% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
\section[CoreToStg]{Converts Core to STG Syntax}
And, as we have the info in hand, we may convert some lets to
module CoreToStg ( coreToStg, coreExprToStg ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils ( exprType, findDefault )
import CoreArity ( manifestArity )
import StgSyn
import Type
import TyCon
import MkId ( coercionTokenId )
import Id
import IdInfo
import DataCon
import CostCentre ( noCCS )
import VarSet
import VarEnv
import Maybes ( maybeToBool )
import Name ( getOccName, isExternalName, nameOccName )
import OccName ( occNameString, occNameFS )
import BasicTypes ( Arity )
import Module
import Outputable
import MonadUtils
import FastString
import Util
import ForeignCall
import PrimOp ( PrimCall(..) )
%* *
%* *
(There is other relevant documentation in codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.)
The actual Stg datatype is decorated with {\em live variable}
information, as well as {\em free variable} information. The two are
{\em not} the same. Liveness is an operational property rather than a
semantic one. A variable is live at a particular execution point if
it can be referred to {\em directly} again. In particular, a dead
variable's stack slot (if it has one):
should be stubbed to avoid space leaks, and
may be reused for something else.
There ought to be a better way to say this. Here are some examples:
let v = [q] \[x] -> e
...v... (but no q's)
Just after the `in', v is live, but q is dead. If the whole of that
let expression was enclosed in a case expression, thus:
case (let v = [q] \[x] -> e in ...v...) of
(ie @alts@ mention @q@), then @q@ is live even after the `in'; because
we'll return later to the @alts@ and need it.
Let-no-escapes make this a bit more interesting:
let-no-escape v = [q] \ [x] -> e
Here, @q@ is still live at the `in', because @v@ is represented not by
a closure but by the current stack state. In other words, if @v@ is
live then so is @q@. Furthermore, if @e@ mentions an enclosing
let-no-escaped variable, then {\em its} free variables are also live
if @v@ is.
%* *
\subsection[caf-info]{Collecting live CAF info}
%* *
In this pass we also collect information on which CAFs are live for
constructing SRTs (see SRT.lhs).
A top-level Id has CafInfo, which is
- MayHaveCafRefs, if it may refer indirectly to
one or more CAFs, or
- NoCafRefs if it definitely doesn't
The CafInfo has already been calculated during the CoreTidy pass.
During CoreToStg, we then pin onto each binding and case expression, a
list of Ids which represents the "live" CAFs at that point. The meaning
of "live" here is the same as for live variables, see above (which is
why it's convenient to collect CAF information here rather than elsewhere).
The later SRT pass takes these lists of Ids and uses them to construct
the actual nested SRTs, and replaces the lists of Ids with (offset,length)
Interaction of let-no-escape with SRTs [Sept 01]
let-no-escape x = ...caf1...caf2...
where caf1,caf2 are CAFs. Since x doesn't have a closure, we
build SRTs just as if x's defn was inlined at each call site, and
that means that x's CAF refs get duplicated in the overall SRT.
This is unlike ordinary lets, in which the CAF refs are not duplicated.
We could fix this loss of (static) sharing by making a sort of pseudo-closure
for x, solely to put in the SRTs lower down.
