module TcSimplify( 
       simplifyInfer, simplifySuperClass,
       simplifyDefault, simplifyDeriv, simplifyBracket,
       simplifyRule, simplifyTop, simplifyInteractive
  ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import HsSyn	       
import TcRnMonad
import TcErrors
import TcCanonical
import TcMType
import TcType 
import TcSMonad 
import TcInteract
import Inst
import Var
import VarSet
import VarEnv 
import TypeRep

import Name
import NameEnv	( emptyNameEnv )
import Bag
import ListSetOps
import Util
import PrelInfo
import PrelNames
import Class		( classKey )
import BasicTypes	( RuleName )
import Data.List	( partition )
import Outputable
import FastString

*                                                                               * 
*                           External interface                                  *
*                                                                               *

simplifyTop :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
-- Simplify top-level constraints
-- Usually these will be implications, when there is
--   nothing to quanitfy we don't wrap in a degenerate implication,
--   so we do that here instead
simplifyTop wanteds 
  = simplifyCheck SimplCheck wanteds

simplifyInteractive :: WantedConstraints -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
simplifyInteractive wanteds 
  = simplifyCheck SimplInteractive wanteds

simplifyDefault :: ThetaType	-- Wanted; has no type variables in it
                -> TcM ()	-- Succeeds iff the constraint is soluble
simplifyDefault theta
  = do { loc <- getCtLoc DefaultOrigin
       ; wanted <- newWantedEvVars theta
       ; let wanted_bag = listToBag [WcEvVar (WantedEvVar w loc) | w <- wanted]
       ; _ignored_ev_binds <- simplifyCheck SimplCheck wanted_bag
       ; return () }

simplifyBracket is used when simplifying the constraints arising from
a Template Haskell bracket [| ... |].  We want to check that there aren't
any constraints that can't be satisfied (e.g. Show Foo, where Foo has no
Show instance), but we aren't otherwise interested in the results.
Nor do we care about ambiguous dictionaries etc.  We will type check
this bracket again at its usage site.

simplifyBracket :: WantedConstraints -> TcM ()
simplifyBracket wanteds
  = do	{ zonked_wanteds <- mapBagM zonkWanted wanteds 
        ; _ <- simplifyAsMuchAsPossible SimplInfer zonked_wanteds
	; return () }

*                                                                                 * 
*                            Deriving
*                                                                                 *

simplifyDeriv :: CtOrigin
		-> [TyVar]	
		-> ThetaType		-- Wanted
	        -> TcM ThetaType	-- Needed
-- Given  instance (wanted) => C inst_ty 
-- Simplify 'wanted' as much as possibles
simplifyDeriv orig tvs theta 
  = do { tvs_skols <- tcInstSkolTyVars InstSkol tvs -- Skolemize 
       	 	   -- One reason is that the constraint solving machinery
		   -- expects *TcTyVars* not TyVars.  Another is that
		   -- when looking up instances we don't want overlap
		   -- of type variables

       ; let skol_subst = zipTopTvSubst tvs $ map mkTyVarTy tvs_skols
       ; loc    <- getCtLoc orig
       ; wanted <- newWantedEvVars (substTheta skol_subst theta)
       ; let wanted_bag = listToBag [WcEvVar (WantedEvVar w loc) | w <- wanted]

       ; traceTc "simlifyDeriv" (ppr tvs $$ ppr theta $$ ppr wanted)
       ; (unsolved, _binds) <- simplifyAsMuchAsPossible SimplInfer wanted_bag

       ; let (good, bad) = partition validDerivPred $
                           foldrBag ((:) . wantedEvVarPred) [] unsolved
		-- See Note [Exotic derived instance contexts]
             subst_skol = zipTopTvSubst tvs_skols $ map mkTyVarTy tvs 

       ; reportUnsolvedDeriv bad loc
       ; return $ substTheta subst_skol good }

Note [Exotic derived instance contexts]
In a 'derived' instance declaration, we *infer* the context.  It's a
bit unclear what rules we should apply for this; the Haskell report is
silent.  Obviously, constraints like (Eq a) are fine, but what about
	data T f a = MkT (f a) deriving( Eq )
where we'd get an Eq (f a) constraint.  That's probably fine too.

One could go further: consider
	data T a b c = MkT (Foo a b c) deriving( Eq )
	instance (C Int a, Eq b, Eq c) => Eq (Foo a b c)

Notice that this instance (just) satisfies the Paterson termination 
conditions.  Then we *could* derive an instance decl like this:

	instance (C Int a, Eq b, Eq c) => Eq (T a b c) 
even though there is no instance for (C Int a), because there just
*might* be an instance for, say, (C Int Bool) at a site where we
need the equality instance for T's.  

However, this seems pretty exotic, and it's quite tricky to allow
this, and yet give sensible error messages in the (much more common)
case where we really want that instance decl for C.

So for now we simply require that the derived instance context
should have only type-variable constraints.

Here is another example:
	data Fix f = In (f (Fix f)) deriving( Eq )
Here, if we are prepared to allow -XUndecidableInstances we
could derive the instance
	instance Eq (f (Fix f)) => Eq (Fix f)
but this is so delicate that I don't think it should happen inside
'deriving'. If you want this, write it yourself!

NB: if you want to lift this condition, make sure you still meet the
termination conditions!  If not, the deriving mechanism generates
larger and larger constraints.  Example:
  data Succ a = S a
  data Seq a = Cons a (Seq (Succ a)) | Nil deriving Show

Note the lack of a Show instance for Succ.  First we'll generate
  instance (Show (Succ a), Show a) => Show (Seq a)
and then
  instance (Show (Succ (Succ a)), Show (Succ a), Show a) => Show (Seq a)
and so on.  Instead we want to complain of no instance for (Show (Succ a)).

The bottom line
Allow constraints which consist only of type variables, with no repeats.

