#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 611
module ZipCfgCmmRep
( CmmZ, CmmTopZ, CmmGraph, CmmBlock, CmmAGraph
, Middle(..), Last(..), MidCallTarget(..), UpdFrameOffset
, Convention(..), ForeignConvention(..), ForeignSafety(..)
, ValueDirection(..), ForeignHint(..)
, CmmBackwardFixedPoint, CmmForwardFixedPoint, pprHinted
, insertBetween, mapExpMiddle, mapExpLast, mapExpDeepMiddle, mapExpDeepLast
, foldExpMiddle, foldExpLast, foldExpDeepMiddle, foldExpDeepLast, joinOuts
import BlockId
import CmmExpr
import Cmm ( GenCmm(..), GenCmmTop(..), CmmStatic, CmmInfo
, CallishMachOp(..), ForeignHint(..)
, CmmActuals, CmmFormals, CmmHinted(..)
, CmmStmt(..)
import DFMonad
import PprCmm()
import CmmTx
import CLabel
import FastString
import ForeignCall
import qualified ZipDataflow as DF
import ZipCfg
import MkZipCfg
import Util
import BasicTypes
import Maybes
import Control.Monad
import Outputable
import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
import SMRep (ByteOff)
import UniqSupply
type CmmGraph = LGraph Middle Last
type CmmAGraph = AGraph Middle Last
type CmmBlock = Block Middle Last
type CmmStackInfo = (ByteOff, Maybe ByteOff)
type CmmZ = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
type CmmTopZ = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmInfo (CmmStackInfo, CmmGraph)
type CmmBackwardFixedPoint a = DF.BackwardFixedPoint Middle Last a ()
type CmmForwardFixedPoint a = DF.ForwardFixedPoint Middle Last a ()
type UpdFrameOffset = ByteOff
data Middle
= MidComment FastString
| MidAssign CmmReg CmmExpr
| MidStore CmmExpr CmmExpr
| MidForeignCall
deriving Eq
data Last
= LastBranch BlockId
| LastCondBranch {
cml_pred :: CmmExpr,
cml_true, cml_false :: BlockId
| LastSwitch CmmExpr [Maybe BlockId]
| LastCall {
cml_target :: CmmExpr,
cml_cont :: Maybe BlockId,
cml_args :: ByteOff,
cml_ret_args :: ByteOff,
cml_ret_off :: Maybe ByteOff
data MidCallTarget
= ForeignTarget
| PrimTarget
deriving Eq
data Convention
= NativeDirectCall
| NativeNodeCall
| NativeReturn
| Slow
| GC
| PrimOpCall
| PrimOpReturn
| Foreign
| Private
deriving( Eq )
data ForeignConvention
= ForeignConvention
deriving Eq
data ForeignSafety
= Unsafe
| Safe BlockId
deriving Eq
data ValueDirection = Arguments | Results
deriving Eq
insertBetween :: MonadUnique m => CmmBlock -> [Middle] -> BlockId -> m (CmmBlock, [CmmBlock])
insertBetween b ms succId = insert $ goto_end $ unzip b
where insert (h, LastOther (LastBranch bid)) =
if bid == succId then
do (bid', bs) <- newBlocks
return (zipht h (ZLast (LastOther (LastBranch bid'))), bs)
else panic "tried invalid block insertBetween"
insert (h, LastOther (LastCondBranch c t f)) =
do (t', tbs) <- if t == succId then newBlocks else return $ (t, [])
(f', fbs) <- if f == succId then newBlocks else return $ (f, [])
return (zipht h $ ZLast $ LastOther (LastCondBranch c t' f'), tbs ++ fbs)
insert (h, LastOther (LastSwitch e ks)) =
do (ids, bs) <- mapAndUnzipM mbNewBlocks ks
return (zipht h $ ZLast $ LastOther (LastSwitch e ids), join bs)
insert (_, LastOther (LastCall {})) =
panic "unimp: insertBetween after a call -- probably not a good idea"
insert (_, LastExit) = panic "cannot insert after exit"
newBlocks = do id <- liftM BlockId $ getUniqueM
return $ (id, [Block id $
foldr ZTail (ZLast (LastOther (LastBranch succId))) ms])
mbNewBlocks (Just k) = if k == succId then liftM lift newBlocks
else return (Just k, [])
mbNewBlocks Nothing = return (Nothing, [])
lift (id, bs) = (Just id, bs)
