% (c) Galois, 2006
% (c) University of Glasgow, 2007
\section[Coverage]{@coverage@: the main function}
module Coverage (addCoverageTicksToBinds, hpcInitCode) where
import HsSyn
import Module
import Outputable
import DynFlags
import Control.Monad
import SrcLoc
import ErrUtils
import Name
import Bag
import Id
import VarSet
import Data.List
import FastString
import HscTypes
import StaticFlags
import TyCon
import MonadUtils
import Maybes
import CLabel
import Util
import Data.Array
import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing )
import Trace.Hpc.Mix
import Trace.Hpc.Util
import BreakArray
import Data.HashTable ( hashString )
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
%* *
%* The main function: addCoverageTicksToBinds
%* *
:: DynFlags
-> Module
-> ModLocation
-> [TyCon]
-> LHsBinds Id
-> IO (LHsBinds Id, HpcInfo, ModBreaks)
addCoverageTicksToBinds dflags mod mod_loc tyCons binds =
case ml_hs_file mod_loc of
Nothing -> return (binds, emptyHpcInfo False, emptyModBreaks)
Just orig_file -> do
if "boot" `isSuffixOf` orig_file then return (binds, emptyHpcInfo False, emptyModBreaks) else do
let top_pos = catMaybes $ foldrBag (\ (L pos _) rest -> srcSpanFileName_maybe pos : rest) [] binds
let orig_file2 = case top_pos of
| ".hsc" `isSuffixOf` unpackFS file_name -> unpackFS file_name
_ -> orig_file
let mod_name = moduleNameString (moduleName mod)
let (binds1,_,st)
= unTM (addTickLHsBinds binds)
{ fileName = mkFastString orig_file2
, declPath = []
, inScope = emptyVarSet
, blackList = Map.fromList [ (getSrcSpan (tyConName tyCon),())
| tyCon <- tyCons ]
{ tickBoxCount = 0
, mixEntries = []
let entries = reverse $ mixEntries st
hashNo <- if opt_Hpc then do
let hpc_dir = hpcDir dflags
let hpc_mod_dir = if modulePackageId mod == mainPackageId
then hpc_dir
else hpc_dir ++ "/" ++ packageIdString (modulePackageId mod)
let tabStop = 1
createDirectoryIfMissing True hpc_mod_dir
modTime <- getModificationTime orig_file2
let entries' = [ (hpcPos, box)
| (span,_,_,box) <- entries, hpcPos <- [mkHpcPos span] ]
when (length entries' /= tickBoxCount st) $ do
panic "the number of .mix entries are inconsistent"
let hashNo = mixHash orig_file2 modTime tabStop entries'
mixCreate hpc_mod_dir mod_name
$ Mix orig_file2 modTime (toHash hashNo) tabStop entries'
return $ hashNo
else do
return $ 0
breakArray <- newBreakArray $ length entries
let locsTicks = listArray (0,tickBoxCount st1)
[ span | (span,_,_,_) <- entries ]
varsTicks = listArray (0,tickBoxCount st1)
[ vars | (_,_,vars,_) <- entries ]
declsTicks= listArray (0,tickBoxCount st1)
[ decls | (_,decls,_,_) <- entries ]
modBreaks = emptyModBreaks
{ modBreaks_flags = breakArray
, modBreaks_locs = locsTicks
, modBreaks_vars = varsTicks
, modBreaks_decls = declsTicks
doIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_hpc $ do
printDump (pprLHsBinds binds1)
return (binds1, HpcInfo (tickBoxCount st) hashNo, modBreaks)
liftL :: (Monad m) => (a -> m a) -> Located a -> m (Located a)
liftL f (L loc a) = do
a' <- f a
return $ L loc a'
addTickLHsBinds :: LHsBinds Id -> TM (LHsBinds Id)
addTickLHsBinds binds = mapBagM addTickLHsBind binds
addTickLHsBind :: LHsBind Id -> TM (LHsBind Id)
