% % (c) The University of Glasgow 2011 % \begin{code}

module Generics ( canDoGenerics,
		  mkBindsRep, tc_mkRepTyCon, mkBindsMetaD,
		  MetaTyCons(..), metaTyCons2TyCons
    ) where

import HsSyn
import Type
import TcType
import DataCon

import TyCon
import Name hiding (varName)
import Module (moduleName, moduleNameString)
import RdrName
import BasicTypes
import TysWiredIn
import PrelNames

-- For generation of representation types
import TcEnv (tcLookupTyCon)
import TcRnMonad
import HscTypes
import BuildTyCl

import SrcLoc
import Bag
import Outputable 
import FastString

#include "HsVersions.h"
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Generating representation types} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code}
canDoGenerics :: TyCon -> Maybe SDoc
-- Called on source-code data types, to see if we should generate
-- generic functions for them.
-- Nothing == yes
-- Just s  == no, because of `s`

canDoGenerics tycon
  =  mergeErrors (
          -- We do not support datatypes with context
              (if (not (null (tyConStupidTheta tycon)))
                then (Just (ppr tycon <+> text "must not have a datatype context"))
                else Nothing)
          -- We don't like type families
            : (if (isFamilyTyCon tycon)
                then (Just (ppr tycon <+> text "must not be a family instance"))
                else Nothing)
          -- See comment below
            : (map bad_con (tyConDataCons tycon)))
        -- If any of the constructor has an unboxed type as argument,
        -- then we can't build the embedding-projection pair, because
        -- it relies on instantiating *polymorphic* sum and product types
        -- at the argument types of the constructors
    bad_con dc = if (any bad_arg_type (dataConOrigArgTys dc))
                  then (Just (ppr dc <+> text "must not have unlifted or polymorphic arguments"))
                  else (if (not (isVanillaDataCon dc))
                          then (Just (ppr dc <+> text "must be a vanilla data constructor"))
                          else Nothing)

	-- Nor can we do the job if it's an existential data constructor,

	-- Nor if the args are polymorphic types (I don't think)
    bad_arg_type ty = isUnLiftedType ty || not (isTauTy ty)
    mergeErrors :: [Maybe SDoc] -> Maybe SDoc
    mergeErrors []           = Nothing
    mergeErrors ((Just s):t) = case mergeErrors t of
                                 Nothing -> Just s
                                 Just s' -> Just (s <> text ", and" $$ s')
    mergeErrors (Nothing :t) = mergeErrors t
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Generating the RHS of a generic default method} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code}
type US = Int	-- Local unique supply, just a plain Int
type Alt = (LPat RdrName, LHsExpr RdrName)

-- Bindings for the Generic instance
mkBindsRep :: TyCon -> LHsBinds RdrName
mkBindsRep tycon = 
    unitBag (L loc (mkFunBind (L loc from_RDR) from_matches))
    unitBag (L loc (mkFunBind (L loc to_RDR) to_matches))
        from_matches = [mkSimpleHsAlt pat rhs | (pat,rhs) <- from_alts]
        to_matches   = [mkSimpleHsAlt pat rhs | (pat,rhs) <- to_alts  ]
        loc           = srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc tycon)
        datacons      = tyConDataCons tycon

        -- Recurse over the sum first
        from_alts, to_alts :: [Alt]
        (from_alts, to_alts) = mkSum (1 :: US) tycon datacons
-- The type instance synonym and synonym
--       type instance Rep (D a b) = Rep_D a b
--       type Rep_D a b = ...representation type for D ...

tc_mkRepTyCon :: TyCon           -- The type to generate representation for
               -> MetaTyCons      -- Metadata datatypes to refer to
               -> TcM TyCon       -- Generated representation0 type
tc_mkRepTyCon tycon metaDts = 
-- Consider the example input tycon `D`, where data D a b = D_ a
  do { -- `rep0` = GHC.Generics.Rep (type family)
       rep0 <- tcLookupTyCon repTyConName