instance HavingSuccessors Last where
succs = cmmSuccs
fold_succs = fold_cmm_succs
instance LastNode Last where
mkBranchNode id = LastBranch id
isBranchNode (LastBranch _) = True
isBranchNode _ = False
branchNodeTarget (LastBranch id) = id
branchNodeTarget _ = panic "asked for target of non-branch"
cmmSuccs :: Last -> [BlockId]
cmmSuccs (LastBranch id) = [id]
cmmSuccs (LastCall _ Nothing _ _ _) = []
cmmSuccs (LastCall _ (Just id) _ _ _) = [id]
cmmSuccs (LastCondBranch _ t f) = [f, t]
cmmSuccs (LastSwitch _ edges) = catMaybes edges
fold_cmm_succs :: (BlockId -> a -> a) -> Last -> a -> a
fold_cmm_succs f (LastBranch id) z = f id z
fold_cmm_succs _ (LastCall _ Nothing _ _ _) z = z
fold_cmm_succs f (LastCall _ (Just id) _ _ _) z = f id z
fold_cmm_succs f (LastCondBranch _ te fe) z = f te (f fe z)
fold_cmm_succs f (LastSwitch _ edges) z = foldl (flip f) z $ catMaybes edges
instance UserOfLocalRegs Middle where
foldRegsUsed f z m = middle m
where middle (MidComment {}) = z
middle (MidAssign _lhs expr) = fold f z expr
middle (MidStore addr rval) = fold f (fold f z addr) rval
middle (MidForeignCall _ tgt _ args) = fold f (fold f z tgt) args
fold f z m = foldRegsUsed f z m
instance UserOfLocalRegs MidCallTarget where
foldRegsUsed _f z (PrimTarget _) = z
foldRegsUsed f z (ForeignTarget e _) = foldRegsUsed f z e
instance UserOfSlots MidCallTarget where
foldSlotsUsed f z (ForeignTarget e _) = foldSlotsUsed f z e
foldSlotsUsed _f z (PrimTarget _) = z
instance (UserOfLocalRegs a) => UserOfLocalRegs (Maybe a) where
foldRegsUsed f z (Just x) = foldRegsUsed f z x
foldRegsUsed _ z Nothing = z
instance (UserOfSlots a) => UserOfSlots (Maybe a) where
foldSlotsUsed f z (Just x) = foldSlotsUsed f z x
foldSlotsUsed _ z Nothing = z
instance UserOfLocalRegs Last where
foldRegsUsed f z l = last l
where last (LastBranch _id) = z
last (LastCall tgt _ _ _ _) = foldRegsUsed f z tgt
last (LastCondBranch e _ _) = foldRegsUsed f z e
last (LastSwitch e _tbl) = foldRegsUsed f z e
instance DefinerOfLocalRegs Middle where
foldRegsDefd f z m = middle m
where middle (MidComment {}) = z
middle (MidAssign lhs _) = fold f z lhs
middle (MidStore _ _) = z
middle (MidForeignCall _ _ fs _) = fold f z fs
fold f z m = foldRegsDefd f z m
instance DefinerOfLocalRegs Last where
foldRegsDefd _ z _ = z
instance UserOfSlots Middle where
foldSlotsUsed f z m = middle m
where middle (MidComment {}) = z
middle (MidAssign _lhs expr) = fold f z expr
middle (MidStore addr rval) = fold f (fold f z addr) rval
middle (MidForeignCall _ tgt _ress args) = fold f (fold f z tgt) args
fold f z e = foldSlotsUsed f z e
instance UserOfSlots Last where
foldSlotsUsed f z l = last l
where last (LastBranch _id) = z
last (LastCall tgt _ _ _ _) = foldSlotsUsed f z tgt
last (LastCondBranch e _ _) = foldSlotsUsed f z e
last (LastSwitch e _tbl) = foldSlotsUsed f z e
instance UserOfSlots l => UserOfSlots (ZLast l) where
foldSlotsUsed f z (LastOther l) = foldSlotsUsed f z l
foldSlotsUsed _ z LastExit = z
instance DefinerOfSlots Middle where
foldSlotsDefd f z m = middle m
where middle (MidComment {}) = z
middle (MidAssign _ _) = z
middle (MidForeignCall {}) = z
middle (MidStore (CmmStackSlot a i) e) =
f z (a, i, widthInBytes $ typeWidth $ cmmExprType e)
middle (MidStore _ _) = z
instance DefinerOfSlots Last where
foldSlotsDefd _ z _ = z
instance DefinerOfSlots l => DefinerOfSlots (ZLast l) where
foldSlotsDefd f z (LastOther l) = foldSlotsDefd f z l
foldSlotsDefd _ z LastExit = z
mapExpMiddle :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> Middle -> Middle