*                                                                                 * 
*                            Inference
*                                                                                 *

simplifyInfer :: Bool		    -- Apply monomorphism restriction
              -> TcTyVarSet         -- These type variables are free in the
                                    -- types to be generalised
              -> WantedConstraints
              -> TcM ([TcTyVar],    -- Quantify over these type variables
                      [EvVar],      -- ... and these constraints
                      TcEvBinds)    -- ... binding these evidence variables
simplifyInfer apply_mr tau_tvs wanted
  | isEmptyBag wanted	  -- Trivial case is quite common
  = do { zonked_tau_tvs <- zonkTcTyVarsAndFV tau_tvs
       ; gbl_tvs        <- tcGetGlobalTyVars	     -- Already zonked
       ; qtvs <- zonkQuantifiedTyVars (varSetElems (zonked_tau_tvs `minusVarSet` gbl_tvs))
       ; return (qtvs, [], emptyTcEvBinds) }

  | otherwise
  = do { zonked_wanted <- mapBagM zonkWanted wanted 
       ; traceTc "simplifyInfer {"  $ vcat
             [ ptext (sLit "apply_mr =") <+> ppr apply_mr
             , ptext (sLit "wanted =") <+> ppr zonked_wanted
             , ptext (sLit "tau_tvs =") <+> ppr tau_tvs

	     -- Make a guess at the quantified type variables
	     -- Then split the constraints on the baisis of those tyvars
	     -- to avoid unnecessarily simplifying a class constraint
	     -- See Note [Avoid unecessary constraint simplification]
       ; gbl_tvs <- tcGetGlobalTyVars
       ; zonked_tau_tvs <- zonkTcTyVarsAndFV tau_tvs
       ; let proto_qtvs = growWanteds gbl_tvs zonked_wanted $
                          zonked_tau_tvs `minusVarSet` gbl_tvs
             (perhaps_bound, surely_free) 
                  = partitionBag (quantifyMeWC proto_qtvs) zonked_wanted
       ; emitConstraints surely_free
       ; traceTc "sinf"  $ vcat
             [ ptext (sLit "perhaps_bound =") <+> ppr perhaps_bound
             , ptext (sLit "surely_free   =") <+> ppr surely_free

       	      -- Now simplify the possibly-bound constraints
       ; (simplified_perhaps_bound, tc_binds) 
              <- simplifyAsMuchAsPossible SimplInfer perhaps_bound

	      -- Sigh: must re-zonk because because simplifyAsMuchAsPossible
	      --       may have done some unification
       ; gbl_tvs <- tcGetGlobalTyVars
       ; zonked_tau_tvs <- zonkTcTyVarsAndFV tau_tvs
       ; zonked_simples <- mapBagM zonkWantedEvVar simplified_perhaps_bound
       ; let init_tvs 	     = zonked_tau_tvs `minusVarSet` gbl_tvs
             mr_qtvs  	     = init_tvs `minusVarSet` constrained_tvs
             constrained_tvs = tyVarsOfWantedEvVars zonked_simples
             qtvs            = growWantedEVs gbl_tvs zonked_simples init_tvs
             (final_qtvs, (bound, free))
                | apply_mr  = (mr_qtvs, (emptyBag, zonked_simples))
                | otherwise = (qtvs,    partitionBag (quantifyMe qtvs) zonked_simples)

       ; traceTc "end simplifyInfer }" $
              vcat [ ptext (sLit "apply_mr =") <+> ppr apply_mr
                   , text "wanted = " <+> ppr zonked_wanted
                   , text "qtvs =   " <+> ppr final_qtvs
                   , text "free =   " <+> ppr free
                   , text "bound =  " <+> ppr bound ]

       -- Turn the quantified meta-type variables into real type variables 
       ; emitConstraints (mapBag WcEvVar free)
       ; qtvs_to_return <- zonkQuantifiedTyVars (varSetElems final_qtvs) 
       ; let bound_evvars = bagToList $ mapBag wantedEvVarToVar bound
       ; return (qtvs_to_return, bound_evvars, EvBinds tc_binds) }

simplifyAsMuchAsPossible :: SimplContext -> WantedConstraints
                         -> TcM (Bag WantedEvVar, Bag EvBind) 
-- We use this function when inferring the type of a function
-- The wanted constraints are already zonked
simplifyAsMuchAsPossible ctxt wanteds
  = do { let untch = NoUntouchables
	     	 -- We allow ourselves to unify environment 
		 -- variables; hence *no untouchables*

       ; ((unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics), frozen_errors, ev_binds) 
           <- runTcS ctxt untch $
              simplifyApproxLoop 0 wanteds

	      -- Report any errors
       ; reportUnsolved (emptyBag, unsolved_implics) frozen_errors

       ; return (unsolved_flats, ev_binds) }

    simplifyApproxLoop :: Int -> WantedConstraints
                       -> TcS (Bag WantedEvVar, Bag Implication)
    simplifyApproxLoop n wanteds
     | n > 10 
     = pprPanic "simplifyApproxLoop loops!" (ppr n <+> text "iterations") 
     | otherwise 
     = do { traceTcS "simplifyApproxLoop" (vcat 
               [ ptext (sLit "Wanted = ") <+> ppr wanteds ])
          ; (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics) <- solveWanteds emptyInert wanteds

	  ; let (extra_flats, thiner_unsolved_implics) 
                    = approximateImplications unsolved_implics
                    = Bag.mapBag WcEvVar unsolved_flats `unionBags` 
                                    Bag.mapBag WcImplic thiner_unsolved_implics

