module TcInteract (
solveInteract, solveInteractGiven, solveInteractWanted,
AtomicInert, tyVarsOfInert,
InertSet, emptyInert, updInertSet, extractUnsolved, solveOne,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import BasicTypes
import TcCanonical
import VarSet
import Type
import Unify
import Id
import Var
import TcType
import HsBinds
import Inst( tyVarsOfEvVar )
import Class
import TyCon
import Name
import FunDeps
import Coercion
import Outputable
import TcRnTypes
import TcErrors
import TcSMonad
import Maybes( orElse )
import Bag
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad( when )
import FastString ( sLit )
import DynFlags
Note [InertSet invariants]
An InertSet is a bag of canonical constraints, with the following invariants:
1 No two constraints react with each other.
A tricky case is when there exists a given (solved) dictionary
constraint and a wanted identical constraint in the inert set, but do
not react because reaction would create loopy dictionary evidence for
the wanted. See note [Recursive dictionaries]
2 Given equalities form an idempotent substitution [none of the
given LHS's occur in any of the given RHS's or reactant parts]
3 Wanted equalities also form an idempotent substitution
4 The entire set of equalities is acyclic.
5 Wanted dictionaries are inert with the top-level axiom set
6 Equalities of the form tv1 ~ tv2 always have a touchable variable
on the left (if possible).
7 No wanted constraints tv1 ~ tv2 with tv1 touchable. Such constraints
will be marked as solved right before being pushed into the inert set.
See note [Touchables and givens].
8 No Given constraint mentions a touchable unification variable, but
Given/Solved may do so.
9 Given constraints will also have their superclasses in the inert set,
but Given/Solved will not.
Note that 6 and 7 are /not/ enforced by canonicalization but rather by
insertion in the inert list, ie by TcInteract.
During the process of solving, the inert set will contain some
previously given constraints, some wanted constraints, and some given
constraints which have arisen from solving wanted constraints. For
now we do not distinguish between given and solved constraints.
Note that we must switch wanted inert items to given when going under an
implication constraint (when in top-level inference mode).
data CCanMap a = CCanMap { cts_given :: Map.Map a CanonicalCts
, cts_derived :: Map.Map a CanonicalCts
, cts_wanted :: Map.Map a CanonicalCts }
cCanMapToBag :: Ord a => CCanMap a -> CanonicalCts
cCanMapToBag cmap = Map.fold unionBags rest_wder (cts_given cmap)
where rest_wder = Map.fold unionBags rest_der (cts_wanted cmap)
rest_der = Map.fold unionBags emptyCCan (cts_derived cmap)
emptyCCanMap :: CCanMap a
emptyCCanMap = CCanMap { cts_given = Map.empty
, cts_derived = Map.empty, cts_wanted = Map.empty }
updCCanMap:: Ord a => (a,CanonicalCt) -> CCanMap a -> CCanMap a
updCCanMap (a,ct) cmap
= case cc_flavor ct of
Wanted {}
-> cmap { cts_wanted = Map.insertWith unionBags a this_ct (cts_wanted cmap) }
Given {}
-> cmap { cts_given = Map.insertWith unionBags a this_ct (cts_given cmap) }
Derived {}
-> cmap { cts_derived = Map.insertWith unionBags a this_ct (cts_derived cmap) }
where this_ct = singleCCan ct
getRelevantCts :: Ord a => a -> CCanMap a -> (CanonicalCts, CCanMap a)
