-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.ParseUtils
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow 2004
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
-- Utilities for parsing 'PackageDescription' and 'InstalledPackageInfo'.
-- The @.cabal@ file format is not trivial, especially with the introduction
-- of configurations and the section syntax that goes with that. This module
-- has a bunch of parsing functions that is used by the @.cabal@ parser and a
-- couple others. It has the parsing framework code and also little parsers for
-- many of the formats we get in various @.cabal@ file fields, like module
-- names, comma separated lists etc.

-- This module is meant to be local-only to Distribution...

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
module Distribution.ParseUtils (
        LineNo, PError(..), PWarning(..), locatedErrorMsg, syntaxError, warning,
        runP, runE, ParseResult(..), catchParseError, parseFail, showPWarning,
        Field(..), fName, lineNo,
        FieldDescr(..), ppField, ppFields, readFields, readFieldsFlat,
        showFields, showSingleNamedField, showSimpleSingleNamedField,
        parseFields, parseFieldsFlat,
        parseFilePathQ, parseTokenQ, parseTokenQ',
        parseModuleNameQ, parseBuildTool, parsePkgconfigDependency,
        parseOptVersion, parsePackageNameQ, parseVersionRangeQ,
        parseTestedWithQ, parseLicenseQ, parseLanguageQ, parseExtensionQ,
        parseSepList, parseCommaList, parseOptCommaList,
        showFilePath, showToken, showTestedWith, showFreeText, parseFreeText,
        field, simpleField, listField, listFieldWithSep, spaceListField,
        commaListField, commaListFieldWithSep, commaNewLineListField,
        optsField, liftField, boolField, parseQuoted, indentWith,

        UnrecFieldParser, warnUnrec, ignoreUnrec,
  ) where

import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor, parseCompilerFlavorCompat)
import Distribution.License
import Distribution.Version
         ( Version(..), VersionRange, anyVersion )
import Distribution.Package     ( PackageName(..), Dependency(..) )
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP as ReadP hiding (get)
import Distribution.ReadE
import Distribution.Text
         ( Text(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
         ( comparing, dropWhileEndLE, intercalate, lowercase
         , normaliseLineEndings )
import Language.Haskell.Extension
         ( Language, Extension )

import Text.PrettyPrint hiding (braces)
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, isAlphaNum, isDigit)
import Data.Maybe       (fromMaybe)
import Data.Tree as Tree (Tree(..), flatten)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (foldM, ap)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
import System.FilePath (normalise)
import Data.List (sortBy)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

type LineNo    = Int
type Separator = ([Doc] -> Doc)

data PError = AmbiguousParse String LineNo
            | NoParse String LineNo
            | TabsError LineNo
            | FromString String (Maybe LineNo)
        deriving (Eq, Show)

data PWarning = PWarning String
              | UTFWarning LineNo String
        deriving (Eq, Show)

showPWarning :: FilePath -> PWarning -> String
showPWarning fpath (PWarning msg) =
  normalise fpath ++ ": " ++ msg
showPWarning fpath (UTFWarning line fname) =
  normalise fpath ++ ":" ++ show line
        ++ ": Invalid UTF-8 text in the '" ++ fname ++ "' field."

data ParseResult a = ParseFailed PError | ParseOk [PWarning] a
        deriving Show

instance Functor ParseResult where
        fmap _ (ParseFailed err) = ParseFailed err
        fmap f (ParseOk ws x) = ParseOk ws $ f x

instance Applicative ParseResult where
        pure = return
        (<*>) = ap

instance Monad ParseResult where
        return = ParseOk []
        ParseFailed err >>= _ = ParseFailed err
        ParseOk ws x >>= f = case f x of
                               ParseFailed err -> ParseFailed err
                               ParseOk ws' x' -> ParseOk (ws'++ws) x'
        fail s = ParseFailed (FromString s Nothing)

catchParseError :: ParseResult a -> (PError -> ParseResult a)
                -> ParseResult a
p@(ParseOk _ _) `catchParseError` _ = p
ParseFailed e `catchParseError` k   = k e

