{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- Andy Gill and Colin Runciman, June 2006

-- | Datatypes and file-access routines for the tick data file
-- (@.tix@) used by Hpc.
module Trace.Hpc.Tix(Tix(..), TixModule(..),
                     tixModuleName, tixModuleHash, tixModuleTixs,
                     readTix, writeTix, getTixFileName) where

import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Trace.Hpc.Util (Hash, catchIO)

-- | 'Tix' is the storage format for our dynamic information about
-- what boxes are ticked.
data Tix = Tix [TixModule]
        deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

data TixModule = TixModule
                 String    --  module name
                 Hash      --  hash number
                 Int       --  length of Tix list (allows pre-allocation at parse time).
                 [Integer] --  actual ticks
        deriving (Read, Show, Eq)

-- TODO: Turn extractors below into proper 'TixModule' field-labels
tixModuleName :: TixModule -> String
tixModuleName (TixModule nm _ _ _) = nm
tixModuleHash :: TixModule -> Hash
tixModuleHash (TixModule _ h  _ _) = h
tixModuleTixs :: TixModule -> [Integer]
tixModuleTixs (TixModule  _ _ _ tixs) = tixs

-- We /always/ read and write Tix from the current working directory.

-- | Read a @.tix@ File.
readTix :: String
        -> IO (Maybe Tix)
readTix tix_filename =
  catchIO (do contents <- readFile $ tix_filename
              return $ Just $ read contents)
          (\ _ -> return $ Nothing)

-- | Write a @.tix@ File.
writeTix :: String
         -> Tix
         -> IO ()
writeTix name tix =
  writeFile name (show tix)

tixName :: String -> String
tixName name = name ++ ".tix"

-- | 'getTixFullName' takes a binary or @.tix@-file name,
-- and normalizes it into a @.tix@-file name.
getTixFileName :: String -> String
getTixFileName str | ".tix" `isSuffixOf` str
                   = str
                   | otherwise
                   = str ++ ".tix"