% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 2000
FunDeps - functional dependencies
It's better to read it as: "if we know these, then we're going to know these"
module FunDeps (
FDEq (..),
Equation(..), pprEquation,
oclose, improveFromInstEnv, improveFromAnother,
checkInstCoverage, checkFunDeps,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Name
import Var
import Class
import TcType
import Unify
import InstEnv
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import Outputable
import Util
import FastString
import Data.List ( nubBy )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
%* *
\subsection{Close type variables}
%* *
oclose(vs,C) The result of extending the set of tyvars vs
using the functional dependencies from C
grow(vs,C) The result of extend the set of tyvars vs
using all conceivable links from C.
E.g. vs = {a}, C = {H [a] b, K (b,Int) c, Eq e}
Then grow(vs,C) = {a,b,c}
Note that grow(vs,C) `superset` grow(vs,simplify(C))
That is, simplfication can only shrink the result of grow.
Notice that
oclose is conservative v `elem` oclose(vs,C)
one way: => v is definitely fixed by vs
grow is conservative if v might be fixed by vs
the other way: => v `elem` grow(vs,C)
(oclose preds tvs) closes the set of type variables tvs,
wrt functional dependencies in preds. The result is a superset
of the argument set. For example, if we have
class C a b | a->b where ...
oclose [C (x,y) z, C (x,p) q] {x,y} = {x,y,z}
because if we know x and y then that fixes z.
oclose is used (only) when generalising a type T; see extensive
notes in TcSimplify.
Note [Important subtlety in oclose]
Consider (oclose (C Int t) {}), where class C a b | a->b
Then, since a->b, 't' is fully determined by Int, and the
uniform thing is to return {t}.
However, consider
class D a b c | b->c
f x = e -- 'e' generates constraint (D s Int t)
-- \x.e has type s->s
Then, if (oclose (D s Int t) {}) = {t}, we'll make the function
monomorphic in 't', thus
f :: forall s. D s Int t => s -> s
But if this function is never called, 't' will never be instantiated;
the functional dependencies that fix 't' may well be instance decls in
some importing module. But the top-level defaulting of unconstrained
type variables will fix t=GHC.Prim.Any, and that's simply a bug.
Conclusion: oclose only returns a type variable as "fixed" if it
depends on at least one type variable in the input fixed_tvs.
Remember, it's always sound for oclose to return a smaller set.
An interesting example is tcfail093, where we get this inferred type:
class C a b | a->b
dup :: forall h. (Call (IO Int) h) => () -> Int -> h
This is perhaps a bit silly, because 'h' is fixed by the (IO Int);
previously GHC rejected this saying 'no instance for Call (IO Int) h'.
But it's right on the borderline. If there was an extra, otherwise
uninvolved type variable, like 's' in the type of 'f' above, then
we must accept the function. So, for now anyway, we accept 'dup' too.
oclose :: [PredType] -> TyVarSet -> TyVarSet
oclose preds fixed_tvs
| null tv_fds = fixed_tvs
| isEmptyVarSet fixed_tvs = emptyVarSet
| otherwise = loop fixed_tvs
loop fixed_tvs
| new_fixed_tvs `subVarSet` fixed_tvs = fixed_tvs
| otherwise = loop new_fixed_tvs
new_fixed_tvs = foldl extend fixed_tvs tv_fds
extend fixed_tvs (ls,rs)
| not (isEmptyVarSet ls)
, ls `subVarSet` fixed_tvs = fixed_tvs `unionVarSet` rs
| otherwise = fixed_tvs
tv_fds :: [(TyVarSet,TyVarSet)]
tv_fds = [ (tyVarsOfTypes xs, tyVarsOfTypes ys)
| ClassP cls tys <- preds,
let (cls_tvs, cls_fds) = classTvsFds cls,
fd <- cls_fds,
let (xs,ys) = instFD fd cls_tvs tys
%* *
\subsection{Generate equations from functional dependencies}
%* *
Each functional dependency with one variable in the RHS is responsible
for generating a single equality. For instance:
class C a b | a -> b
The constraints ([Wanted] C Int Bool) and [Wanted] C Int alpha
FDEq { fd_pos = 1
, fd_ty_left = Bool
, fd_ty_right = alpha }
However notice that a functional dependency may have more than one variable
in the RHS which will create more than one FDEq. Example:
class C a b c | a -> b c
[Wanted] C Int alpha alpha
[Wanted] C Int Bool beta
Will generate:
fd1 = FDEq { fd_pos = 1, fd_ty_left = alpha, fd_ty_right = Bool } and
fd2 = FDEq { fd_pos = 2, fd_ty_left = alpha, fd_ty_right = beta }
We record the paremeter position so that can immediately rewrite a constraint
using the produced FDEqs and remove it from our worklist.