getRelevantCts a cmap
= let relevant = unionManyBags [ Map.findWithDefault emptyCCan a (cts_wanted cmap)
, Map.findWithDefault emptyCCan a (cts_given cmap)
, Map.findWithDefault emptyCCan a (cts_derived cmap) ]
residual_map = cmap { cts_wanted = Map.delete a (cts_wanted cmap)
, cts_given = Map.delete a (cts_given cmap)
, cts_derived = Map.delete a (cts_derived cmap) }
in (relevant, residual_map)
extractUnsolvedCMap :: Ord a => CCanMap a -> (CanonicalCts, CCanMap a)
extractUnsolvedCMap cmap =
let wntd = Map.fold unionBags emptyCCan (cts_wanted cmap)
derd = Map.fold unionBags emptyCCan (cts_derived cmap)
in (wntd `unionBags` derd,
cmap { cts_wanted = Map.empty, cts_derived = Map.empty })
data InertSet
= IS { inert_eqs :: CanonicalCts
, inert_dicts :: CCanMap Class
, inert_ips :: CCanMap (IPName Name)
, inert_frozen :: CanonicalCts
, inert_funeqs :: CCanMap TyCon
tyVarsOfInert :: InertSet -> TcTyVarSet
tyVarsOfInert (IS { inert_eqs = eqs
, inert_dicts = dictmap
, inert_ips = ipmap
, inert_frozen = frozen
, inert_funeqs = funeqmap }) = tyVarsOfCanonicals cts
cts = eqs `andCCan` frozen `andCCan` cCanMapToBag dictmap
`andCCan` cCanMapToBag ipmap `andCCan` cCanMapToBag funeqmap
instance Outputable InertSet where
ppr is = vcat [ vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_eqs is))
, vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_dicts is)))
, vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_ips is)))
, vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_funeqs is)))
, text "Frozen errors =" <+>
vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_frozen is))
emptyInert :: InertSet
emptyInert = IS { inert_eqs = Bag.emptyBag
, inert_frozen = Bag.emptyBag
, inert_dicts = emptyCCanMap
, inert_ips = emptyCCanMap
, inert_funeqs = emptyCCanMap }
updInertSet :: InertSet -> AtomicInert -> InertSet
updInertSet is item
| isCTyEqCan item
= let eqs' = inert_eqs is `Bag.snocBag` item
in is { inert_eqs = eqs' }
| Just cls <- isCDictCan_Maybe item
= is { inert_dicts = updCCanMap (cls,item) (inert_dicts is) }
| Just x <- isCIPCan_Maybe item
= is { inert_ips = updCCanMap (x,item) (inert_ips is) }
| Just tc <- isCFunEqCan_Maybe item
= is { inert_funeqs = updCCanMap (tc,item) (inert_funeqs is) }
| otherwise
= is { inert_frozen = inert_frozen is `Bag.snocBag` item }
extractUnsolved :: InertSet -> (InertSet, CanonicalCts)
extractUnsolved is@(IS {inert_eqs = eqs})
= let is_solved = is { inert_eqs = solved_eqs
, inert_dicts = solved_dicts
, inert_ips = solved_ips
, inert_frozen = emptyCCan
, inert_funeqs = solved_funeqs }
in (is_solved, unsolved)
where (unsolved_eqs, solved_eqs) = Bag.partitionBag (not.isGivenOrSolvedCt) eqs
(unsolved_ips, solved_ips) = extractUnsolvedCMap (inert_ips is)
(unsolved_dicts, solved_dicts) = extractUnsolvedCMap (inert_dicts is)
(unsolved_funeqs, solved_funeqs) = extractUnsolvedCMap (inert_funeqs is)
unsolved = unsolved_eqs `unionBags` inert_frozen is `unionBags`
unsolved_ips `unionBags` unsolved_dicts `unionBags` unsolved_funeqs
%* *
* Main Interaction Solver *
* *
Note [Basic plan]
1. Canonicalise (unary)
2. Pairwise interaction (binary)
* Take one from work list
* Try all pair-wise interactions with each constraint in inert
As an optimisation, we prioritize the equalities both in the
worklist and in the inerts.