mapExpMiddle _ m@(MidComment _) = m
mapExpMiddle exp (MidAssign r e) = MidAssign r (exp e)
mapExpMiddle exp (MidStore addr e) = MidStore (exp addr) (exp e)
mapExpMiddle exp (MidForeignCall s tgt fs as) =
MidForeignCall s (mapExpMidcall exp tgt) fs (map exp as)
foldExpMiddle :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> Middle -> z -> z
foldExpMiddle _ (MidComment _) z = z
foldExpMiddle exp (MidAssign _ e) z = exp e z
foldExpMiddle exp (MidStore addr e) z = exp addr $ exp e z
foldExpMiddle exp (MidForeignCall _ tgt _ as) z = foldExpMidcall exp tgt $ foldr exp z as
mapExpLast :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> Last -> Last
mapExpLast _ l@(LastBranch _) = l
mapExpLast exp (LastCondBranch e ti fi) = LastCondBranch (exp e) ti fi
mapExpLast exp (LastSwitch e tbl) = LastSwitch (exp e) tbl
mapExpLast exp (LastCall tgt mb_id o i s) = LastCall (exp tgt) mb_id o i s
foldExpLast :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> Last -> z -> z
foldExpLast _ (LastBranch _) z = z
foldExpLast exp (LastCondBranch e _ _) z = exp e z
foldExpLast exp (LastSwitch e _) z = exp e z
foldExpLast exp (LastCall tgt _ _ _ _) z = exp tgt z
mapExpMidcall :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> MidCallTarget -> MidCallTarget
mapExpMidcall exp (ForeignTarget e c) = ForeignTarget (exp e) c
mapExpMidcall _ m@(PrimTarget _) = m
foldExpMidcall :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> MidCallTarget -> z -> z
foldExpMidcall exp (ForeignTarget e _) z = exp e z
foldExpMidcall _ (PrimTarget _) z = z
wrapRecExp :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
wrapRecExp f (CmmMachOp op es) = f (CmmMachOp op $ map (wrapRecExp f) es)
wrapRecExp f (CmmLoad addr ty) = f (CmmLoad (wrapRecExp f addr) ty)
wrapRecExp f e = f e
mapExpDeepMiddle :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> Middle -> Middle
mapExpDeepLast :: (CmmExpr -> CmmExpr) -> Last -> Last
mapExpDeepMiddle f = mapExpMiddle $ wrapRecExp f
mapExpDeepLast f = mapExpLast $ wrapRecExp f
wrapRecExpf :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> CmmExpr -> z -> z
wrapRecExpf f e@(CmmMachOp _ es) z = foldr (wrapRecExpf f) (f e z) es
wrapRecExpf f e@(CmmLoad addr _) z = wrapRecExpf f addr (f e z)
wrapRecExpf f e z = f e z
foldExpDeepMiddle :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> Middle -> z -> z
foldExpDeepLast :: (CmmExpr -> z -> z) -> Last -> z -> z
foldExpDeepMiddle f = foldExpMiddle $ wrapRecExpf f
foldExpDeepLast f = foldExpLast $ wrapRecExpf f
joinOuts :: DataflowLattice a -> (BlockId -> a) -> Last -> a
joinOuts lattice env l =
let bot = fact_bot lattice
join x y = txVal $ fact_add_to lattice x y
in case l of
(LastBranch id) -> env id
(LastCall _ Nothing _ _ _) -> bot
(LastCall _ (Just k) _ _ _) -> env k
(LastCondBranch _ t f) -> join (env t) (env f)
(LastSwitch _ tbl) -> foldr join bot (map env $ catMaybes tbl)
instance Outputable Middle where
ppr s = pprMiddle s
instance Outputable Last where
ppr s = pprLast s
instance Outputable Convention where
ppr = pprConvention
instance Outputable ForeignConvention where
ppr = pprForeignConvention
instance Outputable ValueDirection where
ppr Arguments = ptext $ sLit "args"
ppr Results = ptext $ sLit "results"
instance DF.DebugNodes Middle Last
debugPpr :: Bool
debugPpr = debugIsOn
pprMiddle :: Middle -> SDoc
pprMiddle stmt = pp_stmt <+> pp_debug
pp_stmt = case stmt of
MidComment s -> text "//" <+> ftext s