       -- `rep0Ty` = D1 ... (C1 ... (S1 ... (Rec0 a))) :: * -> *
     ; rep0Ty <- tc_mkRepTy tycon metaDts
       -- `rep_name` is a name we generate for the synonym
     ; rep_name <- newImplicitBinder (tyConName tycon) mkGenR
     ; let -- `tyvars` = [a,b]
           tyvars  = tyConTyVars tycon

           -- rep0Ty has kind * -> *
           rep_kind = liftedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` liftedTypeKind

           -- `appT` = D a b
           appT = [mkTyConApp tycon (mkTyVarTys tyvars)]

     ; buildSynTyCon rep_name tyvars (SynonymTyCon rep0Ty) rep_kind
                     NoParentTyCon (Just (rep0, appT)) }

-- Type representation

tc_mkRepTy :: -- The type to generate representation for
               -- Metadata datatypes to refer to
            -> MetaTyCons 
               -- Generated representation0 type
            -> TcM Type
tc_mkRepTy tycon metaDts = 
    d1    <- tcLookupTyCon d1TyConName
    c1    <- tcLookupTyCon c1TyConName
    s1    <- tcLookupTyCon s1TyConName
    nS1   <- tcLookupTyCon noSelTyConName
    rec0  <- tcLookupTyCon rec0TyConName
    par0  <- tcLookupTyCon par0TyConName
    u1    <- tcLookupTyCon u1TyConName
    v1    <- tcLookupTyCon v1TyConName
    plus  <- tcLookupTyCon sumTyConName
    times <- tcLookupTyCon prodTyConName
    let mkSum' a b = mkTyConApp plus  [a,b]
        mkProd a b = mkTyConApp times [a,b]
        mkRec0 a   = mkTyConApp rec0  [a]
        mkPar0 a   = mkTyConApp par0  [a]
        mkD    a   = mkTyConApp d1    [metaDTyCon, sumP (tyConDataCons a)]
        mkC  i d a = mkTyConApp c1    [d, prod i (dataConOrigArgTys a) 
                                                 (null (dataConFieldLabels a))]
        -- This field has no label
        mkS True  _ a = mkTyConApp s1 [mkTyConTy nS1, a]
        -- This field has a  label
        mkS False d a = mkTyConApp s1 [d, a]
        sumP [] = mkTyConTy v1
        sumP l  = ASSERT (length metaCTyCons == length l)
                    foldBal mkSum' [ mkC i d a
                                   | (d,(a,i)) <- zip metaCTyCons (zip l [0..])]
        -- The Bool is True if this constructor has labelled fields
        prod :: Int -> [Type] -> Bool -> Type
        prod i [] _ = ASSERT (length metaSTyCons > i)
                        ASSERT (length (metaSTyCons !! i) == 0)
                          mkTyConTy u1
        prod i l b  = ASSERT (length metaSTyCons > i)
                        ASSERT (length l == length (metaSTyCons !! i))
                          foldBal mkProd [ arg d t b
                                         | (d,t) <- zip (metaSTyCons !! i) l ]
        arg :: Type -> Type -> Bool -> Type
        arg d t b = mkS b d (recOrPar t (getTyVar_maybe t))
        -- Argument is not a type variable, use Rec0
        recOrPar t Nothing  = mkRec0 t
        -- Argument is a type variable, use Par0
        recOrPar t (Just _) = mkPar0 t
        metaDTyCon  = mkTyConTy (metaD metaDts)
        metaCTyCons = map mkTyConTy (metaC metaDts)
        metaSTyCons = map (map mkTyConTy) (metaS metaDts)
    return (mkD tycon)

-- Meta-information

data MetaTyCons = MetaTyCons { -- One meta datatype per dataype
                               metaD :: TyCon
                               -- One meta datatype per constructor
                             , metaC :: [TyCon]
                               -- One meta datatype per selector per constructor
                             , metaS :: [[TyCon]] }
instance Outputable MetaTyCons where
  ppr (MetaTyCons d c s) = ppr d $$ vcat (map ppr c) $$ vcat (map ppr (concat s))
metaTyCons2TyCons :: MetaTyCons -> [TyCon]
metaTyCons2TyCons (MetaTyCons d c s) = d : c ++ concat s

