module TcErrors(
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import TcRnMonad
import TcMType
import TcSMonad
import TcType
import TypeRep
import Inst
import InstEnv
import TyCon
import Name
import NameEnv
import Id ( idType )
import Var
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import SrcLoc
import Bag
import ListSetOps( equivClasses )
import Util
import FastString
import Outputable
import DynFlags
import StaticFlags( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
import Data.List( partition )
import Control.Monad( when, unless )
%* *
\section{Errors and contexts}
%* *
ToDo: for these error messages, should we note the location as coming
from the insts, or just whatever seems to be around in the monad just
reportUnsolved :: WantedConstraints -> TcM ()
reportUnsolved wanted
| isEmptyWC wanted
= return ()
| otherwise
= do {
; wanted <- zonkWC wanted
; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
; let tidy_env = tidyFreeTyVars env0 free_tvs
free_tvs = tyVarsOfWC wanted
err_ctxt = CEC { cec_encl = []
, cec_insol = insolubleWC wanted
, cec_extra = empty
, cec_tidy = tidy_env }
tidy_wanted = tidyWC tidy_env wanted
; traceTc "reportUnsolved" (ppr tidy_wanted)
; reportTidyWanteds err_ctxt tidy_wanted }
data ReportErrCtxt
= CEC { cec_encl :: [Implication]
, cec_tidy :: TidyEnv
, cec_extra :: SDoc
, cec_insol :: Bool
reportTidyImplic :: ReportErrCtxt -> Implication -> TcM ()
reportTidyImplic ctxt implic
| BracketSkol <- ctLocOrigin (ic_loc implic)
, not insoluble
= return ()
| otherwise
= reportTidyWanteds ctxt' (ic_wanted implic)
insoluble = ic_insol implic
ctxt' = ctxt { cec_encl = implic : cec_encl ctxt
, cec_insol = insoluble }
reportTidyWanteds :: ReportErrCtxt -> WantedConstraints -> TcM ()
reportTidyWanteds ctxt (WC { wc_flat = flats, wc_insol = insols, wc_impl = implics })
| cec_insol ctxt
= do { let (given, other) = partitionBag (isGiven . evVarX) insols
insol_implics = filterBag ic_insol implics
; if isEmptyBag given
then do { mapBagM_ (reportInsoluble ctxt) other
; mapBagM_ (reportTidyImplic ctxt) insol_implics }
else mapBagM_ (reportInsoluble ctxt) given }
| otherwise
= ASSERT( isEmptyBag insols )
do { let (ambigs, non_ambigs) = partition is_ambiguous (bagToList flats)
(tv_eqs, others) = partition is_tv_eq non_ambigs
; groupErrs (reportEqErrs ctxt) tv_eqs
; when (null tv_eqs) $ groupErrs (reportFlat ctxt) others
; mapBagM_ (reportTidyImplic ctxt) implics
; ifErrsM (return ()) $ reportAmbigErrs ctxt skols ambigs }
skols = foldr (unionVarSet . ic_skols) emptyVarSet (cec_encl ctxt)
is_tv_eq c | EqPred ty1 ty2 <- evVarOfPred c
= tcIsTyVarTy ty1 || tcIsTyVarTy ty2
| otherwise = False
is_ambiguous d = isTyVarClassPred pred
&& not (tyVarsOfPred pred `subVarSet` skols)
pred = evVarOfPred d
reportInsoluble :: ReportErrCtxt -> FlavoredEvVar -> TcM ()
reportInsoluble ctxt (EvVarX ev flav)
| EqPred ty1 ty2 <- evVarPred ev
= setCtFlavorLoc flav $
do { let ctxt2 = ctxt { cec_extra = cec_extra ctxt $$ inaccessible_msg }
; reportEqErr ctxt2 ty1 ty2 }
| otherwise
= pprPanic "reportInsoluble" (pprEvVarWithType ev)
