module RegAlloc.Graph.SpillClean (
import RegAlloc.Liveness
import Instruction
import Reg
import BlockId
import OldCmm
import UniqSet
import UniqFM
import Unique
import State
import Outputable
import Platform
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
type Slot = Int
:: Instruction instr
=> Platform -> LiveCmmTop statics instr -> LiveCmmTop statics instr
cleanSpills platform cmm
= evalState (cleanSpin platform 0 cmm) initCleanS
:: Instruction instr
=> Platform
-> Int
-> LiveCmmTop statics instr
-> CleanM (LiveCmmTop statics instr)
cleanSpin platform spinCount code
= do
modify $ \s -> s
{ sCleanedSpillsAcc = 0
, sCleanedReloadsAcc = 0
, sReloadedBy = emptyUFM }
code_forward <- mapBlockTopM (cleanBlockForward platform) code
code_backward <- cleanTopBackward code_forward
spills <- gets sCleanedSpillsAcc
reloads <- gets sCleanedReloadsAcc
modify $ \s -> s
{ sCleanedCount = (spills, reloads) : sCleanedCount s }
cleanedCount <- gets sCleanedCount
if take 2 cleanedCount == [(0, 0), (0, 0)]
then return code
else cleanSpin platform (spinCount + 1) code_backward
:: Instruction instr
=> Platform
-> LiveBasicBlock instr
-> CleanM (LiveBasicBlock instr)
cleanBlockForward platform (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
= do
jumpValid <- gets sJumpValid
let assoc = case lookupUFM jumpValid blockId of
Just assoc -> assoc
Nothing -> emptyAssoc
instrs_reload <- cleanForward platform blockId assoc [] instrs
return $ BasicBlock blockId instrs_reload
:: Instruction instr
=> Platform
-> BlockId
-> Assoc Store
-> [LiveInstr instr]
-> [LiveInstr instr]
-> CleanM [LiveInstr instr]
cleanForward _ _ _ acc []
= return acc
cleanForward platform blockId assoc acc (li1 : li2 : instrs)
| LiveInstr (SPILL reg1 slot1) _ <- li1
, LiveInstr (RELOAD slot2 reg2) _ <- li2
, slot1 == slot2
= do
modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedReloadsAcc = sCleanedReloadsAcc s + 1 }
cleanForward platform blockId assoc acc
(li1 : LiveInstr (mkRegRegMoveInstr platform reg1 reg2) Nothing : instrs)
cleanForward platform blockId assoc acc (li@(LiveInstr i1 _) : instrs)
| Just (r1, r2) <- takeRegRegMoveInstr i1
= if r1 == r2
then cleanForward platform blockId assoc acc instrs
else do let assoc' = addAssoc (SReg r1) (SReg r2)
$ delAssoc (SReg r2)
$ assoc
cleanForward platform blockId assoc' (li : acc) instrs
cleanForward platform blockId assoc acc (li : instrs)
| LiveInstr (SPILL reg slot) _ <- li
= let assoc' = addAssoc (SReg reg) (SSlot slot)
$ delAssoc (SSlot slot)
$ assoc
in cleanForward platform blockId assoc' (li : acc) instrs
| LiveInstr (RELOAD{}) _ <- li
= do (assoc', mli) <- cleanReload platform blockId assoc li
case mli of
Nothing -> cleanForward platform blockId assoc' acc instrs
Just li' -> cleanForward platform blockId assoc' (li' : acc) instrs
| LiveInstr instr _ <- li
, targets <- jumpDestsOfInstr instr
, not $ null targets
= do mapM_ (accJumpValid assoc) targets
cleanForward platform blockId assoc (li : acc) instrs
| LiveInstr instr _ <- li
, RU _ written <- regUsageOfInstr instr
