = do
caf_ccs <- if dopt Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs dflags
then let cc = mkAutoCC binder modl CafCC
ccs = mkSingletonCCS cc
modl | Just m <- nameModule_maybe (idName binder) = m
| otherwise = mod_name
in do
collectNewCC cc
collectCCS ccs
return ccs
return all_cafs_ccs
body' <- set_prevailing_cc caf_ccs (do_expr body)
return (StgRhsClosure caf_ccs bi fv u srt [] body')
do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsClosure cc _ _ _ _ [] _)
= pprPanic "SCCfinal: CAF with cc:" (ppr cc)
do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsClosure no_ccs bi fv u srt args body)
| noCCSAttached no_ccs
= do body' <- set_lambda_cc (do_expr body)
return (StgRhsClosure subsumedCCS bi fv u srt args body')
| otherwise
= pprPanic "SCCfinal: CAF with cc:" (ppr no_ccs)
do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsCon _ con args)
= return (StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args)
do_expr :: StgExpr -> MassageM StgExpr
do_expr (StgLit l) = return (StgLit l)
do_expr (StgApp fn args)
= boxHigherOrderArgs (StgApp fn) args
do_expr (StgConApp con args)
= boxHigherOrderArgs (\args -> StgConApp con args) args
do_expr (StgOpApp con args res_ty)
= boxHigherOrderArgs (\args -> StgOpApp con args res_ty) args
do_expr (StgSCC cc expr) = do
collectCC cc
expr' <- do_expr expr
return (StgSCC cc expr')
do_expr (StgCase expr fv1 fv2 bndr srt alt_type alts) = do
expr' <- do_expr expr
alts' <- mapM do_alt alts
return (StgCase expr' fv1 fv2 bndr srt alt_type alts')
do_alt (id, bs, use_mask, e) = do
e' <- do_expr e
return (id, bs, use_mask, e')
do_expr (StgLet b e) = do
(b,e) <- do_let b e
return (StgLet b e)
do_expr (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 b e) = do
(b,e) <- do_let b e
return (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 b e)
do_expr (StgTick m n expr) = do
expr' <- do_expr expr
return (StgTick m n expr')
do_expr other = pprPanic "SCCfinal.do_expr" (ppr other)
do_let (StgNonRec b rhs) e = do
rhs' <- do_rhs rhs
addTopLevelIshId b $ do
e' <- do_expr e
return (StgNonRec b rhs',e')
do_let (StgRec pairs) e
= addTopLevelIshIds binders $ do
pairs' <- mapM do_pair pairs
e' <- do_expr e
return (StgRec pairs', e')
binders = map fst pairs
do_pair (b, rhs) = do
rhs2 <- do_rhs rhs
return (b, rhs2)
do_rhs :: StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs
do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u srt args expr) = do
(expr', ccs) <- slurpSCCs currentCCS expr
expr'' <- do_expr expr'
return (StgRhsClosure ccs bi fv u srt args expr'')
slurpSCCs ccs (StgSCC cc e)
= do collectCC cc
slurpSCCs (cc `pushCCOnCCS` ccs) e
slurpSCCs ccs e
= return (e, ccs)
do_rhs (StgRhsCon _ con args)
= return (StgRhsCon currentCCS con args)
%* *
\subsection{Boxing higherorder args}
%* *
Boxing is *turned off* at the moment, until we can figure out how to
do it properly in general.