inaccessible_msg | Given loc <- flav
= hang (ptext (sLit "Inaccessible code in"))
2 (ppr (ctLocOrigin loc))
| otherwise = empty
reportFlat :: ReportErrCtxt -> [PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()
reportFlat ctxt flats origin
= do { unless (null dicts) $ reportDictErrs ctxt dicts origin
; unless (null eqs) $ reportEqErrs ctxt eqs origin
; unless (null ips) $ reportIPErrs ctxt ips origin
; ASSERT( null others ) return () }
(dicts, non_dicts) = partition isClassPred flats
(eqs, non_eqs) = partition isEqPred non_dicts
(ips, others) = partition isIPPred non_eqs
groupErrs :: ([PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ())
-> [WantedEvVar]
-> TcM ()
groupErrs _ []
= return ()
groupErrs report_err (wanted : wanteds)
= do { setCtLoc the_loc $
report_err the_vars (ctLocOrigin the_loc)
; groupErrs report_err others }
the_loc = evVarX wanted
the_key = mk_key the_loc
the_vars = map evVarOfPred (wanted:friends)
(friends, others) = partition is_friend wanteds
is_friend friend = mk_key (evVarX friend) `same_key` the_key
mk_key :: WantedLoc -> (SrcSpan, CtOrigin)
mk_key loc = (ctLocSpan loc, ctLocOrigin loc)
same_key (s1, o1) (s2, o2) = s1==s2 && o1 `same_orig` o2
same_orig (OccurrenceOf n1) (OccurrenceOf n2) = n1==n2
same_orig ScOrigin ScOrigin = True
same_orig DerivOrigin DerivOrigin = True
same_orig DefaultOrigin DefaultOrigin = True
same_orig _ _ = False
addArising :: CtOrigin -> SDoc -> SDoc
addArising orig msg = msg $$ nest 2 (pprArising orig)
pprWithArising :: [WantedEvVar] -> (WantedLoc, SDoc)
pprWithArising []
= panic "pprWithArising"
pprWithArising [EvVarX ev loc]
= (loc, pprEvVarTheta [ev] <+> pprArising (ctLocOrigin loc))
pprWithArising ev_vars
= (first_loc, vcat (map ppr_one ev_vars))
first_loc = evVarX (head ev_vars)
ppr_one (EvVarX v loc)
= parens (pprPred (evVarPred v)) <+> pprArisingAt loc
addErrorReport :: ReportErrCtxt -> SDoc -> TcM ()
addErrorReport ctxt msg = addErrTcM (cec_tidy ctxt, msg $$ cec_extra ctxt)
pprErrCtxtLoc :: ReportErrCtxt -> SDoc
pprErrCtxtLoc ctxt
= case map (ctLocOrigin . ic_loc) (cec_encl ctxt) of
[] -> ptext (sLit "the top level")
(orig:origs) -> ppr_skol orig $$
vcat [ ptext (sLit "or") <+> ppr_skol orig | orig <- origs ]
ppr_skol (PatSkol dc _) = ptext (sLit "the data constructor") <+> quotes (ppr dc)
ppr_skol skol_info = ppr skol_info
getUserGivens :: ReportErrCtxt -> [([EvVar], GivenLoc)]
getUserGivens (CEC {cec_encl = ctxt})
= reverse $
[ (givens', loc) | Implic {ic_given = givens, ic_loc = loc} <- ctxt
, let givens' = get_user_givens givens
, not (null givens') ]
get_user_givens givens | opt_PprStyle_Debug = givens
| otherwise = filterOut isSilentEvVar givens
%* *
Implicit parameter errors
%* *
reportIPErrs :: ReportErrCtxt -> [PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()
reportIPErrs ctxt ips orig
= addErrorReport ctxt msg
givens = getUserGivens ctxt
msg | null givens
= addArising orig $
sep [ ptext (sLit "Unbound implicit parameter") <> plural ips
, nest 2 (pprTheta ips) ]
| otherwise
= couldNotDeduce givens (ips, orig)
