module TcMatches ( tcMatchesFun, tcGRHS, tcGRHSsPat, tcMatchesCase, tcMatchLambda,
TcMatchCtxt(..), TcStmtChecker, TcExprStmtChecker, TcCmdStmtChecker,
tcStmts, tcStmtsAndThen, tcDoStmts, tcBody,
tcDoStmt, tcGuardStmt
) where
import TcExpr( tcSyntaxOp, tcInferRhoNC, tcInferRho, tcCheckId,
tcMonoExpr, tcMonoExprNC, tcPolyExpr )
import HsSyn
import BasicTypes
import TcRnMonad
import TcEnv
import TcPat
import TcMType
import TcType
import TcBinds
import TcUnify
import Name
import TysWiredIn
import Id
import TyCon
import TysPrim
import TcEvidence
import Outputable
import Util
import SrcLoc
import FastString
import MkCore
import Control.Monad
#include "HsVersions.h"
tcMatchesFun :: Name -> Bool
-> MatchGroup Name (LHsExpr Name)
-> TcSigmaType
-> TcM (HsWrapper, MatchGroup TcId (LHsExpr TcId))
tcMatchesFun fun_name inf matches exp_ty
= do {
traceTc "tcMatchesFun" (ppr fun_name $$ ppr exp_ty)
; checkArgs fun_name matches
; (wrap_gen, (wrap_fun, group))
<- tcGen (FunSigCtxt fun_name) exp_ty $ \ _ exp_rho ->
matchFunTys herald arity exp_rho $ \ pat_tys rhs_ty ->
tcMatches match_ctxt pat_tys rhs_ty matches
; return (wrap_gen <.> wrap_fun, group) }
arity = matchGroupArity matches
herald = ptext (sLit "The equation(s) for")
<+> quotes (ppr fun_name) <+> ptext (sLit "have")
match_ctxt = MC { mc_what = FunRhs fun_name inf, mc_body = tcBody }
tcMatchesCase :: (Outputable (body Name)) =>
TcMatchCtxt body
-> TcRhoType
-> MatchGroup Name (Located (body Name))
-> TcRhoType
-> TcM (MatchGroup TcId (Located (body TcId)))
tcMatchesCase ctxt scrut_ty matches res_ty
| isEmptyMatchGroup matches
= return (MG { mg_alts = [], mg_arg_tys = [scrut_ty], mg_res_ty = res_ty, mg_origin = mg_origin matches })
| otherwise
= tcMatches ctxt [scrut_ty] res_ty matches
tcMatchLambda :: MatchGroup Name (LHsExpr Name) -> TcRhoType
-> TcM (HsWrapper, MatchGroup TcId (LHsExpr TcId))
tcMatchLambda match res_ty
= matchFunTys herald n_pats res_ty $ \ pat_tys rhs_ty ->
tcMatches match_ctxt pat_tys rhs_ty match
n_pats = matchGroupArity match
herald = sep [ ptext (sLit "The lambda expression")
<+> quotes (pprSetDepth (PartWay 1) $
pprMatches (LambdaExpr :: HsMatchContext Name) match),
ptext (sLit "has")]
match_ctxt = MC { mc_what = LambdaExpr,
mc_body = tcBody }
tcGRHSsPat :: GRHSs Name (LHsExpr Name) -> TcRhoType
-> TcM (GRHSs TcId (LHsExpr TcId))
tcGRHSsPat grhss res_ty = tcGRHSs match_ctxt grhss res_ty
match_ctxt = MC { mc_what = PatBindRhs,
mc_body = tcBody }
:: SDoc
-> Arity
-> TcRhoType
-> ([TcSigmaType] -> TcRhoType -> TcM a)
-> TcM (HsWrapper, a)
matchFunTys herald arity res_ty thing_inside
= do { (co, pat_tys, res_ty) <- matchExpectedFunTys herald arity res_ty
; res <- thing_inside pat_tys res_ty
; return (coToHsWrapper (mkTcSymCo co), res) }
tcMatches :: (Outputable (body Name)) => TcMatchCtxt body
-> [TcSigmaType]
-> TcRhoType
-> MatchGroup Name (Located (body Name))
-> TcM (MatchGroup TcId (Located (body TcId)))
data TcMatchCtxt body
= MC { mc_what :: HsMatchContext Name,
mc_body :: Located (body Name)
-> TcRhoType
-> TcM (Located (body TcId)) }
tcMatches ctxt pat_tys rhs_ty (MG { mg_alts = matches, mg_origin = origin })
= ASSERT( not (null matches) )
do { matches' <- mapM (tcMatch ctxt pat_tys rhs_ty) matches
; return (MG { mg_alts = matches', mg_arg_tys = pat_tys, mg_res_ty = rhs_ty, mg_origin = origin }) }
tcMatch :: (Outputable (body Name)) => TcMatchCtxt body
-> [TcSigmaType]
-> TcRhoType
-> LMatch Name (Located (body Name))