addTickLHsBind (L pos bind@(AbsBinds { abs_binds = binds })) = do
binds' <- addTickLHsBinds binds
return $ L pos $ bind { abs_binds = binds' }
addTickLHsBind (L pos (funBind@(FunBind { fun_id = (L _ id) }))) = do
let name = getOccString id
decl_path <- getPathEntry
(fvs, (MatchGroup matches' ty)) <-
getFreeVars $
addPathEntry name $
addTickMatchGroup (fun_matches funBind)
blackListed <- isBlackListed pos
if blackListed || (not opt_Hpc && isSimplePatBind funBind)
return $ L pos $ funBind { fun_matches = MatchGroup matches' ty
, fun_tick = Nothing
else do
tick_no <- allocATickBox (if null decl_path
then TopLevelBox [name]
else LocalBox (decl_path ++ [name]))
pos fvs
return $ L pos $ funBind { fun_matches = MatchGroup matches' ty
, fun_tick = tick_no
isSimplePatBind :: HsBind a -> Bool
isSimplePatBind funBind = matchGroupArity (fun_matches funBind) == 0
addTickLHsBind (L pos (pat@(PatBind { pat_rhs = rhs }))) = do
let name = "(...)"
rhs' <- addPathEntry name $ addTickGRHSs False rhs
return $ L pos $ pat { pat_rhs = rhs' }
addTickLHsBind var_bind@(L _ (VarBind {})) = return var_bind
addTickLHsExprAlways :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTickLHsExprAlways (L pos e0)
| not opt_Hpc, HsLet _ _ <- e0 = addTickLHsExprNever (L pos e0)
| otherwise = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
addTickLHsExprNeverOrAlways :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTickLHsExprNeverOrAlways e
| opt_Hpc = addTickLHsExprNever e
| otherwise = addTickLHsExprAlways e
addTickLHsExprNeverOrMaybe :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTickLHsExprNeverOrMaybe e
| opt_Hpc = addTickLHsExprNever e
| otherwise = addTickLHsExpr e
addTickLHsExprNever :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTickLHsExprNever (L pos e0) = do
e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0
return $ L pos e1
addTickLHsExpr :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0) = do
if opt_Hpc || isGoodBreakExpr e0
then do
allocTickBox (ExpBox False) pos $ addTickHsExpr e0
else do
e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0
return $ L pos e1
isGoodBreakExpr :: HsExpr Id -> Bool
isGoodBreakExpr (HsApp {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr (OpApp {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr (NegApp {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr (HsCase {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr (HsIf {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr (RecordCon {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr (RecordUpd {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr (ArithSeq {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr (PArrSeq {}) = True
isGoodBreakExpr _other = False
addTickLHsExprOptAlt :: Bool -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTickLHsExprOptAlt oneOfMany (L pos e0)
| not opt_Hpc = addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0)
| otherwise =
allocTickBox (ExpBox oneOfMany) pos $
addTickHsExpr e0
addBinTickLHsExpr :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addBinTickLHsExpr boxLabel (L pos e0) =
allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos $
addTickHsExpr e0
