module CoreMonad (
CoreToDo(..), runWhen, runMaybe,
PluginPass, bindsOnlyPass,
SimplCount, doSimplTick, doFreeSimplTick, simplCountN,
pprSimplCount, plusSimplCount, zeroSimplCount,
isZeroSimplCount, hasDetailedCounts, Tick(..),
CoreM, runCoreM,
getHscEnv, getRuleBase, getModule,
getDynFlags, getOrigNameCache, getPackageFamInstEnv,
liftIO, liftIOWithCount,
liftIO1, liftIO2, liftIO3, liftIO4,
getAnnotations, getFirstAnnotations,
putMsg, putMsgS, errorMsg, errorMsgS,
fatalErrorMsg, fatalErrorMsgS,
debugTraceMsg, debugTraceMsgS,
#ifdef GHCI
) where
#ifdef GHCI
import Name( Name )
import CoreSyn
import HscTypes
import Module
import DynFlags
import StaticFlags
import Rules ( RuleBase )
import BasicTypes ( CompilerPhase(..) )
import Annotations
import IOEnv hiding ( liftIO, failM, failWithM )
import qualified IOEnv ( liftIO )
import TcEnv ( tcLookupGlobal )
import TcRnMonad ( initTcForLookup )
import Var
import Outputable
import FastString
import qualified ErrUtils as Err
import Maybes
import UniqSupply
import UniqFM ( UniqFM, mapUFM, filterUFM )
import MonadUtils
import ListSetOps ( runs )
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Word
import qualified Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad
import Prelude hiding ( read )
#ifdef GHCI
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar)
import Linker ( PersistentLinkerState, saveLinkerGlobals, restoreLinkerGlobals )
import TcSplice ( lookupThName_maybe )
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
saveLinkerGlobals :: IO ()
saveLinkerGlobals = return ()
restoreLinkerGlobals :: () -> IO ()
restoreLinkerGlobals () = return ()
data CoreToDo
= CoreDoSimplify
| CoreDoPluginPass String PluginPass
| CoreDoFloatInwards
| CoreDoFloatOutwards FloatOutSwitches
| CoreLiberateCase
| CoreDoPrintCore
| CoreDoStaticArgs
| CoreDoCallArity
| CoreDoStrictness
| CoreDoWorkerWrapper
| CoreDoSpecialising
| CoreDoSpecConstr
| CoreCSE
| CoreDoRuleCheck CompilerPhase String
| CoreDoVectorisation
| CoreDoNothing
| CoreDoPasses [CoreToDo]
| CoreDesugar
| CoreDesugarOpt
| CoreTidy
| CorePrep
instance Outputable CoreToDo where
ppr (CoreDoSimplify _ _) = ptext (sLit "Simplifier")
ppr (CoreDoPluginPass s _) = ptext (sLit "Core plugin: ") <+> text s
ppr CoreDoFloatInwards = ptext (sLit "Float inwards")
ppr (CoreDoFloatOutwards f) = ptext (sLit "Float out") <> parens (ppr f)
ppr CoreLiberateCase = ptext (sLit "Liberate case")
ppr CoreDoStaticArgs = ptext (sLit "Static argument")
ppr CoreDoCallArity = ptext (sLit "Called arity analysis")
ppr CoreDoStrictness = ptext (sLit "Demand analysis")
ppr CoreDoWorkerWrapper = ptext (sLit "Worker Wrapper binds")
ppr CoreDoSpecialising = ptext (sLit "Specialise")
ppr CoreDoSpecConstr = ptext (sLit "SpecConstr")
ppr CoreCSE = ptext (sLit "Common sub-expression")
ppr CoreDoVectorisation = ptext (sLit "Vectorisation")
ppr CoreDesugar = ptext (sLit "Desugar (before optimization)")
ppr CoreDesugarOpt = ptext (sLit "Desugar (after optimization)")
ppr CoreTidy = ptext (sLit "Tidy Core")
ppr CorePrep = ptext (sLit "CorePrep")
ppr CoreDoPrintCore = ptext (sLit "Print core")
ppr (CoreDoRuleCheck {}) = ptext (sLit "Rule check")
ppr CoreDoNothing = ptext (sLit "CoreDoNothing")
ppr (CoreDoPasses {}) = ptext (sLit "CoreDoPasses")
pprPassDetails :: CoreToDo -> SDoc
pprPassDetails (CoreDoSimplify n md) = vcat [ ptext (sLit "Max iterations =") <+> int n
, ppr md ]
pprPassDetails _ = Outputable.empty
data SimplifierMode
= SimplMode
{ sm_names :: [String]
, sm_phase :: CompilerPhase
, sm_rules :: Bool
, sm_inline :: Bool
, sm_case_case :: Bool
, sm_eta_expand :: Bool