-> TcM (LMatch TcId (Located (body TcId)))
tcMatch ctxt pat_tys rhs_ty match
= wrapLocM (tc_match ctxt pat_tys rhs_ty) match
tc_match ctxt pat_tys rhs_ty match@(Match _ pats maybe_rhs_sig grhss)
= add_match_ctxt match $
do { (pats', grhss') <- tcPats (mc_what ctxt) pats pat_tys $
tc_grhss ctxt maybe_rhs_sig grhss rhs_ty
; return (Match Nothing pats' Nothing grhss') }
tc_grhss ctxt Nothing grhss rhs_ty
= tcGRHSs ctxt grhss rhs_ty
tc_grhss _ (Just {}) _ _
= panic "tc_ghrss"
add_match_ctxt match thing_inside
= case mc_what ctxt of
LambdaExpr -> thing_inside
m_ctxt -> addErrCtxt (pprMatchInCtxt m_ctxt match) thing_inside
tcGRHSs :: TcMatchCtxt body -> GRHSs Name (Located (body Name)) -> TcRhoType
-> TcM (GRHSs TcId (Located (body TcId)))
tcGRHSs ctxt (GRHSs grhss binds) res_ty
= do { (binds', grhss') <- tcLocalBinds binds $
mapM (wrapLocM (tcGRHS ctxt res_ty)) grhss
; return (GRHSs grhss' binds') }
tcGRHS :: TcMatchCtxt body -> TcRhoType -> GRHS Name (Located (body Name))
-> TcM (GRHS TcId (Located (body TcId)))
tcGRHS ctxt res_ty (GRHS guards rhs)
= do { (guards', rhs') <- tcStmtsAndThen stmt_ctxt tcGuardStmt guards res_ty $
mc_body ctxt rhs
; return (GRHS guards' rhs') }
stmt_ctxt = PatGuard (mc_what ctxt)
tcDoStmts :: HsStmtContext Name
-> [LStmt Name (LHsExpr Name)]
-> TcRhoType
-> TcM (HsExpr TcId)
tcDoStmts ListComp stmts res_ty
= do { (co, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedListTy res_ty
; let list_ty = mkListTy elt_ty
; stmts' <- tcStmts ListComp (tcLcStmt listTyCon) stmts elt_ty
; return $ mkHsWrapCo co (HsDo ListComp stmts' list_ty) }
tcDoStmts PArrComp stmts res_ty
= do { (co, elt_ty) <- matchExpectedPArrTy res_ty
; let parr_ty = mkPArrTy elt_ty
; stmts' <- tcStmts PArrComp (tcLcStmt parrTyCon) stmts elt_ty
; return $ mkHsWrapCo co (HsDo PArrComp stmts' parr_ty) }
tcDoStmts DoExpr stmts res_ty
= do { stmts' <- tcStmts DoExpr tcDoStmt stmts res_ty
; return (HsDo DoExpr stmts' res_ty) }
tcDoStmts MDoExpr stmts res_ty
= do { stmts' <- tcStmts MDoExpr tcDoStmt stmts res_ty
; return (HsDo MDoExpr stmts' res_ty) }
tcDoStmts MonadComp stmts res_ty
= do { stmts' <- tcStmts MonadComp tcMcStmt stmts res_ty
; return (HsDo MonadComp stmts' res_ty) }
tcDoStmts ctxt _ _ = pprPanic "tcDoStmts" (pprStmtContext ctxt)
tcBody :: LHsExpr Name -> TcRhoType -> TcM (LHsExpr TcId)
tcBody body res_ty
= do { traceTc "tcBody" (ppr res_ty)
; body' <- tcMonoExpr body res_ty
; return body'
type TcExprStmtChecker = TcStmtChecker HsExpr
type TcCmdStmtChecker = TcStmtChecker HsCmd
type TcStmtChecker body
= forall thing. HsStmtContext Name
-> Stmt Name (Located (body Name))
-> TcRhoType
-> (TcRhoType -> TcM thing)
-> TcM (Stmt TcId (Located (body TcId)), thing)
tcStmts :: (Outputable (body Name)) => HsStmtContext Name
-> TcStmtChecker body
-> [LStmt Name (Located (body Name))]
-> TcRhoType
-> TcM [LStmt TcId (Located (body TcId))]
tcStmts ctxt stmt_chk stmts res_ty
= do { (stmts', _) <- tcStmtsAndThen ctxt stmt_chk stmts res_ty $
const (return ())
; return stmts' }
tcStmtsAndThen :: (Outputable (body Name)) => HsStmtContext Name
-> TcStmtChecker body
-> [LStmt Name (Located (body Name))]
-> TcRhoType
-> (TcRhoType -> TcM thing)
-> TcM ([LStmt TcId (Located (body TcId))], thing)
tcStmtsAndThen _ _ [] res_ty thing_inside
= do { thing <- thing_inside res_ty
; return ([], thing) }
tcStmtsAndThen ctxt stmt_chk (L loc (LetStmt binds) : stmts) res_ty thing_inside
= do { (binds', (stmts',thing)) <- tcLocalBinds binds $