addTickHsExpr :: HsExpr Id -> TM (HsExpr Id)
addTickHsExpr e@(HsVar id) = do freeVar id; return e
addTickHsExpr e@(HsIPVar _) = return e
addTickHsExpr e@(HsOverLit _) = return e
addTickHsExpr e@(HsLit _) = return e
addTickHsExpr (HsLam matchgroup) =
liftM HsLam (addTickMatchGroup matchgroup)
addTickHsExpr (HsApp e1 e2) =
liftM2 HsApp (addTickLHsExprNever e1) (addTickLHsExpr e2)
addTickHsExpr (OpApp e1 e2 fix e3) =
liftM4 OpApp
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExprNever e2)
(return fix)
(addTickLHsExpr e3)
addTickHsExpr (NegApp e neg) =
liftM2 NegApp
(addTickLHsExpr e)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan neg)
addTickHsExpr (HsPar e) = liftM HsPar (addTickLHsExprNeverOrMaybe e)
addTickHsExpr (SectionL e1 e2) =
liftM2 SectionL
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExpr e2)
addTickHsExpr (SectionR e1 e2) =
liftM2 SectionR
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExpr e2)
addTickHsExpr (ExplicitTuple es boxity) =
liftM2 ExplicitTuple
(mapM addTickTupArg es)
(return boxity)
addTickHsExpr (HsCase e mgs) =
liftM2 HsCase
(addTickLHsExpr e)
(addTickMatchGroup mgs)
addTickHsExpr (HsIf cnd e1 e2 e3) =
liftM3 (HsIf cnd)
(addBinTickLHsExpr (BinBox CondBinBox) e1)
(addTickLHsExprOptAlt True e2)
(addTickLHsExprOptAlt True e3)
addTickHsExpr (HsLet binds e) =
bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $
liftM2 HsLet
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
(addTickLHsExprNeverOrAlways e)
addTickHsExpr (HsDo cxt stmts srcloc)
= do { (stmts', _) <- addTickLStmts' forQual stmts (return ())
; return (HsDo cxt stmts' srcloc) }
forQual = case cxt of
ListComp -> Just $ BinBox QualBinBox
_ -> Nothing
addTickHsExpr (ExplicitList ty es) =
liftM2 ExplicitList
(return ty)
(mapM (addTickLHsExpr) es)
addTickHsExpr (ExplicitPArr ty es) =
liftM2 ExplicitPArr
(return ty)
(mapM (addTickLHsExpr) es)
addTickHsExpr (RecordCon id ty rec_binds) =
liftM3 RecordCon
(return id)
(return ty)
(addTickHsRecordBinds rec_binds)
addTickHsExpr (RecordUpd e rec_binds cons tys1 tys2) =
liftM5 RecordUpd
(addTickLHsExpr e)
(addTickHsRecordBinds rec_binds)
(return cons) (return tys1) (return tys2)
addTickHsExpr (ExprWithTySigOut e ty) =
liftM2 ExprWithTySigOut
(addTickLHsExprNever e)
(return ty)
addTickHsExpr (ArithSeq ty arith_seq) =
liftM2 ArithSeq
(return ty)
(addTickArithSeqInfo arith_seq)
addTickHsExpr (HsTickPragma _ (L pos e0)) = do
e2 <- allocTickBox (ExpBox False) pos $
addTickHsExpr e0
return $ unLoc e2
addTickHsExpr (PArrSeq ty arith_seq) =
liftM2 PArrSeq
(return ty)
(addTickArithSeqInfo arith_seq)
addTickHsExpr (HsSCC nm e) =
liftM2 HsSCC
(return nm)
(addTickLHsExpr e)
addTickHsExpr (HsCoreAnn nm e) =
liftM2 HsCoreAnn
(return nm)
(addTickLHsExpr e)
addTickHsExpr e@(HsBracket {}) = return e
addTickHsExpr e@(HsBracketOut {}) = return e
addTickHsExpr e@(HsSpliceE {}) = return e
addTickHsExpr (HsProc pat cmdtop) =
liftM2 HsProc
(addTickLPat pat)
(liftL (addTickHsCmdTop) cmdtop)
addTickHsExpr (HsWrap w e) =
liftM2 HsWrap
(return w)
(addTickHsExpr e)
addTickHsExpr e@(HsType _) = return e
addTickHsExpr e = pprPanic "addTickHsExpr" (ppr e)
addTickTupArg :: HsTupArg Id -> TM (HsTupArg Id)