          ; -- If no new work was produced then we are done with simplifyApproxLoop
            if isEmptyBag extra_flats
            then do { traceTcS "simplifyApproxLoopRes" (vcat 
              		      [ ptext (sLit "Wanted = ") <+> ppr wanteds
                              , ptext (sLit "Result = ") <+> ppr unsolved_flats ])
                    ; return (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics) }

            else -- Produced new flat work wanteds, go round the loop
                simplifyApproxLoop (n+1) (extra_flats `unionBags` unsolved)

approximateImplications :: Bag Implication -> (WantedConstraints, Bag Implication) 
-- (wc1, impls2) <- approximateImplications impls 
-- splits 'impls' into two parts
--    wc1:    a bag of constraints that do not mention any skolems 
--    impls2: a bag of *thiner* implication constraints
approximateImplications impls 
  = splitBag (do_implic emptyVarSet) impls
    do_wanted :: TcTyVarSet -> WantedConstraint
              -> (WantedConstraints, WantedConstraints) 
    do_wanted skols (WcImplic impl) 
        = let (fl_w, mb_impl) = do_implic skols impl 
          in (fl_w, mapBag WcImplic mb_impl)
    do_wanted skols wc@(WcEvVar wev) 
      | tyVarsOfWantedEvVar wev `disjointVarSet` skols = (unitBag wc, emptyBag) 
      | otherwise                                      = (emptyBag, unitBag wc) 
    do_implic :: TcTyVarSet -> Implication
              -> (WantedConstraints, Bag Implication)
    do_implic skols impl@(Implic { ic_skols = skols', ic_wanted = wanted })
     = (floatable_wanted, if isEmptyBag rest_wanted then emptyBag
                          else unitBag impl{ ic_wanted = rest_wanted } ) 
        (floatable_wanted, rest_wanted) 
            = splitBag (do_wanted (skols `unionVarSet` skols')) wanted

    splitBag :: (a -> (WantedConstraints, Bag a))
             -> Bag a -> (WantedConstraints, Bag a)
    splitBag f bag = foldrBag do_one (emptyBag,emptyBag) bag
         do_one x (b1,b2) 
           = (wcs `unionBags` b1, imps `unionBags` b2)
              (wcs, imps) = f x 

growWantedEVs :: TyVarSet -> Bag WantedEvVar      -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
growWanteds   :: TyVarSet -> Bag WantedConstraint -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
growWanteds   gbl_tvs ws tvs
  | isEmptyBag ws = tvs
  | otherwise     = fixVarSet (\tvs -> foldrBag (growWanted   gbl_tvs) tvs ws) tvs
growWantedEVs gbl_tvs ws tvs 
  | isEmptyBag ws = tvs
  | otherwise     = fixVarSet (\tvs -> foldrBag (growWantedEV gbl_tvs) tvs ws) tvs

growEvVar    :: TyVarSet -> EvVar            -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
growWantedEV :: TyVarSet -> WantedEvVar      -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
growWanted   :: TyVarSet -> WantedConstraint -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
-- (growX gbls wanted tvs) grows a seed 'tvs' against the 
-- X-constraint 'wanted', nuking the 'gbls' at each stage

growEvVar gbl_tvs ev tvs
  = tvs `unionVarSet` (ev_tvs `minusVarSet` gbl_tvs)
    ev_tvs = growPredTyVars (evVarPred ev) tvs

growWantedEV gbl_tvs wev tvs = growEvVar gbl_tvs (wantedEvVarToVar wev) tvs

growWanted gbl_tvs (WcEvVar wev) tvs
  = growWantedEV gbl_tvs wev tvs
growWanted gbl_tvs (WcImplic implic) tvs
  = foldrBag (growWanted inner_gbl_tvs) 
             (foldr (growEvVar inner_gbl_tvs) tvs (ic_given implic))
	     	    -- Must grow over inner givens too
             (ic_wanted implic)
    inner_gbl_tvs = gbl_tvs `unionVarSet` ic_skols implic

quantifyMe :: TyVarSet      -- Quantifying over these
	   -> WantedEvVar
	   -> Bool	    -- True <=> quantify over this wanted
quantifyMe qtvs wev
  | isIPPred pred = True  -- Note [Inheriting implicit parameters]
  | otherwise	  = tyVarsOfPred pred `intersectsVarSet` qtvs
    pred = wantedEvVarPred wev

quantifyMeWC :: TyVarSet -> WantedConstraint -> Bool
-- False => we can *definitely* float the WantedConstraint out
quantifyMeWC qtvs (WcImplic implic)
  =  (tyVarsOfEvVars (ic_given implic) `intersectsVarSet` inner_qtvs)
  || anyBag (quantifyMeWC inner_qtvs) (ic_wanted implic)
    inner_qtvs = qtvs `minusVarSet` ic_skols implic

quantifyMeWC qtvs (WcEvVar wev)
  = quantifyMe qtvs wev

Note [Avoid unecessary constraint simplification]
When inferring the type of a let-binding, with simplifyInfer,
try to avoid unnecessariliy simplifying class constraints.
Doing so aids sharing, but it also helps with delicate 
situations like
   instance C t => C [t] where ..
   f :: C [t] => ....
   f x = let g y = ...(constraint C [t])... 
         in ...
When inferring a type for 'g', we don't want to apply the
instance decl, because then we can't satisfy (C t).  So we
just notice that g isn't quantified over 't' and partition
the contraints before simplifying.

This only half-works, but then let-generalisation only half-works.

Note [Inheriting implicit parameters]
Consider this:

	f x = (x::Int) + ?y

where f is *not* a top-level binding.
From the RHS of f we'll get the constraint (?y::Int).
There are two types we might infer for f:

	f :: Int -> Int

(so we get ?y from the context of f's definition), or

	f :: (?y::Int) => Int -> Int

At first you might think the first was better, becuase then
?y behaves like a free variable of the definition, rather than
having to be passed at each call site.  But of course, the WHOLE
IDEA is that ?y should be passed at each call site (that's what
dynamic binding means) so we'd better infer the second.

BOTTOM LINE: when *inferring types* you *must* quantify 
over implicit parameters. See the predicate isFreeWhenInferring.

*                                                                                 * 
*                             Superclasses                                        *
*                                                                                 *

When constructing evidence for superclasses in an instance declaration, 
  * we MUST have the "self" dictionary available, but
  * we must NOT have its superclasses derived from "self"

Moreover, we must *completely* solve the constraints right now,
not wrap them in an implication constraint to solve later.  Why?
Because when that implication constraint is solved there may
be some unrelated other solved top-level constraints that
recursively depend on the superclass we are building. Consider
   class Ord a => C a where
   instance C [Int] where ...
Then we get
   dCListInt :: C [Int]
   dCListInt = MkC $cNum ...

