module Distribution.Simple.Test.ExeV10
       ( runTest
       ) where

import Distribution.Compat.CreatePipe ( createPipe )
import Distribution.Compat.Environment ( getEnvironment )
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
import Distribution.Simple.Build.PathsModule ( pkgPathEnvVar )
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths ( exeExtension )
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( compilerInfo )
import Distribution.Simple.Hpc ( guessWay, markupTest, tixDir, tixFilePath )
import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
    ( fromPathTemplate, initialPathTemplateEnv, PathTemplateVariable(..)
    , substPathTemplate , toPathTemplate, PathTemplate )
import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as LBI
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
    ( TestFlags(..), TestShowDetails(..), fromFlag, configCoverage )
import Distribution.Simple.Test.Log
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
    ( die, notice, rawSystemIOWithEnv, addLibraryPath )
import Distribution.System ( Platform (..) )
import Distribution.TestSuite
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Verbosity ( normal )

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Monad ( unless, void, when )
import System.Directory
    ( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist
    , getCurrentDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive )
import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>) )
import System.IO ( hGetContents, hPutStr, stdout )

runTest :: PD.PackageDescription
        -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo
        -> TestFlags
        -> PD.TestSuite
        -> IO TestSuiteLog
runTest pkg_descr lbi flags suite = do
    let isCoverageEnabled = fromFlag $ configCoverage $ LBI.configFlags lbi
        way = guessWay lbi
        tixDir_ = tixDir distPref way $ PD.testName suite

    pwd <- getCurrentDirectory
    existingEnv <- getEnvironment

    let cmd = LBI.buildDir lbi </> PD.testName suite
                  </> PD.testName suite <.> exeExtension
    -- Check that the test executable exists.
    exists <- doesFileExist cmd
    unless exists $ die $ "Error: Could not find test program \"" ++ cmd
                          ++ "\". Did you build the package first?"

    -- Remove old .tix files if appropriate.
    unless (fromFlag $ testKeepTix flags) $ do
        exists' <- doesDirectoryExist tixDir_
        when exists' $ removeDirectoryRecursive tixDir_

    -- Create directory for HPC files.
    createDirectoryIfMissing True tixDir_

    -- Write summary notices indicating start of test suite
    notice verbosity $ summarizeSuiteStart $ PD.testName suite

    (rOut, wOut) <- createPipe

    -- Read test executable's output lazily (returns immediately)
    logText <- hGetContents rOut
    -- Force the IO manager to drain the test output pipe
    void $ forkIO $ length logText `seq` return ()

    -- '--show-details=streaming': print the log output in another thread
    when (details == Streaming) $ void $ forkIO $ hPutStr stdout logText

    -- Run the test executable
    let opts = map (testOption pkg_descr lbi suite)
                   (testOptions flags)
        dataDirPath = pwd </> PD.dataDir pkg_descr
        tixFile = pwd </> tixFilePath distPref way (PD.testName suite)
        pkgPathEnv = (pkgPathEnvVar pkg_descr "datadir", dataDirPath)
                   : existingEnv
        shellEnv = [("HPCTIXFILE", tixFile) | isCoverageEnabled] ++ pkgPathEnv

    -- Add (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH if needed
    shellEnv' <- if LBI.withDynExe lbi
                    then do let (Platform _ os) = LBI.hostPlatform lbi
                                clbi = LBI.getComponentLocalBuildInfo lbi
                                         (LBI.CTestName (PD.testName suite))
                            paths <- LBI.depLibraryPaths True False lbi clbi
                            return (addLibraryPath os paths shellEnv)
                    else return shellEnv

    exit <- rawSystemIOWithEnv verbosity cmd opts Nothing (Just shellEnv')
                               -- these handles are automatically closed
                               Nothing (Just wOut) (Just wOut)

    -- Generate TestSuiteLog from executable exit code and a machine-
    -- readable test log.
    let suiteLog = buildLog exit

    -- Write summary notice to log file indicating start of test suite
    appendFile (logFile suiteLog) $ summarizeSuiteStart $ PD.testName suite

    -- Append contents of temporary log file to the final human-
    -- readable log file
    appendFile (logFile suiteLog) logText

    -- Write end-of-suite summary notice to log file
    appendFile (logFile suiteLog) $ summarizeSuiteFinish suiteLog

    -- Show the contents of the human-readable log file on the terminal
    -- if there is a failure and/or detailed output is requested
    let whenPrinting = when $
            (details > Never)
            && (not (suitePassed $ testLogs suiteLog) || details == Always)
            -- verbosity overrides show-details
            && verbosity >= normal
            -- if streaming, we already printed the log
            && details /= Streaming
    whenPrinting $ putStr $ unlines $ lines logText

    -- Write summary notice to terminal indicating end of test suite
    notice verbosity $ summarizeSuiteFinish suiteLog

    when isCoverageEnabled $
        markupTest verbosity lbi distPref (display $ PD.package pkg_descr) suite

    return suiteLog
    distPref = fromFlag $ testDistPref flags
    verbosity = fromFlag $ testVerbosity flags
    details = fromFlag $ testShowDetails flags
    testLogDir = distPref </> "test"

    buildLog exit =
        let r = case exit of
                    ExitSuccess -> Pass
                    ExitFailure c -> Fail $ "exit code: " ++ show c
            n = PD.testName suite
            l = TestLog
                { testName = n
                , testOptionsReturned = []
                , testResult = r
        in TestSuiteLog
                { testSuiteName = n
                , testLogs = l
                , logFile =
                    </> testSuiteLogPath (fromFlag $ testHumanLog flags)
                                         pkg_descr lbi n l

-- TODO: This is abusing the notion of a 'PathTemplate'.  The result isn't
-- necessarily a path.
testOption :: PD.PackageDescription
           -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo
           -> PD.TestSuite
           -> PathTemplate
           -> String
testOption pkg_descr lbi suite template =
    fromPathTemplate $ substPathTemplate env template
    env = initialPathTemplateEnv
          (PD.package pkg_descr) (LBI.pkgKey lbi)
          (compilerInfo $ LBI.compiler lbi) (LBI.hostPlatform lbi) ++
          [(TestSuiteNameVar, toPathTemplate $ PD.testName suite)]