% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
Static Argument Transformation pass
May be seen as removing invariants from loops:
Arguments of recursive functions that do not change in recursive
calls are removed from the recursion, which is done locally
and only passes the arguments which effectively change.
map = /\ ab -> \f -> \xs -> case xs of
[] -> []
(a:b) -> f a : map f b
as map is recursively called with the same argument f (unmodified)
we transform it to
map = /\ ab -> \f -> \xs -> let map' ys = case ys of
[] -> []
(a:b) -> f a : map' b
in map' xs
Notice that for a compiler that uses lambda lifting this is
useless as map' will be transformed back to what map was.
We could possibly do the same for big lambdas, but we don't as
they will eventually be removed in later stages of the compiler,
therefore there is no penalty in keeping them.
We only apply the SAT when the number of static args is > 2. This
produces few bad cases. See
in saTransform.
Here are the headline nofib results:
Size Allocs Runtime
Min +0.0% -13.7% -21.4%
Max +0.1% +0.0% +5.4%
Geometric Mean +0.0% -0.2% -6.9%
The previous patch, to fix polymorphic floatout demand signatures, is
essential to make this work well!
module SAT ( doStaticArgs ) where
import Var
import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils
import Type
import Id
import Name
import VarEnv
import UniqSupply
import Util
import UniqFM
import VarSet
import Unique
import UniqSet
import Outputable
import Data.List
import FastString
#include "HsVersions.h"
doStaticArgs :: UniqSupply -> [CoreBind] -> [CoreBind]
doStaticArgs us binds = snd $ mapAccumL sat_bind_threaded_us us binds
sat_bind_threaded_us us bind =
let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
in (us1, fst $ runSAT us2 (satBind bind emptyUniqSet))
satBind :: CoreBind -> IdSet -> SatM (CoreBind, IdSATInfo)
satBind (NonRec binder expr) interesting_ids = do
(expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
return (NonRec binder expr', finalizeApp expr_app sat_info_expr)
satBind (Rec [(binder, rhs)]) interesting_ids = do
let interesting_ids' = interesting_ids `addOneToUniqSet` binder
(rhs_binders, rhs_body) = collectBinders rhs
(rhs_body', sat_info_rhs_body) <- satTopLevelExpr rhs_body interesting_ids'
let sat_info_rhs_from_args = unitVarEnv binder (bindersToSATInfo rhs_binders)
sat_info_rhs' = mergeIdSATInfo sat_info_rhs_from_args sat_info_rhs_body
shadowing = binder `elementOfUniqSet` interesting_ids
sat_info_rhs'' = if shadowing
then sat_info_rhs' `delFromUFM` binder
else sat_info_rhs'
bind' <- saTransformMaybe binder (lookupUFM sat_info_rhs' binder)
rhs_binders rhs_body'
return (bind', sat_info_rhs'')
satBind (Rec pairs) interesting_ids = do
let (binders, rhss) = unzip pairs
rhss_SATed <- mapM (\e -> satTopLevelExpr e interesting_ids) rhss
let (rhss', sat_info_rhss') = unzip rhss_SATed
return (Rec (zipEqual "satBind" binders rhss'), mergeIdSATInfos sat_info_rhss')
data App = VarApp Id | TypeApp Type
data Staticness a = Static a | NotStatic
type IdAppInfo = (Id, SATInfo)
type SATInfo = [Staticness App]
type IdSATInfo = IdEnv SATInfo
emptyIdSATInfo :: IdSATInfo
emptyIdSATInfo = emptyUFM
pprSATInfo :: SATInfo -> SDoc
pprSATInfo staticness = hcat $ map pprStaticness staticness
pprStaticness :: Staticness App -> SDoc
pprStaticness (Static (VarApp _)) = ptext (sLit "SV")
pprStaticness (Static (TypeApp _)) = ptext (sLit "ST")
pprStaticness NotStatic = ptext (sLit "NS")
mergeSATInfo :: SATInfo -> SATInfo -> SATInfo
mergeSATInfo [] _ = []
mergeSATInfo _ [] = []
mergeSATInfo (NotStatic:statics) (_:apps) = NotStatic : mergeSATInfo statics apps
mergeSATInfo (_:statics) (NotStatic:apps) = NotStatic : mergeSATInfo statics apps
mergeSATInfo ((Static (VarApp v)):statics) ((Static (VarApp v')):apps) = (if v == v' then Static (VarApp v) else NotStatic) : mergeSATInfo statics apps
mergeSATInfo ((Static (TypeApp t)):statics) ((Static (TypeApp t')):apps) = (if t `coreEqType` t' then Static (TypeApp t) else NotStatic) : mergeSATInfo statics apps
mergeSATInfo l r = pprPanic "mergeSATInfo" $ ptext (sLit "Left:") <> pprSATInfo l <> ptext (sLit ", ")
<> ptext (sLit "Right:") <> pprSATInfo r
mergeIdSATInfo :: IdSATInfo -> IdSATInfo -> IdSATInfo
mergeIdSATInfo = plusUFM_C mergeSATInfo
mergeIdSATInfos :: [IdSATInfo] -> IdSATInfo
mergeIdSATInfos = foldl' mergeIdSATInfo emptyIdSATInfo
bindersToSATInfo :: [Id] -> SATInfo
bindersToSATInfo vs = map (Static . binderToApp) vs
where binderToApp v = if isId v
then VarApp v