parseFail :: PError -> ParseResult a
parseFail = ParseFailed

runP :: LineNo -> String -> ReadP a a -> String -> ParseResult a
runP line fieldname p s =
  case [ x | (x,"") <- results ] of
    [a] -> ParseOk (utf8Warnings line fieldname s) a
    --TODO: what is this double parse thing all about?
    --      Can't we just do the all isSpace test the first time?
    []  -> case [ x | (x,ys) <- results, all isSpace ys ] of
             [a] -> ParseOk (utf8Warnings line fieldname s) a
             []  -> ParseFailed (NoParse fieldname line)
             _   -> ParseFailed (AmbiguousParse fieldname line)
    _   -> ParseFailed (AmbiguousParse fieldname line)
  where results = readP_to_S p s

runE :: LineNo -> String -> ReadE a -> String -> ParseResult a
runE line fieldname p s =
    case runReadE p s of
      Right a -> ParseOk (utf8Warnings line fieldname s) a
      Left  e -> syntaxError line $
        "Parse of field '" ++ fieldname ++ "' failed (" ++ e ++ "): " ++ s

utf8Warnings :: LineNo -> String -> String -> [PWarning]
utf8Warnings line fieldname s =
  take 1 [ UTFWarning n fieldname
         | (n,l) <- zip [line..] (lines s)
         , '\xfffd' `elem` l ]

locatedErrorMsg :: PError -> (Maybe LineNo, String)
locatedErrorMsg (AmbiguousParse f n) = (Just n,
                                        "Ambiguous parse in field '"++f++"'.")
locatedErrorMsg (NoParse f n)        = (Just n,
                                        "Parse of field '"++f++"' failed.")
locatedErrorMsg (TabsError n)        = (Just n, "Tab used as indentation.")
locatedErrorMsg (FromString s n)     = (n, s)

syntaxError :: LineNo -> String -> ParseResult a
syntaxError n s = ParseFailed $ FromString s (Just n)

tabsError :: LineNo -> ParseResult a
tabsError ln = ParseFailed $ TabsError ln

warning :: String -> ParseResult ()
warning s = ParseOk [PWarning s] ()

-- | Field descriptor.  The parameter @a@ parameterizes over where the field's
--   value is stored in.
data FieldDescr a
  = FieldDescr
      { fieldName     :: String
      , fieldGet      :: a -> Doc
      , fieldSet      :: LineNo -> String -> a -> ParseResult a
        -- ^ @fieldSet n str x@ Parses the field value from the given input
        -- string @str@ and stores the result in @x@ if the parse was
        -- successful.  Otherwise, reports an error on line number @n@.

field :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> ReadP a a -> FieldDescr a
field name showF readF =
  FieldDescr name showF (\line val _st -> runP line name readF val)

-- Lift a field descriptor storing into an 'a' to a field descriptor storing
-- into a 'b'.
liftField :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr a -> FieldDescr b
liftField get set (FieldDescr name showF parseF)
 = FieldDescr name (showF . get)
        (\line str b -> do
            a <- parseF line str (get b)
            return (set a b))

-- Parser combinator for simple fields.  Takes a field name, a pretty printer,
-- a parser function, an accessor, and a setter, returns a FieldDescr over the
-- compoid structure.
simpleField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> ReadP a a
            -> (b -> a) -> (a -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
simpleField name showF readF get set
  = liftField get set $ field name showF readF

commaListFieldWithSep :: Separator -> String -> (a -> Doc) -> ReadP [a] a
                      -> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
commaListFieldWithSep separator name showF readF get set =
   liftField get set' $
     field name showF' (parseCommaList readF)
     set' xs b = set (get b ++ xs) b
     showF'    = separator . punctuate comma . map showF

commaListField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> ReadP [a] a
                 -> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
commaListField = commaListFieldWithSep fsep

commaNewLineListField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> ReadP [a] a
                 -> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
commaNewLineListField = commaListFieldWithSep sep

spaceListField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> ReadP [a] a
                 -> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
spaceListField name showF readF get set =
  liftField get set' $
    field name showF' (parseSpaceList readF)
    set' xs b = set (get b ++ xs) b
    showF'    = fsep . map showF