%* *
Equality errors
%* *
reportEqErrs :: ReportErrCtxt -> [PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()
reportEqErrs ctxt eqs orig
= do { orig' <- zonkTidyOrigin ctxt orig
; mapM_ (report_one orig') eqs }
report_one orig (EqPred ty1 ty2)
= do { let extra = getWantedEqExtra orig ty1 ty2
ctxt' = ctxt { cec_extra = extra $$ cec_extra ctxt }
; reportEqErr ctxt' ty1 ty2 }
report_one _ pred
= pprPanic "reportEqErrs" (ppr pred)
getWantedEqExtra :: CtOrigin -> TcType -> TcType -> SDoc
getWantedEqExtra (TypeEqOrigin (UnifyOrigin { uo_actual = act, uo_expected = exp }))
ty1 ty2
| act `tcEqType` ty1 && exp `tcEqType` ty2 = empty
| exp `tcEqType` ty1 && act `tcEqType` ty2 = empty
| otherwise = mkExpectedActualMsg act exp
getWantedEqExtra orig _ _ = pprArising orig
reportEqErr :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcType -> TcType -> TcM ()
reportEqErr ctxt ty1 ty2
| Just tv1 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty1 = reportTyVarEqErr ctxt tv1 ty2
| Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty2 = reportTyVarEqErr ctxt tv2 ty1
| otherwise
= addErrorReport ctxt (misMatchOrCND ctxt ty1 ty2 $$ mkTyFunInfoMsg ty1 ty2)
reportTyVarEqErr :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcM ()
reportTyVarEqErr ctxt tv1 ty2
| not is_meta1
, Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty2
, isMetaTyVar tv2
reportTyVarEqErr ctxt tv2 ty1
| (not is_meta1)
addErrorReport (addExtraInfo ctxt ty1 ty2)
(misMatchOrCND ctxt ty1 ty2)
| not (k2 `isSubKind` k1)
= addErrorReport ctxt $ (kindErrorMsg (mkTyVarTy tv1) ty2)
| tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty2
= let occCheckMsg = hang (text "Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:") 2
(sep [ppr ty1, char '=', ppr ty2])
in addErrorReport ctxt occCheckMsg
| (implic:_) <- cec_encl ctxt
, let esc_skols = varSetElems (tyVarsOfType ty2 `intersectVarSet` ic_skols implic)
implic_loc = ic_loc implic
, not (null esc_skols)
= setCtLoc implic_loc $
do { (env1, env_sigs) <- findGlobals ctxt (unitVarSet tv1)
; let msg = misMatchMsg ty1 ty2
esc_doc = sep [ ptext (sLit "because type variable") <> plural esc_skols
<+> pprQuotedList esc_skols
, ptext (sLit "would escape") <+>
if isSingleton esc_skols then ptext (sLit "its scope")
else ptext (sLit "their scope") ]
extra1 = vcat [ nest 2 $ esc_doc
, sep [ (if isSingleton esc_skols
then ptext (sLit "This (rigid, skolem) type variable is")
else ptext (sLit "These (rigid, skolem) type variables are"))
<+> ptext (sLit "bound by")
, nest 2 $ ppr (ctLocOrigin implic_loc) ] ]
; addErrTcM (env1, msg $$ extra1 $$ mkEnvSigMsg (ppr tv1) env_sigs) }
| (implic:_) <- cec_encl ctxt
, let implic_loc = ic_loc implic
given = ic_given implic
= setCtLoc (ic_loc implic) $
do { let msg = misMatchMsg ty1 ty2
extra = quotes (ppr tv1)
<+> sep [ ptext (sLit "is untouchable")
, ptext (sLit "inside the constraints") <+> pprEvVarTheta given
, ptext (sLit "bound at") <+> ppr (ctLocOrigin implic_loc)]
; addErrorReport (addExtraInfo ctxt ty1 ty2) (msg $$ nest 2 extra) }
| otherwise
= return ()