   $cNum :: Ord [Int] -- The superclass
   $cNum = let self = dCListInt in <solve Ord [Int]>

Now, if there is some *other* top-level constraint solved
looking like
	foo :: Ord [Int]
        foo = scsel dCInt
we must not solve the (Ord [Int]) wanted from foo!!

simplifySuperClass :: EvVar	-- The "self" dictionary
		   -> WantedConstraints
		   -> TcM ()
simplifySuperClass self wanteds
  = do { wanteds <- mapBagM zonkWanted wanteds
       ; loc <- getCtLoc NoScSkol
       ; ((unsolved_flats,unsolved_impls), frozen_errors, ev_binds)
             <- runTcS SimplCheck NoUntouchables $
         	do { can_self <- canGivens loc [self]
         	   ; let inert = foldlBag updInertSet emptyInert can_self
	 	     -- No need for solveInteract; we know it's inert

	 	   ; solveWanteds inert wanteds }

       ; ASSERT2( isEmptyBag ev_binds, ppr ev_binds )
         reportUnsolved (unsolved_flats,unsolved_impls) frozen_errors }

*                                                                                 * 
*                             RULES                                               *
*                                                                                 *

Note [Simplifying RULE lhs constraints]
On the LHS of transformation rules we only simplify only equalitis,
but not dictionaries.  We want to keep dictionaries unsimplified, to
serve as the available stuff for the RHS of the rule.  We *do* want to
simplify equalities, however, to detect ill-typed rules that cannot be

Implementation: the TcSFlags carried by the TcSMonad controls the
amount of simplification, so simplifyRuleLhs just sets the flag

Example.  Consider the following left-hand side of a rule
	f (x == y) (y > z) = ...
If we typecheck this expression we get constraints
	d1 :: Ord a, d2 :: Eq a
We do NOT want to "simplify" to the LHS
	forall x::a, y::a, z::a, d1::Ord a.
	  f ((==) (eqFromOrd d1) x y) ((>) d1 y z) = ...
Instead we want	
	forall x::a, y::a, z::a, d1::Ord a, d2::Eq a.
	  f ((==) d2 x y) ((>) d1 y z) = ...

Here is another example:
	fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
	{-# RULES "foo"  fromIntegral = id :: Int -> Int #-}
In the rule, a=b=Int, and Num Int is a superclass of Integral Int. But
we *dont* want to get
	forall dIntegralInt.
	   fromIntegral Int Int dIntegralInt (scsel dIntegralInt) = id Int
because the scsel will mess up RULE matching.  Instead we want
	forall dIntegralInt, dNumInt.
	  fromIntegral Int Int dIntegralInt dNumInt = id Int

Even if we have 
	g (x == y) (y == z) = ..
where the two dictionaries are *identical*, we do NOT WANT
	forall x::a, y::a, z::a, d1::Eq a
	  f ((==) d1 x y) ((>) d1 y z) = ...
because that will only match if the dict args are (visibly) equal.
Instead we want to quantify over the dictionaries separately.

In short, simplifyRuleLhs must *only* squash equalities, leaving
all dicts unchanged, with absolutely no sharing.  

HOWEVER, under a nested implication things are different
  f :: (forall a. Eq a => a->a) -> Bool -> ...
  {-# RULES "foo" forall (v::forall b. Eq b => b->b).
       f b True = ...
Here we *must* solve the wanted (Eq a) from the given (Eq a)
resulting from skolemising the agument type of g.  So we 
revert to SimplCheck when going under an implication.  

simplifyRule :: RuleName 
             -> [TcTyVar]		-- Explicit skolems
             -> WantedConstraints	-- Constraints from LHS
             -> WantedConstraints	-- Constraints from RHS
             -> TcM ([EvVar], 		-- LHS dicts
                     TcEvBinds,		-- Evidence for LHS
                     TcEvBinds)		-- Evidence for RHS
-- See Note [Simplifying RULE lhs constraints]
simplifyRule name tv_bndrs lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
  = do { zonked_lhs <- mapBagM zonkWanted lhs_wanted
       ; (lhs_residual, lhs_binds) <- simplifyAsMuchAsPossible SimplRuleLhs zonked_lhs

       -- Don't quantify over equalities (judgement call here)
       ; let (eqs, dicts) = partitionBag (isEqPred . wantedEvVarPred) lhs_residual
             lhs_dicts    = map wantedEvVarToVar (bagToList dicts)  
	     	     	       	 -- Dicts and implicit parameters
       ; reportUnsolvedWantedEvVars eqs

	     -- Notice that we simplify the RHS with only the explicitly
	     -- introduced skolems, allowing the RHS to constrain any 
	     -- unification variables.
	     -- Then, and only then, we call zonkQuantifiedTypeVariables
	     -- Example   foo :: Ord a => a -> a
	     --		  foo_spec :: Int -> Int
	     --		  {-# RULE "foo"  foo = foo_spec #-}
	     --	    Here, it's the RHS that fixes the type variable

	     -- So we don't want to make untouchable the type
	     -- variables in the envt of the RHS, because they include
	     -- the template variables of the RULE

	     -- Hence the rather painful ad-hoc treatement here
       ; rhs_binds_var@(EvBindsVar evb_ref _)  <- newTcEvBinds
       ; loc        <- getCtLoc (RuleSkol name)
       ; rhs_binds1 <- simplifyCheck SimplCheck $ unitBag $ WcImplic $ 
             Implic { ic_untch = NoUntouchables
             	    , ic_env = emptyNameEnv
             	    , ic_skols = mkVarSet tv_bndrs
             	    , ic_scoped = panic "emitImplication"
             	    , ic_given = lhs_dicts
             	    , ic_wanted = rhs_wanted
             	    , ic_binds = rhs_binds_var
             	    , ic_loc = loc }
       ; rhs_binds2 <- readTcRef evb_ref