%* *
\subsection[binds-StgVarInfo]{Setting variable info: top-level, binds, RHSs}
%* *
coreToStg :: PackageId -> [CoreBind] -> IO [StgBinding]
coreToStg this_pkg pgm
= return pgm'
where (_, _, pgm') = coreTopBindsToStg this_pkg emptyVarEnv pgm
coreExprToStg :: CoreExpr -> StgExpr
coreExprToStg expr
= new_expr where (new_expr,_,_) = initLne emptyVarEnv (coreToStgExpr expr)
:: PackageId
-> IdEnv HowBound
-> [CoreBind]
-> (IdEnv HowBound, FreeVarsInfo, [StgBinding])
coreTopBindsToStg _ env [] = (env, emptyFVInfo, [])
coreTopBindsToStg this_pkg env (b:bs)
= (env2, fvs2, b':bs')
(env1, fvs2, b' ) = coreTopBindToStg this_pkg env fvs1 b
(env2, fvs1, bs') = coreTopBindsToStg this_pkg env1 bs
:: PackageId
-> IdEnv HowBound
-> FreeVarsInfo
-> CoreBind
-> (IdEnv HowBound, FreeVarsInfo, StgBinding)
coreTopBindToStg this_pkg env body_fvs (NonRec id rhs)
= let
env' = extendVarEnv env id how_bound
how_bound = LetBound TopLet $! manifestArity rhs
(stg_rhs, fvs') =
initLne env $ do
(stg_rhs, fvs') <- coreToTopStgRhs this_pkg body_fvs (id,rhs)
return (stg_rhs, fvs')
bind = StgNonRec id stg_rhs
ASSERT2(consistentCafInfo id bind, ppr id )
(env', fvs' `unionFVInfo` body_fvs, bind)
coreTopBindToStg this_pkg env body_fvs (Rec pairs)
= ASSERT( not (null pairs) )
binders = map fst pairs
extra_env' = [ (b, LetBound TopLet $! manifestArity rhs)
| (b, rhs) <- pairs ]
env' = extendVarEnvList env extra_env'
(stg_rhss, fvs')
= initLne env' $ do
(stg_rhss, fvss') <- mapAndUnzipM (coreToTopStgRhs this_pkg body_fvs) pairs
let fvs' = unionFVInfos fvss'
return (stg_rhss, fvs')
bind = StgRec (zip binders stg_rhss)
ASSERT2(consistentCafInfo (head binders) bind, ppr binders)
(env', fvs' `unionFVInfo` body_fvs, bind)
consistentCafInfo :: Id -> GenStgBinding Var Id -> Bool
consistentCafInfo id bind
= WARN( not (exact || is_sat_thing) , ppr id <+> ppr id_marked_caffy <+> ppr binding_is_caffy )
safe = id_marked_caffy || not binding_is_caffy
exact = id_marked_caffy == binding_is_caffy
id_marked_caffy = mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo id)
binding_is_caffy = stgBindHasCafRefs bind
is_sat_thing = occNameFS (nameOccName (idName id)) == fsLit "sat"
:: PackageId
-> FreeVarsInfo
-> (Id,CoreExpr)
-> LneM (StgRhs, FreeVarsInfo)
coreToTopStgRhs this_pkg scope_fv_info (bndr, rhs)
= do { (new_rhs, rhs_fvs, _) <- coreToStgExpr rhs
; lv_info <- freeVarsToLiveVars rhs_fvs
; let stg_rhs = mkTopStgRhs this_pkg rhs_fvs (mkSRT lv_info) bndr_info new_rhs
stg_arity = stgRhsArity stg_rhs
; return (ASSERT2( arity_ok stg_arity, mk_arity_msg stg_arity) stg_rhs,
rhs_fvs) }
bndr_info = lookupFVInfo scope_fv_info bndr
arity_ok stg_arity
| isExternalName (idName bndr) = id_arity == stg_arity
| otherwise = True
id_arity = idArity bndr
mk_arity_msg stg_arity
= vcat [ppr bndr,
ptext (sLit "Id arity:") <+> ppr id_arity,
ptext (sLit "STG arity:") <+> ppr stg_arity]
mkTopStgRhs :: PackageId -> FreeVarsInfo
-> SRT -> StgBinderInfo -> StgExpr
-> StgRhs
mkTopStgRhs _ rhs_fvs srt binder_info (StgLam _ bndrs body)
= StgRhsClosure noCCS binder_info
(getFVs rhs_fvs)
bndrs body
mkTopStgRhs this_pkg _ _ _ (StgConApp con args)
| not (isDllConApp this_pkg con args)
= StgRhsCon noCCS con args
mkTopStgRhs _ rhs_fvs srt binder_info rhs
= StgRhsClosure noCCS binder_info
(getFVs rhs_fvs)
[] rhs
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Expressions
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: CoreExpr
-> LneM (StgExpr,
The second and third components can be derived in a simple bottom up pass, not
dependent on any decisions about which variables will be let-no-escaped or
not. The first component, that is, the decorated expression, may then depend
on these components, but it in turn is not scrutinised as the basis for any
decisions. Hence no black holes.
