module Distribution.ParseUtils (
LineNo, PError(..), PWarning(..), locatedErrorMsg, syntaxError, warning,
runP, runE, ParseResult(..), catchParseError, parseFail, showPWarning,
Field(..), fName, lineNo,
FieldDescr(..), ppField, ppFields, readFields, readFieldsFlat,
showFields, showSingleNamedField, parseFields, parseFieldsFlat,
parseFilePathQ, parseTokenQ, parseTokenQ',
parseModuleNameQ, parseBuildTool, parsePkgconfigDependency,
parseOptVersion, parsePackageNameQ, parseVersionRangeQ,
parseTestedWithQ, parseLicenseQ, parseLanguageQ, parseExtensionQ,
parseSepList, parseCommaList, parseOptCommaList,
showFilePath, showToken, showTestedWith, showFreeText, parseFreeText,
field, simpleField, listField, spaceListField, commaListField,
optsField, liftField, boolField, parseQuoted,
UnrecFieldParser, warnUnrec, ignoreUnrec,
) where
import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor, parseCompilerFlavorCompat)
import Distribution.License
import Distribution.Version
( Version(..), VersionRange, anyVersion )
import Distribution.Package ( PackageName(..), Dependency(..) )
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.Compat.ReadP as ReadP hiding (get)
import Distribution.ReadE
import Distribution.Text
( Text(..) )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( comparing, intercalate, lowercase, normaliseLineEndings )
import Language.Haskell.Extension
( Language, Extension )
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ hiding (braces)
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, isAlphaNum, isDigit)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Tree as Tree (Tree(..), flatten)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import System.FilePath (normalise)
import Data.List (sortBy)
type LineNo = Int
data PError = AmbigousParse String LineNo
| NoParse String LineNo
| TabsError LineNo
| FromString String (Maybe LineNo)
deriving Show
data PWarning = PWarning String
| UTFWarning LineNo String
deriving Show
showPWarning :: FilePath -> PWarning -> String
showPWarning fpath (PWarning msg) =
normalise fpath ++ ": " ++ msg
showPWarning fpath (UTFWarning line fname) =
normalise fpath ++ ":" ++ show line
++ ": Invalid UTF-8 text in the '" ++ fname ++ "' field."
data ParseResult a = ParseFailed PError | ParseOk [PWarning] a
deriving Show
instance Monad ParseResult where
return x = ParseOk [] x
ParseFailed err >>= _ = ParseFailed err
ParseOk ws x >>= f = case f x of
ParseFailed err -> ParseFailed err
ParseOk ws' x' -> ParseOk (ws'++ws) x'
fail s = ParseFailed (FromString s Nothing)
catchParseError :: ParseResult a -> (PError -> ParseResult a)
-> ParseResult a
p@(ParseOk _ _) `catchParseError` _ = p
ParseFailed e `catchParseError` k = k e
parseFail :: PError -> ParseResult a
parseFail = ParseFailed
runP :: LineNo -> String -> ReadP a a -> String -> ParseResult a
runP line fieldname p s =
case [ x | (x,"") <- results ] of
[a] -> ParseOk (utf8Warnings line fieldname s) a
[] -> case [ x | (x,ys) <- results, all isSpace ys ] of
[a] -> ParseOk (utf8Warnings line fieldname s) a
[] -> ParseFailed (NoParse fieldname line)
_ -> ParseFailed (AmbigousParse fieldname line)
_ -> ParseFailed (AmbigousParse fieldname line)
where results = readP_to_S p s
runE :: LineNo -> String -> ReadE a -> String -> ParseResult a
runE line fieldname p s =
case runReadE p s of
Right a -> ParseOk (utf8Warnings line fieldname s) a
Left e -> syntaxError line $
"Parse of field '" ++ fieldname ++ "' failed (" ++ e ++ "): " ++ s
utf8Warnings :: LineNo -> String -> String -> [PWarning]
utf8Warnings line fieldname s =
take 1 [ UTFWarning n fieldname
| (n,l) <- zip [line..] (lines s)
, '\xfffd' `elem` l ]
locatedErrorMsg :: PError -> (Maybe LineNo, String)
locatedErrorMsg (AmbigousParse f n) = (Just n, "Ambiguous parse in field '"++f++"'.")