listFieldWithSep :: Separator -> String -> (a -> Doc) -> ReadP [a] a
                 -> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
listFieldWithSep separator name showF readF get set =
  liftField get set' $
    field name showF' (parseOptCommaList readF)
    set' xs b = set (get b ++ xs) b
    showF'    = separator . map showF

listField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> ReadP [a] a
          -> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
listField = listFieldWithSep fsep

optsField :: String -> CompilerFlavor -> (b -> [(CompilerFlavor,[String])])
             -> ([(CompilerFlavor,[String])] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
optsField name flavor get set =
   liftField (fromMaybe [] . lookup flavor . get)
             (\opts b -> set (reorder (update flavor opts (get b))) b) $
        field name showF (sepBy parseTokenQ' (munch1 isSpace))
        update _ opts l | all null opts = l  --empty opts as if no opts
        update f opts [] = [(f,opts)]
        update f opts ((f',opts'):rest)
           | f == f'   = (f, opts' ++ opts) : rest
           | otherwise = (f',opts') : update f opts rest
        reorder = sortBy (comparing fst)
        showF   = hsep . map text

-- TODO: this is a bit smelly hack. It's because we want to parse bool fields
--       liberally but not accept new parses. We cannot do that with ReadP
--       because it does not support warnings. We need a new parser framework!
boolField :: String -> (b -> Bool) -> (Bool -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
boolField name get set = liftField get set (FieldDescr name showF readF)
    showF = text . show
    readF line str _
      |  str == "True"  = ParseOk [] True
      |  str == "False" = ParseOk [] False
      | lstr == "true"  = ParseOk [caseWarning] True
      | lstr == "false" = ParseOk [caseWarning] False
      | otherwise       = ParseFailed (NoParse name line)
        lstr = lowercase str
        caseWarning = PWarning $
          "The '" ++ name ++ "' field is case sensitive, use 'True' or 'False'."

ppFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> Doc
ppFields fields x =
   vcat [ ppField name (getter x) | FieldDescr name getter _ <- fields ]

ppField :: String -> Doc -> Doc
ppField name fielddoc
   | isEmpty fielddoc         = empty
   | name `elem` nestedFields = text name <> colon $+$ nest indentWith fielddoc
   | otherwise                = text name <> colon <+> fielddoc
      nestedFields =
         [ "description"
         , "build-depends"
         , "data-files"
         , "extra-source-files"
         , "extra-tmp-files"
         , "exposed-modules"
         , "c-sources"
         , "js-sources"
         , "extra-libraries"
         , "includes"
         , "install-includes"
         , "other-modules"
         , "depends"

showFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> String
showFields fields = render . ($+$ text "") . ppFields fields

showSingleNamedField :: [FieldDescr a] -> String -> Maybe (a -> String)
showSingleNamedField fields f =
  case [ get | (FieldDescr f' get _) <- fields, f' == f ] of
    []      -> Nothing
    (get:_) -> Just (render . ppField f . get)

showSimpleSingleNamedField :: [FieldDescr a] -> String -> Maybe (a -> String)
showSimpleSingleNamedField fields f =
  case [ get | (FieldDescr f' get _) <- fields, f' == f ] of
    []      -> Nothing
    (get:_) -> Just (renderStyle myStyle . get)
 where myStyle = style { mode = LeftMode }

parseFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> String -> ParseResult a
parseFields fields initial str =
  readFields str >>= accumFields fields initial

parseFieldsFlat :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> String -> ParseResult a
parseFieldsFlat fields initial str =
  readFieldsFlat str >>= accumFields fields initial

accumFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> [Field] -> ParseResult a
accumFields fields = foldM setField
    fieldMap = Map.fromList
      [ (name, f) | f@(FieldDescr name _ _) <- fields ]
    setField accum (F line name value) = case Map.lookup name fieldMap of
      Just (FieldDescr _ _ set) -> set line value accum
      Nothing -> do
        warning ("Unrecognized field " ++ name ++ " on line " ++ show line)
        return accum
    setField accum f = do
      warning ("Unrecognized stanza on line " ++ show (lineNo f))
      return accum