INVARIANT: Corresponding types aren't already equal
That is, there exists at least one non-identity equality in FDEqs.
class C a b c | a -> b c
instance C Int x x
And: [Wanted] C Int Bool alpha
We will /match/ the LHS of fundep equations, producing a matching substitution
and create equations for the RHS sides. In our last example we'd have generated:
({x}, [fd1,fd2])
fd1 = FDEq 1 Bool x
fd2 = FDEq 2 alpha x
To ``execute'' the equation, make fresh type variable for each tyvar in the set,
instantiate the two types with these fresh variables, and then unify or generate
a new constraint. In the above example we would generate a new unification
variable 'beta' for x and produce the following constraints:
[Wanted] (Bool ~ beta)
[Wanted] (alpha ~ beta)
Notice the subtle difference between the above class declaration and:
class C a b c | a -> b, a -> c
where we would generate:
This means that the template variable would be instantiated to different
unification variables when producing the FD constraints.
Finally, the position parameters will help us rewrite the wanted constraint ``on the spot''
type Pred_Loc = (PredType, SDoc)
data Equation
= FDEqn { fd_qtvs :: TyVarSet
, fd_eqs :: [FDEq]
, fd_pred1, fd_pred2 :: Pred_Loc }
data FDEq = FDEq { fd_pos :: Int
, fd_ty_left :: Type
, fd_ty_right :: Type }
Given a bunch of predicates that must hold, such as
C Int t1, C Int t2, C Bool t3, ?x::t4, ?x::t5
improve figures out what extra equations must hold.
For example, if we have
class C a b | a->b where ...
then improve will return
[(t1,t2), (t4,t5)]
* improve does not iterate. It's possible that when we make
t1=t2, for example, that will in turn trigger a new equation.
This would happen if we also had
C t1 t7, C t2 t8
If t1=t2, we also get t7=t8.
improve does *not* do this extra step. It relies on the caller
doing so.
* The equations unify types that are not already equal. So there
is no effect iff the result of improve is empty
instFD_WithPos :: FunDep TyVar -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> ([Type], [(Int,Type)])
instFD_WithPos (ls,rs) tvs tys
= (map (snd . lookup) ls, map lookup rs)
ind_tys = zip [0..] tys
env = zipVarEnv tvs ind_tys
lookup tv = lookupVarEnv_NF env tv
zipAndComputeFDEqs :: (Type -> Type -> Bool)
-> [Type]
-> [(Int,Type)]
-> [FDEq]
zipAndComputeFDEqs discard (ty1:tys1) ((i2,ty2):tys2)
| discard ty1 ty2 = zipAndComputeFDEqs discard tys1 tys2
| otherwise = FDEq { fd_pos = i2
, fd_ty_left = ty1
, fd_ty_right = ty2 } : zipAndComputeFDEqs discard tys1 tys2
zipAndComputeFDEqs _ _ _ = []
improveFromAnother :: Pred_Loc
-> Pred_Loc
-> [Equation]
improveFromAnother pred1@(ClassP cls1 tys1, _) pred2@(ClassP cls2 tys2, _)
| tys1 `lengthAtLeast` 2 && cls1 == cls2
= [ FDEqn { fd_qtvs = emptyVarSet, fd_eqs = eqs, fd_pred1 = pred1, fd_pred2 = pred2 }
| let (cls_tvs, cls_fds) = classTvsFds cls1
, fd <- cls_fds
, let (ltys1, rs1) = instFD fd cls_tvs tys1
(ltys2, irs2) = instFD_WithPos fd cls_tvs tys2
, eqTypes ltys1 ltys2
, let eqs = zipAndComputeFDEqs eqType rs1 irs2
, not (null eqs) ]
improveFromAnother _ _ = []
pprEquation :: Equation -> SDoc
pprEquation (FDEqn { fd_qtvs = qtvs, fd_eqs = pairs })
= vcat [ptext (sLit "forall") <+> braces (pprWithCommas ppr (varSetElems qtvs)),
nest 2 (vcat [ ppr t1 <+> ptext (sLit "~") <+> ppr t2 | (FDEq _ t1 t2) <- pairs])]
improveFromInstEnv :: (InstEnv,InstEnv)
-> Pred_Loc
-> [Equation]
improveFromInstEnv _inst_env (pred,_loc)
| not (isClassPred pred)
= panic "improveFromInstEnv: not a class predicate"
improveFromInstEnv inst_env pred@(ClassP cls tys, _)
| tys `lengthAtLeast` 2
= [ FDEqn { fd_qtvs = qtvs, fd_eqs = eqs, fd_pred1 = p_inst, fd_pred2=pred }
| fd <- cls_fds
, let trimmed_tcs = trimRoughMatchTcs cls_tvs fd rough_tcs
, ispec@(Instance { is_tvs = qtvs, is_tys = tys_inst,
is_tcs = inst_tcs }) <- instances
, not (instanceCantMatch inst_tcs trimmed_tcs)
, let p_inst = (mkClassPred cls tys_inst,
sep [ ptext (sLit "arising from the dependency") <+> quotes (pprFunDep fd)
, ptext (sLit "in the instance declaration at")
