% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
\section[TypeRep]{Type - friends' interface}
module TypeRep (
Kind, SuperKind,
PredType, ThetaType,
mkTyConApp, mkTyConTy, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys,
isLiftedTypeKind, isCoercionKind,
pprType, pprParendType, pprTypeApp,
pprTyThing, pprTyThingCategory,
pprPredTy, pprEqPred, pprTheta, pprForAll, pprThetaArrowTy, pprClassPred,
pprKind, pprParendKind,
Prec(..), maybeParen, pprTcApp, pprTypeNameApp,
pprPrefixApp, pprPred, pprArrowChain, pprThetaArrow,
tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes,
tyVarsOfPred, tyVarsOfTheta,
varsOfPred, varsOfTheta,
TvSubst(..), TvSubstEnv
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import DataCon( DataCon, dataConName )
import Var
import VarEnv
import VarSet
import Name
import BasicTypes
import TyCon
import Class
import PrelNames
import Outputable
import FastString
import Pair
import qualified Data.Data as Data hiding ( TyCon )
import qualified Data.Foldable as Data
import qualified Data.Traversable as Data
A note about newtypes
newtype N = MkN Int
Then we want N to be represented as an Int, and that's what we arrange.
The front end of the compiler [TcType.lhs] treats N as opaque,
the back end treats it as transparent [Type.lhs].
There's a bit of a problem with recursive newtypes
newtype P = MkP P
newtype Q = MkQ (Q->Q)
Here the 'implicit expansion' we get from treating P and Q as transparent
would give rise to infinite types, which in turn makes eqType diverge.
Similarly splitForAllTys and splitFunTys can get into a loop.
* Newtypes are always represented using TyConApp.
* For non-recursive newtypes, P, treat P just like a type synonym after
type-checking is done; i.e. it's opaque during type checking (functions
from TcType) but transparent afterwards (functions from Type).
"Treat P as a type synonym" means "all functions expand NewTcApps
on the fly".
Applications of the data constructor P simply vanish:
P x = x
* For recursive newtypes Q, treat the Q and its representation as
distinct right through the compiler. Applications of the data consructor
use a coerce:
Q = \(x::Q->Q). coerce Q x
They are rare, so who cares if they are a tiny bit less efficient.
The typechecker (TcTyDecls) identifies enough type construtors as 'recursive'
to cut all loops. The other members of the loop may be marked 'non-recursive'.
%* *
\subsection{The data type}
%* *
data Type
= TyVarTy TyVar
| AppTy
| TyConApp
| FunTy
| ForAllTy
| PredTy
deriving (Data.Data, Data.Typeable)
type Kind = Type
type SuperKind = Type
Note [Equality-constrained types]
The type forall ab. (a ~ [b]) => blah
is encoded like this:
ForAllTy (a:*) $ ForAllTy (b:*) $
FunTy (PredTy (EqPred a [b]) $
Note [PredTy]
type PredType = Pred Type
data Pred a
= ClassP Class [a]
| IParam (IPName Name) a
| EqPred a a
deriving (Data.Data, Data.Typeable, Data.Foldable, Data.Traversable, Functor)
type ThetaType = [PredType]
(We don't support TREX records yet, but the setup is designed
to expand to allow them.)
A Haskell qualified type, such as that for f,g,h above, is
represented using
* a FunTy for the double arrow
* with a PredTy as the function argument
The predicate really does turn into a real extra argument to the
function. If the argument has type (PredTy p) then the predicate p is
represented by evidence (a dictionary, for example, of type (predRepTy p).
Note [Equality predicates]
forall a b. (a ~ S b) => a -> b
could be represented by
ForAllTy a (ForAllTy b (FunTy (PredTy (EqPred a (S b))) ...))
ForAllTy a (ForAllTy b (ForAllTy (c::PredTy (EqPred a (S b))) ...))
The latter is what we do. (Unlike for class and implicit parameter
constraints, which do use FunTy.)
* FunTy is always a *value* function
* ForAllTy is discarded at runtime
We often need to make a "wildcard" (c::PredTy..). We always use the same
name (wildCoVarName), since it's not mentioned.