is_meta1 = isMetaTyVar tv1
k1 = tyVarKind tv1
k2 = typeKind ty2
ty1 = mkTyVarTy tv1
mkTyFunInfoMsg :: TcType -> TcType -> SDoc
mkTyFunInfoMsg ty1 ty2
| Just (tc1,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty1
, Just (tc2,_) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty2
, tc1 == tc2, isSynFamilyTyCon tc1
= ptext (sLit "NB:") <+> quotes (ppr tc1)
<+> ptext (sLit "is a type function") <> (pp_inj tc1)
| otherwise = empty
pp_inj tc | isInjectiveTyCon tc = empty
| otherwise = ptext (sLit (", and may not be injective"))
misMatchOrCND :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcType -> TcType -> SDoc
misMatchOrCND ctxt ty1 ty2
| cec_insol ctxt = misMatchMsg ty1 ty2
| null givens = misMatchMsg ty1 ty2
| otherwise = couldNotDeduce givens ([EqPred ty1 ty2], orig)
givens = getUserGivens ctxt
orig = TypeEqOrigin (UnifyOrigin ty1 ty2)
couldNotDeduce :: [([EvVar], GivenLoc)] -> (ThetaType, CtOrigin) -> SDoc
couldNotDeduce givens (wanteds, orig)
= vcat [ hang (ptext (sLit "Could not deduce") <+> pprTheta wanteds)
2 (pprArising orig)
, vcat pp_givens ]
= case givens of
[] -> []
(g:gs) -> ppr_given (ptext (sLit "from the context")) g
: map (ppr_given (ptext (sLit "or from"))) gs
ppr_given herald (gs,loc)
= hang (herald <+> pprEvVarTheta gs)
2 (sep [ ptext (sLit "bound by") <+> ppr (ctLocOrigin loc)
, ptext (sLit "at") <+> ppr (ctLocSpan loc)])
addExtraInfo :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcType -> TcType -> ReportErrCtxt
addExtraInfo ctxt ty1 ty2
= ctxt { cec_extra = nest 2 (extra1 $$ extra2) $$ cec_extra ctxt }
extra1 = typeExtraInfoMsg (cec_encl ctxt) ty1
extra2 = typeExtraInfoMsg (cec_encl ctxt) ty2
misMatchMsg :: TcType -> TcType -> SDoc
misMatchMsg ty1 ty2 = sep [ ptext (sLit "Couldn't match type") <+> quotes (ppr ty1)
, nest 15 $ ptext (sLit "with") <+> quotes (ppr ty2)]
kindErrorMsg :: TcType -> TcType -> SDoc
kindErrorMsg ty1 ty2
= vcat [ ptext (sLit "Kind incompatibility when matching types:")
, nest 2 (vcat [ ppr ty1 <+> dcolon <+> ppr k1
, ppr ty2 <+> dcolon <+> ppr k2 ]) ]
k1 = typeKind ty1
k2 = typeKind ty2
typeExtraInfoMsg :: [Implication] -> Type -> SDoc
typeExtraInfoMsg implics ty
| Just tv <- tcGetTyVar_maybe ty
, isTcTyVar tv
, isSkolemTyVar tv
= pprSkolTvBinding implics tv
typeExtraInfoMsg _ _ = empty
unifyCtxt :: EqOrigin -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
unifyCtxt (UnifyOrigin { uo_actual = act_ty, uo_expected = exp_ty }) tidy_env
= do { (env1, act_ty') <- zonkTidyTcType tidy_env act_ty
; (env2, exp_ty') <- zonkTidyTcType env1 exp_ty
; return (env2, mkExpectedActualMsg act_ty' exp_ty') }
mkExpectedActualMsg :: Type -> Type -> SDoc
mkExpectedActualMsg act_ty exp_ty
= vcat [ text "Expected type" <> colon <+> ppr exp_ty
, text " Actual type" <> colon <+> ppr act_ty ]
Note [Non-injective type functions]
It's very confusing to get a message like
Couldn't match expected type `Depend s'
against inferred type `Depend s1'
so mkTyFunInfoMsg adds:
NB: `Depend' is type function, and hence may not be injective
Warn of loopy local equalities that were dropped.