-- | The type of a function which, given a name-value pair of an
--   unrecognized field, and the current structure being built,
--   decides whether to incorporate the unrecognized field
--   (by returning  Just x, where x is a possibly modified version
--   of the structure being built), or not (by returning Nothing).
type UnrecFieldParser a = (String,String) -> a -> Maybe a

-- | A default unrecognized field parser which simply returns Nothing,
--   i.e. ignores all unrecognized fields, so warnings will be generated.
warnUnrec :: UnrecFieldParser a
warnUnrec _ _ = Nothing

-- | A default unrecognized field parser which silently (i.e. no
--   warnings will be generated) ignores unrecognized fields, by
--   returning the structure being built unmodified.
ignoreUnrec :: UnrecFieldParser a
ignoreUnrec _ = Just


-- The data type for our three syntactic categories
data Field
    = F LineNo String String
      -- ^ A regular @<property>: <value>@ field
    | Section LineNo String String [Field]
      -- ^ A section with a name and possible parameter.  The syntactic
      -- structure is:
      -- @
      --   <sectionname> <arg> {
      --     <field>*
      --   }
      -- @
    | IfBlock LineNo String [Field] [Field]
      -- ^ A conditional block with an optional else branch:
      -- @
      --  if <condition> {
      --    <field>*
      --  } else {
      --    <field>*
      --  }
      -- @
      deriving (Show
               ,Eq)   -- for testing

lineNo :: Field -> LineNo
lineNo (F n _ _) = n
lineNo (Section n _ _ _) = n
lineNo (IfBlock n _ _ _) = n

fName :: Field -> String
fName (F _ n _) = n
fName (Section _ n _ _) = n
fName _ = error "fname: not a field or section"

readFields :: String -> ParseResult [Field]
readFields input = ifelse
               =<< mapM (mkField 0)
               =<< mkTree tokens

  where ls = (lines . normaliseLineEndings) input
        tokens = (concatMap tokeniseLine . trimLines) ls

readFieldsFlat :: String -> ParseResult [Field]
readFieldsFlat input = mapM (mkField 0)
                   =<< mkTree tokens
  where ls = (lines . normaliseLineEndings) input
        tokens = (concatMap tokeniseLineFlat . trimLines) ls

-- attach line number and determine indentation
trimLines :: [String] -> [(LineNo, Indent, HasTabs, String)]
trimLines ls = [ (lineno, indent, hastabs, trimTrailing l')
               | (lineno, l) <- zip [1..] ls
               , let (sps, l') = span isSpace l
                     indent    = length sps
                     hastabs   = '\t' `elem` sps
               , validLine l' ]
  where validLine ('-':'-':_) = False      -- Comment
        validLine []          = False      -- blank line
        validLine _           = True

-- | We parse generically based on indent level and braces '{' '}'. To do that
-- we split into lines and then '{' '}' tokens and other spans within a line.
data Token =
       -- | The 'Line' token is for bits that /start/ a line, eg:
       -- > "\n  blah blah { blah"
       -- tokenises to:
       -- > [Line n 2 False "blah blah", OpenBracket, Span n "blah"]
       -- so lines are the only ones that can have nested layout, since they
       -- have a known indentation level.
       -- eg: we can't have this:
       -- > if ... {
       -- > } else
       -- >     other
       -- because other cannot nest under else, since else doesn't start a line
       -- so cannot have nested layout. It'd have to be:
       -- > if ... {
       -- > }
       -- >   else
       -- >     other
       -- but that's not so common, people would normally use layout or
       -- brackets not both in a single @if else@ construct.
       -- > if ... { foo : bar }
       -- > else
       -- >    other
       -- this is OK
       Line LineNo Indent HasTabs String
     | Span LineNo                String  -- ^ span in a line, following brackets
     | OpenBracket LineNo | CloseBracket LineNo

type Indent = Int
type HasTabs = Bool

-- | Tokenise a single line, splitting on '{' '}' and the spans in between.
-- Also trims leading & trailing space on those spans within the line.
tokeniseLine :: (LineNo, Indent, HasTabs, String) -> [Token]
tokeniseLine (n0, i, t, l) = case split n0 l of
                            (Span _ l':ss) -> Line n0 i t l' :ss
                            cs              -> cs
  where split _ "" = []
        split n s  = case span (\c -> c /='}' && c /= '{') s of
          ("", '{' : s') ->             OpenBracket  n : split n s'
          (w , '{' : s') -> mkspan n w (OpenBracket  n : split n s')
          ("", '}' : s') ->             CloseBracket n : split n s'
          (w , '}' : s') -> mkspan n w (CloseBracket n : split n s')
          (w ,        _) -> mkspan n w []