instance Outputable SimplifierMode where
ppr (SimplMode { sm_phase = p, sm_names = ss
, sm_rules = r, sm_inline = i
, sm_eta_expand = eta, sm_case_case = cc })
= ptext (sLit "SimplMode") <+> braces (
sep [ ptext (sLit "Phase =") <+> ppr p <+>
brackets (text (concat $ intersperse "," ss)) <> comma
, pp_flag i (sLit "inline") <> comma
, pp_flag r (sLit "rules") <> comma
, pp_flag eta (sLit "eta-expand") <> comma
, pp_flag cc (sLit "case-of-case") ])
pp_flag f s = ppUnless f (ptext (sLit "no")) <+> ptext s
data FloatOutSwitches = FloatOutSwitches {
floatOutLambdas :: Maybe Int,
floatOutConstants :: Bool,
floatOutOverSatApps :: Bool
instance Outputable FloatOutSwitches where
ppr = pprFloatOutSwitches
pprFloatOutSwitches :: FloatOutSwitches -> SDoc
pprFloatOutSwitches sw
= ptext (sLit "FOS") <+> (braces $
sep $ punctuate comma $
[ ptext (sLit "Lam =") <+> ppr (floatOutLambdas sw)
, ptext (sLit "Consts =") <+> ppr (floatOutConstants sw)
, ptext (sLit "OverSatApps =") <+> ppr (floatOutOverSatApps sw) ])
runWhen :: Bool -> CoreToDo -> CoreToDo
runWhen True do_this = do_this
runWhen False _ = CoreDoNothing
runMaybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> CoreToDo) -> CoreToDo
runMaybe (Just x) f = f x
runMaybe Nothing _ = CoreDoNothing
type PluginPass = ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
bindsOnlyPass :: (CoreProgram -> CoreM CoreProgram) -> ModGuts -> CoreM ModGuts
bindsOnlyPass pass guts
= do { binds' <- pass (mg_binds guts)
; return (guts { mg_binds = binds' }) }
verboseSimplStats :: Bool
verboseSimplStats = opt_PprStyle_Debug
zeroSimplCount :: DynFlags -> SimplCount
isZeroSimplCount :: SimplCount -> Bool
hasDetailedCounts :: SimplCount -> Bool
pprSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SDoc
doSimplTick :: DynFlags -> Tick -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
doFreeSimplTick :: Tick -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
plusSimplCount :: SimplCount -> SimplCount -> SimplCount
data SimplCount
= VerySimplCount !Int
| SimplCount {
ticks :: !Int,
details :: !TickCounts,
n_log :: !Int,
log1 :: [Tick],
log2 :: [Tick]
type TickCounts = Map Tick Int
simplCountN :: SimplCount -> Int
simplCountN (VerySimplCount n) = n
simplCountN (SimplCount { ticks = n }) = n
zeroSimplCount dflags
| dopt Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats dflags
= SimplCount {ticks = 0, details = Map.empty,
n_log = 0, log1 = [], log2 = []}
| otherwise
= VerySimplCount 0
isZeroSimplCount (VerySimplCount n) = n==0
isZeroSimplCount (SimplCount { ticks = n }) = n==0
hasDetailedCounts (VerySimplCount {}) = False
hasDetailedCounts (SimplCount {}) = True
doFreeSimplTick tick sc@SimplCount { details = dts }
= sc { details = dts `addTick` tick }
doFreeSimplTick _ sc = sc
doSimplTick dflags tick
sc@(SimplCount { ticks = tks, details = dts, n_log = nl, log1 = l1 })
| nl >= historySize dflags = sc1 { n_log = 1, log1 = [tick], log2 = l1 }
| otherwise = sc1 { n_log = nl+1, log1 = tick : l1 }
sc1 = sc { ticks = tks+1, details = dts `addTick` tick }
doSimplTick _ _ (VerySimplCount n) = VerySimplCount (n+1)
addTick :: TickCounts -> Tick -> TickCounts
addTick fm tick = case Map.lookup tick fm of
Nothing -> Map.insert tick 1 fm
Just n -> n1 `seq` Map.insert tick n1 fm
n1 = n+1
plusSimplCount sc1@(SimplCount { ticks = tks1, details = dts1 })
sc2@(SimplCount { ticks = tks2, details = dts2 })
= log_base { ticks = tks1 + tks2, details = Map.unionWith (+) dts1 dts2 }
log_base | null (log1 sc2) = sc1
| null (log2 sc2) = sc2 { log2 = log1 sc1 }
| otherwise = sc2
plusSimplCount (VerySimplCount n) (VerySimplCount m) = VerySimplCount (n+m)