locatedErrorMsg (NoParse f n) = (Just n, "Parse of field '"++f++"' failed.")
locatedErrorMsg (TabsError n) = (Just n, "Tab used as indentation.")
locatedErrorMsg (FromString s n) = (n, s)
syntaxError :: LineNo -> String -> ParseResult a
syntaxError n s = ParseFailed $ FromString s (Just n)
tabsError :: LineNo -> ParseResult a
tabsError ln = ParseFailed $ TabsError ln
warning :: String -> ParseResult ()
warning s = ParseOk [PWarning s] ()
data FieldDescr a
= FieldDescr
{ fieldName :: String
, fieldGet :: a -> Doc
, fieldSet :: LineNo -> String -> a -> ParseResult a
field :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> (ReadP a a) -> FieldDescr a
field name showF readF =
FieldDescr name showF (\line val _st -> runP line name readF val)
liftField :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr a -> FieldDescr b
liftField get set (FieldDescr name showF parseF)
= FieldDescr name (\b -> showF (get b))
(\line str b -> do
a <- parseF line str (get b)
return (set a b))
simpleField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> (ReadP a a)
-> (b -> a) -> (a -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
simpleField name showF readF get set
= liftField get set $ field name showF readF
commaListField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> (ReadP [a] a)
-> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
commaListField name showF readF get set =
liftField get set' $
field name (fsep . punctuate comma . map showF) (parseCommaList readF)
set' xs b = set (get b ++ xs) b
spaceListField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> (ReadP [a] a)
-> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
spaceListField name showF readF get set =
liftField get set' $
field name (fsep . map showF) (parseSpaceList readF)
set' xs b = set (get b ++ xs) b
listField :: String -> (a -> Doc) -> (ReadP [a] a)
-> (b -> [a]) -> ([a] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
listField name showF readF get set =
liftField get set' $
field name (fsep . map showF) (parseOptCommaList readF)
set' xs b = set (get b ++ xs) b
optsField :: String -> CompilerFlavor -> (b -> [(CompilerFlavor,[String])]) -> ([(CompilerFlavor,[String])] -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
optsField name flavor get set =
liftField (fromMaybe [] . lookup flavor . get)
(\opts b -> set (reorder (update flavor opts (get b))) b) $
field name (hsep . map text)
(sepBy parseTokenQ' (munch1 isSpace))
update _ opts l | all null opts = l
update f opts [] = [(f,opts)]
update f opts ((f',opts'):rest)
| f == f' = (f, opts' ++ opts) : rest
| otherwise = (f',opts') : update f opts rest
reorder = sortBy (comparing fst)
boolField :: String -> (b -> Bool) -> (Bool -> b -> b) -> FieldDescr b
boolField name get set = liftField get set (FieldDescr name showF readF)
showF = text . show
readF line str _
| str == "True" = ParseOk [] True
| str == "False" = ParseOk [] False
| lstr == "true" = ParseOk [caseWarning] True
| lstr == "false" = ParseOk [caseWarning] False
| otherwise = ParseFailed (NoParse name line)
lstr = lowercase str
caseWarning = PWarning $
"The '" ++ name ++ "' field is case sensitive, use 'True' or 'False'."
ppFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> Doc
ppFields fields x = vcat [ ppField name (getter x)
| FieldDescr name getter _ <- fields]
ppField :: String -> Doc -> Doc
ppField name fielddoc = text name <> colon <+> fielddoc
showFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> String
showFields fields = render . ($+$ text "") . ppFields fields
showSingleNamedField :: [FieldDescr a] -> String -> Maybe (a -> String)
showSingleNamedField fields f =
case [ get | (FieldDescr f' get _) <- fields, f' == f ] of
[] -> Nothing
(get:_) -> Just (render . ppField f . get)
parseFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> String -> ParseResult a
parseFields fields initial = \str ->
readFields str >>= accumFields fields initial
parseFieldsFlat :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> String -> ParseResult a
parseFieldsFlat fields initial = \str ->
readFieldsFlat str >>= accumFields fields initial
accumFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> [Field] -> ParseResult a
accumFields fields = foldM setField
fieldMap = Map.fromList
[ (name, f) | f@(FieldDescr name _ _) <- fields ]
setField accum (F line name value) = case Map.lookup name fieldMap of
Just (FieldDescr _ _ set) -> set line value accum
Nothing -> do
warning ("Unrecognized field " ++ name ++ " on line " ++ show line)
return accum
setField accum f = do
warning ("Unrecognized stanza on line " ++ show (lineNo f))
return accum
type UnrecFieldParser a = (String,String) -> a -> Maybe a
warnUnrec :: UnrecFieldParser a
warnUnrec _ _ = Nothing
ignoreUnrec :: UnrecFieldParser a
ignoreUnrec _ x = Just x
data Field
= F LineNo String String
| Section LineNo String String [Field]
| IfBlock LineNo String [Field] [Field]
deriving (Show
lineNo :: Field -> LineNo
lineNo (F n _ _) = n
lineNo (Section n _ _ _) = n
lineNo (IfBlock n _ _ _) = n
fName :: Field -> String
fName (F _ n _) = n
fName (Section _ n _ _) = n
fName _ = error "fname: not a field or section"
readFields :: String -> ParseResult [Field]
readFields input = ifelse
=<< mapM (mkField 0)
=<< mkTree tokens
where ls = (lines . normaliseLineEndings) input
tokens = (concatMap tokeniseLine . trimLines) ls
readFieldsFlat :: String -> ParseResult [Field]
readFieldsFlat input = mapM (mkField 0)
=<< mkTree tokens
where ls = (lines . normaliseLineEndings) input
tokens = (concatMap tokeniseLineFlat . trimLines) ls
trimLines :: [String] -> [(LineNo, Indent, HasTabs, String)]
trimLines ls = [ (lineno, indent, hastabs, (trimTrailing l'))
| (lineno, l) <- zip [1..] ls
, let (sps, l') = span isSpace l
indent = length sps
hastabs = '\t' `elem` sps
, validLine l' ]
where validLine ('-':'-':_) = False
validLine [] = False
validLine _ = True
data Token =
Line LineNo Indent HasTabs String
| Span LineNo String
| OpenBracket LineNo | CloseBracket LineNo
type Indent = Int
type HasTabs = Bool
tokeniseLine :: (LineNo, Indent, HasTabs, String) -> [Token]
tokeniseLine (n0, i, t, l) = case split n0 l of
(Span _ l':ss) -> Line n0 i t l' :ss
cs -> cs
where split _ "" = []
split n s = case span (\c -> c /='}' && c /= '{') s of
("", '{' : s') -> OpenBracket n : split n s'
(w , '{' : s') -> mkspan n w (OpenBracket n : split n s')
("", '}' : s') -> CloseBracket n : split n s'
(w , '}' : s') -> mkspan n w (CloseBracket n : split n s')
(w , _) -> mkspan n w []
mkspan n s ss | null s' = ss
| otherwise = Span n s' : ss
where s' = trimTrailing (trimLeading s)
tokeniseLineFlat :: (LineNo, Indent, HasTabs, String) -> [Token]
tokeniseLineFlat (n0, i, t, l)
| null l' = []
| otherwise = [Line n0 i t l']
l' = trimTrailing (trimLeading l)
trimLeading, trimTrailing :: String -> String
trimLeading = dropWhile isSpace
trimTrailing = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse
type SyntaxTree = Tree (LineNo, HasTabs, String)
mkTree :: [Token] -> ParseResult [SyntaxTree]
mkTree toks =
layout 0 [] toks >>= \(trees, trailing) -> case trailing of
[] -> return trees
OpenBracket n:_ -> syntaxError n "mismatched backets, unexpected {"
CloseBracket n:_ -> syntaxError n "mismatched backets, unexpected }"
Span n l :_ -> syntaxError n $ "unexpected span: " ++ show l
Line n _ _ l :_ -> syntaxError n $ "unexpected line: " ++ show l
layout :: Indent
-> [SyntaxTree]
-> [Token]
-> ParseResult ([SyntaxTree], [Token])
layout _ a [] = return (reverse a, [])
layout i a (s@(Line _ i' _ _):ss) | i' < i = return (reverse a, s:ss)
layout i a (Line n _ t l:OpenBracket n':ss) = do
(sub, ss') <- braces n' [] ss
layout i (Node (n,t,l) sub:a) ss'
layout i a (Span n l:OpenBracket n':ss) = do
(sub, ss') <- braces n' [] ss
layout i (Node (n,False,l) sub:a) ss'
layout i a (Line n i' t l:ss) = do
lookahead <- layout (i'+1) [] ss
case lookahead of
([], _) -> layout i (Node (n,t,l) [] :a) ss
(ts, ss') -> layout i (Node (n,t,l) ts :a) ss'
layout _ _ ( OpenBracket n :_) = syntaxError n $ "unexpected '{'"
layout _ a (s@(CloseBracket _):ss) = return (reverse a, s:ss)
layout _ _ ( Span n l : _) = syntaxError n $ "unexpected span: "
++ show l
braces :: LineNo
-> [SyntaxTree]
-> [Token]
-> ParseResult ([SyntaxTree],[Token])
braces m a (Line n _ t l:OpenBracket n':ss) = do
(sub, ss') <- braces n' [] ss
braces m (Node (n,t,l) sub:a) ss'
braces m a (Span n l:OpenBracket n':ss) = do
(sub, ss') <- braces n' [] ss
braces m (Node (n,False,l) sub:a) ss'
braces m a (Line n i t l:ss) = do
lookahead <- layout (i+1) [] ss
case lookahead of
([], _) -> braces m (Node (n,t,l) [] :a) ss
(ts, ss') -> braces m (Node (n,t,l) ts :a) ss'
braces m a (Span n l:ss) = braces m (Node (n,False,l) []:a) ss
braces _ a (CloseBracket _:ss) = return (reverse a, ss)
braces n _ [] = syntaxError n $ "opening brace '{'"
++ "has no matching closing brace '}'"
braces _ _ (OpenBracket n:_) = syntaxError n "unexpected '{'"
mkField :: Int -> SyntaxTree -> ParseResult Field
mkField d (Node (n,t,_) _) | d >= 1 && t = tabsError n
mkField d (Node (n,_,l) ts) = case span (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '-') l of
([], _) -> syntaxError n $ "unrecognised field or section: " ++ show l
(name, rest) -> case trimLeading rest of
(':':rest') -> do let followingLines = concatMap Tree.flatten ts
tabs = not (null [()| (_,True,_) <- followingLines ])
if tabs && d >= 1
then tabsError n
else return $ F n (map toLower name)
(fieldValue rest' followingLines)
rest' -> do ts' <- mapM (mkField (d+1)) ts
return (Section n (map toLower name) rest' ts')
where fieldValue firstLine followingLines =
let firstLine' = trimLeading firstLine
followingLines' = map (\(_,_,s) -> stripDot s) followingLines
allLines | null firstLine' = followingLines'
| otherwise = firstLine' : followingLines'
in intercalate "\n" allLines
stripDot "." = ""
stripDot s = s
ifelse :: [Field] -> ParseResult [Field]
ifelse [] = return []
ifelse (Section n "if" cond thenpart
:Section _ "else" as elsepart:fs)
| null cond = syntaxError n "'if' with missing condition"
| null thenpart = syntaxError n "'then' branch of 'if' is empty"
| not (null as) = syntaxError n "'else' takes no arguments"
| null elsepart = syntaxError n "'else' branch of 'if' is empty"
| otherwise = do tp <- ifelse thenpart
ep <- ifelse elsepart
fs' <- ifelse fs
return (IfBlock n cond tp ep:fs')
ifelse (Section n "if" cond thenpart:fs)
| null cond = syntaxError n "'if' with missing condition"
| null thenpart = syntaxError n "'then' branch of 'if' is empty"
| otherwise = do tp <- ifelse thenpart
fs' <- ifelse fs
return (IfBlock n cond tp []:fs')