%* *
Type-class errors
%* *
reportDictErrs :: ReportErrCtxt -> [PredType] -> CtOrigin -> TcM ()
reportDictErrs ctxt wanteds orig
= do { inst_envs <- tcGetInstEnvs
; non_overlaps <- mapMaybeM (reportOverlap ctxt inst_envs orig) wanteds
; unless (null non_overlaps) $
addErrorReport ctxt (mk_no_inst_err non_overlaps) }
mk_no_inst_err :: [PredType] -> SDoc
mk_no_inst_err wanteds
| null givens
= vcat [ addArising orig $
ptext (sLit "No instance") <> plural min_wanteds
<+> ptext (sLit "for") <+> pprTheta min_wanteds
, show_fixes (fixes2 ++ fixes3) ]
| otherwise
= vcat [ couldNotDeduce givens (min_wanteds, orig)
, show_fixes (fix1 : (fixes2 ++ fixes3)) ]
givens = getUserGivens ctxt
min_wanteds = mkMinimalBySCs wanteds
fix1 = sep [ ptext (sLit "add") <+> pprTheta min_wanteds
<+> ptext (sLit "to the context of")
, nest 2 $ pprErrCtxtLoc ctxt ]
fixes2 = case instance_dicts of
[] -> []
[_] -> [sep [ptext (sLit "add an instance declaration for"),
pprTheta instance_dicts]]
_ -> [sep [ptext (sLit "add instance declarations for"),
pprTheta instance_dicts]]
fixes3 = case orig of
DerivOrigin -> [drv_fix]
_ -> []
instance_dicts = filterOut isTyVarClassPred min_wanteds
drv_fix = vcat [ptext (sLit "use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,"),
nest 2 $ ptext (sLit "so you can specify the instance context yourself")]
show_fixes :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
show_fixes [] = empty
show_fixes (f:fs) = sep [ptext (sLit "Possible fix:"),
nest 2 (vcat (f : map (ptext (sLit "or") <+>) fs))]
reportOverlap :: ReportErrCtxt -> (InstEnv,InstEnv) -> CtOrigin
-> PredType -> TcM (Maybe PredType)
reportOverlap ctxt inst_envs orig pred@(ClassP clas tys)
= do { tys_flat <- mapM quickFlattenTy tys
; case lookupInstEnv inst_envs clas tys_flat of
([], _) -> return (Just pred)
| debugIsOn -> pprPanic "check_overlap" (ppr pred)
res -> do { addErrorReport ctxt (mk_overlap_msg res)
; return Nothing } }
mk_overlap_msg (matches, unifiers)
= ASSERT( not (null matches) )
vcat [ addArising orig (ptext (sLit "Overlapping instances for")
<+> pprPred pred)
, sep [ptext (sLit "Matching instances") <> colon,
nest 2 (vcat [pprInstances ispecs, pprInstances unifiers])]
, if not (isSingleton matches)
ASSERT( not (null unifiers) )
parens (vcat [ptext (sLit "The choice depends on the instantiation of") <+>
quotes (pprWithCommas ppr (varSetElems (tyVarsOfPred pred))),
ptext (sLit "To pick the first instance above, use -XIncoherentInstances"),
ptext (sLit "when compiling the other instance declarations")])]
ispecs = [ispec | (ispec, _) <- matches]
reportOverlap _ _ _ _ = panic "reportOverlap"
quickFlattenTy :: TcType -> TcM TcType
quickFlattenTy ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty = quickFlattenTy ty'
quickFlattenTy ty@(TyVarTy {}) = return ty
quickFlattenTy ty@(ForAllTy {}) = return ty
quickFlattenTy ty@(PredTy {}) = return ty
quickFlattenTy (AppTy ty1 ty2) = do { fy1 <- quickFlattenTy ty1
; fy2 <- quickFlattenTy ty2
; return (AppTy fy1 fy2) }