plusSimplCount _ _ = panic "plusSimplCount"
pprSimplCount (VerySimplCount n) = ptext (sLit "Total ticks:") <+> int n
pprSimplCount (SimplCount { ticks = tks, details = dts, log1 = l1, log2 = l2 })
= vcat [ptext (sLit "Total ticks: ") <+> int tks,
pprTickCounts dts,
if verboseSimplStats then
vcat [blankLine,
ptext (sLit "Log (most recent first)"),
nest 4 (vcat (map ppr l1) $$ vcat (map ppr l2))]
else Outputable.empty
pprTickCounts :: Map Tick Int -> SDoc
pprTickCounts counts
= vcat (map pprTickGroup groups)
groups :: [[(Tick,Int)]]
groups = runs same_tag (Map.toList counts)
same_tag (tick1,_) (tick2,_) = tickToTag tick1 == tickToTag tick2
pprTickGroup :: [(Tick, Int)] -> SDoc
pprTickGroup group@((tick1,_):_)
= hang (int (sum [n | (_,n) <- group]) <+> text (tickString tick1))
2 (vcat [ int n <+> pprTickCts tick
| (tick,n) <- sortBy (flip (comparing snd)) group])
pprTickGroup [] = panic "pprTickGroup"
data Tick
= PreInlineUnconditionally Id
| PostInlineUnconditionally Id
| UnfoldingDone Id
| RuleFired FastString
| LetFloatFromLet
| EtaExpansion Id
| EtaReduction Id
| BetaReduction Id
| CaseOfCase Id
| KnownBranch Id
| CaseMerge Id
| AltMerge Id
| CaseElim Id
| CaseIdentity Id
| FillInCaseDefault Id
| BottomFound
| SimplifierDone
instance Outputable Tick where
ppr tick = text (tickString tick) <+> pprTickCts tick
instance Eq Tick where
a == b = case a `cmpTick` b of
EQ -> True
_ -> False
instance Ord Tick where
compare = cmpTick
tickToTag :: Tick -> Int
tickToTag (PreInlineUnconditionally _) = 0
tickToTag (PostInlineUnconditionally _) = 1
tickToTag (UnfoldingDone _) = 2
tickToTag (RuleFired _) = 3
tickToTag LetFloatFromLet = 4
tickToTag (EtaExpansion _) = 5
tickToTag (EtaReduction _) = 6
tickToTag (BetaReduction _) = 7
tickToTag (CaseOfCase _) = 8
tickToTag (KnownBranch _) = 9
tickToTag (CaseMerge _) = 10
tickToTag (CaseElim _) = 11
tickToTag (CaseIdentity _) = 12
tickToTag (FillInCaseDefault _) = 13
tickToTag BottomFound = 14
tickToTag SimplifierDone = 16
tickToTag (AltMerge _) = 17
tickString :: Tick -> String
tickString (PreInlineUnconditionally _) = "PreInlineUnconditionally"
tickString (PostInlineUnconditionally _)= "PostInlineUnconditionally"
tickString (UnfoldingDone _) = "UnfoldingDone"
tickString (RuleFired _) = "RuleFired"
tickString LetFloatFromLet = "LetFloatFromLet"
tickString (EtaExpansion _) = "EtaExpansion"
tickString (EtaReduction _) = "EtaReduction"
tickString (BetaReduction _) = "BetaReduction"
tickString (CaseOfCase _) = "CaseOfCase"
tickString (KnownBranch _) = "KnownBranch"
tickString (CaseMerge _) = "CaseMerge"
tickString (AltMerge _) = "AltMerge"
tickString (CaseElim _) = "CaseElim"
tickString (CaseIdentity _) = "CaseIdentity"
tickString (FillInCaseDefault _) = "FillInCaseDefault"
tickString BottomFound = "BottomFound"
tickString SimplifierDone = "SimplifierDone"
pprTickCts :: Tick -> SDoc
pprTickCts (PreInlineUnconditionally v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (PostInlineUnconditionally v)= ppr v
pprTickCts (UnfoldingDone v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (RuleFired v) = ppr v
pprTickCts LetFloatFromLet = Outputable.empty
pprTickCts (EtaExpansion v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (EtaReduction v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (BetaReduction v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (CaseOfCase v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (KnownBranch v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (CaseMerge v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (AltMerge v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (CaseElim v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (CaseIdentity v) = ppr v