else TypeApp $ mkTyVarTy v
finalizeApp :: Maybe IdAppInfo -> IdSATInfo -> IdSATInfo
finalizeApp Nothing id_sat_info = id_sat_info
finalizeApp (Just (v, sat_info')) id_sat_info =
let sat_info'' = case lookupUFM id_sat_info v of
Nothing -> sat_info'
Just sat_info -> mergeSATInfo sat_info sat_info'
in extendVarEnv id_sat_info v sat_info''
satTopLevelExpr :: CoreExpr -> IdSet -> SatM (CoreExpr, IdSATInfo)
satTopLevelExpr expr interesting_ids = do
(expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
return (expr', finalizeApp expr_app sat_info_expr)
satExpr :: CoreExpr -> IdSet -> SatM (CoreExpr, IdSATInfo, Maybe IdAppInfo)
satExpr var@(Var v) interesting_ids = do
let app_info = if v `elementOfUniqSet` interesting_ids
then Just (v, [])
else Nothing
return (var, emptyIdSATInfo, app_info)
satExpr lit@(Lit _) _ = do
return (lit, emptyIdSATInfo, Nothing)
satExpr (Lam binders body) interesting_ids = do
(body', sat_info, this_app) <- satExpr body interesting_ids
return (Lam binders body', finalizeApp this_app sat_info, Nothing)
satExpr (App fn arg) interesting_ids = do
(fn', sat_info_fn, fn_app) <- satExpr fn interesting_ids
let satRemainder = boring fn' sat_info_fn
case fn_app of
Nothing -> satRemainder Nothing
Just (fn_id, fn_app_info) ->
let satRemainderWithStaticness arg_staticness = satRemainder $ Just (fn_id, fn_app_info ++ [arg_staticness])
in case arg of
Type t -> satRemainderWithStaticness $ Static (TypeApp t)
Var v -> satRemainderWithStaticness $ Static (VarApp v)
_ -> satRemainderWithStaticness $ NotStatic
boring :: CoreExpr -> IdSATInfo -> Maybe IdAppInfo -> SatM (CoreExpr, IdSATInfo, Maybe IdAppInfo)
boring fn' sat_info_fn app_info =
do (arg', sat_info_arg, arg_app) <- satExpr arg interesting_ids
let sat_info_arg' = finalizeApp arg_app sat_info_arg
sat_info = mergeIdSATInfo sat_info_fn sat_info_arg'
return (App fn' arg', sat_info, app_info)
satExpr (Case expr bndr ty alts) interesting_ids = do
(expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
let sat_info_expr' = finalizeApp expr_app sat_info_expr
zipped_alts' <- mapM satAlt alts
let (alts', sat_infos_alts) = unzip zipped_alts'
return (Case expr' bndr ty alts', mergeIdSATInfo sat_info_expr' (mergeIdSATInfos sat_infos_alts), Nothing)
satAlt (con, bndrs, expr) = do
(expr', sat_info_expr) <- satTopLevelExpr expr interesting_ids
return ((con, bndrs, expr'), sat_info_expr)
satExpr (Let bind body) interesting_ids = do
(body', sat_info_body, body_app) <- satExpr body interesting_ids
(bind', sat_info_bind) <- satBind bind interesting_ids
return (Let bind' body', mergeIdSATInfo sat_info_body sat_info_bind, body_app)
satExpr (Note note expr) interesting_ids = do
(expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
return (Note note expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app)
satExpr ty@(Type _) _ = do
return (ty, emptyIdSATInfo, Nothing)
satExpr (Cast expr coercion) interesting_ids = do
(expr', sat_info_expr, expr_app) <- satExpr expr interesting_ids
return (Cast expr' coercion, sat_info_expr, expr_app)
Static Argument Transformation Monad
type SatM result = UniqSM result
runSAT :: UniqSupply -> SatM a -> a
runSAT = initUs_
newUnique :: SatM Unique
newUnique = getUniqueUs
Static Argument Transformation Monad
To do the transformation, the game plan is to:
1. Create a small nonrecursive RHS that takes the
original arguments to the function but discards
the ones that are static and makes a call to the
SATed version with the remainder. We intend that
this will be inlined later, removing the overhead
2. Bind this nonrecursive RHS over the original body
WITH THE SAME UNIQUE as the original body so that
any recursive calls to the original now go via
the small wrapper
3. Rebind the original function to a new one which contains
our SATed function and just makes a call to it:
we call the thing making this call the local body
Example: transform this
map :: forall a b. (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
map = /\ab. \(f:a->b) (as:[a]) -> body[map]
map :: forall a b. (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
map = /\ab. \(f:a->b) (as:[a]) ->
letrec map' :: [a] -> [b]
-- The "worker function
map' = \(as:[a]) ->
let map :: forall a' b'. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
-- The "shadow function
map = /\a'b'. \(f':(a->b) (as:[a]).
map' as
in body[map]
in map' as
Note [Shadow binding]
The calls to the inner map inside body[map] should get inlined
by the local re-binding of 'map'. We call this the "shadow binding".