ifelse (Section n "else" _ _:_) = syntaxError n "stray 'else' with no preceding 'if'"
ifelse (Section n s a fs':fs) = do fs'' <- ifelse fs'
fs''' <- ifelse fs
return (Section n s a fs'' : fs''')
ifelse (f:fs) = do fs' <- ifelse fs
return (f : fs')
parseModuleNameQ :: ReadP r ModuleName
parseModuleNameQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse
parseFilePathQ :: ReadP r FilePath
parseFilePathQ = parseTokenQ
parseBuildTool :: ReadP r Dependency
parseBuildTool = do name <- parseBuildToolNameQ
ver <- parseVersionRangeQ <++ return anyVersion
return $ Dependency name ver
parseBuildToolNameQ :: ReadP r PackageName
parseBuildToolNameQ = parseQuoted parseBuildToolName <++ parseBuildToolName
parseBuildToolName :: ReadP r PackageName
parseBuildToolName = do ns <- sepBy1 component (ReadP.char '-')
return (PackageName (intercalate "-" ns))
where component = do
cs <- munch1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c == '+' || c == '_')
if all isDigit cs then pfail else return cs
parsePkgconfigDependency :: ReadP r Dependency
parsePkgconfigDependency = do name <- munch1 (\c -> isAlphaNum c || c `elem` "+-._")
ver <- parseVersionRangeQ <++ return anyVersion
return $ Dependency (PackageName name) ver
parsePackageNameQ :: ReadP r PackageName
parsePackageNameQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse
parseVersionRangeQ :: ReadP r VersionRange
parseVersionRangeQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse
parseOptVersion :: ReadP r Version
parseOptVersion = parseQuoted ver <++ ver
where ver :: ReadP r Version
ver = parse <++ return noVersion
noVersion = Version{ versionBranch=[], versionTags=[] }
parseTestedWithQ :: ReadP r (CompilerFlavor,VersionRange)
parseTestedWithQ = parseQuoted tw <++ tw
tw :: ReadP r (CompilerFlavor,VersionRange)
tw = do compiler <- parseCompilerFlavorCompat
version <- parse <++ return anyVersion
return (compiler,version)
parseLicenseQ :: ReadP r License
parseLicenseQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse
parseLanguageQ :: ReadP r Language
parseLanguageQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse
parseExtensionQ :: ReadP r Extension
parseExtensionQ = parseQuoted parse <++ parse
parseHaskellString :: ReadP r String
parseHaskellString = readS_to_P reads
parseTokenQ :: ReadP r String
parseTokenQ = parseHaskellString <++ munch1 (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ',')
parseTokenQ' :: ReadP r String
parseTokenQ' = parseHaskellString <++ munch1 (\x -> not (isSpace x))
parseSepList :: ReadP r b
-> ReadP r a
-> ReadP r [a]
parseSepList sepr p = sepBy p separator
where separator = skipSpaces >> sepr >> skipSpaces
parseSpaceList :: ReadP r a
-> ReadP r [a]
parseSpaceList p = sepBy p skipSpaces
parseCommaList :: ReadP r a
-> ReadP r [a]
parseCommaList = parseSepList (ReadP.char ',')
parseOptCommaList :: ReadP r a
-> ReadP r [a]
parseOptCommaList = parseSepList (optional (ReadP.char ','))
parseQuoted :: ReadP r a -> ReadP r a
parseQuoted p = between (ReadP.char '"') (ReadP.char '"') p
parseFreeText :: ReadP.ReadP s String
parseFreeText = ReadP.munch (const True)
showFilePath :: FilePath -> Doc
showFilePath = showToken
showToken :: String -> Doc
showToken str
| not (any dodgy str) &&
not (null str) = text str
| otherwise = text (show str)
where dodgy c = isSpace c || c == ','
showTestedWith :: (CompilerFlavor,VersionRange) -> Doc
showTestedWith (compiler, version) = text (show compiler) <+> disp version
showFreeText :: String -> Doc
showFreeText "" = empty
showFreeText ('\n' :r) = text " " $+$ text "." $+$ showFreeText r
showFreeText s = vcat [text (if null l then "." else l) | l <- lines_ s]
lines_ :: String -> [String]
lines_ [] = [""]
lines_ s = let (l, s') = break (== '\n') s
in l : case s' of
[] -> []
(_:s'') -> lines_ s''