pprTickCts (FillInCaseDefault v) = ppr v
pprTickCts _ = Outputable.empty
cmpTick :: Tick -> Tick -> Ordering
cmpTick a b = case (tickToTag a `compare` tickToTag b) of
GT -> GT
EQ -> cmpEqTick a b
LT -> LT
cmpEqTick :: Tick -> Tick -> Ordering
cmpEqTick (PreInlineUnconditionally a) (PreInlineUnconditionally b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (PostInlineUnconditionally a) (PostInlineUnconditionally b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (UnfoldingDone a) (UnfoldingDone b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (RuleFired a) (RuleFired b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (EtaExpansion a) (EtaExpansion b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (EtaReduction a) (EtaReduction b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (BetaReduction a) (BetaReduction b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (CaseOfCase a) (CaseOfCase b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (KnownBranch a) (KnownBranch b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (CaseMerge a) (CaseMerge b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (AltMerge a) (AltMerge b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (CaseElim a) (CaseElim b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (CaseIdentity a) (CaseIdentity b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick (FillInCaseDefault a) (FillInCaseDefault b) = a `compare` b
cmpEqTick _ _ = EQ
newtype CoreState = CoreState {
cs_uniq_supply :: UniqSupply
data CoreReader = CoreReader {
cr_hsc_env :: HscEnv,
cr_rule_base :: RuleBase,
cr_module :: Module,
cr_print_unqual :: PrintUnqualified,
#ifdef GHCI
cr_globals :: (MVar PersistentLinkerState, Bool)
cr_globals :: ()
newtype CoreWriter = CoreWriter {
cw_simpl_count :: SimplCount
emptyWriter :: DynFlags -> CoreWriter
emptyWriter dflags = CoreWriter {
cw_simpl_count = zeroSimplCount dflags
plusWriter :: CoreWriter -> CoreWriter -> CoreWriter
plusWriter w1 w2 = CoreWriter {
cw_simpl_count = (cw_simpl_count w1) `plusSimplCount` (cw_simpl_count w2)
type CoreIOEnv = IOEnv CoreReader
newtype CoreM a = CoreM { unCoreM :: CoreState -> CoreIOEnv (a, CoreState, CoreWriter) }
instance Functor CoreM where
fmap f ma = do
a <- ma
return (f a)
instance Monad CoreM where
return x = CoreM (\s -> nop s x)
mx >>= f = CoreM $ \s -> do
(x, s', w1) <- unCoreM mx s
(y, s'', w2) <- unCoreM (f x) s'
let w = w1 `plusWriter` w2
return $ seq w (y, s'', w)
instance A.Applicative CoreM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
(*>) = (>>)
instance MonadPlus IO => A.Alternative CoreM where
empty = mzero
(<|>) = mplus
instance MonadPlus IO => MonadPlus CoreM where
mzero = CoreM (const mzero)
m `mplus` n = CoreM (\rs -> unCoreM m rs `mplus` unCoreM n rs)
instance MonadUnique CoreM where
getUniqueSupplyM = do
us <- getS cs_uniq_supply
let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
modifyS (\s -> s { cs_uniq_supply = us2 })
return us1
getUniqueM = do
us <- getS cs_uniq_supply
let (u,us') = takeUniqFromSupply us
modifyS (\s -> s { cs_uniq_supply = us' })
return u
runCoreM :: HscEnv
-> RuleBase
-> UniqSupply
-> Module
-> PrintUnqualified
-> CoreM a
-> IO (a, SimplCount)
runCoreM hsc_env rule_base us mod print_unqual m = do
glbls <- saveLinkerGlobals
liftM extract $ runIOEnv (reader glbls) $ unCoreM m state
reader glbls = CoreReader {
cr_hsc_env = hsc_env,
cr_rule_base = rule_base,
cr_module = mod,
cr_globals = glbls,
cr_print_unqual = print_unqual
state = CoreState {
cs_uniq_supply = us