addTickTupArg (Present e) = do { e' <- addTickLHsExpr e; return (Present e') }
addTickTupArg (Missing ty) = return (Missing ty)
addTickMatchGroup :: MatchGroup Id -> TM (MatchGroup Id)
addTickMatchGroup (MatchGroup matches ty) = do
let isOneOfMany = matchesOneOfMany matches
matches' <- mapM (liftL (addTickMatch isOneOfMany)) matches
return $ MatchGroup matches' ty
addTickMatch :: Bool -> Match Id -> TM (Match Id)
addTickMatch isOneOfMany (Match pats opSig gRHSs) =
bindLocals (collectPatsBinders pats) $ do
gRHSs' <- addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany gRHSs
return $ Match pats opSig gRHSs'
addTickGRHSs :: Bool -> GRHSs Id -> TM (GRHSs Id)
addTickGRHSs isOneOfMany (GRHSs guarded local_binds) = do
bindLocals binders $ do
local_binds' <- addTickHsLocalBinds local_binds
guarded' <- mapM (liftL (addTickGRHS isOneOfMany)) guarded
return $ GRHSs guarded' local_binds'
binders = collectLocalBinders local_binds
addTickGRHS :: Bool -> GRHS Id -> TM (GRHS Id)
addTickGRHS isOneOfMany (GRHS stmts expr) = do
(stmts',expr') <- addTickLStmts' (Just $ BinBox $ GuardBinBox) stmts
(if opt_Hpc then addTickLHsExprOptAlt isOneOfMany expr
else addTickLHsExprAlways expr)
return $ GRHS stmts' expr'
addTickLStmts :: (Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel)) -> [LStmt Id] -> TM [LStmt Id]
addTickLStmts isGuard stmts = do
(stmts, _) <- addTickLStmts' isGuard stmts (return ())
return stmts
addTickLStmts' :: (Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel)) -> [LStmt Id] -> TM a
-> TM ([LStmt Id], a)
addTickLStmts' isGuard lstmts res
= bindLocals (collectLStmtsBinders lstmts) $
do { lstmts' <- mapM (liftL (addTickStmt isGuard)) lstmts
; a <- res
; return (lstmts', a) }
addTickStmt :: (Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel)) -> Stmt Id -> TM (Stmt Id)
addTickStmt _isGuard (LastStmt e ret) = do
liftM2 LastStmt
(addTickLHsExpr e)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan ret)
addTickStmt _isGuard (BindStmt pat e bind fail) = do
liftM4 BindStmt
(addTickLPat pat)
(addTickLHsExprAlways e)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan fail)
addTickStmt isGuard (ExprStmt e bind' guard' ty) = do
liftM4 ExprStmt
(addTick isGuard e)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind')
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan guard')
(return ty)
addTickStmt _isGuard (LetStmt binds) = do
liftM LetStmt
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
addTickStmt isGuard (ParStmt pairs mzipExpr bindExpr returnExpr) = do
liftM4 ParStmt
(mapM (addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard) pairs)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan mzipExpr)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan returnExpr)
addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts
, trS_by = by, trS_using = using
, trS_ret = returnExpr, trS_bind = bindExpr
, trS_fmap = liftMExpr }) = do
t_s <- addTickLStmts isGuard stmts
t_y <- fmapMaybeM addTickLHsExprAlways by
t_u <- addTickLHsExprAlways using
t_f <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan returnExpr
t_b <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr
t_m <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan liftMExpr