tcStmtsAndThen ctxt stmt_chk stmts res_ty thing_inside
; return (L loc (LetStmt binds') : stmts', thing) }
tcStmtsAndThen ctxt stmt_chk (L loc stmt : stmts) res_ty thing_inside
= do { (stmt', (stmts', thing)) <-
setSrcSpan loc $
addErrCtxt (pprStmtInCtxt ctxt stmt) $
stmt_chk ctxt stmt res_ty $ \ res_ty' ->
popErrCtxt $
tcStmtsAndThen ctxt stmt_chk stmts res_ty' $
; return (L loc stmt' : stmts', thing) }
tcGuardStmt :: TcExprStmtChecker
tcGuardStmt _ (BodyStmt guard _ _ _) res_ty thing_inside
= do { guard' <- tcMonoExpr guard boolTy
; thing <- thing_inside res_ty
; return (BodyStmt guard' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr boolTy, thing) }
tcGuardStmt ctxt (BindStmt pat rhs _ _) res_ty thing_inside
= do { (rhs', rhs_ty) <- tcInferRhoNC rhs
; (pat', thing) <- tcPat (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat rhs_ty $
thing_inside res_ty
; return (BindStmt pat' rhs' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr, thing) }
tcGuardStmt _ stmt _ _
= pprPanic "tcGuardStmt: unexpected Stmt" (ppr stmt)
tcLcStmt :: TyCon
-> TcExprStmtChecker
tcLcStmt _ _ (LastStmt body _) elt_ty thing_inside
= do { body' <- tcMonoExprNC body elt_ty
; thing <- thing_inside (panic "tcLcStmt: thing_inside")
; return (LastStmt body' noSyntaxExpr, thing) }
tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (BindStmt pat rhs _ _) elt_ty thing_inside
= do { pat_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; rhs' <- tcMonoExpr rhs (mkTyConApp m_tc [pat_ty])
; (pat', thing) <- tcPat (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat pat_ty $
thing_inside elt_ty
; return (BindStmt pat' rhs' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr, thing) }
tcLcStmt _ _ (BodyStmt rhs _ _ _) elt_ty thing_inside
= do { rhs' <- tcMonoExpr rhs boolTy
; thing <- thing_inside elt_ty
; return (BodyStmt rhs' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr boolTy, thing) }
tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s _ _) elt_ty thing_inside
= do { (pairs', thing) <- loop bndr_stmts_s
; return (ParStmt pairs' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr, thing) }
loop [] = do { thing <- thing_inside elt_ty
; return ([], thing) }
loop (ParStmtBlock stmts names _ : pairs)
= do { (stmts', (ids, pairs', thing))
<- tcStmtsAndThen ctxt (tcLcStmt m_tc) stmts elt_ty $ \ _elt_ty' ->
do { ids <- tcLookupLocalIds names
; (pairs', thing) <- loop pairs
; return (ids, pairs', thing) }
; return ( ParStmtBlock stmts' ids noSyntaxExpr : pairs', thing ) }
tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (TransStmt { trS_form = form, trS_stmts = stmts
, trS_bndrs = bindersMap
, trS_by = by, trS_using = using }) elt_ty thing_inside
= do { let (bndr_names, n_bndr_names) = unzip bindersMap
unused_ty = pprPanic "tcLcStmt: inner ty" (ppr bindersMap)
; (stmts', (bndr_ids, by'))
<- tcStmtsAndThen (TransStmtCtxt ctxt) (tcLcStmt m_tc) stmts unused_ty $ \_ -> do
{ by' <- case by of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just e -> do { e_ty <- tcInferRho e; return (Just e_ty) }
; bndr_ids <- tcLookupLocalIds bndr_names
; return (bndr_ids, by') }
; let m_app ty = mkTyConApp m_tc [ty]
; let n_app = case form of
ThenForm -> (\ty -> ty)
_ -> m_app
by_arrow :: Type -> Type
by_arrow = case by' of
Nothing -> \ty -> ty
Just (_,e_ty) -> \ty -> (alphaTy `mkFunTy` e_ty) `mkFunTy` ty
tup_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy bndr_ids
poly_arg_ty = m_app alphaTy
poly_res_ty = m_app (n_app alphaTy)