        mkspan n s ss | null s'   =             ss
                      | otherwise = Span n s' : ss
          where s' = trimTrailing (trimLeading s)

tokeniseLineFlat :: (LineNo, Indent, HasTabs, String) -> [Token]
tokeniseLineFlat (n0, i, t, l)
  | null l'   = []
  | otherwise = [Line n0 i t l']
    l' = trimTrailing (trimLeading l)

trimLeading, trimTrailing :: String -> String
trimLeading  = dropWhile isSpace
trimTrailing = dropWhileEndLE isSpace

type SyntaxTree = Tree (LineNo, HasTabs, String)

-- | Parse the stream of tokens into a tree of them, based on indent \/ layout
mkTree :: [Token] -> ParseResult [SyntaxTree]
mkTree toks =
  layout 0 [] toks >>= \(trees, trailing) -> case trailing of
    []               -> return trees
    OpenBracket  n:_ -> syntaxError n "mismatched brackets, unexpected {"
    CloseBracket n:_ -> syntaxError n "mismatched brackets, unexpected }"
    -- the following two should never happen:
    Span n     l  :_ -> syntaxError n $ "unexpected span: " ++ show l
    Line n _ _ l  :_ -> syntaxError n $ "unexpected line: " ++ show l

-- | Parse the stream of tokens into a tree of them, based on indent
-- This parse state expect to be in a layout context, though possibly
-- nested within a braces context so we may still encounter closing braces.
layout :: Indent       -- ^ indent level of the parent\/previous line
       -> [SyntaxTree] -- ^ accumulating param, trees in this level
       -> [Token]      -- ^ remaining tokens
       -> ParseResult ([SyntaxTree], [Token])
                       -- ^ collected trees on this level and trailing tokens
layout _ a []                               = return (reverse a, [])
layout i a (s@(Line _ i' _ _):ss) | i' < i  = return (reverse a, s:ss)
layout i a (Line n _ t l:OpenBracket n':ss) = do
    (sub, ss') <- braces n' [] ss
    layout i (Node (n,t,l) sub:a) ss'

layout i a (Span n     l:OpenBracket n':ss) = do
    (sub, ss') <- braces n' [] ss
    layout i (Node (n,False,l) sub:a) ss'

-- look ahead to see if following lines are more indented, giving a sub-tree
layout i a (Line n i' t l:ss) = do
    lookahead <- layout (i'+1) [] ss
    case lookahead of
        ([], _)   -> layout i (Node (n,t,l) [] :a) ss
        (ts, ss') -> layout i (Node (n,t,l) ts :a) ss'

layout _ _ (   OpenBracket  n :_)  = syntaxError n "unexpected '{'"
layout _ a (s@(CloseBracket _):ss) = return (reverse a, s:ss)
layout _ _ (   Span n l       : _) = syntaxError n $ "unexpected span: "
                                                  ++ show l

-- | Parse the stream of tokens into a tree of them, based on explicit braces
-- This parse state expects to find a closing bracket.
braces :: LineNo       -- ^ line of the '{', used for error messages
       -> [SyntaxTree] -- ^ accumulating param, trees in this level
       -> [Token]      -- ^ remaining tokens
       -> ParseResult ([SyntaxTree],[Token])
                       -- ^ collected trees on this level and trailing tokens
braces m a (Line n _ t l:OpenBracket n':ss) = do
    (sub, ss') <- braces n' [] ss
    braces m (Node (n,t,l) sub:a) ss'

braces m a (Span n     l:OpenBracket n':ss) = do
    (sub, ss') <- braces n' [] ss
    braces m (Node (n,False,l) sub:a) ss'

braces m a (Line n i t l:ss) = do
    lookahead <- layout (i+1) [] ss
    case lookahead of
        ([], _)   -> braces m (Node (n,t,l) [] :a) ss
        (ts, ss') -> braces m (Node (n,t,l) ts :a) ss'

braces m a (Span n       l:ss) = braces m (Node (n,False,l) []:a) ss
braces _ a (CloseBracket _:ss) = return (reverse a, ss)
braces n _ []                  = syntaxError n $ "opening brace '{'"
                              ++ "has no matching closing brace '}'"
braces _ _ (OpenBracket  n:_)  = syntaxError n "unexpected '{'"