return $ stmt { trS_stmts = t_s, trS_by = t_y, trS_using = t_u
, trS_ret = t_f, trS_bind = t_b, trS_fmap = t_m }
addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(RecStmt {})
= do { stmts' <- addTickLStmts isGuard (recS_stmts stmt)
; ret' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_ret_fn stmt)
; mfix' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_mfix_fn stmt)
; bind' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_bind_fn stmt)
; return (stmt { recS_stmts = stmts', recS_ret_fn = ret'
, recS_mfix_fn = mfix', recS_bind_fn = bind' }) }
addTick :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTick isGuard e | Just fn <- isGuard = addBinTickLHsExpr fn e
| otherwise = addTickLHsExprAlways e
addTickStmtAndBinders :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> ([LStmt Id], a)
-> TM ([LStmt Id], a)
addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard (stmts, ids) =
liftM2 (,)
(addTickLStmts isGuard stmts)
(return ids)
addTickHsLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds Id -> TM (HsLocalBinds Id)
addTickHsLocalBinds (HsValBinds binds) =
liftM HsValBinds
(addTickHsValBinds binds)
addTickHsLocalBinds (HsIPBinds binds) =
liftM HsIPBinds
(addTickHsIPBinds binds)
addTickHsLocalBinds (EmptyLocalBinds) = return EmptyLocalBinds
addTickHsValBinds :: HsValBindsLR Id a -> TM (HsValBindsLR Id b)
addTickHsValBinds (ValBindsOut binds sigs) =
liftM2 ValBindsOut
(mapM (\ (rec,binds') ->
liftM2 (,)
(return rec)
(addTickLHsBinds binds'))
(return sigs)
addTickHsValBinds _ = panic "addTickHsValBinds"
addTickHsIPBinds :: HsIPBinds Id -> TM (HsIPBinds Id)
addTickHsIPBinds (IPBinds ipbinds dictbinds) =
liftM2 IPBinds
(mapM (liftL (addTickIPBind)) ipbinds)
(return dictbinds)
addTickIPBind :: IPBind Id -> TM (IPBind Id)
addTickIPBind (IPBind nm e) =
liftM2 IPBind
(return nm)
(addTickLHsExpr e)
addTickSyntaxExpr :: SrcSpan -> SyntaxExpr Id -> TM (SyntaxExpr Id)
addTickSyntaxExpr pos x = do
L _ x' <- addTickLHsExpr (L pos x)
return $ x'
addTickLPat :: LPat Id -> TM (LPat Id)
addTickLPat pat = return pat
addTickHsCmdTop :: HsCmdTop Id -> TM (HsCmdTop Id)
addTickHsCmdTop (HsCmdTop cmd tys ty syntaxtable) =
liftM4 HsCmdTop
(addTickLHsCmd cmd)
(return tys)
(return ty)
(return syntaxtable)
addTickLHsCmd :: LHsCmd Id -> TM (LHsCmd Id)
addTickLHsCmd (L pos c0) = do
c1 <- addTickHsCmd c0
return $ L pos c1
addTickHsCmd :: HsCmd Id -> TM (HsCmd Id)
addTickHsCmd (HsLam matchgroup) =
liftM HsLam (addTickCmdMatchGroup matchgroup)
addTickHsCmd (HsApp c e) =
liftM2 HsApp (addTickLHsCmd c) (addTickLHsExpr e)
addTickHsCmd (OpApp e1 c2 fix c3) =
liftM4 OpApp
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsCmd c2)
(return fix)
(addTickLHsCmd c3)
addTickHsCmd (HsPar e) = liftM HsPar (addTickLHsCmd e)
addTickHsCmd (HsCase e mgs) =
liftM2 HsCase
(addTickLHsExpr e)
(addTickCmdMatchGroup mgs)
addTickHsCmd (HsIf cnd e1 c2 c3) =
liftM3 (HsIf cnd)
(addBinTickLHsExpr (BinBox CondBinBox) e1)
(addTickLHsCmd c2)
(addTickLHsCmd c3)
addTickHsCmd (HsLet binds c) =
bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $
liftM2 HsLet
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
(addTickLHsCmd c)