= let assoc' = foldr delAssoc assoc (map SReg $ nub written)
in cleanForward platform blockId assoc' (li : acc) instrs
:: Instruction instr
=> Platform
-> BlockId
-> Assoc Store
-> LiveInstr instr
-> CleanM (Assoc Store, Maybe (LiveInstr instr))
cleanReload platform blockId assoc li@(LiveInstr (RELOAD slot reg) _)
| elemAssoc (SSlot slot) (SReg reg) assoc
= do modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedReloadsAcc = sCleanedReloadsAcc s + 1 }
return (assoc, Nothing)
| Just reg2 <- findRegOfSlot assoc slot
= do modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedReloadsAcc = sCleanedReloadsAcc s + 1 }
let assoc' = addAssoc (SReg reg) (SReg reg2)
$ delAssoc (SReg reg)
$ assoc
return (assoc', Just $ LiveInstr (mkRegRegMoveInstr platform reg2 reg) Nothing)
| otherwise
= do
let assoc' = addAssoc (SReg reg) (SSlot slot)
$ delAssoc (SReg reg)
$ assoc
accBlockReloadsSlot blockId slot
return (assoc', Just li)
cleanReload _ _ _ _
= panic "RegSpillClean.cleanReload: unhandled instr"
:: Instruction instr
=> LiveCmmTop statics instr
-> CleanM (LiveCmmTop statics instr)
cleanTopBackward cmm
= case cmm of
-> return cmm
CmmProc info label sccs
| LiveInfo _ _ _ liveSlotsOnEntry <- info
-> do sccs' <- mapM (mapSCCM (cleanBlockBackward liveSlotsOnEntry)) sccs
return $ CmmProc info label sccs'
:: Instruction instr
=> Map BlockId (Set Int)
-> LiveBasicBlock instr
-> CleanM (LiveBasicBlock instr)
cleanBlockBackward liveSlotsOnEntry (BasicBlock blockId instrs)
= do instrs_spill <- cleanBackward liveSlotsOnEntry emptyUniqSet [] instrs
return $ BasicBlock blockId instrs_spill
:: Instruction instr
=> Map BlockId (Set Int)
-> UniqSet Int
-> [LiveInstr instr]
-> [LiveInstr instr]
-> CleanM [LiveInstr instr]
cleanBackward liveSlotsOnEntry noReloads acc lis
= do reloadedBy <- gets sReloadedBy
cleanBackward' liveSlotsOnEntry reloadedBy noReloads acc lis
cleanBackward' _ _ _ acc []
= return acc
cleanBackward' liveSlotsOnEntry reloadedBy noReloads acc (li : instrs)
| LiveInstr (SPILL _ slot) _ <- li
, Nothing <- lookupUFM reloadedBy (SSlot slot)
= do modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedSpillsAcc = sCleanedSpillsAcc s + 1 }
cleanBackward liveSlotsOnEntry noReloads acc instrs
| LiveInstr (SPILL _ slot) _ <- li
= if elementOfUniqSet slot noReloads
then do
modify $ \s -> s { sCleanedSpillsAcc = sCleanedSpillsAcc s + 1 }
cleanBackward liveSlotsOnEntry noReloads acc instrs
else do
let noReloads' = addOneToUniqSet noReloads slot
cleanBackward liveSlotsOnEntry noReloads' (li : acc) instrs
| LiveInstr (RELOAD slot _) _ <- li
, noReloads' <- delOneFromUniqSet noReloads slot
= cleanBackward liveSlotsOnEntry noReloads' (li : acc) instrs
| LiveInstr instr _ <- li
, targets <- jumpDestsOfInstr instr
= do
let slotsReloadedByTargets
= Set.unions
$ catMaybes
$ map (flip Map.lookup liveSlotsOnEntry)
$ targets
let noReloads' = foldl' delOneFromUniqSet noReloads
$ Set.toList slotsReloadedByTargets
cleanBackward liveSlotsOnEntry noReloads' (li : acc) instrs
| otherwise
= cleanBackward liveSlotsOnEntry noReloads (li : acc) instrs
collateJoinPoints :: CleanM ()