-- | Convert the parse tree into the Field AST
-- Also check for dodgy uses of tabs in indentation.
mkField :: Int -> SyntaxTree -> ParseResult Field
mkField d (Node (n,t,_) _) | d >= 1 && t = tabsError n
mkField d (Node (n,_,l) ts) = case span (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '-') l of
  ([], _)       -> syntaxError n $ "unrecognised field or section: " ++ show l
  (name, rest)  -> case trimLeading rest of
    (':':rest') -> do let followingLines = concatMap Tree.flatten ts
                          tabs = not (null [()| (_,True,_) <- followingLines ])
                      if tabs && d >= 1
                        then tabsError n
                        else return $ F n (map toLower name)
                                          (fieldValue rest' followingLines)
    rest'       -> do ts' <- mapM (mkField (d+1)) ts
                      return (Section n (map toLower name) rest' ts')
 where    fieldValue firstLine followingLines =
            let firstLine' = trimLeading firstLine
                followingLines' = map (\(_,_,s) -> stripDot s) followingLines
                allLines | null firstLine' =              followingLines'
                         | otherwise       = firstLine' : followingLines'
             in intercalate "\n" allLines
          stripDot "." = ""
          stripDot s   = s

-- | Convert if/then/else 'Section's to 'IfBlock's
ifelse :: [Field] -> ParseResult [Field]
ifelse [] = return []
ifelse (Section n "if"   cond thenpart
       :Section _ "else" as   elsepart:fs)
       | null cond     = syntaxError n "'if' with missing condition"
       | null thenpart = syntaxError n "'then' branch of 'if' is empty"
       | not (null as) = syntaxError n "'else' takes no arguments"
       | null elsepart = syntaxError n "'else' branch of 'if' is empty"
       | otherwise     = do tp  <- ifelse thenpart
                            ep  <- ifelse elsepart
                            fs' <- ifelse fs
                            return (IfBlock n cond tp ep:fs')
ifelse (Section n "if"   cond thenpart:fs)
       | null cond     = syntaxError n "'if' with missing condition"
       | null thenpart = syntaxError n "'then' branch of 'if' is empty"
       | otherwise     = do tp  <- ifelse thenpart
                            fs' <- ifelse fs
                            return (IfBlock n cond tp []:fs')
ifelse (Section n "else" _ _:_) = syntaxError n
                                  "stray 'else' with no preceding 'if'"
ifelse (Section n s a fs':fs) = do fs''  <- ifelse fs'
                                   fs''' <- ifelse fs
                                   return (Section n s a fs'' : fs''')
ifelse (f:fs) = do fs' <- ifelse fs
                   return (f : fs')


-- |parse a module name
parseModuleNameQ :: ReadP r ModuleName
parseModuleNameQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse

parseFilePathQ :: ReadP r FilePath
parseFilePathQ = parseTokenQ
  -- removed until normalise is no longer broken, was:
  --   liftM normalise parseTokenQ

betweenSpaces :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
betweenSpaces act = do skipSpaces
                       res <- act
                       return res

parseBuildTool :: ReadP r Dependency
parseBuildTool = do name <- parseBuildToolNameQ
                    ver <- betweenSpaces $
                           parseVersionRangeQ <++ return anyVersion
                    return $ Dependency name ver

parseBuildToolNameQ :: ReadP r PackageName
parseBuildToolNameQ = parseQuoted parseBuildToolName <++ parseBuildToolName

-- like parsePackageName but accepts symbols in components
parseBuildToolName :: ReadP r PackageName
parseBuildToolName = do ns <- sepBy1 component (ReadP.char '-')
                        return (PackageName (intercalate "-" ns))
  where component = do
          cs <- munch1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '+' || c == '_')
          if all isDigit cs then pfail else return cs