       ; return ( lhs_dicts
                , EvBinds lhs_binds 
                , EvBinds (rhs_binds1 `unionBags` evBindMapBinds rhs_binds2)) }

*                                                                                 * 
*                                 Main Simplifier                                 *
*                                                                                 *

simplifyCheck :: SimplContext
	      -> WantedConstraints	-- Wanted
              -> TcM (Bag EvBind)
-- Solve a single, top-level implication constraint
-- e.g. typically one created from a top-level type signature
-- 	    f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
--          f x = rhs
-- We do this even if the function has no polymorphism:
--    	    g :: Int -> Int

--          g y = rhs
-- (whereas for *nested* bindings we would not create
--  an implication constraint for g at all.)
-- Fails if can't solve something in the input wanteds
simplifyCheck ctxt wanteds
  = do { wanteds <- mapBagM zonkWanted wanteds

       ; traceTc "simplifyCheck {" (vcat
             [ ptext (sLit "wanted =") <+> ppr wanteds ])

       ; (unsolved, frozen_errors, ev_binds) 
           <- runTcS ctxt NoUntouchables $ solveWanteds emptyInert wanteds

       ; traceTc "simplifyCheck }" $
             ptext (sLit "unsolved =") <+> ppr unsolved

       ; reportUnsolved unsolved frozen_errors

       ; return ev_binds }

solveWanteds :: InertSet	      -- Given 
             -> WantedConstraints     -- Wanted
             -> TcS (Bag WantedEvVar, -- Unsolved constraints, but unflattened, this is why 
                                      -- they are WantedConstraints and not CanonicalCts
                     Bag Implication) -- Unsolved implications
-- solveWanteds iterates when it is able to float equalities
-- out of one or more of the implications 
solveWanteds inert wanteds
  = do { let (flat_wanteds, implic_wanteds) = splitWanteds wanteds
       ; can_flats <- canWanteds $ bagToList flat_wanteds
       ; traceTcS "solveWanteds {" $
                 vcat [ text "wanteds =" <+> ppr wanteds
                      , text "inert =" <+> ppr inert ]
       ; (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics) 
               <- simpl_loop 1 inert can_flats implic_wanteds
       ; bb <- getTcEvBindsBag
       ; tb <- getTcSTyBindsMap
       ; traceTcS "solveWanteds }" $
                 vcat [ text "unsolved_flats   =" <+> ppr unsolved_flats
                      , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics 
                      , text "current evbinds  =" <+> vcat (map ppr (varEnvElts bb))
                      , text "current tybinds  =" <+> vcat (map ppr (varEnvElts tb))

       ; solveCTyFunEqs unsolved_flats unsolved_implics
                -- See Note [Solving Family Equations]
    simpl_loop :: Int 
               -> InertSet 
               -> CanonicalCts	-- May inlude givens (in the recursive call)
               -> Bag Implication
               -> TcS (CanonicalCts, Bag Implication)
    simpl_loop n inert can_ws implics
      | n>10
      = trace "solveWanteds: loop" $	-- Always bleat
        do { traceTcS "solveWanteds: loop" (ppr inert)  -- Bleat more informatively
           ; return (can_ws, implics) }

      | otherwise
      = do { traceTcS "solveWanteds: simpl_loop start {" $
                 vcat [ text "n =" <+> ppr n
                      , text "can_ws =" <+> ppr can_ws
                      , text "implics =" <+> ppr implics
                      , text "inert =" <+> ppr inert ]
           ; inert1 <- solveInteract inert can_ws
           ; let (inert2, unsolved_flats) = extractUnsolved inert1

           -- NB: Importantly, inerts2 may contain *more* givens than inert 
           -- because of having solved equalities from can_ws 
           ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: done flats"  $
                 vcat [ text "inerts =" <+> ppr inert2
                      , text "unsolved =" <+> ppr unsolved_flats ]

                   -- See Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
           ; inert_for_implics <- solveInteract inert2 (makeGivens unsolved_flats)
           ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: doing nested implications {" $
                 vcat [ text "inerts_for_implics =" <+> ppr inert_for_implics
                      , text "implics =" <+> ppr implics ]
           ; (implic_eqs, unsolved_implics)
                <- flatMapBagPairM (solveImplication inert_for_implics) implics

           ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: done nested implications }" $
                 vcat [ text "implic_eqs =" <+> ppr implic_eqs
                      , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]

                -- Apply defaulting rules if and only if there
		-- no floated equalities.  If there are, they may
		-- solve the remaining wanteds, so don't do defaulting.
           ; final_eqs <- if not (isEmptyBag implic_eqs)
			  then return implic_eqs
                          else applyDefaultingRules inert2 unsolved_flats
	        -- default_eqs are *givens*, so simpl_loop may 
		-- recurse with givens in the argument

           ; traceTcS "solveWanteds: simpl_loop end }" $
                 vcat [ text "final_eqs =" <+> ppr final_eqs
                      , text "unsolved_flats =" <+> ppr unsolved_flats
                      , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]

           ; if isEmptyBag final_eqs then
                 return (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics)
                 do { can_final_eqs <- canWanteds (Bag.bagToList final_eqs)
                       -- final eqs is *just* a bunch of WantedEvVars
                    ; simpl_loop (n+1) inert2 
                          (can_final_eqs `andCCan` unsolved_flats) unsolved_implics 
                       -- Important: reiterate with inert2, not plainly inert
                       -- because inert2 may contain more givens, as the result of solving
                       -- some wanteds in the incoming can_ws 
                    }       }

solveImplication :: InertSet                 -- Given
                    -> Implication           -- Wanted
                    -> TcS (Bag WantedEvVar, -- Unsolved unification var = type
                            Bag Implication) -- Unsolved rest (always empty or singleton)
-- Returns: 
--  1. A bag of floatable wanted constraints, not mentioning any skolems, 
--     that are of the form unification var = type
--  2. Maybe a unsolved implication, empty if entirely solved! 
-- Precondition: everything is zonked by now
solveImplication inert 
     imp@(Implic { ic_untch  = untch 
                 , ic_binds  = ev_binds
                 , ic_skols  = skols 
                 , ic_given  = givens
                 , ic_wanted = wanteds
                 , ic_loc    = loc })
  = nestImplicTcS ev_binds untch $
    recoverTcS (return (emptyBag, emptyBag)) $
       -- Recover from nested failures.  Even the top level is
       -- just a bunch of implications, so failing at the first
       -- one is bad
    do { traceTcS "solveImplication {" (ppr imp) 