addTickHsCmd (HsDo cxt stmts srcloc)
= do { (stmts', _) <- addTickLCmdStmts' stmts (return ())
; return (HsDo cxt stmts' srcloc) }
addTickHsCmd (HsArrApp e1 e2 ty1 arr_ty lr) =
liftM5 HsArrApp
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExpr e2)
(return ty1)
(return arr_ty)
(return lr)
addTickHsCmd (HsArrForm e fix cmdtop) =
liftM3 HsArrForm
(addTickLHsExpr e)
(return fix)
(mapM (liftL (addTickHsCmdTop)) cmdtop)
addTickHsCmd e = pprPanic "addTickHsCmd" (ppr e)
addTickCmdMatchGroup :: MatchGroup Id -> TM (MatchGroup Id)
addTickCmdMatchGroup (MatchGroup matches ty) = do
matches' <- mapM (liftL addTickCmdMatch) matches
return $ MatchGroup matches' ty
addTickCmdMatch :: Match Id -> TM (Match Id)
addTickCmdMatch (Match pats opSig gRHSs) =
bindLocals (collectPatsBinders pats) $ do
gRHSs' <- addTickCmdGRHSs gRHSs
return $ Match pats opSig gRHSs'
addTickCmdGRHSs :: GRHSs Id -> TM (GRHSs Id)
addTickCmdGRHSs (GRHSs guarded local_binds) = do
bindLocals binders $ do
local_binds' <- addTickHsLocalBinds local_binds
guarded' <- mapM (liftL addTickCmdGRHS) guarded
return $ GRHSs guarded' local_binds'
binders = collectLocalBinders local_binds
addTickCmdGRHS :: GRHS Id -> TM (GRHS Id)
addTickCmdGRHS (GRHS stmts cmd)
= do { (stmts',expr') <- addTickLStmts' (Just $ BinBox $ GuardBinBox)
stmts (addTickLHsCmd cmd)
; return $ GRHS stmts' expr' }
addTickLCmdStmts :: [LStmt Id] -> TM [LStmt Id]
addTickLCmdStmts stmts = do
(stmts, _) <- addTickLCmdStmts' stmts (return ())
return stmts
addTickLCmdStmts' :: [LStmt Id] -> TM a -> TM ([LStmt Id], a)
addTickLCmdStmts' lstmts res
= bindLocals binders $ do
lstmts' <- mapM (liftL addTickCmdStmt) lstmts
a <- res
return (lstmts', a)
binders = collectLStmtsBinders lstmts
addTickCmdStmt :: Stmt Id -> TM (Stmt Id)
addTickCmdStmt (BindStmt pat c bind fail) = do
liftM4 BindStmt
(addTickLPat pat)
(addTickLHsCmd c)
(return bind)
(return fail)
addTickCmdStmt (LastStmt c ret) = do
liftM2 LastStmt
(addTickLHsCmd c)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan ret)
addTickCmdStmt (ExprStmt c bind' guard' ty) = do
liftM4 ExprStmt
(addTickLHsCmd c)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bind')
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan guard')
(return ty)
addTickCmdStmt (LetStmt binds) = do
liftM LetStmt
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
addTickCmdStmt stmt@(RecStmt {})
= do { stmts' <- addTickLCmdStmts (recS_stmts stmt)
; ret' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_ret_fn stmt)
; mfix' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_mfix_fn stmt)
; bind' <- addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan (recS_bind_fn stmt)
; return (stmt { recS_stmts = stmts', recS_ret_fn = ret'
, recS_mfix_fn = mfix', recS_bind_fn = bind' }) }
addTickCmdStmt stmt = pprPanic "addTickHsCmd" (ppr stmt)
addTickHsRecordBinds :: HsRecordBinds Id -> TM (HsRecordBinds Id)
addTickHsRecordBinds (HsRecFields fields dd)
= do { fields' <- mapM process fields
; return (HsRecFields fields' dd) }
process (HsRecField ids expr doc)
= do { expr' <- addTickLHsExpr expr
; return (HsRecField ids expr' doc) }
addTickArithSeqInfo :: ArithSeqInfo Id -> TM (ArithSeqInfo Id)