-- Bindings for Datatype, Constructor, and Selector instances
mkBindsMetaD :: FixityEnv -> TyCon 
             -> ( LHsBinds RdrName      -- Datatype instance
                , [LHsBinds RdrName]    -- Constructor instances
                , [[LHsBinds RdrName]]) -- Selector instances
mkBindsMetaD fix_env tycon = (dtBinds, allConBinds, allSelBinds)
        mkBag l = foldr1 unionBags 
                    [ unitBag (L loc (mkFunBind (L loc name) matches)) 
                        | (name, matches) <- l ]
        dtBinds       = mkBag [ (datatypeName_RDR, dtName_matches)
                              , (moduleName_RDR, moduleName_matches)]

        allConBinds   = map conBinds datacons
        conBinds c    = mkBag ( [ (conName_RDR, conName_matches c)]
                              ++ ifElseEmpty (dataConIsInfix c)
                                   [ (conFixity_RDR, conFixity_matches c) ]
                              ++ ifElseEmpty (length (dataConFieldLabels c) > 0)
                                   [ (conIsRecord_RDR, conIsRecord_matches c) ]

        ifElseEmpty p x = if p then x else []
        fixity c      = case lookupFixity fix_env (dataConName c) of
                          Fixity n InfixL -> buildFix n leftAssocDataCon_RDR
                          Fixity n InfixR -> buildFix n rightAssocDataCon_RDR
                          Fixity n InfixN -> buildFix n notAssocDataCon_RDR
        buildFix n assoc = nlHsApps infixDataCon_RDR [nlHsVar assoc
                                                     , nlHsIntLit (toInteger n)]

        allSelBinds   = map (map selBinds) datasels
        selBinds s    = mkBag [(selName_RDR, selName_matches s)]

        loc           = srcLocSpan (getSrcLoc tycon)
        mkStringLHS s = [mkSimpleHsAlt nlWildPat (nlHsLit (mkHsString s))]
        datacons      = tyConDataCons tycon
        datasels      = map dataConFieldLabels datacons

        dtName_matches     = mkStringLHS . showPpr . nameOccName . tyConName 
                           $ tycon
        moduleName_matches = mkStringLHS . moduleNameString . moduleName 
                           . nameModule . tyConName $ tycon

        conName_matches     c = mkStringLHS . showPpr . nameOccName
                              . dataConName $ c
        conFixity_matches   c = [mkSimpleHsAlt nlWildPat (fixity c)]
        conIsRecord_matches _ = [mkSimpleHsAlt nlWildPat (nlHsVar true_RDR)]

        selName_matches     s = mkStringLHS (showPpr (nameOccName s))

-- Dealing with sums

mkSum :: US          -- Base for generating unique names
      -> TyCon       -- The type constructor
      -> [DataCon]   -- The data constructors
      -> ([Alt],     -- Alternatives for the T->Trep "from" function
          [Alt])     -- Alternatives for the Trep->T "to" function

-- Datatype without any constructors
mkSum _us tycon [] = ([from_alt], [to_alt])
    from_alt = (nlWildPat, mkM1_E (makeError errMsgFrom))
    to_alt   = (mkM1_P nlWildPat, makeError errMsgTo)
               -- These M1s are meta-information for the datatype
    makeError s = nlHsApp (nlHsVar error_RDR) (nlHsLit (mkHsString s))
    errMsgFrom = "No generic representation for empty datatype " ++ showPpr tycon
    errMsgTo = "No values for empty datatype " ++ showPpr tycon

-- Datatype with at least one constructor
mkSum us _tycon datacons =
  unzip [ mk1Sum us i (length datacons) d | (d,i) <- zip datacons [1..] ]