quickFlattenTy (FunTy ty1 ty2) = do { fy1 <- quickFlattenTy ty1
; fy2 <- quickFlattenTy ty2
; return (FunTy fy1 fy2) }
quickFlattenTy (TyConApp tc tys)
| not (isSynFamilyTyCon tc)
= do { fys <- mapM quickFlattenTy tys
; return (TyConApp tc fys) }
| otherwise
= do { let (funtys,resttys) = splitAt (tyConArity tc) tys
; v <- newMetaTyVar TauTv (typeKind (TyConApp tc funtys))
; flat_resttys <- mapM quickFlattenTy resttys
; return (foldl AppTy (mkTyVarTy v) flat_resttys) }
Note [Flattening in error message generation]
Consider (C (Maybe (F x))), where F is a type function, and we have
C (Maybe Int) and C (Maybe a)
Since (F x) might turn into Int, this is an overlap situation, and
indeed (because of flattening) the main solver will have refrained
from solving. But by the time we get to error message generation, we've
un-flattened the constraint. So we must *re*-flatten it before looking
up in the instance environment, lest we only report one matching
instance when in fact there are two.
Re-flattening is pretty easy, because we don't need to keep track of
evidence. We don't re-use the code in TcCanonical because that's in
the TcS monad, and we are in TcM here.
Note [Quick-flatten polytypes]
If we see C (Ix a => blah) or C (forall a. blah) we simply refrain from
flattening any further. After all, there can be no instance declarations
that match such things. And flattening under a for-all is problematic
anyway; consider C (forall a. F a)
reportAmbigErrs :: ReportErrCtxt -> TcTyVarSet -> [WantedEvVar] -> TcM ()
reportAmbigErrs ctxt skols ambigs
= mapM_ report (equivClasses cmp ambigs_w_tvs)
ambigs_w_tvs = [ (d, varSetElems (tyVarsOfEvVarX d `minusVarSet` skols))
| d <- ambigs ]
cmp (_,tvs1) (_,tvs2) = tvs1 `compare` tvs2
report :: [(WantedEvVar, [TcTyVar])] -> TcM ()
report pairs
= setCtLoc loc $
do { let main_msg = sep [ text "Ambiguous type variable" <> plural tvs
<+> pprQuotedList tvs
<+> text "in the constraint" <> plural pairs <> colon
, nest 2 pp_wanteds ]
; (tidy_env, mono_msg) <- mkMonomorphismMsg ctxt tvs
; addErrTcM (tidy_env, main_msg $$ mono_msg) }
(_, tvs) : _ = pairs
(loc, pp_wanteds) = pprWithArising (map fst pairs)
mkMonomorphismMsg :: ReportErrCtxt -> [TcTyVar] -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
mkMonomorphismMsg ctxt inst_tvs
= do { dflags <- getDOpts
; traceTc "Mono" (vcat (map (pprSkolTvBinding (cec_encl ctxt)) inst_tvs))
; (tidy_env, docs) <- findGlobals ctxt (mkVarSet inst_tvs)
; return (tidy_env, mk_msg dflags docs) }
mk_msg _ _ | any isRuntimeUnkSkol inst_tvs
= vcat [ptext (sLit "Cannot resolve unknown runtime types:") <+>
(pprWithCommas ppr inst_tvs),
ptext (sLit "Use :print or :force to determine these types")]
mk_msg _ [] = ptext (sLit "Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)")
mk_msg dflags docs
= vcat [ptext (sLit "Possible cause: the monomorphism restriction applied to the following:"),
nest 2 (vcat docs),
monomorphism_fix dflags]
monomorphism_fix :: DynFlags -> SDoc