addTickArithSeqInfo (From e1) =
liftM From
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
addTickArithSeqInfo (FromThen e1 e2) =
liftM2 FromThen
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExpr e2)
addTickArithSeqInfo (FromTo e1 e2) =
liftM2 FromTo
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExpr e2)
addTickArithSeqInfo (FromThenTo e1 e2 e3) =
liftM3 FromThenTo
(addTickLHsExpr e1)
(addTickLHsExpr e2)
(addTickLHsExpr e3)
data TickTransState = TT { tickBoxCount:: Int
, mixEntries :: [MixEntry_]
data TickTransEnv = TTE { fileName :: FastString
, declPath :: [String]
, inScope :: VarSet
, blackList :: Map SrcSpan ()
type FreeVars = OccEnv Id
noFVs :: FreeVars
noFVs = emptyOccEnv
data TM a = TM { unTM :: TickTransEnv -> TickTransState -> (a,FreeVars,TickTransState) }
instance Monad TM where
return a = TM $ \ _env st -> (a,noFVs,st)
(TM m) >>= k = TM $ \ env st ->
case m env st of
(r1,fv1,st1) ->
case unTM (k r1) env st1 of
(r2,fv2,st2) ->
(r2, fv1 `plusOccEnv` fv2, st2)
getEnv :: TM TickTransEnv
getEnv = TM $ \ env st -> (env, noFVs, st)
withEnv :: (TickTransEnv -> TickTransEnv) -> TM a -> TM a
withEnv f (TM m) = TM $ \ env st ->
case m (f env) st of
(a, fvs, st') -> (a, fvs, st')
getFreeVars :: TM a -> TM (FreeVars, a)
getFreeVars (TM m)
= TM $ \ env st -> case m env st of (a, fv, st') -> ((fv,a), fv, st')
freeVar :: Id -> TM ()
freeVar id = TM $ \ env st ->
if id `elemVarSet` inScope env
then ((), unitOccEnv (nameOccName (idName id)) id, st)
else ((), noFVs, st)
addPathEntry :: String -> TM a -> TM a
addPathEntry nm = withEnv (\ env -> env { declPath = declPath env ++ [nm] })
getPathEntry :: TM [String]
getPathEntry = declPath `liftM` getEnv
getFileName :: TM FastString
getFileName = fileName `liftM` getEnv
sameFileName :: SrcSpan -> TM a -> TM a -> TM a
sameFileName pos out_of_scope in_scope = do
file_name <- getFileName
case srcSpanFileName_maybe pos of
Just file_name2
| file_name == file_name2 -> in_scope
_ -> out_of_scope
bindLocals :: [Id] -> TM a -> TM a
bindLocals new_ids (TM m)
= TM $ \ env st ->
case m env{ inScope = inScope env `extendVarSetList` new_ids } st of
(r, fv, st') -> (r, fv `delListFromOccEnv` occs, st')
where occs = [ nameOccName (idName id) | id <- new_ids ]
isBlackListed :: SrcSpan -> TM Bool
isBlackListed pos = TM $ \ env st ->
case Map.lookup pos (blackList env) of
Nothing -> (False,noFVs,st)
Just () -> (True,noFVs,st)
allocTickBox :: BoxLabel -> SrcSpan -> TM (HsExpr Id) -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
allocTickBox boxLabel pos m | isGoodSrcSpan' pos =
sameFileName pos
(do e <- m; return (L pos e)) $ do
(fvs, e) <- getFreeVars m
TM $ \ env st ->
let c = tickBoxCount st
ids = occEnvElts fvs
mes = mixEntries st
me = (pos, declPath env, map (nameOccName.idName) ids, boxLabel)
( L pos (HsTick c ids (L pos e))
, fvs
, st {tickBoxCount=c+1,mixEntries=me:mes}
allocTickBox _boxLabel pos m = do e <- m; return (L pos e)
allocATickBox :: BoxLabel -> SrcSpan -> FreeVars -> TM (Maybe (Int,[Id]))
allocATickBox boxLabel pos fvs | isGoodSrcSpan' pos =
sameFileName pos
(return Nothing) $ TM $ \ env st ->
let mydecl_path
| null (declPath env), TopLevelBox x <- boxLabel = x
| otherwise = declPath env