coreToStgExpr (Lit l) = return (StgLit l, emptyFVInfo, emptyVarSet)
coreToStgExpr (Var v) = coreToStgApp Nothing v []
coreToStgExpr (Coercion _) = coreToStgApp Nothing coercionTokenId []
coreToStgExpr expr@(App _ _)
= coreToStgApp Nothing f args
(f, args) = myCollectArgs expr
coreToStgExpr expr@(Lam _ _)
= let
(args, body) = myCollectBinders expr
args' = filterStgBinders args
extendVarEnvLne [ (a, LambdaBound) | a <- args' ] $ do
(body, body_fvs, body_escs) <- coreToStgExpr body
fvs = args' `minusFVBinders` body_fvs
escs = body_escs `delVarSetList` args'
result_expr | null args' = body
| otherwise = StgLam (exprType expr) args' body
return (result_expr, fvs, escs)
coreToStgExpr (Note (SCC cc) expr) = do
(expr2, fvs, escs) <- coreToStgExpr expr
return (StgSCC cc expr2, fvs, escs)
coreToStgExpr (Case (Var id) _bndr _ty [(DEFAULT,[],expr)])
| Just (TickBox m n) <- isTickBoxOp_maybe id = do
(expr2, fvs, escs) <- coreToStgExpr expr
return (StgTick m n expr2, fvs, escs)
coreToStgExpr (Note _ expr)
= coreToStgExpr expr
coreToStgExpr (Cast expr _)
= coreToStgExpr expr
coreToStgExpr (Case scrut bndr _ alts) = do
(alts2, alts_fvs, alts_escs)
<- extendVarEnvLne [(bndr, LambdaBound)] $ do
(alts2, fvs_s, escs_s) <- mapAndUnzip3M vars_alt alts
return ( alts2,
unionFVInfos fvs_s,
unionVarSets escs_s )
bndr' | bndr `elementOfFVInfo` alts_fvs = bndr
| otherwise = bndr `setIdOccInfo` IAmDead
alts_fvs_wo_bndr = bndr `minusFVBinder` alts_fvs
alts_escs_wo_bndr = alts_escs `delVarSet` bndr
alts_lv_info <- freeVarsToLiveVars alts_fvs_wo_bndr
(scrut2, scrut_fvs, _scrut_escs, scrut_lv_info)
<- setVarsLiveInCont alts_lv_info $ do
(scrut2, scrut_fvs, scrut_escs) <- coreToStgExpr scrut
scrut_lv_info <- freeVarsToLiveVars scrut_fvs
return (scrut2, scrut_fvs, scrut_escs, scrut_lv_info)
return (
StgCase scrut2 (getLiveVars scrut_lv_info)
(getLiveVars alts_lv_info)
(mkSRT alts_lv_info)
(mkStgAltType bndr alts)
scrut_fvs `unionFVInfo` alts_fvs_wo_bndr,
alts_escs_wo_bndr `unionVarSet` getFVSet scrut_fvs
vars_alt (con, binders, rhs)
= let
binders' = filterStgBinders binders
extendVarEnvLne [(b, LambdaBound) | b <- binders'] $ do
(rhs2, rhs_fvs, rhs_escs) <- coreToStgExpr rhs
good_use_mask = [ b `elementOfFVInfo` rhs_fvs | b <- binders' ]
return ( (con, binders', good_use_mask, rhs2),
binders' `minusFVBinders` rhs_fvs,
rhs_escs `delVarSetList` binders' )
Lets not only take quite a bit of work, but this is where we convert
then to let-no-escapes, if we wish.
