-- | Sizes on this architecture
--      A Size is a combination of width and class
--      TODO:   Rename this to "Format" instead of "Size" to reflect
--              the fact that it represents floating point vs integer.
--      TODO:   Signed vs unsigned?
--      TODO:   This module is currenly shared by all architectures because
--              NCGMonad need to know about it to make a VReg. It would be better
--              to have architecture specific formats, and do the overloading
--              properly. eg SPARC doesn't care about FF80.
module Size (


import Cmm
import Outputable

-- It looks very like the old MachRep, but it's now of purely local
-- significance, here in the native code generator.  You can change it
-- without global consequences.
-- A major use is as an opcode qualifier; thus the opcode
--      mov.l a b
-- might be encoded
--      MOV II32 a b
-- where the Size field encodes the ".l" part.

-- ToDo: it's not clear to me that we need separate signed-vs-unsigned sizes
--        here.  I've removed them from the x86 version, we'll see what happens --SDM

-- ToDo: quite a few occurrences of Size could usefully be replaced by Width

data Size
        = II8
        | II16
        | II32
        | II64
        | FF32
        | FF64
        | FF80
        deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Get the integer size of this width.
intSize :: Width -> Size
intSize width
 = case width of
        W8      -> II8
        W16     -> II16
        W32     -> II32
        W64     -> II64
        other   -> pprPanic "Size.intSize" (ppr other)

-- | Get the float size of this width.
floatSize :: Width -> Size
floatSize width
 = case width of
        W32     -> FF32
        W64     -> FF64
        other   -> pprPanic "Size.floatSize" (ppr other)

-- | Check if a size represents a floating point value.
isFloatSize :: Size -> Bool
isFloatSize size
 = case size of
        FF32    -> True
        FF64    -> True
        FF80    -> True
        _       -> False

-- | Convert a Cmm type to a Size.
cmmTypeSize :: CmmType -> Size
cmmTypeSize ty
        | isFloatType ty        = floatSize (typeWidth ty)
        | otherwise             = intSize (typeWidth ty)

-- | Get the Width of a Size.
sizeToWidth :: Size -> Width
sizeToWidth size
 = case size of
        II8             -> W8
        II16            -> W16
        II32            -> W32
        II64            -> W64
        FF32            -> W32
        FF64            -> W64
        FF80            -> W80

sizeInBytes :: Size -> Int
sizeInBytes = widthInBytes . sizeToWidth