-- pkg-config allows versions and other letters in package names,
-- eg "gtk+-2.0" is a valid pkg-config package _name_.
-- It then has a package version number like 2.10.13
parsePkgconfigDependency :: ReadP r Dependency
parsePkgconfigDependency = do name <- munch1
                                      (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "+-._")
                              ver <- betweenSpaces $
                                     parseVersionRangeQ <++ return anyVersion
                              return $ Dependency (PackageName name) ver

parsePackageNameQ :: ReadP r PackageName
parsePackageNameQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse

parseVersionRangeQ :: ReadP r VersionRange
parseVersionRangeQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse

parseOptVersion :: ReadP r Version
parseOptVersion = parseQuoted ver <++ ver
  where ver :: ReadP r Version
        ver = parse <++ return noVersion
        noVersion = Version [] []

parseTestedWithQ :: ReadP r (CompilerFlavor,VersionRange)
parseTestedWithQ = parseQuoted tw <++ tw
    tw :: ReadP r (CompilerFlavor,VersionRange)
    tw = do compiler <- parseCompilerFlavorCompat
            version <- betweenSpaces $ parse <++ return anyVersion
            return (compiler,version)

parseLicenseQ :: ReadP r License
parseLicenseQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse

-- urgh, we can't define optQuotes :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
-- because the "compat" version of ReadP isn't quite powerful enough.  In
-- particular, the type of <++ is ReadP r r -> ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
-- Hence the trick above to make 'lic' polymorphic.

parseLanguageQ :: ReadP r Language
parseLanguageQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse

parseExtensionQ :: ReadP r Extension
parseExtensionQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse

parseHaskellString :: ReadP r String
parseHaskellString = readS_to_P reads

parseTokenQ :: ReadP r String
parseTokenQ = parseHaskellString <++ munch1 (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ',')

parseTokenQ' :: ReadP r String
parseTokenQ' = parseHaskellString <++ munch1 (not . isSpace)

parseSepList :: ReadP r b
             -> ReadP r a -- ^The parser for the stuff between commas
             -> ReadP r [a]
parseSepList sepr p = sepBy p separator
    where separator = betweenSpaces sepr

parseSpaceList :: ReadP r a -- ^The parser for the stuff between commas
               -> ReadP r [a]
parseSpaceList p = sepBy p skipSpaces

parseCommaList :: ReadP r a -- ^The parser for the stuff between commas
               -> ReadP r [a]
parseCommaList = parseSepList (ReadP.char ',')

parseOptCommaList :: ReadP r a -- ^The parser for the stuff between commas
                  -> ReadP r [a]
parseOptCommaList = parseSepList (optional (ReadP.char ','))

parseQuoted :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
parseQuoted = between (ReadP.char '"') (ReadP.char '"')

parseFreeText :: ReadP.ReadP s String
parseFreeText = ReadP.munch (const True)

-- --------------------------------------------
-- ** Pretty printing

showFilePath :: FilePath -> Doc
showFilePath "" = empty
showFilePath x  = showToken x

showToken :: String -> Doc
showToken str
 | not (any dodgy str) &&
   not (null str)       = text str
 | otherwise            = text (show str)
  where dodgy c = isSpace c || c == ','

showTestedWith :: (CompilerFlavor,VersionRange) -> Doc
showTestedWith (compiler, version) = text (show compiler) <+> disp version

-- | Pretty-print free-format text, ensuring that it is vertically aligned,
-- and with blank lines replaced by dots for correct re-parsing.
showFreeText :: String -> Doc
showFreeText "" = empty
showFreeText s  = vcat [text (if null l then "." else l) | l <- lines_ s]

-- | 'lines_' breaks a string up into a list of strings at newline
-- characters.  The resulting strings do not contain newlines.
lines_                   :: String -> [String]
lines_ []                =  [""]
lines_ s                 =  let (l, s') = break (== '\n') s
                            in  l : case s' of
                                        []    -> []
                                        (_:s'') -> lines_ s''

-- | the indentation used for pretty printing
indentWith :: Int
indentWith = 4