3. Try to solve spontaneously for equalities involving touchables
4. Top-level interaction (binary wrt top-level)
Superclass decomposition belongs in (4), see note [Superclasses]
type AtomicInert = CanonicalCt
type WorkItem = CanonicalCt
data StopOrContinue
= Stop
| ContinueWith WorkItem
instance Outputable StopOrContinue where
ppr Stop = ptext (sLit "Stop")
ppr (ContinueWith w) = ptext (sLit "ContinueWith") <+> ppr w
data StageResult
= SR { sr_inerts :: InertSet
, sr_new_work :: WorkList
, sr_stop :: StopOrContinue
instance Outputable StageResult where
ppr (SR { sr_inerts = inerts, sr_new_work = work, sr_stop = stop })
= ptext (sLit "SR") <+>
braces (sep [ ptext (sLit "inerts =") <+> ppr inerts <> comma
, ptext (sLit "new work =") <+> ppr work <> comma
, ptext (sLit "stop =") <+> ppr stop])
type SubGoalDepth = Int
type SimplifierStage = SubGoalDepth -> WorkItem -> InertSet -> TcS StageResult
runSolverPipeline :: SubGoalDepth
-> [(String, SimplifierStage)]
-> InertSet -> WorkItem
-> TcS (InertSet, WorkList)
runSolverPipeline depth pipeline inerts workItem
= do { traceTcS "Start solver pipeline" $
vcat [ ptext (sLit "work item =") <+> ppr workItem
, ptext (sLit "inerts =") <+> ppr inerts]
; let itr_in = SR { sr_inerts = inerts
, sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
, sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
; itr_out <- run_pipeline pipeline itr_in
; let new_inert
= case sr_stop itr_out of
Stop -> sr_inerts itr_out
ContinueWith item -> sr_inerts itr_out `updInertSet` item
; return (new_inert, sr_new_work itr_out) }
run_pipeline :: [(String, SimplifierStage)]
-> StageResult -> TcS StageResult
run_pipeline [] itr = return itr
run_pipeline _ itr@(SR { sr_stop = Stop }) = return itr
run_pipeline ((name,stage):stages)
(SR { sr_new_work = accum_work
, sr_inerts = inerts
, sr_stop = ContinueWith work_item })
= do { itr <- stage depth work_item inerts
; traceTcS ("Stage result (" ++ name ++ ")") (ppr itr)
; let itr' = itr { sr_new_work = accum_work `unionWorkList` sr_new_work itr }
; run_pipeline stages itr' }
Example 1:
Inert: {c ~ d, F a ~ t, b ~ Int, a ~ ty} (all given)
Reagent: a ~ [b] (given)
React with (c~d) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[b])) True []
React with (F a ~ t) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[b])) False [F [b] ~ t]
React with (b ~ Int) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[Int]) True []
Example 2:
Inert: {c ~w d, F a ~g t, b ~w Int, a ~w ty}
Reagent: a ~w [b]
React with (c ~w d) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[b])) True []
React with (F a ~g t) ==> IR (ContinueWith (a~[b])) True [] (can't rewrite given with wanted!)
Example 3:
Inert: {a ~ Int, F Int ~ b} (given)
Reagent: F a ~ b (wanted)
React with (a ~ Int) ==> IR (ContinueWith (F Int ~ b)) True []
React with (F Int ~ b) ==> IR Stop True [] -- after substituting we re-canonicalize and get nothing
solveInteractGiven :: InertSet -> GivenLoc -> [EvVar] -> TcS InertSet
solveInteractGiven inert gloc evs
= do { (_, inert_ret) <- solveInteract inert $ listToBag $
map mk_given evs
; return inert_ret }
flav = Given gloc GivenOrig
mk_given ev = mkEvVarX ev flav
solveInteractWanted :: InertSet -> [WantedEvVar] -> TcS InertSet
solveInteractWanted inert wvs
= do { (_,inert_ret) <- solveInteract inert $ listToBag $
map wantedToFlavored wvs
; return inert_ret }
solveInteract :: InertSet -> Bag FlavoredEvVar -> TcS (Bool, InertSet)
solveInteract inert ws
= do { dyn_flags <- getDynFlags
; sctx <- getTcSContext
; traceTcS "solveInteract, before clever canonicalization:" $
vcat [ text "ws = " <+> ppr (mapBag (\(EvVarX ev ct)
-> (ct,evVarPred ev)) ws)
, text "inert = " <+> ppr inert ]