%* *
Simple constructors
%* *
These functions are here so that they can be used by TysPrim,
which in turn is imported by Type
mkTyVarTy :: TyVar -> Type
mkTyVarTy = TyVarTy
mkTyVarTys :: [TyVar] -> [Type]
mkTyVarTys = map mkTyVarTy
mkTyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
mkTyConApp tycon tys
| isFunTyCon tycon, [ty1,ty2] <- tys
= FunTy ty1 ty2
| otherwise
= TyConApp tycon tys
mkTyConTy :: TyCon -> Type
mkTyConTy tycon = mkTyConApp tycon []
isLiftedTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
isLiftedTypeKind (TyConApp tc []) = tc `hasKey` liftedTypeKindTyConKey
isLiftedTypeKind _ = False
isCoercionKind :: Kind -> Bool
isCoercionKind (PredTy (EqPred {})) = True
isCoercionKind _ = False
%* *
Free variables of types and coercions
%* *
tyVarsOfPred :: PredType -> TyCoVarSet
tyVarsOfPred = varsOfPred tyVarsOfType
tyVarsOfTheta :: ThetaType -> TyCoVarSet
tyVarsOfTheta = varsOfTheta tyVarsOfType
tyVarsOfType :: Type -> VarSet
tyVarsOfType (TyVarTy v) = unitVarSet v
tyVarsOfType (TyConApp _ tys) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
tyVarsOfType (PredTy sty) = varsOfPred tyVarsOfType sty
tyVarsOfType (FunTy arg res) = tyVarsOfType arg `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfType res
tyVarsOfType (AppTy fun arg) = tyVarsOfType fun `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfType arg
tyVarsOfType (ForAllTy tyvar ty) = delVarSet (tyVarsOfType ty) tyvar
tyVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfTypes tys = foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfType) emptyVarSet tys
varsOfPred :: (a -> VarSet) -> Pred a -> VarSet
varsOfPred f (IParam _ ty) = f ty
varsOfPred f (ClassP _ tys) = foldr (unionVarSet . f) emptyVarSet tys
varsOfPred f (EqPred ty1 ty2) = f ty1 `unionVarSet` f ty2
varsOfTheta :: (a -> VarSet) -> [Pred a] -> VarSet
varsOfTheta f = foldr (unionVarSet . varsOfPred f) emptyVarSet
predSize :: (a -> Int) -> Pred a -> Int
predSize size (IParam _ t) = 1 + size t
predSize size (ClassP _ ts) = 1 + sum (map size ts)
predSize size (EqPred t1 t2) = size t1 + size t2
%* *
%* *
Despite the fact that DataCon has to be imported via a hi-boot route,
this module seems the right place for TyThing, because it's needed for
funTyCon and all the types in TysPrim.
data TyThing = AnId Id
| ADataCon DataCon
| ATyCon TyCon
| ACoAxiom CoAxiom
| AClass Class
instance Outputable TyThing where
ppr = pprTyThing
pprTyThing :: TyThing -> SDoc
pprTyThing thing = pprTyThingCategory thing <+> quotes (ppr (getName thing))
pprTyThingCategory :: TyThing -> SDoc
pprTyThingCategory (ATyCon _) = ptext (sLit "Type constructor")
pprTyThingCategory (ACoAxiom _) = ptext (sLit "Coercion axiom")
pprTyThingCategory (AClass _) = ptext (sLit "Class")
pprTyThingCategory (AnId _) = ptext (sLit "Identifier")
pprTyThingCategory (ADataCon _) = ptext (sLit "Data constructor")
instance NamedThing TyThing where
getName (AnId id) = getName id
getName (ATyCon tc) = getName tc
getName (ACoAxiom cc) = getName cc
getName (AClass cl) = getName cl
getName (ADataCon dc) = dataConName dc
%* *
Data type defined here to avoid unnecessary mutual recursion
%* *
data TvSubst
= TvSubst InScopeSet
type TvSubstEnv = TyVarEnv Type
Note [Apply Once]
We use TvSubsts to instantiate things, and we might instantiate
forall a b. ty
\with the types
[a, b], or [b, a].
So the substition might go [a->b, b->a]. A similar situation arises in Core
when we find a beta redex like
(/\ a /\ b -> e) b a
Then we also end up with a substition that permutes type variables. Other
variations happen to; for example [a -> (a, b)].
*** So a TvSubst must be applied precisely once ***
A TvSubst is not idempotent, but, unlike the non-idempotent substitution
we use during unifications, it must not be repeatedly applied.
Note [Extending the TvSubst]
See #tvsubst_invariant# for the invariants that must hold.