= modify $ \s -> s
{ sJumpValid = mapUFM intersects (sJumpValidAcc s)
, sJumpValidAcc = emptyUFM }
intersects :: [Assoc Store] -> Assoc Store
intersects [] = emptyAssoc
intersects assocs = foldl1' intersectAssoc assocs
findRegOfSlot :: Assoc Store -> Int -> Maybe Reg
findRegOfSlot assoc slot
| close <- closeAssoc (SSlot slot) assoc
, Just (SReg reg) <- find isStoreReg $ uniqSetToList close
= Just reg
| otherwise
= Nothing
type CleanM = State CleanS
data CleanS
= CleanS
sJumpValid :: UniqFM (Assoc Store)
, sJumpValidAcc :: UniqFM [Assoc Store]
, sReloadedBy :: UniqFM [BlockId]
, sCleanedCount :: [(Int, Int)]
, sCleanedSpillsAcc :: Int
, sCleanedReloadsAcc :: Int }
initCleanS :: CleanS
= CleanS
{ sJumpValid = emptyUFM
, sJumpValidAcc = emptyUFM
, sReloadedBy = emptyUFM
, sCleanedCount = []
, sCleanedSpillsAcc = 0
, sCleanedReloadsAcc = 0 }
accJumpValid :: Assoc Store -> BlockId -> CleanM ()
accJumpValid assocs target
= modify $ \s -> s {
sJumpValidAcc = addToUFM_C (++)
(sJumpValidAcc s)
[assocs] }
accBlockReloadsSlot :: BlockId -> Slot -> CleanM ()
accBlockReloadsSlot blockId slot
= modify $ \s -> s {
sReloadedBy = addToUFM_C (++)
(sReloadedBy s)
(SSlot slot)
[blockId] }
data Store
= SSlot Int
| SReg Reg
isStoreReg :: Store -> Bool
isStoreReg ss
= case ss of
SSlot _ -> False
SReg _ -> True
instance Uniquable Store where
getUnique (SReg r)
| RegReal (RealRegSingle i) <- r
= mkRegSingleUnique i
| RegReal (RealRegPair r1 r2) <- r
= mkRegPairUnique (r1 * 65535 + r2)
| otherwise
= error "RegSpillClean.getUnique: found virtual reg during spill clean, only real regs expected."
getUnique (SSlot i) = mkRegSubUnique i
instance Outputable Store where
ppr (SSlot i) = text "slot" <> int i
ppr (SReg r) = ppr r
type Assoc a = UniqFM (UniqSet a)
emptyAssoc :: Assoc a
emptyAssoc = emptyUFM
addAssoc :: Uniquable a
=> a -> a -> Assoc a -> Assoc a
addAssoc a b m
= let m1 = addToUFM_C unionUniqSets m a (unitUniqSet b)
m2 = addToUFM_C unionUniqSets m1 b (unitUniqSet a)
in m2
delAssoc :: (Outputable a, Uniquable a)
=> a -> Assoc a -> Assoc a
delAssoc a m
| Just aSet <- lookupUFM m a
, m1 <- delFromUFM m a
= foldUniqSet (\x m -> delAssoc1 x a m) m1 aSet
| otherwise = m
delAssoc1 :: Uniquable a
=> a -> a -> Assoc a -> Assoc a
delAssoc1 a b m
| Just aSet <- lookupUFM m a
= addToUFM m a (delOneFromUniqSet aSet b)
| otherwise = m
elemAssoc :: (Outputable a, Uniquable a)
=> a -> a -> Assoc a -> Bool
elemAssoc a b m
= elementOfUniqSet b (closeAssoc a m)
closeAssoc :: (Outputable a, Uniquable a)
=> a -> Assoc a -> UniqSet a
closeAssoc a assoc
= closeAssoc' assoc emptyUniqSet (unitUniqSet a)
closeAssoc' assoc visited toVisit
= case uniqSetToList toVisit of
[] -> visited
| elementOfUniqSet x visited
-> closeAssoc' assoc visited (delOneFromUniqSet toVisit x)
| otherwise
-> let neighbors
= case lookupUFM assoc x of
Nothing -> emptyUniqSet
Just set -> set
in closeAssoc' assoc
(addOneToUniqSet visited x)
(unionUniqSets toVisit neighbors)
:: Uniquable a
=> Assoc a -> Assoc a -> Assoc a
intersectAssoc a b
= intersectUFM_C (intersectUniqSets) a b