:: ([StgArg] -> StgExpr)
-> [StgArg]
-> MassageM StgExpr
boxHigherOrderArgs almost_expr args
= return (almost_expr args)
boxHigherOrderArgs almost_expr args = do
ids <- getTopLevelIshIds
(let_bindings, new_args) <- mapAccumLM (do_arg ids) [] args
return (foldr (mk_stg_let currentCCS) (almost_expr new_args) let_bindings)
do_arg ids bindings arg@(StgVarArg old_var)
| (not (isLocalVar old_var) || elemVarSet old_var ids)
&& isFunTy (dropForAlls var_type)
= do
uniq <- getUniqueMM
new_var = mkSysLocal (fsLit "sf") uniq var_type
return ( (new_var, old_var) : bindings, StgVarArg new_var )
var_type = idType old_var
do_arg ids bindings arg = return (bindings, arg)
mk_stg_let :: CostCentreStack -> (Id, Id) -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
mk_stg_let cc (new_var, old_var) body
= let
rhs_body = StgApp old_var []
rhs_closure = StgRhsClosure cc stgArgOcc [] ReEntrant NoSRT [] rhs_body
StgLet (StgNonRec new_var rhs_closure) body
bOGUS_LVs = emptyUniqSet
%* *
\subsection{Boring monad stuff for this}
%* *
newtype MassageM result
= MassageM {
unMassageM :: Module
-> CostCentreStack
-> UniqSupply
-> VarSet
-> CollectedCCs
-> (CollectedCCs, result)
instance Monad MassageM where
return x = MassageM (\_ _ _ _ ccs -> (ccs, x))
(>>=) = thenMM
(>>) = thenMM_
initMM :: Module
-> UniqSupply
-> MassageM a
-> (CollectedCCs, a)
initMM mod_name init_us (MassageM m) = m mod_name noCCS init_us emptyVarSet ([],[],[])
thenMM :: MassageM a -> (a -> MassageM b) -> MassageM b
thenMM_ :: MassageM a -> (MassageM b) -> MassageM b
thenMM expr cont = MassageM $ \mod scope_cc us ids ccs ->
case splitUniqSupply us of { (s1, s2) ->
case unMassageM expr mod scope_cc s1 ids ccs of { (ccs2, result) ->
unMassageM (cont result) mod scope_cc s2 ids ccs2 }}
thenMM_ expr cont = MassageM $ \mod scope_cc us ids ccs ->
case splitUniqSupply us of { (s1, s2) ->
case unMassageM expr mod scope_cc s1 ids ccs of { (ccs2, _) ->
unMassageM cont mod scope_cc s2 ids ccs2 }}
getUniqueMM :: MassageM Unique
getUniqueMM = MassageM \mod scope_cc us ids ccs -> (ccs, uniqFromSupply us)
addTopLevelIshId :: Id -> MassageM a -> MassageM a
addTopLevelIshId id scope
= MassageM $ \mod scope_cc us ids ccs ->
if isCurrentCCS scope_cc then unMassageM scope mod scope_cc us ids ccs
else unMassageM scope mod scope_cc us (extendVarSet ids id) ccs
addTopLevelIshIds :: [Id] -> MassageM a -> MassageM a
addTopLevelIshIds [] cont = cont
addTopLevelIshIds (id:ids) cont
= addTopLevelIshId id (addTopLevelIshIds ids cont)
getTopLevelIshIds :: MassageM VarSet
getTopLevelIshIds = MassageM $ \_mod _scope_cc _us ids ccs -> (ccs, ids)
The prevailing CCS is used to tell whether we're in a toplevelish
position, where toplevelish is defined as "not inside a lambda".
Prevailing CCs used to be used for something much more complicated,
I'm sure --SDM
set_lambda_cc :: MassageM a -> MassageM a
set_lambda_cc action
= MassageM $ \mod _scope_cc us ids ccs
-> unMassageM action mod currentCCS us ids ccs
set_prevailing_cc :: CostCentreStack -> MassageM a -> MassageM a
set_prevailing_cc cc_to_set_to action
= MassageM $ \mod _scope_cc us ids ccs
-> unMassageM action mod cc_to_set_to us ids ccs
collectCC :: CostCentre -> MassageM ()
collectCC cc
= MassageM $ \mod_name _scope_cc _us _ids (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss)
-> ASSERT(not (noCCAttached cc))
if (cc `ccFromThisModule` mod_name) then
((cc : local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss), ())
((local_ccs, cc : extern_ccs, ccss), ())
collectNewCC :: CostCentre -> MassageM ()
collectNewCC cc
= MassageM $ \_mod_name _scope_cc _us _ids (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss)
-> ((cc : local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss), ())
collectCCS :: CostCentreStack -> MassageM ()
collectCCS ccs
= MassageM $ \_mod_name _scope_cc _us _ids (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss)
-> ASSERT(not (noCCSAttached ccs))
((local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccs : ccss), ())