This invariant allows a short-cut when the TvSubstEnv is empty:
if the TvSubstEnv is empty --- i.e. (isEmptyTvSubt subst) holds ---
then (substTy subst ty) does nothing.
For example, consider:
(/\a. /\b:(a~Int). ...b..) Int
We substitute Int for 'a'. The Unique of 'b' does not change, but
nevertheless we add 'b' to the TvSubstEnv, because b's kind does change
This invariant has several crucial consequences:
* In substTyVarBndr, we need extend the TvSubstEnv
- if the unique has changed
- or if the kind has changed
* In substTyVar, we do not need to consult the in-scope set;
the TvSubstEnv is enough
* In substTy, substTheta, we can short-circuit when the TvSubstEnv is empty
%* *
Pretty-printing types
Defined very early because of debug printing in assertions
%* *
@pprType@ is the standard @Type@ printer; the overloaded @ppr@ function is
defined to use this. @pprParendType@ is the same, except it puts
parens around the type, except for the atomic cases. @pprParendType@
works just by setting the initial context precedence very high.
data Prec = TopPrec
| FunPrec
| TyConPrec
deriving( Eq, Ord )
maybeParen :: Prec -> Prec -> SDoc -> SDoc
maybeParen ctxt_prec inner_prec pretty
| ctxt_prec < inner_prec = pretty
| otherwise = parens pretty
pprType, pprParendType :: Type -> SDoc
pprType ty = ppr_type TopPrec ty
pprParendType ty = ppr_type TyConPrec ty
pprKind, pprParendKind :: Kind -> SDoc
pprKind = pprType
pprParendKind = pprParendType
pprPredTy :: PredType -> SDoc
pprPredTy = pprPred ppr_type
pprPred :: (Prec -> a -> SDoc) -> Pred a -> SDoc
pprPred pp (ClassP cls tys) = ppr_class_pred pp cls tys
pprPred pp (IParam ip ty) = ppr ip <> dcolon <> pp TopPrec ty
pprPred pp (EqPred ty1 ty2) = ppr_eq_pred pp (Pair ty1 ty2)
pprEqPred :: Pair Type -> SDoc
pprEqPred = ppr_eq_pred ppr_type
ppr_eq_pred :: (Prec -> a -> SDoc) -> Pair a -> SDoc
ppr_eq_pred pp (Pair ty1 ty2) = sep [ pp FunPrec ty1
, nest 2 (ptext (sLit "~"))
, pp FunPrec ty2]
pprClassPred :: Class -> [Type] -> SDoc
pprClassPred = ppr_class_pred ppr_type
ppr_class_pred :: (Prec -> a -> SDoc) -> Class -> [a] -> SDoc
ppr_class_pred pp clas tys = pprTypeNameApp TopPrec pp (getName clas) tys
pprTheta :: ThetaType -> SDoc
pprTheta theta = parens (sep (punctuate comma (map pprPredTy theta)))
pprThetaArrowTy :: ThetaType -> SDoc
pprThetaArrowTy = pprThetaArrow ppr_type
pprThetaArrow :: (Prec -> a -> SDoc) -> [Pred a] -> SDoc
pprThetaArrow _ [] = empty
pprThetaArrow pp [pred]
| noParenPred pred = pprPred pp pred <+> darrow
pprThetaArrow pp preds = parens (sep (punctuate comma (map (pprPred pp) preds)))
<+> darrow
noParenPred :: Pred a -> Bool
noParenPred (ClassP {}) = True
noParenPred (EqPred {}) = True
noParenPred (IParam {}) = False
instance Outputable Type where
ppr ty = pprType ty
instance Outputable (Pred Type) where
ppr = pprPredTy
instance Outputable name => OutputableBndr (IPName name) where
pprBndr _ n = ppr n
ppr_type :: Prec -> Type -> SDoc
ppr_type _ (TyVarTy tv) = ppr_tvar tv
ppr_type p (PredTy pred) = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
ifPprDebug (ptext (sLit "<pred>")) <> (pprPredTy pred)
ppr_type p (TyConApp tc tys) = pprTcApp p ppr_type tc tys
ppr_type p (AppTy t1 t2) = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
pprType t1 <+> ppr_type TyConPrec t2