(Meanwhile, we don't expect to see let-no-escapes...)
coreToStgExpr (Let bind body) = do
(new_let, fvs, escs, _)
<- mfix (\ ~(_, _, _, no_binder_escapes) ->
coreToStgLet no_binder_escapes bind body
return (new_let, fvs, escs)
coreToStgExpr e = pprPanic "coreToStgExpr" (ppr e)
mkStgAltType :: Id -> [CoreAlt] -> AltType
mkStgAltType bndr alts
= case splitTyConApp_maybe (repType (idType bndr)) of
Just (tc,_) | isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc -> UbxTupAlt tc
| isUnLiftedTyCon tc -> PrimAlt tc
| isHiBootTyCon tc -> look_for_better_tycon
| isAlgTyCon tc -> AlgAlt tc
| otherwise -> ASSERT2( _is_poly_alt_tycon tc, ppr tc )
Nothing -> PolyAlt
_is_poly_alt_tycon tc
= isFunTyCon tc
|| isPrimTyCon tc
|| isFamilyTyCon tc
| ((DataAlt con, _, _) : _) <- data_alts =
AlgAlt (dataConTyCon con)
| otherwise =
ASSERT(null data_alts)
(data_alts, _deflt) = findDefault alts
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Applications
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Maybe UpdateFlag
-> Id
-> [CoreArg]
-> LneM (StgExpr, FreeVarsInfo, EscVarsSet)
coreToStgApp _ f args = do
(args', args_fvs) <- coreToStgArgs args
how_bound <- lookupVarLne f
n_val_args = valArgCount args
not_letrec_bound = not (isLetBound how_bound)
fun_fvs = singletonFVInfo f how_bound fun_occ
f_arity = stgArity f how_bound
saturated = f_arity <= n_val_args
| not_letrec_bound = noBinderInfo
| f_arity > 0 && saturated = stgSatOcc
| otherwise = stgUnsatOcc
| not_letrec_bound = emptyVarSet
| f_arity == n_val_args = emptyVarSet
| otherwise = unitVarSet f
res_ty = exprType (mkApps (Var f) args)
app = case idDetails f of
DataConWorkId dc | saturated -> StgConApp dc args'
PrimOpId op -> ASSERT( saturated )
StgOpApp (StgPrimOp op) args' res_ty
FCallId (CCall (CCallSpec (StaticTarget lbl (Just pkgId)) PrimCallConv _))
-> ASSERT( saturated )
StgOpApp (StgPrimCallOp (PrimCall lbl pkgId)) args' res_ty
FCallId call -> ASSERT( saturated )
StgOpApp (StgFCallOp call (idUnique f)) args' res_ty
TickBoxOpId {} -> pprPanic "coreToStg TickBox" $ ppr (f,args')
_other -> StgApp f args'
fvs = fun_fvs `unionFVInfo` args_fvs
vars = fun_escs `unionVarSet` (getFVSet args_fvs)
app `seq` fvs `seq` seqVarSet vars `seq` return (
coreToStgArgs :: [CoreArg] -> LneM ([StgArg], FreeVarsInfo)
coreToStgArgs []
= return ([], emptyFVInfo)
coreToStgArgs (Type _ : args) = do
(args', fvs) <- coreToStgArgs args
return (args', fvs)
coreToStgArgs (Coercion _ : args)
= do { (args', fvs) <- coreToStgArgs args
; return (StgVarArg coercionTokenId : args', fvs) }
coreToStgArgs (arg : args) = do
(stg_args, args_fvs) <- coreToStgArgs args
(arg', arg_fvs, _escs) <- coreToStgExpr arg
fvs = args_fvs `unionFVInfo` arg_fvs
stg_arg = case arg' of
StgApp v [] -> StgVarArg v
StgConApp con [] -> StgVarArg (dataConWorkId con)
StgLit lit -> StgLitArg lit