         -- Solve flat givens
       ; can_givens  <- canGivens loc givens
       ; given_inert <- solveInteract inert can_givens

         -- Simplify the wanteds
       ; (unsolved_flats, unsolved_implics) <- solveWanteds given_inert wanteds

       ; let (res_flat_free, res_flat_bound) 
                      = floatEqualities skols givens unsolved_flats
             unsolved = Bag.mapBag WcEvVar res_flat_bound `unionBags`
                              Bag.mapBag WcImplic unsolved_implics

       ; traceTcS "solveImplication end }" $ vcat
             [ text "res_flat_free =" <+> ppr res_flat_free
             , text "res_flat_bound =" <+> ppr res_flat_bound
             , text "unsolved_implics =" <+> ppr unsolved_implics ]

       ; let res_bag | isEmptyBag unsolved = emptyBag
                     | otherwise           = unitBag (imp { ic_wanted  = unsolved })

       ; return (res_flat_free, res_bag) }

floatEqualities :: TcTyVarSet -> [EvVar] 
                -> Bag WantedEvVar -> (Bag WantedEvVar, Bag WantedEvVar)
                   -- The CanonicalCts will be floated out to be used later, whereas
                   -- the remaining WantedEvVars will remain inside the implication. 
floatEqualities skols can_given wanteds
  | hasEqualities can_given = (emptyBag, wanteds)
          -- Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
  | otherwise = partitionBag is_floatable wanteds 
  where is_floatable :: WantedEvVar -> Bool 
        is_floatable (WantedEvVar cv _) 
          | isCoVar cv = skols `disjointVarSet` predTvs_under_fsks (coVarPred cv)
        is_floatable _wv = False

        tvs_under_fsks :: Type -> TyVarSet
        -- ^ NB: for type synonyms tvs_under_fsks does /not/ expand the synonym
        tvs_under_fsks (TyVarTy tv)     
          | not (isTcTyVar tv)               = unitVarSet tv
          | FlatSkol ty <- tcTyVarDetails tv = tvs_under_fsks ty
          | otherwise                        = unitVarSet tv
        tvs_under_fsks (TyConApp _ tys) = unionVarSets (map tvs_under_fsks tys)
        tvs_under_fsks (PredTy sty)     = predTvs_under_fsks sty
        tvs_under_fsks (FunTy arg res)  = tvs_under_fsks arg `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks res
        tvs_under_fsks (AppTy fun arg)  = tvs_under_fsks fun `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks arg
        tvs_under_fsks (ForAllTy tv ty) -- The kind of a coercion binder 
        	     	       	      -- can mention type variables!
          | isTyVar tv		      = inner_tvs `delVarSet` tv
          | otherwise  {- Coercion -} = -- ASSERT( not (tv `elemVarSet` inner_tvs) )
                                        inner_tvs `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks (tyVarKind tv)
            inner_tvs = tvs_under_fsks ty

        predTvs_under_fsks :: PredType -> TyVarSet
        predTvs_under_fsks (IParam _ ty)    = tvs_under_fsks ty
        predTvs_under_fsks (ClassP _ tys)   = unionVarSets (map tvs_under_fsks tys)
        predTvs_under_fsks (EqPred ty1 ty2) = tvs_under_fsks ty1 `unionVarSet` tvs_under_fsks ty2


Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
We want to float equalities out of vanilla existentials, but *not* out 
of GADT pattern matches. 

Note [Preparing inert set for implications]
Before solving the nested implications, we convert any unsolved flat wanteds
to givens, and add them to the inert set.  Reasons:
  a) In checking mode, suppresses unnecessary errors.  We already have 
     on unsolved-wanted error; adding it to the givens prevents any 
     consequential errors from showing uop
  b) More importantly, in inference mode, we are going to quantify over this
     constraint, and we *don't* want to quantify over any constraints that
     are deducible from it.

The unsolved wanteds are *canonical* but they may not be *inert*,
because when made into a given they might interact with other givens.
Hence the call to solveInteract.  Example:

 Original inert set = (d :_g D a) /\ (co :_w  a ~ [beta]) 

We were not able to solve (a ~w [beta]) but we can't just assume it as
given because the resulting set is not inert. Hence we have to do a
'solveInteract' step first


solveCTyFunEqs :: CanonicalCts -> Bag Implication -> TcS (Bag WantedEvVar, Bag Implication)
-- Default equalities (F xi ~ alpha) by setting (alpha := F xi), whenever possible
-- See Note [Solving Family Equations]
-- Returns: a bunch of unsolved constraints from the original CanonicalCts and implications
--          where the newly generated equalities (alpha := F xi) have been substituted through.
solveCTyFunEqs cts implics
 = do { untch   <- getUntouchables 
      ; let (unsolved_can_cts, funeq_bnds) = getSolvableCTyFunEqs untch cts
      ; traceTcS "defaultCTyFunEqs" (vcat [text "Trying to default family equations:"
                                          , ppr funeq_bnds
      ; mapM_ solve_one funeq_bnds

             -- Apply the substitution through to eliminate the flatten 
             -- unification variables we substituted both in the unsolved flats and implics
      ; let final_unsolved 
              = Bag.mapBag (subst_wevar funeq_bnds . deCanonicaliseWanted) unsolved_can_cts
              = Bag.mapBag (subst_impl funeq_bnds) implics