ppr_type p ty@(ForAllTy {}) = ppr_forall_type p ty
ppr_type p ty@(FunTy (PredTy _) _) = ppr_forall_type p ty
ppr_type p (FunTy ty1 ty2)
= pprArrowChain p (ppr_type FunPrec ty1 : ppr_fun_tail ty2)
ppr_fun_tail (FunTy ty1 ty2)
| not (is_pred ty1) = ppr_type FunPrec ty1 : ppr_fun_tail ty2
ppr_fun_tail other_ty = [ppr_type TopPrec other_ty]
is_pred (PredTy {}) = True
is_pred _ = False
ppr_forall_type :: Prec -> Type -> SDoc
ppr_forall_type p ty
= maybeParen p FunPrec $
sep [pprForAll tvs, pprThetaArrowTy ctxt, pprType tau]
(tvs, rho) = split1 [] ty
(ctxt, tau) = split2 [] rho
split1 tvs (ForAllTy tv ty) = split1 (tv:tvs) ty
split1 tvs ty = (reverse tvs, ty)
split2 ps (PredTy p `FunTy` ty) = split2 (p:ps) ty
split2 ps ty = (reverse ps, ty)
ppr_tvar :: TyVar -> SDoc
ppr_tvar tv
| isSymOcc (getOccName tv) = parens (ppr tv)
| otherwise = ppr tv
pprForAll :: [TyVar] -> SDoc
pprForAll [] = empty
pprForAll tvs = ptext (sLit "forall") <+> sep (map pprTvBndr tvs) <> dot
pprTvBndr :: TyVar -> SDoc
pprTvBndr tv
| isLiftedTypeKind kind = ppr_tvar tv
| otherwise = parens (ppr_tvar tv <+> dcolon <+> pprKind kind)
kind = tyVarKind tv
Note [Infix type variables]
With TypeOperators you can say
f :: (a ~> b) -> b
and the (~>) is considered a type variable. However, the type
pretty-printer in this module will just see (a ~> b) as
App (App (TyVarTy "~>") (TyVarTy "a")) (TyVarTy "b")
So it'll print the type in prefix form. To avoid confusion we must
remember to parenthesise the operator, thus
(~>) a b -> b
See Trac #2766.
pprTcApp :: Prec -> (Prec -> a -> SDoc) -> TyCon -> [a] -> SDoc
pprTcApp _ _ tc []
= pp_nt_debug <> ppr tc
pp_nt_debug | isNewTyCon tc = ifPprDebug (if isRecursiveTyCon tc
then ptext (sLit "<recnt>")
else ptext (sLit "<nt>"))
| otherwise = empty
pprTcApp _ pp tc [ty]
| tc `hasKey` listTyConKey = brackets (pp TopPrec ty)
| tc `hasKey` parrTyConKey = ptext (sLit "[:") <> pp TopPrec ty <> ptext (sLit ":]")
| tc `hasKey` liftedTypeKindTyConKey = ptext (sLit "*")
| tc `hasKey` unliftedTypeKindTyConKey = ptext (sLit "#")
| tc `hasKey` openTypeKindTyConKey = ptext (sLit "(?)")
| tc `hasKey` ubxTupleKindTyConKey = ptext (sLit "(#)")
| tc `hasKey` argTypeKindTyConKey = ptext (sLit "??")
pprTcApp p pp tc tys
| isTupleTyCon tc && tyConArity tc == length tys
= tupleParens (tupleTyConBoxity tc) (sep (punctuate comma (map (pp TopPrec) tys)))
| otherwise
= pprTypeNameApp p pp (getName tc) tys
pprTypeApp :: NamedThing a => a -> [Type] -> SDoc
pprTypeApp tc tys = pprTypeNameApp TopPrec ppr_type (getName tc) tys
pprTypeNameApp :: Prec -> (Prec -> a -> SDoc) -> Name -> [a] -> SDoc
pprTypeNameApp p pp tc tys
| is_sym_occ
, [ty1,ty2] <- tys
= maybeParen p FunPrec $
sep [pp FunPrec ty1, pprInfixVar True (ppr tc) <+> pp FunPrec ty2]
| otherwise
= pprPrefixApp p (pprPrefixVar is_sym_occ (ppr tc)) (map (pp TyConPrec) tys)
is_sym_occ = isSymOcc (getOccName tc)
pprPrefixApp :: Prec -> SDoc -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
pprPrefixApp p pp_fun pp_tys = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
hang pp_fun 2 (sep pp_tys)
pprArrowChain :: Prec -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
pprArrowChain _ [] = empty
pprArrowChain p (arg:args) = maybeParen p FunPrec $
sep [arg, sep (map (arrow <+>) args)]