_ -> pprPanic "coreToStgArgs" (ppr arg)
arg_ty = exprType arg
stg_arg_ty = stgArgType stg_arg
bad_args = (isUnLiftedType arg_ty && not (isUnLiftedType stg_arg_ty))
|| (typePrimRep arg_ty /= typePrimRep stg_arg_ty)
WARN( bad_args, ptext (sLit "Dangerous-looking argument. Probable cause: bad unsafeCoerce#") $$ ppr arg )
return (stg_arg : stg_args, fvs)
:: Bool
-> CoreBind
-> CoreExpr
-> LneM (StgExpr,
coreToStgLet let_no_escape bind body = do
(bind2, bind_fvs, bind_escs, bind_lvs,
body2, body_fvs, body_escs, body_lvs)
<- mfix $ \ ~(_, _, _, _, _, rec_body_fvs, _, _) -> do
live_in_cont <- getVarsLiveInCont
( bind2, bind_fvs, bind_escs, bind_lv_info, env_ext)
<- setVarsLiveInCont (if let_no_escape
then live_in_cont
else emptyLiveInfo)
(vars_bind rec_body_fvs bind)
extendVarEnvLne env_ext $ do
(body2, body_fvs, body_escs) <- coreToStgExpr body
body_lv_info <- freeVarsToLiveVars body_fvs
return (bind2, bind_fvs, bind_escs, getLiveVars bind_lv_info,
body2, body_fvs, body_escs, getLiveVars body_lv_info)
new_let | let_no_escape = StgLetNoEscape live_in_whole_let bind_lvs bind2 body2
| otherwise = StgLet bind2 body2
= binders `minusFVBinders` (bind_fvs `unionFVInfo` body_fvs)
= bind_lvs `unionVarSet` (body_lvs `delVarSetList` binders)
real_bind_escs = if let_no_escape then
getFVSet bind_fvs
let_escs = (real_bind_escs `unionVarSet` body_escs) `delVarSetList` binders
all_escs = bind_escs `unionVarSet` body_escs
no_binder_escapes = isEmptyVarSet (set_of_binders `intersectVarSet` all_escs)
| debugIsOn && not no_binder_escapes && any is_join_var binders
= pprTrace "Interesting! A join var that isn't let-no-escaped" (ppr binders)
| otherwise = no_binder_escapes
return (
set_of_binders = mkVarSet binders
binders = bindersOf bind
mk_binding bind_lv_info binder rhs
= (binder, LetBound (NestedLet live_vars) (manifestArity rhs))
live_vars | let_no_escape = addLiveVar bind_lv_info binder
| otherwise = unitLiveVar binder
vars_bind :: FreeVarsInfo
-> CoreBind
-> LneM (StgBinding,
[(Id, HowBound)])
vars_bind body_fvs (NonRec binder rhs) = do
(rhs2, bind_fvs, bind_lv_info, escs) <- coreToStgRhs body_fvs [] (binder,rhs)
env_ext_item = mk_binding bind_lv_info binder rhs
return (StgNonRec binder rhs2,
bind_fvs, escs, bind_lv_info, [env_ext_item])
vars_bind body_fvs (Rec pairs)
= mfix $ \ ~(_, rec_rhs_fvs, _, bind_lv_info, _) ->
rec_scope_fvs = unionFVInfo body_fvs rec_rhs_fvs
binders = map fst pairs
env_ext = [ mk_binding bind_lv_info b rhs
| (b,rhs) <- pairs ]
extendVarEnvLne env_ext $ do
(rhss2, fvss, lv_infos, escss)
<- mapAndUnzip4M (coreToStgRhs rec_scope_fvs binders) pairs
bind_fvs = unionFVInfos fvss
bind_lv_info = foldr unionLiveInfo emptyLiveInfo lv_infos
escs = unionVarSets escss
return (StgRec (binders `zip` rhss2),
bind_fvs, escs, bind_lv_info, env_ext)
is_join_var :: Id -> Bool
is_join_var j = occNameString (getOccName j) == "$j"