But we can't use the original binder 'map' unchanged, because
it might be exported, in which case the shadow binding won't be
discarded as dead code after it is inlined.
So we use a hack: we make a new SysLocal binder with the *same* unique
as binder. (Another alternative would be to reset the export flag.)
Note [Binder type capture]
Notice that in the inner map (the "shadow function"), the static arguments
are discarded -- it's as if they were underscores. Instead, mentions
of these arguments (notably in the types of dynamic arguments) are bound
by the *outer* lambdas of the main function. So we must make up fresh
names for the static arguments so that they do not capture variables
mentioned in the types of dynamic args.
In the map example, the shadow function must clone the static type
argument a,b, giving a',b', to ensure that in the \(as:[a]), the 'a'
is bound by the outer forall. We clone f' too for consistency, but
that doesn't matter either way because static Id arguments aren't
mentioned in the shadow binding at all.
If we don't we get something like this:
[Arity 3]
GHC.Base.until =
\ (@ a_aiK)
(p_a6T :: a_aiK -> GHC.Bool.Bool)
(f_a6V :: a_aiK -> a_aiK)
(x_a6X :: a_aiK) ->
letrec {
sat_worker_s1aU :: a_aiK -> a_aiK
sat_worker_s1aU =
\ (x_a6X :: a_aiK) ->
let {
sat_shadow_r17 :: forall a_a3O.
(a_a3O -> GHC.Bool.Bool) -> (a_a3O -> a_a3O) -> a_a3O -> a_a3O
sat_shadow_r17 =
\ (@ a_aiK)
(p_a6T :: a_aiK -> GHC.Bool.Bool)
(f_a6V :: a_aiK -> a_aiK)
(x_a6X :: a_aiK) ->
sat_worker_s1aU x_a6X } in
case p_a6T x_a6X of wild_X3y [ALWAYS Dead Nothing] {
GHC.Bool.False -> GHC.Base.until @ a_aiK p_a6T f_a6V (f_a6V x_a6X);
GHC.Bool.True -> x_a6X
}; } in
sat_worker_s1aU x_a6X
Where sat_shadow has captured the type variables of x_a6X etc as it has a a_aiK
type argument. This is bad because it means the application sat_worker_s1aU x_a6X
is not well typed.
saTransformMaybe :: Id -> Maybe SATInfo -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> SatM CoreBind
saTransformMaybe binder maybe_arg_staticness rhs_binders rhs_body
| Just arg_staticness <- maybe_arg_staticness
, should_transform arg_staticness
= saTransform binder arg_staticness rhs_binders rhs_body
| otherwise
= return (Rec [(binder, mkLams rhs_binders rhs_body)])
should_transform staticness = n_static_args > 1
n_static_args = length (filter isStaticValue staticness)
saTransform :: Id -> SATInfo -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> SatM CoreBind
saTransform binder arg_staticness rhs_binders rhs_body
= do { shadow_lam_bndrs <- mapM clone binders_w_staticness
; uniq <- newUnique
; return (NonRec binder (mk_new_rhs uniq shadow_lam_bndrs)) }
binders_w_staticness = rhs_binders `zip` (arg_staticness ++ repeat NotStatic)
non_static_args :: [Var]
non_static_args = [v | (v, NotStatic) <- binders_w_staticness]
clone (bndr, NotStatic) = return bndr
clone (bndr, _ ) = do { uniq <- newUnique
; return (setVarUnique bndr uniq) }
mk_new_rhs uniq shadow_lam_bndrs
= mkLams rhs_binders $
Let (Rec [(rec_body_bndr, rec_body)])
local_body = mkVarApps (Var rec_body_bndr) non_static_args
rec_body = mkLams non_static_args $
Let (NonRec shadow_bndr shadow_rhs) rhs_body
shadow_rhs = mkLams shadow_lam_bndrs local_body
rec_body_bndr = mkSysLocal (fsLit "sat_worker") uniq (exprType rec_body)
shadow_bndr = mkSysLocal (occNameFS (getOccName binder))
(idUnique binder)
(exprType shadow_rhs)
isStaticValue :: Staticness App -> Bool
isStaticValue (Static (VarApp _)) = True
isStaticValue _ = False