<+> ppr (getSrcLoc ispec)])
, (qtvs, eqs) <- checkClsFD qtvs fd cls_tvs tys_inst tys
, not (null eqs)
(cls_tvs, cls_fds) = classTvsFds cls
instances = classInstances inst_env cls
rough_tcs = roughMatchTcs tys
improveFromInstEnv _ _ = []
checkClsFD :: TyVarSet
-> FunDep TyVar -> [TyVar]
-> [Type] -> [Type]
-> [(TyVarSet, [FDEq])]
checkClsFD qtvs fd clas_tvs tys1 tys2
= ASSERT2( length tys1 == length tys2 &&
length tys1 == length clas_tvs
, ppr tys1 <+> ppr tys2 )
case tcUnifyTys bind_fn ltys1 ltys2 of
Nothing -> []
Just subst | isJust (tcUnifyTys bind_fn rtys1' rtys2')
-> []
| otherwise
-> [(qtvs', fdeqs)]
rtys1' = map (substTy subst) rtys1
irs2' = map (\(i,x) -> (i,substTy subst x)) irs2
rtys2' = map snd irs2'
fdeqs = zipAndComputeFDEqs (\_ _ -> False) rtys1' irs2'
qtvs' = filterVarSet (`notElemTvSubst` subst) qtvs
bind_fn tv | tv `elemVarSet` qtvs = BindMe
| otherwise = Skolem
(ltys1, rtys1) = instFD fd clas_tvs tys1
(ltys2, irs2) = instFD_WithPos fd clas_tvs tys2
instFD :: FunDep TyVar -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> FunDep Type
instFD (ls,rs) tvs tys
= (map lookup ls, map lookup rs)
env = zipVarEnv tvs tys
lookup tv = lookupVarEnv_NF env tv
checkInstCoverage :: Class -> [Type] -> Bool
checkInstCoverage clas inst_taus
= all fundep_ok fds
(tyvars, fds) = classTvsFds clas
fundep_ok fd = tyVarsOfTypes rs `subVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes ls
(ls,rs) = instFD fd tyvars inst_taus
Note [Coverage condition]
For the coverage condition, we used to require only that
fv(t2) `subset` oclose(fv(t1), theta)
class Mul a b c | a b -> c where
(.*.) :: a -> b -> c
instance Mul Int Int Int where (.*.) = (*)
instance Mul Int Float Float where x .*. y = fromIntegral x * y
instance Mul a b c => Mul a [b] [c] where x .*. v = map (x.*.) v
In the third instance, it's not the case that fv([c]) `subset` fv(a,[b]).
But it is the case that fv([c]) `subset` oclose( theta, fv(a,[b]) )
But it is a mistake to accept the instance because then this defn:
f = \ b x y -> if b then x .*. [y] else y
makes instance inference go into a loop, because it requires the constraint
Mul a [b] b
%* *
Check that a new instance decl is OK wrt fundeps
%* *
Here is the bad case:
class C a b | a->b where ...
instance C Int Bool where ...
instance C Int Char where ...
The point is that a->b, so Int in the first parameter must uniquely
determine the second. In general, given the same class decl, and given
instance C s1 s2 where ...
instance C t1 t2 where ...
Then the criterion is: if U=unify(s1,t1) then U(s2) = U(t2).
Matters are a little more complicated if there are free variables in
the s2/t2.
class D a b c | a -> b
instance D a b => D [(a,a)] [b] Int
instance D a b => D [a] [b] Bool
The instance decls don't overlap, because the third parameter keeps
them separate. But we want to make sure that given any constraint
D s1 s2 s3
if s1 matches
checkFunDeps :: (InstEnv, InstEnv) -> Instance
-> Maybe [Instance]
checkFunDeps inst_envs ispec
| null bad_fundeps = Nothing
| otherwise = Just bad_fundeps
(ins_tvs, _, clas, ins_tys) = instanceHead ispec
ins_tv_set = mkVarSet ins_tvs
cls_inst_env = classInstances inst_envs clas
bad_fundeps = badFunDeps cls_inst_env clas ins_tv_set ins_tys
badFunDeps :: [Instance] -> Class
-> TyVarSet -> [Type]
-> [Instance]
badFunDeps cls_insts clas ins_tv_set ins_tys
= nubBy eq_inst $
[ ispec | fd <- fds,
let trimmed_tcs = trimRoughMatchTcs clas_tvs fd rough_tcs,
ispec@(Instance { is_tcs = inst_tcs, is_tvs = tvs,
is_tys = tys }) <- cls_insts,
not (instanceCantMatch inst_tcs trimmed_tcs),
notNull (checkClsFD (tvs `unionVarSet` ins_tv_set)
fd clas_tvs tys ins_tys)
(clas_tvs, fds) = classTvsFds clas
rough_tcs = roughMatchTcs ins_tys
eq_inst i1 i2 = instanceDFunId i1 == instanceDFunId i2
trimRoughMatchTcs :: [TyVar] -> FunDep TyVar -> [Maybe Name] -> [Maybe Name]
trimRoughMatchTcs clas_tvs (ltvs, _) mb_tcs
= zipWith select clas_tvs mb_tcs
select clas_tv mb_tc | clas_tv `elem` ltvs = mb_tc
| otherwise = Nothing