coreToStgRhs :: FreeVarsInfo
-> [Id]
-> (Id,CoreExpr)
-> LneM (StgRhs, FreeVarsInfo, LiveInfo, EscVarsSet)
coreToStgRhs scope_fv_info binders (bndr, rhs) = do
(new_rhs, rhs_fvs, rhs_escs) <- coreToStgExpr rhs
lv_info <- freeVarsToLiveVars (binders `minusFVBinders` rhs_fvs)
return (mkStgRhs rhs_fvs (mkSRT lv_info) bndr_info new_rhs,
rhs_fvs, lv_info, rhs_escs)
bndr_info = lookupFVInfo scope_fv_info bndr
mkStgRhs :: FreeVarsInfo -> SRT -> StgBinderInfo -> StgExpr -> StgRhs
mkStgRhs _ _ _ (StgConApp con args) = StgRhsCon noCCS con args
mkStgRhs rhs_fvs srt binder_info (StgLam _ bndrs body)
= StgRhsClosure noCCS binder_info
(getFVs rhs_fvs)
srt bndrs body
mkStgRhs rhs_fvs srt binder_info rhs
= StgRhsClosure noCCS binder_info
(getFVs rhs_fvs)
upd_flag srt [] rhs
upd_flag = Updatable
Detect thunks which will reduce immediately to PAPs, and make them
non-updatable. This has several advantages:
- the non-updatable thunk behaves exactly like the PAP,
- the thunk is more efficient to enter, because it is
specialised to the task.
- we save one update frame, one stg_update_PAP, one update
and lots of PAP_enters.
- in the case where the thunk is top-level, we save building
a black hole and futhermore the thunk isn't considered to
be a CAF any more, so it doesn't appear in any SRTs.
We do it here, because the arity information is accurate, and we need
to do it before the SRT pass to save the SRT entries associated with
any top-level PAPs.
isPAP env (StgApp f args) = listLengthCmp args arity == LT -- idArity f > length args
arity = stgArity f (lookupBinding env f)
isPAP env _ = False
%* *
\subsection[LNE-monad]{A little monad for this let-no-escaping pass}
%* *
There's a lot of stuff to pass around, so we use this @LneM@ monad to
help. All the stuff here is only passed *down*.
newtype LneM a = LneM
{ unLneM :: IdEnv HowBound
-> LiveInfo
-> a
type LiveInfo = (StgLiveVars,
type EscVarsSet = IdSet
type CafSet = IdSet
data HowBound
= ImportBound
| LetBound
| LambdaBound
data LetInfo
= TopLet
| NestedLet LiveInfo
isLetBound :: HowBound -> Bool
isLetBound (LetBound _ _) = True
isLetBound _ = False
topLevelBound :: HowBound -> Bool
topLevelBound ImportBound = True
topLevelBound (LetBound TopLet _) = True
topLevelBound _ = False
For a let(rec)-bound variable, x, we record LiveInfo, the set of
variables that are live if x is live. This LiveInfo comprises
(a) dynamic live variables (ones with a non-top-level binding)
(b) static live variabes (CAFs or things that refer to CAFs)
For "normal" variables (a) is just x alone. If x is a let-no-escaped
variable then x is represented by a code pointer and a stack pointer
(well, one for each stack). So all of the variables needed in the
execution of x are live if x is, and are therefore recorded in the
LetBound constructor; x itself *is* included.