using_poly_ty = mkForAllTy alphaTyVar $ by_arrow $
poly_arg_ty `mkFunTy` poly_res_ty
; using' <- tcPolyExpr using using_poly_ty
; let final_using = fmap (HsWrap (WpTyApp tup_ty)) using'
; let mk_n_bndr :: Name -> TcId -> TcId
mk_n_bndr n_bndr_name bndr_id = mkLocalId n_bndr_name (n_app (idType bndr_id))
n_bndr_ids = zipWith mk_n_bndr n_bndr_names bndr_ids
bindersMap' = bndr_ids `zip` n_bndr_ids
; thing <- tcExtendIdEnv n_bndr_ids (thing_inside elt_ty)
; return (emptyTransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts', trS_bndrs = bindersMap'
, trS_by = fmap fst by', trS_using = final_using
, trS_form = form }, thing) }
tcLcStmt _ _ stmt _ _
= pprPanic "tcLcStmt: unexpected Stmt" (ppr stmt)
tcMcStmt :: TcExprStmtChecker
tcMcStmt _ (LastStmt body return_op) res_ty thing_inside
= do { a_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; return_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin return_op
(a_ty `mkFunTy` res_ty)
; body' <- tcMonoExprNC body a_ty
; thing <- thing_inside (panic "tcMcStmt: thing_inside")
; return (LastStmt body' return_op', thing) }
tcMcStmt ctxt (BindStmt pat rhs bind_op fail_op) res_ty thing_inside
= do { rhs_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; pat_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; new_res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; bind_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin bind_op
(mkFunTys [rhs_ty, mkFunTy pat_ty new_res_ty] res_ty)
; fail_op' <- if isIrrefutableHsPat pat
then return noSyntaxExpr
else tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin fail_op (mkFunTy stringTy new_res_ty)
; rhs' <- tcMonoExprNC rhs rhs_ty
; (pat', thing) <- tcPat (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat pat_ty $
thing_inside new_res_ty
; return (BindStmt pat' rhs' bind_op' fail_op', thing) }
tcMcStmt _ (BodyStmt rhs then_op guard_op _) res_ty thing_inside
= do {
test_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; rhs_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; new_res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; rhs' <- tcMonoExpr rhs test_ty
; guard_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin guard_op
(mkFunTy test_ty rhs_ty)
; then_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin then_op
(mkFunTys [rhs_ty, new_res_ty] res_ty)
; thing <- thing_inside new_res_ty
; return (BodyStmt rhs' then_op' guard_op' rhs_ty, thing) }
tcMcStmt ctxt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_bndrs = bindersMap
, trS_by = by, trS_using = using, trS_form = form
, trS_ret = return_op, trS_bind = bind_op
, trS_fmap = fmap_op }) res_ty thing_inside
= do { let star_star_kind = liftedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` liftedTypeKind
; m1_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy star_star_kind
; m2_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy star_star_kind
; tup_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; by_e_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; n_app <- case form of
ThenForm -> return (\ty -> ty)
_ -> do { n_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy star_star_kind
; return (n_ty `mkAppTy`) }
; let by_arrow :: Type -> Type
by_arrow = case by of
Nothing -> \res -> res
Just {} -> \res -> (alphaTy `mkFunTy` by_e_ty) `mkFunTy` res
poly_arg_ty = m1_ty `mkAppTy` alphaTy
using_arg_ty = m1_ty `mkAppTy` tup_ty
poly_res_ty = m2_ty `mkAppTy` n_app alphaTy
using_res_ty = m2_ty `mkAppTy` n_app tup_ty