extract :: (a, CoreState, CoreWriter) -> (a, SimplCount)
extract (value, _, writer) = (value, cw_simpl_count writer)
nop :: CoreState -> a -> CoreIOEnv (a, CoreState, CoreWriter)
nop s x = do
r <- getEnv
return (x, s, emptyWriter $ (hsc_dflags . cr_hsc_env) r)
read :: (CoreReader -> a) -> CoreM a
read f = CoreM (\s -> getEnv >>= (\r -> nop s (f r)))
getS :: (CoreState -> a) -> CoreM a
getS f = CoreM (\s -> nop s (f s))
modifyS :: (CoreState -> CoreState) -> CoreM ()
modifyS f = CoreM (\s -> nop (f s) ())
write :: CoreWriter -> CoreM ()
write w = CoreM (\s -> return ((), s, w))
liftIOEnv :: CoreIOEnv a -> CoreM a
liftIOEnv mx = CoreM (\s -> mx >>= (\x -> nop s x))
instance MonadIO CoreM where
liftIO = liftIOEnv . IOEnv.liftIO
liftIOWithCount :: IO (SimplCount, a) -> CoreM a
liftIOWithCount what = liftIO what >>= (\(count, x) -> addSimplCount count >> return x)
getHscEnv :: CoreM HscEnv
getHscEnv = read cr_hsc_env
getRuleBase :: CoreM RuleBase
getRuleBase = read cr_rule_base
getPrintUnqualified :: CoreM PrintUnqualified
getPrintUnqualified = read cr_print_unqual
addSimplCount :: SimplCount -> CoreM ()
addSimplCount count = write (CoreWriter { cw_simpl_count = count })
instance HasDynFlags CoreM where
getDynFlags = fmap hsc_dflags getHscEnv
instance HasModule CoreM where
getModule = read cr_module
getOrigNameCache :: CoreM OrigNameCache
getOrigNameCache = do
nameCacheRef <- fmap hsc_NC getHscEnv
liftIO $ fmap nsNames $ readIORef nameCacheRef
getPackageFamInstEnv :: CoreM PackageFamInstEnv
getPackageFamInstEnv = do
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
eps <- liftIO $ hscEPS hsc_env
return $ eps_fam_inst_env eps
reinitializeGlobals :: CoreM ()
reinitializeGlobals = do
linker_globals <- read cr_globals
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
liftIO $ restoreLinkerGlobals linker_globals
liftIO $ setUnsafeGlobalDynFlags dflags
getAnnotations :: Typeable a => ([Word8] -> a) -> ModGuts -> CoreM (UniqFM [a])
getAnnotations deserialize guts = do
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
ann_env <- liftIO $ prepareAnnotations hsc_env (Just guts)
return (deserializeAnns deserialize ann_env)
getFirstAnnotations :: Typeable a => ([Word8] -> a) -> ModGuts -> CoreM (UniqFM a)
getFirstAnnotations deserialize guts
= liftM (mapUFM head . filterUFM (not . null))
$ getAnnotations deserialize guts
msg :: (DynFlags -> SDoc -> IO ()) -> SDoc -> CoreM ()
msg how doc = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
liftIO $ how dflags doc
putMsgS :: String -> CoreM ()
putMsgS = putMsg . text
putMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM ()
putMsg = msg Err.putMsg
errorMsgS :: String -> CoreM ()
errorMsgS = errorMsg . text
errorMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM ()
errorMsg = msg Err.errorMsg
fatalErrorMsgS :: String -> CoreM ()
fatalErrorMsgS = fatalErrorMsg . text
fatalErrorMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM ()
fatalErrorMsg = msg Err.fatalErrorMsg
debugTraceMsgS :: String -> CoreM ()
debugTraceMsgS = debugTraceMsg . text
debugTraceMsg :: SDoc -> CoreM ()
debugTraceMsg = msg (flip Err.debugTraceMsg 3)
dumpIfSet_dyn :: DumpFlag -> String -> SDoc -> CoreM ()
dumpIfSet_dyn flag str = msg (\dflags -> Err.dumpIfSet_dyn dflags flag str)
instance MonadThings CoreM where
lookupThing name = do
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
liftIO $ initTcForLookup hsc_env (tcLookupGlobal name)
#ifdef GHCI
thNameToGhcName :: TH.Name -> CoreM (Maybe Name)
thNameToGhcName th_name = do
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
liftIO $ initTcForLookup hsc_env (lookupThName_maybe th_name)