; can_ws <- mkCanonicalFEVs ws
; (flag, inert_ret)
<- foldrWorkListM (tryPreSolveAndInteract sctx dyn_flags) (True,inert) can_ws
; traceTcS "solveInteract, after clever canonicalization (and interaction):" $
vcat [ text "No interaction happened = " <+> ppr flag
, text "inert_ret = " <+> ppr inert_ret ]
; return (flag, inert_ret) }
tryPreSolveAndInteract :: SimplContext
-> DynFlags
-> CanonicalCt
-> (Bool, InertSet)
-> TcS (Bool, InertSet)
tryPreSolveAndInteract sctx dyn_flags ct (all_previous_discharged, inert)
= do { let inert_cts = get_inert_cts (evVarPred ev_var)
; this_one_discharged <-
if isCFrozenErr ct then
return False
dischargeFromCCans inert_cts ev_var fl
; if this_one_discharged
then return (all_previous_discharged, inert)
else do
{ inert_ret <- solveOneWithDepth (ctxtStkDepth dyn_flags,0,[]) ct inert
; return (False, inert_ret) } }
ev_var = cc_id ct
fl = cc_flavor ct
get_inert_cts (ClassP clas _)
| simplEqsOnly sctx = emptyCCan
| otherwise = fst (getRelevantCts clas (inert_dicts inert))
get_inert_cts (IParam {})
= emptyCCan
get_inert_cts (EqPred {})
= inert_eqs inert `unionBags` cCanMapToBag (inert_funeqs inert)
dischargeFromCCans :: CanonicalCts -> EvVar -> CtFlavor -> TcS Bool
dischargeFromCCans cans ev fl
= Bag.foldrBag discharge_ct (return False) cans
the_pred = evVarPred ev
discharge_ct :: CanonicalCt -> TcS Bool -> TcS Bool
discharge_ct ct _rest
| evVarPred (cc_id ct) `eqPred` the_pred
, cc_flavor ct `canSolve` fl
= do { when (isWanted fl) $ setEvBind ev (evVarTerm (cc_id ct))
; return True }
discharge_ct _ct rest = rest
Note [Avoiding the superclass explosion]
This note now is not as significant as it used to be because we no
longer add the superclasses of Wanted as Derived, except only if they
have equality superclasses or superclasses with functional
dependencies. The fear was that hundreds of identical wanteds would
give rise each to the same superclass or equality Derived's which
would lead to a blo-up in the number of interactions.
Instead, what we do with tryPreSolveAndCanon, is when we encounter a
new constraint, we very quickly see if it can be immediately
discharged by a class constraint in our inert set or the previous
canonicals. If so, we add nothing to the returned canonical
solveOne :: WorkItem -> InertSet -> TcS InertSet
solveOne workItem inerts
= do { dyn_flags <- getDynFlags
; solveOneWithDepth (ctxtStkDepth dyn_flags,0,[]) workItem inerts
solveInteractWithDepth :: (Int, Int, [WorkItem])
-> WorkList -> InertSet -> TcS InertSet
solveInteractWithDepth ctxt@(max_depth,n,stack) ws inert
| isEmptyWorkList ws
= return inert
| n > max_depth
= solverDepthErrorTcS n stack
| otherwise
= do { traceTcS "solveInteractWithDepth" $
vcat [ text "Current depth =" <+> ppr n
, text "Max depth =" <+> ppr max_depth
, text "ws =" <+> ppr ws ]
; foldrWorkListM (solveOneWithDepth ctxt) inert ws }
solveOneWithDepth :: (Int, Int, [WorkItem])
-> WorkItem -> InertSet -> TcS InertSet
solveOneWithDepth (max_depth, depth, stack) work inert
= do { traceFireTcS depth (text "Solving {" <+> ppr work)
; (new_inert, new_work) <- runSolverPipeline depth thePipeline inert work
; res_inert <- solveInteractWithDepth (max_depth, depth+1, work:stack) new_work new_inert
; traceFireTcS depth (text "Done }" <+> ppr work)
; return res_inert }
thePipeline :: [(String,SimplifierStage)]
thePipeline = [ ("interact with inert eqs", interactWithInertEqsStage)
, ("interact with inerts", interactWithInertsStage)
, ("spontaneous solve", spontaneousSolveStage)
, ("top-level reactions", topReactionsStage) ]
* *
The spontaneous-solve Stage
* *
Note [Efficient Orientation]
There are two cases where we have to be careful about
orienting equalities to get better efficiency.