The set of dynamic live variables is guaranteed ot have no further let-no-escaped
variables in it.
emptyLiveInfo :: LiveInfo
emptyLiveInfo = (emptyVarSet,emptyVarSet)
unitLiveVar :: Id -> LiveInfo
unitLiveVar lv = (unitVarSet lv, emptyVarSet)
unitLiveCaf :: Id -> LiveInfo
unitLiveCaf caf = (emptyVarSet, unitVarSet caf)
addLiveVar :: LiveInfo -> Id -> LiveInfo
addLiveVar (lvs, cafs) id = (lvs `extendVarSet` id, cafs)
unionLiveInfo :: LiveInfo -> LiveInfo -> LiveInfo
unionLiveInfo (lv1,caf1) (lv2,caf2) = (lv1 `unionVarSet` lv2, caf1 `unionVarSet` caf2)
mkSRT :: LiveInfo -> SRT
mkSRT (_, cafs) = SRTEntries cafs
getLiveVars :: LiveInfo -> StgLiveVars
getLiveVars (lvs, _) = lvs
The std monad functions:
initLne :: IdEnv HowBound -> LneM a -> a
initLne env m = unLneM m env emptyLiveInfo
returnLne :: a -> LneM a
returnLne e = LneM $ \_ _ -> e
thenLne :: LneM a -> (a -> LneM b) -> LneM b
thenLne m k = LneM $ \env lvs_cont
-> unLneM (k (unLneM m env lvs_cont)) env lvs_cont
instance Monad LneM where
return = returnLne
(>>=) = thenLne
instance MonadFix LneM where
mfix expr = LneM $ \env lvs_cont ->
let result = unLneM (expr result) env lvs_cont
in result
Functions specific to this monad:
getVarsLiveInCont :: LneM LiveInfo
getVarsLiveInCont = LneM $ \_env lvs_cont -> lvs_cont
setVarsLiveInCont :: LiveInfo -> LneM a -> LneM a
setVarsLiveInCont new_lvs_cont expr
= LneM $ \env _lvs_cont
-> unLneM expr env new_lvs_cont
extendVarEnvLne :: [(Id, HowBound)] -> LneM a -> LneM a
extendVarEnvLne ids_w_howbound expr
= LneM $ \env lvs_cont
-> unLneM expr (extendVarEnvList env ids_w_howbound) lvs_cont
lookupVarLne :: Id -> LneM HowBound
lookupVarLne v = LneM $ \env _lvs_cont -> lookupBinding env v
lookupBinding :: IdEnv HowBound -> Id -> HowBound
lookupBinding env v = case lookupVarEnv env v of
Just xx -> xx
Nothing -> ASSERT2( isGlobalId v, ppr v ) ImportBound
freeVarsToLiveVars :: FreeVarsInfo -> LneM LiveInfo
freeVarsToLiveVars fvs = LneM freeVarsToLiveVars'
freeVarsToLiveVars' _env live_in_cont = live_info
live_info = foldr unionLiveInfo live_in_cont lvs_from_fvs
lvs_from_fvs = map do_one (allFreeIds fvs)
do_one (v, how_bound)
= case how_bound of
ImportBound -> unitLiveCaf v
LetBound TopLet _
| mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo v) -> unitLiveCaf v
| otherwise -> emptyLiveInfo
LetBound (NestedLet lvs) _ -> lvs
_lambda_or_case_binding -> unitLiveVar v
%* *
\subsection[Free-var info]{Free variable information}
%* *
type FreeVarsInfo = VarEnv (Var, HowBound, StgBinderInfo)
emptyFVInfo :: FreeVarsInfo
emptyFVInfo = emptyVarEnv
singletonFVInfo :: Id -> HowBound -> StgBinderInfo -> FreeVarsInfo
singletonFVInfo id ImportBound info
| mayHaveCafRefs (idCafInfo id) = unitVarEnv id (id, ImportBound, info)