using_poly_ty = mkForAllTy alphaTyVar $ by_arrow $
poly_arg_ty `mkFunTy` poly_res_ty
; let (bndr_names, n_bndr_names) = unzip bindersMap
; (stmts', (bndr_ids, by', return_op')) <-
tcStmtsAndThen (TransStmtCtxt ctxt) tcMcStmt stmts using_arg_ty $ \res_ty' -> do
{ by' <- case by of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just e -> do { e' <- tcMonoExpr e by_e_ty; return (Just e') }
; bndr_ids <- tcLookupLocalIds bndr_names
; return_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin return_op $
(mkBigCoreVarTupTy bndr_ids) `mkFunTy` res_ty'
; return (bndr_ids, by', return_op') }
; new_res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; bind_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin bind_op $
using_res_ty `mkFunTy` (n_app tup_ty `mkFunTy` new_res_ty)
`mkFunTy` res_ty
; fmap_op' <- case form of
ThenForm -> return noSyntaxExpr
_ -> fmap unLoc . tcPolyExpr (noLoc fmap_op) $
mkForAllTy alphaTyVar $ mkForAllTy betaTyVar $
(alphaTy `mkFunTy` betaTy)
`mkFunTy` (n_app alphaTy)
`mkFunTy` (n_app betaTy)
; using' <- tcPolyExpr using using_poly_ty
; let final_using = fmap (HsWrap (WpTyApp tup_ty)) using'
; let mk_n_bndr :: Name -> TcId -> TcId
mk_n_bndr n_bndr_name bndr_id = mkLocalId n_bndr_name (n_app (idType bndr_id))
n_bndr_ids = zipWith mk_n_bndr n_bndr_names bndr_ids
bindersMap' = bndr_ids `zip` n_bndr_ids
; thing <- tcExtendIdEnv n_bndr_ids (thing_inside new_res_ty)
; return (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts', trS_bndrs = bindersMap'
, trS_by = by', trS_using = final_using
, trS_ret = return_op', trS_bind = bind_op'
, trS_fmap = fmap_op', trS_form = form }, thing) }
tcMcStmt ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s mzip_op bind_op) res_ty thing_inside
= do { let star_star_kind = liftedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` liftedTypeKind
; m_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy star_star_kind
; let mzip_ty = mkForAllTys [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] $
(m_ty `mkAppTy` alphaTy)
(m_ty `mkAppTy` betaTy)
(m_ty `mkAppTy` mkBoxedTupleTy [alphaTy, betaTy])
; mzip_op' <- unLoc `fmap` tcPolyExpr (noLoc mzip_op) mzip_ty
; (blocks', thing) <- loop m_ty bndr_stmts_s
; let tys = [ mkBigCoreVarTupTy bs | ParStmtBlock _ bs _ <- blocks']
tuple_ty = mk_tuple_ty tys
; bind_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin bind_op $
(m_ty `mkAppTy` tuple_ty)
`mkFunTy` (tuple_ty `mkFunTy` res_ty)
`mkFunTy` res_ty
; return (ParStmt blocks' mzip_op' bind_op', thing) }
mk_tuple_ty tys = foldr1 (\tn tm -> mkBoxedTupleTy [tn, tm]) tys
loop _ [] = do { thing <- thing_inside res_ty
; return ([], thing) }
loop m_ty (ParStmtBlock stmts names return_op : pairs)
= do {
id_tys <- mapM (const (newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind)) names
; let m_tup_ty = m_ty `mkAppTy` mkBigCoreTupTy id_tys
; (stmts', (ids, return_op', pairs', thing))
<- tcStmtsAndThen ctxt tcMcStmt stmts m_tup_ty $ \m_tup_ty' ->
do { ids <- tcLookupLocalIds names
; let tup_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy ids
; return_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin return_op
(tup_ty `mkFunTy` m_tup_ty')
; (pairs', thing) <- loop m_ty pairs
; return (ids, return_op', pairs', thing) }
; return (ParStmtBlock stmts' ids return_op' : pairs', thing) }
tcMcStmt _ stmt _ _
= pprPanic "tcMcStmt: unexpected Stmt" (ppr stmt)
tcDoStmt :: TcExprStmtChecker
tcDoStmt _ (LastStmt body _) res_ty thing_inside