me = (pos, mydecl_path, map (nameOccName.idName) ids, boxLabel)
c = tickBoxCount st
mes = mixEntries st
ids = occEnvElts fvs
in ( Just (c, ids)
, noFVs
, st {tickBoxCount=c+1, mixEntries=me:mes}
allocATickBox _boxLabel _pos _fvs = return Nothing
allocBinTickBox :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> SrcSpan -> TM (HsExpr Id)
-> TM (LHsExpr Id)
allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos m
| not opt_Hpc = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) pos m
| isGoodSrcSpan' pos =
e <- m
TM $ \ env st ->
let meT = (pos,declPath env, [],boxLabel True)
meF = (pos,declPath env, [],boxLabel False)
meE = (pos,declPath env, [],ExpBox False)
c = tickBoxCount st
mes = mixEntries st
( L pos $ HsTick c [] $ L pos $ HsBinTick (c+1) (c+2) (L pos e)
, noFVs
, st {tickBoxCount=c+3 , mixEntries=meF:meT:meE:mes}
allocBinTickBox _boxLabel pos m = do e <- m; return (L pos e)
isGoodSrcSpan' :: SrcSpan -> Bool
isGoodSrcSpan' pos@(RealSrcSpan _) = srcSpanStart pos /= srcSpanEnd pos
isGoodSrcSpan' (UnhelpfulSpan _) = False
mkHpcPos :: SrcSpan -> HpcPos
mkHpcPos pos@(RealSrcSpan s)
| isGoodSrcSpan' pos = toHpcPos (srcSpanStartLine s,
srcSpanStartCol s,
srcSpanEndLine s,
srcSpanEndCol s 1)
mkHpcPos _ = panic "bad source span; expected such spans to be filtered out"
hpcSrcSpan :: SrcSpan
hpcSrcSpan = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "Haskell Program Coverage internals")
matchesOneOfMany :: [LMatch Id] -> Bool
matchesOneOfMany lmatches = sum (map matchCount lmatches) > 1
matchCount (L _ (Match _pats _ty (GRHSs grhss _binds))) = length grhss
type MixEntry_ = (SrcSpan, [String], [OccName], BoxLabel)
mixHash :: FilePath -> Integer -> Int -> [MixEntry] -> Int
mixHash file tm tabstop entries = fromIntegral $ hashString
(show $ Mix file tm 0 tabstop entries)
%* *
%* initialisation
%* *
Each module compiled with -fhpc declares an initialisation function of
the form `hpc_init_()`, which is emitted into the _stub.c file
and annotated with __attribute__((constructor)) so that it gets
executed at startup time.
The function's purpose is to call hs_hpc_module to register this
module with the RTS, and it looks something like this:
static void hpc_init_Main(void) __attribute__((constructor));
static void hpc_init_Main(void)
{extern StgWord64 _hpc_tickboxes_Main_hpc[];
hpcInitCode :: Module -> HpcInfo -> SDoc
hpcInitCode _ (NoHpcInfo {}) = empty
hpcInitCode this_mod (HpcInfo tickCount hashNo)
= vcat
[ text "static void hpc_init_" <> ppr this_mod
<> text "(void) __attribute__((constructor));"
, text "static void hpc_init_" <> ppr this_mod <> text "(void)"
, braces (vcat [
ptext (sLit "extern StgWord64 ") <> tickboxes <>
ptext (sLit "[]") <> semi,
ptext (sLit "hs_hpc_module") <>
parens (hcat (punctuate comma [
doubleQuotes full_name_str,
int tickCount,
int hashNo,
])) <> semi
tickboxes = pprCLabel (mkHpcTicksLabel $ this_mod)
module_name = hcat (map (text.charToC) $
bytesFS (moduleNameFS (Module.moduleName this_mod)))
package_name = hcat (map (text.charToC) $
bytesFS (packageIdFS (modulePackageId this_mod)))
| modulePackageId this_mod == mainPackageId
= module_name
| otherwise
= package_name <> char '/' <> module_name