monomorphism_fix dflags
= ptext (sLit "Probable fix:") <+> vcat
[ptext (sLit "give these definition(s) an explicit type signature"),
if xopt Opt_MonomorphismRestriction dflags
then ptext (sLit "or use -XNoMonomorphismRestriction")
else empty]
pprSkolTvBinding :: [Implication] -> TcTyVar -> SDoc
pprSkolTvBinding implics tv
| isTcTyVar tv = quotes (ppr tv) <+> ppr_details (tcTyVarDetails tv)
| otherwise = quotes (ppr tv) <+> ppr_skol (getSkolemInfo implics tv)
ppr_details (SkolemTv {}) = ppr_skol (getSkolemInfo implics tv)
ppr_details (FlatSkol {}) = ptext (sLit "is a flattening type variable")
ppr_details (RuntimeUnk {}) = ptext (sLit "is an interactive-debugger skolem")
ppr_details (MetaTv (SigTv n) _) = ptext (sLit "is bound by the type signature for")
<+> quotes (ppr n)
ppr_details (MetaTv _ _) = ptext (sLit "is a meta type variable")
ppr_skol UnkSkol = ptext (sLit "is an unknown type variable")
ppr_skol RuntimeUnkSkol = ptext (sLit "is an unknown runtime type")
ppr_skol info = sep [ptext (sLit "is a rigid type variable bound by"),
sep [ppr info,
ptext (sLit "at") <+> ppr (getSrcLoc tv)]]
getSkolemInfo :: [Implication] -> TcTyVar -> SkolemInfo
getSkolemInfo [] tv
= WARN( True, ptext (sLit "No skolem info:") <+> ppr tv )
getSkolemInfo (implic:implics) tv
| tv `elemVarSet` ic_skols implic = ctLocOrigin (ic_loc implic)
| otherwise = getSkolemInfo implics tv
mkEnvSigMsg :: SDoc -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
mkEnvSigMsg what env_sigs
| null env_sigs = empty
| otherwise = vcat [ ptext (sLit "The following variables have types that mention") <+> what
, nest 2 (vcat env_sigs) ]
findGlobals :: ReportErrCtxt
-> TcTyVarSet
-> TcM (TidyEnv, [SDoc])
findGlobals ctxt tvs
= do { lcl_ty_env <- case cec_encl ctxt of
[] -> getLclTypeEnv
(i:_) -> return (ic_env i)
; go (cec_tidy ctxt) [] (nameEnvElts lcl_ty_env) }
go tidy_env acc [] = return (tidy_env, acc)
go tidy_env acc (thing : things) = do
(tidy_env1, maybe_doc) <- find_thing tidy_env ignore_it thing
case maybe_doc of
Just d -> go tidy_env1 (d:acc) things
Nothing -> go tidy_env1 acc things
ignore_it ty = tvs `disjointVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
find_thing :: TidyEnv -> (TcType -> Bool)
-> TcTyThing -> TcM (TidyEnv, Maybe SDoc)
find_thing tidy_env ignore_it (ATcId { tct_id = id })
= do { (tidy_env', tidy_ty) <- zonkTidyTcType tidy_env (idType id)
; if ignore_it tidy_ty then
return (tidy_env, Nothing)
else do
{ let msg = sep [ ppr id <+> dcolon <+> ppr tidy_ty
, nest 2 (parens (ptext (sLit "bound at") <+>
ppr (getSrcLoc id)))]
; return (tidy_env', Just msg) } }
find_thing tidy_env ignore_it (ATyVar tv ty)
= do { (tidy_env1, tidy_ty) <- zonkTidyTcType tidy_env ty
; if ignore_it tidy_ty then
return (tidy_env, Nothing)
else do
{ let
msg = sep [ ptext (sLit "Scoped type variable") <+> quotes (ppr tv) <+> eq_stuff
, nest 2 bound_at]
eq_stuff | Just tv' <- tcGetTyVar_maybe tidy_ty
, getOccName tv == getOccName tv' = empty
| otherwise = equals <+> ppr tidy_ty