MidAssign reg expr -> ppr reg <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
MidStore lv expr -> rep <> brackets(ppr lv) <+> equals <+> ppr expr <> semi
rep = ppr ( cmmExprType expr )
MidForeignCall safety target results args ->
hsep [ ppUnless (null results) $
parens (commafy $ map ppr results) <+> equals,
ppr_safety safety,
ptext $ sLit "call",
ppr_call_target target <> parens (commafy $ map ppr args) <> semi]
pp_debug =
if not debugPpr then empty
else text " //" <+>
case stmt of
MidComment {} -> text "MidComment"
MidAssign {} -> text "MidAssign"
MidStore {} -> text "MidStore"
MidForeignCall {} -> text "MidForeignCall"
ppr_fc :: ForeignConvention -> SDoc
ppr_fc (ForeignConvention c args res) =
doubleQuotes (ppr c) <+> text "args: " <+> ppr args <+> text " results: " <+> ppr res
ppr_safety :: ForeignSafety -> SDoc
ppr_safety (Safe bid upd) = text "safe<" <> ppr bid <> text ", " <> ppr upd <> text ">"
ppr_safety Unsafe = text "unsafe"
ppr_call_target :: MidCallTarget -> SDoc
ppr_call_target (ForeignTarget fn c) = ppr_fc c <+> ppr_target fn
ppr_call_target (PrimTarget op)
= ppr (CmmLabel (mkForeignLabel
(mkFastString (show op))
Nothing ForeignLabelInThisPackage IsFunction))
ppr_target :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
ppr_target t@(CmmLit _) = ppr t
ppr_target fn' = parens (ppr fn')
pprHinted :: Outputable a => CmmHinted a -> SDoc
pprHinted (CmmHinted a NoHint) = ppr a
pprHinted (CmmHinted a AddrHint) = doubleQuotes (text "address") <+> ppr a
pprHinted (CmmHinted a SignedHint) = doubleQuotes (text "signed") <+> ppr a
pprLast :: Last -> SDoc
pprLast stmt = pp_stmt <+> pp_debug
pp_stmt = case stmt of
LastBranch ident -> ptext (sLit "goto") <+> ppr ident <> semi
LastCondBranch expr t f -> genFullCondBranch expr t f
LastSwitch arg ids -> ppr $ CmmSwitch arg ids
LastCall tgt k out res updfr_off -> genBareCall tgt k out res updfr_off
pp_debug = text " //" <+> case stmt of
LastBranch {} -> text "LastBranch"
LastCondBranch {} -> text "LastCondBranch"
LastSwitch {} -> text "LastSwitch"
LastCall {} -> text "LastCall"
genBareCall :: CmmExpr -> Maybe BlockId -> ByteOff -> ByteOff ->
Maybe UpdFrameOffset -> SDoc
genBareCall fn k out res updfr_off =
hcat [ ptext (sLit "call"), space
, pprFun fn, ptext (sLit "(...)"), space
, ptext (sLit "returns to") <+> ppr k <+> parens (ppr out)
<+> parens (ppr res)
, ptext (sLit " with update frame") <+> ppr updfr_off
, semi ]
pprFun :: CmmExpr -> SDoc
pprFun f@(CmmLit _) = ppr f
pprFun f = parens (ppr f)
genFullCondBranch :: Outputable id => CmmExpr -> id -> id -> SDoc
genFullCondBranch expr t f =
hsep [ ptext (sLit "if")
, parens(ppr expr)
, ptext (sLit "goto")
, ppr t <> semi
, ptext (sLit "else goto")
, ppr f <> semi
pprConvention :: Convention -> SDoc
pprConvention (NativeNodeCall {}) = text "<native-node-call-convention>"
pprConvention (NativeDirectCall {}) = text "<native-direct-call-convention>"
pprConvention (NativeReturn {}) = text "<native-ret-convention>"
pprConvention Slow = text "<slow-convention>"
pprConvention GC = text "<gc-convention>"
pprConvention PrimOpCall = text "<primop-call-convention>"
pprConvention PrimOpReturn = text "<primop-ret-convention>"
pprConvention (Foreign c) = ppr c
pprConvention (Private {}) = text "<private-convention>"
pprForeignConvention :: ForeignConvention -> SDoc
pprForeignConvention (ForeignConvention c as rs) = ppr c <> ppr as <> ppr rs
commafy :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
commafy xs = hsep $ punctuate comma xs