-- Build the sum for a particular constructor
mk1Sum :: US        -- Base for generating unique names
       -> Int       -- The index of this constructor
       -> Int       -- Total number of constructors
       -> DataCon   -- The data constructor
       -> (Alt,     -- Alternative for the T->Trep "from" function
           Alt)     -- Alternative for the Trep->T "to" function
mk1Sum us i n datacon = (from_alt, to_alt)
    n_args = dataConSourceArity datacon	-- Existentials already excluded

    datacon_vars = map mkGenericLocal [us .. us+n_args-1]
    us'          = us + n_args

    datacon_rdr  = getRdrName datacon
    app_exp      = nlHsVarApps datacon_rdr datacon_vars
    from_alt     = (nlConVarPat datacon_rdr datacon_vars, from_alt_rhs)
    from_alt_rhs = mkM1_E (genLR_E i n (mkProd_E us' datacon_vars))
    to_alt     = (mkM1_P (genLR_P i n (mkProd_P us' datacon_vars)), to_alt_rhs)
                 -- These M1s are meta-information for the datatype
    to_alt_rhs = app_exp

-- Generates the L1/R1 sum pattern
genLR_P :: Int -> Int -> LPat RdrName -> LPat RdrName
genLR_P i n p
  | n == 0       = error "impossible"
  | n == 1       = p
  | i <= div n 2 = nlConPat l1DataCon_RDR [genLR_P i     (div n 2) p]
  | otherwise    = nlConPat r1DataCon_RDR [genLR_P (i-m) (n-m)     p]
                     where m = div n 2

-- Generates the L1/R1 sum expression
genLR_E :: Int -> Int -> LHsExpr RdrName -> LHsExpr RdrName
genLR_E i n e
  | n == 0       = error "impossible"
  | n == 1       = e
  | i <= div n 2 = nlHsVar l1DataCon_RDR `nlHsApp` genLR_E i     (div n 2) e
  | otherwise    = nlHsVar r1DataCon_RDR `nlHsApp` genLR_E (i-m) (n-m)     e
                     where m = div n 2

-- Dealing with products

-- Build a product expression
mkProd_E :: US	            -- Base for unique names
	 -> [RdrName]       -- List of variables matched on the lhs
	 -> LHsExpr RdrName -- Resulting product expression
mkProd_E _ []   = mkM1_E (nlHsVar u1DataCon_RDR)
mkProd_E _ vars = mkM1_E (foldBal prod appVars)
                   -- These M1s are meta-information for the constructor
    appVars = map wrapArg_E vars
    prod a b = prodDataCon_RDR `nlHsApps` [a,b]

wrapArg_E :: RdrName -> LHsExpr RdrName
wrapArg_E v = mkM1_E (k1DataCon_RDR `nlHsVarApps` [v])
              -- This M1 is meta-information for the selector

-- Build a product pattern
mkProd_P :: US		        -- Base for unique names
	       -> [RdrName]     -- List of variables to match
	       -> LPat RdrName  -- Resulting product pattern
mkProd_P _ []   = mkM1_P (nlNullaryConPat u1DataCon_RDR)
mkProd_P _ vars = mkM1_P (foldBal prod appVars)
                   -- These M1s are meta-information for the constructor
    appVars = map wrapArg_P vars
    prod a b = prodDataCon_RDR `nlConPat` [a,b]
wrapArg_P :: RdrName -> LPat RdrName
wrapArg_P v = mkM1_P (k1DataCon_RDR `nlConVarPat` [v])
              -- This M1 is meta-information for the selector

mkGenericLocal :: US -> RdrName
mkGenericLocal u = mkVarUnqual (mkFastString ("g" ++ show u))

mkM1_E :: LHsExpr RdrName -> LHsExpr RdrName
mkM1_E e = nlHsVar m1DataCon_RDR `nlHsApp` e

mkM1_P :: LPat RdrName -> LPat RdrName
mkM1_P p = m1DataCon_RDR `nlConPat` [p]

-- | Variant of foldr1 for producing balanced lists
foldBal :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
foldBal op = foldBal' op (error "foldBal: empty list")

foldBal' :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
foldBal' _  x []  = x
foldBal' _  _ [y] = y
foldBal' op x l   = let (a,b) = splitAt (length l `div` 2) l
                    in foldBal' op x a `op` foldBal' op x b