bound_at = parens $ ptext (sLit "bound at:") <+> ppr (getSrcLoc tv)
; return (tidy_env1, Just msg) } }
find_thing _ _ thing = pprPanic "find_thing" (ppr thing)
warnDefaulting :: [FlavoredEvVar] -> Type -> TcM ()
warnDefaulting wanteds default_ty
= do { warn_default <- doptM Opt_WarnTypeDefaults
; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
; let wanted_bag = listToBag wanteds
tidy_env = tidyFreeTyVars env0 $
tyVarsOfEvVarXs wanted_bag
tidy_wanteds = mapBag (tidyFlavoredEvVar tidy_env) wanted_bag
(loc, ppr_wanteds) = pprWithArising (map get_wev (bagToList tidy_wanteds))
warn_msg = hang (ptext (sLit "Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type")
<+> quotes (ppr default_ty))
2 ppr_wanteds
; setCtLoc loc $ warnTc warn_default warn_msg }
get_wev (EvVarX ev (Wanted loc)) = EvVarX ev loc
get_wev ev = pprPanic "warnDefaulting" (ppr ev)
Note [Runtime skolems]
We want to give a reasonably helpful error message for ambiguity
arising from *runtime* skolems in the debugger. These
are created by in RtClosureInspect.zonkRTTIType.
%* *
Error from the canonicaliser
These ones are called *during* constraint simplification
%* *
solverDepthErrorTcS :: Int -> [CanonicalCt] -> TcS a
solverDepthErrorTcS depth stack
| null stack
= wrapErrTcS $ failWith msg
| otherwise
= wrapErrTcS $
setCtFlavorLoc (cc_flavor top_item) $
do { ev_vars <- mapM (zonkEvVar . cc_id) stack
; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
; let tidy_env = tidyFreeTyVars env0 (tyVarsOfEvVars ev_vars)
tidy_ev_vars = map (tidyEvVar tidy_env) ev_vars
; failWithTcM (tidy_env, hang msg 2 (pprEvVars tidy_ev_vars)) }
top_item = head stack
msg = vcat [ ptext (sLit "Context reduction stack overflow; size =") <+> int depth
, ptext (sLit "Use -fcontext-stack=N to increase stack size to N") ]
flattenForAllErrorTcS :: CtFlavor -> TcType -> Bag CanonicalCt -> TcS a
flattenForAllErrorTcS fl ty _bad_eqs
= wrapErrTcS $
setCtFlavorLoc fl $
do { env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
; let (env1, ty') = tidyOpenType env0 ty
msg = sep [ ptext (sLit "Cannot deal with a type function under a forall type:")
, ppr ty' ]
; failWithTcM (env1, msg) }
%* *
Setting the context
%* *
setCtFlavorLoc :: CtFlavor -> TcM a -> TcM a
setCtFlavorLoc (Wanted loc) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
setCtFlavorLoc (Derived loc) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
setCtFlavorLoc (Given loc) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
%* *
%* *
zonkTidyTcType :: TidyEnv -> TcType -> TcM (TidyEnv, TcType)
zonkTidyTcType env ty = do { ty' <- zonkTcType ty
; return (tidyOpenType env ty') }
zonkTidyOrigin :: ReportErrCtxt -> CtOrigin -> TcM CtOrigin
zonkTidyOrigin ctxt (TypeEqOrigin (UnifyOrigin { uo_actual = act, uo_expected = exp }))
= do { (env1, act') <- zonkTidyTcType (cec_tidy ctxt) act
; (_env2, exp') <- zonkTidyTcType env1 exp
; return (TypeEqOrigin (UnifyOrigin { uo_actual = act', uo_expected = exp' })) }
zonkTidyOrigin _ orig = return orig