| otherwise = emptyVarEnv
singletonFVInfo id how_bound info = unitVarEnv id (id, how_bound, info)
unionFVInfo :: FreeVarsInfo -> FreeVarsInfo -> FreeVarsInfo
unionFVInfo fv1 fv2 = plusVarEnv_C plusFVInfo fv1 fv2
unionFVInfos :: [FreeVarsInfo] -> FreeVarsInfo
unionFVInfos fvs = foldr unionFVInfo emptyFVInfo fvs
minusFVBinders :: [Id] -> FreeVarsInfo -> FreeVarsInfo
minusFVBinders vs fv = foldr minusFVBinder fv vs
minusFVBinder :: Id -> FreeVarsInfo -> FreeVarsInfo
minusFVBinder v fv = fv `delVarEnv` v
elementOfFVInfo :: Id -> FreeVarsInfo -> Bool
elementOfFVInfo id fvs = maybeToBool (lookupVarEnv fvs id)
lookupFVInfo :: FreeVarsInfo -> Id -> StgBinderInfo
lookupFVInfo fvs id
| isExternalName (idName id) = noBinderInfo
| otherwise = case lookupVarEnv fvs id of
Nothing -> noBinderInfo
Just (_,_,info) -> info
allFreeIds :: FreeVarsInfo -> [(Id,HowBound)]
allFreeIds fvs = ASSERT( all (isId . fst) ids ) ids
ids = [(id,how_bound) | (id,how_bound,_) <- varEnvElts fvs]
getFVs :: FreeVarsInfo -> [Var]
getFVs fvs = [id | (id, how_bound, _) <- varEnvElts fvs,
not (topLevelBound how_bound) ]
getFVSet :: FreeVarsInfo -> VarSet
getFVSet fvs = mkVarSet (getFVs fvs)
plusFVInfo :: (Var, HowBound, StgBinderInfo)
-> (Var, HowBound, StgBinderInfo)
-> (Var, HowBound, StgBinderInfo)
plusFVInfo (id1,hb1,info1) (id2,hb2,info2)
= ASSERT (id1 == id2 && hb1 `check_eq_how_bound` hb2)
(id1, hb1, combineStgBinderInfo info1 info2)
check_eq_how_bound :: HowBound -> HowBound -> Bool
check_eq_how_bound ImportBound ImportBound = True
check_eq_how_bound LambdaBound LambdaBound = True
check_eq_how_bound (LetBound li1 ar1) (LetBound li2 ar2) = ar1 == ar2 && check_eq_li li1 li2
check_eq_how_bound _ _ = False
check_eq_li :: LetInfo -> LetInfo -> Bool
check_eq_li (NestedLet _) (NestedLet _) = True
check_eq_li TopLet TopLet = True
check_eq_li _ _ = False
filterStgBinders :: [Var] -> [Var]
filterStgBinders bndrs = filter isId bndrs
myCollectBinders :: Expr Var -> ([Var], Expr Var)
myCollectBinders expr
= go [] expr
go bs (Lam b e) = go (b:bs) e
go bs e@(Note (SCC _) _) = (reverse bs, e)
go bs (Cast e _) = go bs e
go bs (Note _ e) = go bs e
go bs e = (reverse bs, e)
myCollectArgs :: CoreExpr -> (Id, [CoreArg])
myCollectArgs expr
= go expr []
go (Var v) as = (v, as)
go (App f a) as = go f (a:as)
go (Note (SCC _) _) _ = pprPanic "CoreToStg.myCollectArgs" (ppr expr)
go (Cast e _) as = go e as
go (Note _ e) as = go e as
go (Lam b e) as
| isTyVar b = go e as
go _ _ = pprPanic "CoreToStg.myCollectArgs" (ppr expr)
Note [Collect args]
This big-lambda case occurred following a rather obscure eta expansion.
It all seems a bit yukky to me.
stgArity :: Id -> HowBound -> Arity
stgArity _ (LetBound _ arity) = arity
stgArity f ImportBound = idArity f
stgArity _ LambdaBound = 0