= do { body' <- tcMonoExprNC body res_ty
; thing <- thing_inside (panic "tcDoStmt: thing_inside")
; return (LastStmt body' noSyntaxExpr, thing) }
tcDoStmt ctxt (BindStmt pat rhs bind_op fail_op) res_ty thing_inside
= do {
rhs_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; pat_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; new_res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; bind_op' <- tcSyntaxOp DoOrigin bind_op
(mkFunTys [rhs_ty, mkFunTy pat_ty new_res_ty] res_ty)
; fail_op' <- if isIrrefutableHsPat pat
then return noSyntaxExpr
else tcSyntaxOp DoOrigin fail_op (mkFunTy stringTy new_res_ty)
; rhs' <- tcMonoExprNC rhs rhs_ty
; (pat', thing) <- tcPat (StmtCtxt ctxt) pat pat_ty $
thing_inside new_res_ty
; return (BindStmt pat' rhs' bind_op' fail_op', thing) }
tcDoStmt _ (BodyStmt rhs then_op _ _) res_ty thing_inside
= do {
rhs_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; new_res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; then_op' <- tcSyntaxOp DoOrigin then_op
(mkFunTys [rhs_ty, new_res_ty] res_ty)
; rhs' <- tcMonoExprNC rhs rhs_ty
; thing <- thing_inside new_res_ty
; return (BodyStmt rhs' then_op' noSyntaxExpr rhs_ty, thing) }
tcDoStmt ctxt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts, recS_later_ids = later_names
, recS_rec_ids = rec_names, recS_ret_fn = ret_op
, recS_mfix_fn = mfix_op, recS_bind_fn = bind_op })
res_ty thing_inside
= do { let tup_names = rec_names ++ filterOut (`elem` rec_names) later_names
; tup_elt_tys <- newFlexiTyVarTys (length tup_names) liftedTypeKind
; let tup_ids = zipWith mkLocalId tup_names tup_elt_tys
tup_ty = mkBigCoreTupTy tup_elt_tys
; tcExtendIdEnv tup_ids $ do
{ stmts_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; (stmts', (ret_op', tup_rets))
<- tcStmtsAndThen ctxt tcDoStmt stmts stmts_ty $ \ inner_res_ty ->
do { tup_rets <- zipWithM tcCheckId tup_names tup_elt_tys
; ret_op' <- tcSyntaxOp DoOrigin ret_op (mkFunTy tup_ty inner_res_ty)
; return (ret_op', tup_rets) }
; mfix_res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; mfix_op' <- tcSyntaxOp DoOrigin mfix_op
(mkFunTy (mkFunTy tup_ty stmts_ty) mfix_res_ty)
; new_res_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
; bind_op' <- tcSyntaxOp DoOrigin bind_op
(mkFunTys [mfix_res_ty, mkFunTy tup_ty new_res_ty] res_ty)
; thing <- thing_inside new_res_ty
; let rec_ids = takeList rec_names tup_ids
; later_ids <- tcLookupLocalIds later_names
; traceTc "tcdo" $ vcat [ppr rec_ids <+> ppr (map idType rec_ids),
ppr later_ids <+> ppr (map idType later_ids)]
; return (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts', recS_later_ids = later_ids
, recS_rec_ids = rec_ids, recS_ret_fn = ret_op'
, recS_mfix_fn = mfix_op', recS_bind_fn = bind_op'
, recS_later_rets = [], recS_rec_rets = tup_rets
, recS_ret_ty = stmts_ty }, thing)
tcDoStmt _ stmt _ _
= pprPanic "tcDoStmt: unexpected Stmt" (ppr stmt)
checkArgs :: Name -> MatchGroup Name body -> TcM ()
checkArgs _ (MG { mg_alts = [] })
= return ()
checkArgs fun (MG { mg_alts = match1:matches })
| null bad_matches
= return ()
| otherwise
= failWithTc (vcat [ptext (sLit "Equations for") <+> quotes (ppr fun) <+>
ptext (sLit "have different numbers of arguments"),
nest 2 (ppr (getLoc match1)),
nest 2 (ppr (getLoc (head bad_matches)))])
n_args1 = args_in_match match1
bad_matches = [m | m <- matches, args_in_match m /= n_args1]
args_in_match :: LMatch Name body -> Int
args_in_match (L _ (Match _ pats _ _)) = length pats