      ; return (final_unsolved, final_implics) }

  where solve_one (tv,(ty,cv,fl)) 
          | not (typeKind ty `isSubKind` tyVarKind tv) 
          = addErrorTcS KindError fl (mkTyVarTy tv) ty
             -- Must do a small kind check since TcCanonical invariants 
             -- on family equations only impose compatibility, not subkinding
          | otherwise = setWantedTyBind tv ty >> setWantedCoBind cv ty

        subst_wanted :: FunEqBinds -> WantedConstraint -> WantedConstraint
        subst_wanted funeq_bnds (WcEvVar wv)    = WcEvVar  (subst_wevar funeq_bnds wv)
        subst_wanted funeq_bnds (WcImplic impl) = WcImplic (subst_impl funeq_bnds impl)

        subst_wevar :: FunEqBinds -> WantedEvVar -> WantedEvVar        
        subst_wevar funeq_bnds (WantedEvVar v loc)
          = let orig_ty  = varType v
                new_ty   = substFunEqBnds funeq_bnds orig_ty
            in WantedEvVar (setVarType v new_ty) loc
        subst_impl :: FunEqBinds -> Implication -> Implication
        subst_impl funeq_bnds impl@(Implic { ic_wanted = ws })
          = impl { ic_wanted = Bag.mapBag (subst_wanted funeq_bnds) ws }

type FunEqBinds = [(TcTyVar,(TcType,CoVar,CtFlavor))]
-- Invariant: if it contains:
--       [... a -> (ta,...) ... b -> (tb,...) ... ] 
-- then 'ta' cannot mention 'b'

getSolvableCTyFunEqs :: Untouchables 
                     -> CanonicalCts                -- Precondition: all wanteds 
                     -> (CanonicalCts, FunEqBinds)  -- Postcondition: returns the unsolvables
getSolvableCTyFunEqs untch cts
  = Bag.foldlBag dflt_funeq (emptyCCan, []) cts
  where dflt_funeq (cts_in, extra_binds) ct@(CFunEqCan { cc_id = cv
                                                       , cc_flavor = fl
                                                       , cc_fun = tc
                                                       , cc_tyargs = xis
                                                       , cc_rhs = xi })
          | Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe xi
          , isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch tv -- If RHS is a touchable unif. variable
          , Nothing <- lookup tv extra_binds      -- or in extra_binds
               -- See Note [Solving Family Equations], Point 1
          = ASSERT ( isWanted fl )
            let ty_orig   = mkTyConApp tc xis 
                ty_bind   = substFunEqBnds extra_binds ty_orig
            in if tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty_bind 
               then (cts_in `extendCCans` ct, extra_binds)     
                      -- See Note [Solving Family Equations], Point 2
               else (cts_in, (tv,(ty_bind,cv,fl)):extra_binds) 
                      -- Postcondition met because extra_binds is already applied to ty_bind

        dflt_funeq (cts_in, extra_binds) ct = (cts_in `extendCCans` ct, extra_binds)

substFunEqBnds :: FunEqBinds -> TcType -> TcType 
substFunEqBnds bnds ty 
  = foldr (\(x,(t,_cv,_fl)) xy -> substTyWith [x] [t] xy) ty bnds
    -- foldr works because of the FunEqBinds invariant


Note [Solving Family Equations] 
After we are done with simplification we may be left with constraints of the form:
     [Wanted] F xis ~ beta 
If 'beta' is a touchable unification variable not already bound in the TyBinds 
then we'd like to create a binding for it, effectively "defaulting" it to be 'F xis'.

When is it ok to do so? 
    1) 'beta' must not already be defaulted to something. Example: 

           [Wanted] F Int  ~ beta   <~ Will default [beta := F Int]
           [Wanted] F Char ~ beta   <~ Already defaulted, can't default again. We 
                                       have to report this as unsolved.

    2) However, we must still do an occurs check when defaulting (F xis ~ beta), to 
       set [beta := F xis] only if beta is not among the free variables of xis.

    3) Notice that 'beta' can't be bound in ty binds already because we rewrite RHS 
       of type family equations. See Inert Set invariants in TcInteract. 

*                                                                               * 
*                          Defaulting and disamgiguation                        *
*                                                                               *

Basic plan behind applyDefaulting rules: 
 Step 1:  
    Split wanteds into defaultable groups, `groups' and the rest `rest_wanted' 
    For each defaultable group, do: 
      For each possible substitution for [alpha |-> tau] where `alpha' is the 
      group's variable, do: 
        1) Make up new TcEvBinds
        2) Extend TcS with (groupVariable 
        3) given_inert <- solveOne inert (given : a ~ tau) 
        4) (final_inert,unsolved) <- solveWanted (given_inert) (group_constraints)
        5) if unsolved == empty then 
                 sneakyUnify a |-> tau 
                 write the evidence bins
                 return (final_inert ++ group_constraints,[]) 
                      -- will contain the info (alpha |-> tau)!!
                 goto next defaultable group 
           if unsolved <> empty then 
                 throw away evidence binds
                 try next substitution 
     If you've run out of substitutions for this group, too bad, you failed 
                 return (inert,group) 
                 goto next defaultable group
 Step 2: 
   Collect all the (canonical-cts, wanteds) gathered this way. 
   - Do a solveGiven over the canonical-cts to make sure they are inert 

applyDefaultingRules :: InertSet
                     -> CanonicalCts 	       -- All wanteds
                     -> TcS (Bag WantedEvVar)  -- All wanteds again!  
-- Return some *extra* givens, which express the 
-- type-class-default choice

applyDefaultingRules inert wanteds
  | isEmptyBag wanteds 
  = return emptyBag
  | otherwise
  = do { untch <- getUntouchables
       ; tv_cts <- mapM (defaultTyVar untch) $
                   varSetElems (tyVarsOfCDicts wanteds) 

       ; info@(_, default_tys, _) <- getDefaultInfo
       ; let groups = findDefaultableGroups info untch wanteds
       ; deflt_cts <- mapM (disambigGroup default_tys inert) groups

       ; traceTcS "deflt2" (vcat [ text "Tyvar defaults =" <+> ppr tv_cts
                                 , text "Type defaults =" <+> ppr deflt_cts])

       ; return (unionManyBags deflt_cts `unionBags` unionManyBags tv_cts) }

defaultTyVar :: Untouchables -> TcTyVar -> TcS (Bag WantedEvVar)
-- defaultTyVar is used on any un-instantiated meta type variables to
-- default the kind of ? and ?? etc to *.  This is important to ensure
-- that instance declarations match.  For example consider
--	instance Show (a->b)
--	foo x = show (\_ -> True)
-- Then we'll get a constraint (Show (p ->q)) where p has argTypeKind (printed ??), 
-- and that won't match the typeKind (*) in the instance decl.  
-- See test tc217.
-- We look only at touchable type variables. No further constraints
-- are going to affect these type variables, so it's time to do it by
-- hand.  However we aren't ready to default them fully to () or
-- whatever, because the type-class defaulting rules have yet to run.

defaultTyVar untch the_tv 
  | isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch the_tv
  , not (k `eqKind` default_k)
  = do { ev <- TcSMonad.newKindConstraint the_tv default_k
       ; let loc = CtLoc DefaultOrigin (getSrcSpan the_tv) [] -- Yuk
       ; return (unitBag (WantedEvVar ev loc)) }
  | otherwise            
  = return emptyBag	 -- The common case
    k = tyVarKind the_tv
    default_k = defaultKind k

    :: ( SimplContext 
       , [Type]
       , (Bool,Bool) )  -- (Overloaded strings, extended default rules)
    -> Untouchables	-- Untouchable
    -> CanonicalCts	-- Unsolved
    -> [[(CanonicalCt,TcTyVar)]]
findDefaultableGroups (ctxt, default_tys, (ovl_strings, extended_defaults)) 
                      untch wanteds
  | not (performDefaulting ctxt) = []
  | null default_tys             = []
  | otherwise = filter is_defaultable_group (equivClasses cmp_tv unaries)
    unaries     :: [(CanonicalCt, TcTyVar)]  -- (C tv) constraints
    non_unaries :: [CanonicalCt]             -- and *other* constraints
    (unaries, non_unaries) = partitionWith find_unary (bagToList wanteds)
        -- Finds unary type-class constraints
    find_unary cc@(CDictCan { cc_tyargs = [ty] })
        | Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty
        = Left (cc, tv)
    find_unary cc = Right cc  -- Non unary or non dictionary 

    bad_tvs :: TcTyVarSet  -- TyVars mentioned by non-unaries 
    bad_tvs = foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCanonical) emptyVarSet non_unaries 

    cmp_tv (_,tv1) (_,tv2) = tv1 `compare` tv2

    is_defaultable_group ds@((_,tv):_)
        = isTyConableTyVar tv	-- Note [Avoiding spurious errors]
        && not (tv `elemVarSet` bad_tvs)
        && isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch tv 
        && defaultable_classes [cc_class cc | (cc,_) <- ds]
    is_defaultable_group [] = panic "defaultable_group"

    defaultable_classes clss 
        | extended_defaults = any isInteractiveClass clss
        | otherwise         = all is_std_class clss && (any is_num_class clss)

    -- In interactive mode, or with -XExtendedDefaultRules,
    -- we default Show a to Show () to avoid graututious errors on "show []"
    isInteractiveClass cls 
        = is_num_class cls || (classKey cls `elem` [showClassKey, eqClassKey, ordClassKey])

    is_num_class cls = isNumericClass cls || (ovl_strings && (cls `hasKey` isStringClassKey))
    -- is_num_class adds IsString to the standard numeric classes, 
    -- when -foverloaded-strings is enabled

    is_std_class cls = isStandardClass cls || (ovl_strings && (cls `hasKey` isStringClassKey))
    -- Similarly is_std_class

disambigGroup :: [Type]                    -- The default types 
              -> InertSet                  -- Given inert 
              -> [(CanonicalCt, TcTyVar)]  -- All classes of the form (C a)
	      	 		           --  sharing same type variable
              -> TcS (Bag WantedEvVar)

disambigGroup [] _inert _grp 
  = return emptyBag
disambigGroup (default_ty:default_tys) inert group
  = do { traceTcS "disambigGroup" (ppr group $$ ppr default_ty)
       ; let ct_loc = get_ct_loc (cc_flavor the_ct) 
       ; ev <- TcSMonad.newWantedCoVar (mkTyVarTy the_tv) default_ty
       ; let wanted_eq = CTyEqCan { cc_id = ev
                                  , cc_flavor = Wanted ct_loc
                                  , cc_tyvar  = the_tv 
                                  , cc_rhs    = default_ty }
       ; success <- tryTcS $ 
           	    do { final_inert <- solveInteract inert(listToBag $ wanted_eq:wanteds)
           	       ; let (_, unsolved) = extractUnsolved final_inert                                    
                       ; errs <- getTcSErrorsBag 
           	       ; return (isEmptyBag unsolved && isEmptyBag errs) }

       ; case success of
           True  ->  -- Success: record the type variable binding, and return
                    do { wrapWarnTcS $ warnDefaulting wanted_ev_vars default_ty
                       ; traceTcS "disambigGroup succeeded" (ppr default_ty)
                       ; return (unitBag $ WantedEvVar ev ct_loc) }
           False ->    -- Failure: try with the next type
		    do { traceTcS "disambigGroup failed, will try other default types" (ppr default_ty)
                       ; disambigGroup default_tys inert group } }
    ((the_ct,the_tv):_) = group
    wanteds = map fst group
    wanted_ev_vars = map deCanonicaliseWanted wanteds

    get_ct_loc (Wanted l) = l
    get_ct_loc _ = panic "Asked  to disambiguate given or derived!"


Note [Avoiding spurious errors]
When doing the unification for defaulting, we check for skolem
type variables, and simply don't default them.  For example:
   f = (*)	-- Monomorphic
   g :: Num a => a -> a
   g x = f x x
Here, we get a complaint when checking the type signature for g,
that g isn't polymorphic enough; but then we get another one when
dealing with the (Num a) context arising from f's definition;
we try to unify a with Int (to default it), but find that it's
already been unified with the rigid variable from g's type sig