Case 1: In Rewriting Equalities (function rewriteEqLHS)
When rewriting two equalities with the same LHS:
(a) (tv ~ xi1)
(b) (tv ~ xi2)
We have a choice of producing work (xi1 ~ xi2) (up-to the
canonicalization invariants) However, to prevent the inert items
from getting kicked out of the inerts first, we prefer to
canonicalize (xi1 ~ xi2) if (b) comes from the inert set, or (xi2
~ xi1) if (a) comes from the inert set.
This choice is implemented using the WhichComesFromInert flag.
Case 2: Functional Dependencies
Again, we should prefer, if possible, the inert variables on the RHS
Case 3: IP improvement work
We must always rewrite so that the inert type is on the right.
spontaneousSolveStage :: SimplifierStage
spontaneousSolveStage depth workItem inerts
= do { mSolve <- trySpontaneousSolve workItem
; case mSolve of
SPCantSolve ->
return $ SR { sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
, sr_inerts = inerts
, sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
SPSolved workItem'
| not (isGivenOrSolvedCt workItem)
-> do { bumpStepCountTcS
; traceFireTcS depth (ptext (sLit "Spontaneous (w/d)") <+> ppr workItem)
; (new_inert, new_work) <- runSolverPipeline depth
[ ("recursive interact with inert eqs", interactWithInertEqsStage)
, ("recursive interact with inerts", interactWithInertsStage)
] inerts workItem'
; return $ SR { sr_new_work = new_work
, sr_inerts = new_inert
, sr_stop = Stop }
| otherwise
do { bumpStepCountTcS
; traceFireTcS depth (ptext (sLit "Spontaneous (g)") <+> ppr workItem)
; return $ SR { sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
, sr_inerts = inerts `updInertSet` workItem'
, sr_stop = Stop } }
SPError ->
return $ SR { sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
, sr_inerts = inerts
, sr_stop = Stop }
data SPSolveResult = SPCantSolve | SPSolved WorkItem | SPError
trySpontaneousSolve :: WorkItem -> TcS SPSolveResult
trySpontaneousSolve workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv, cc_flavor = gw, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi })
| isGivenOrSolved gw
= return SPCantSolve
| Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe xi
= do { tch1 <- isTouchableMetaTyVar tv1
; tch2 <- isTouchableMetaTyVar tv2
; case (tch1, tch2) of
(True, True) -> trySpontaneousEqTwoWay cv gw tv1 tv2
(True, False) -> trySpontaneousEqOneWay cv gw tv1 xi
(False, True) -> trySpontaneousEqOneWay cv gw tv2 (mkTyVarTy tv1)
_ -> return SPCantSolve }
| otherwise
= do { tch1 <- isTouchableMetaTyVar tv1
; if tch1 then trySpontaneousEqOneWay cv gw tv1 xi
else do { traceTcS "Untouchable LHS, can't spontaneously solve workitem:"
(ppr workItem)
; return SPCantSolve }
trySpontaneousSolve _ = return SPCantSolve
trySpontaneousEqOneWay :: CoVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
trySpontaneousEqOneWay cv gw tv xi
| not (isSigTyVar tv) || isTyVarTy xi
= do { let kxi = typeKind xi
; if kxi `isSubKind` tyVarKind tv then
solveWithIdentity cv gw tv xi
else return SPCantSolve
| otherwise
= return SPCantSolve
trySpontaneousEqTwoWay :: CoVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> TcTyVar -> TcS SPSolveResult
trySpontaneousEqTwoWay cv gw tv1 tv2
| k1 `isSubKind` k2
, nicer_to_update_tv2 = solveWithIdentity cv gw tv2 (mkTyVarTy tv1)
| k2 `isSubKind` k1
= solveWithIdentity cv gw tv1 (mkTyVarTy tv2)
| otherwise
= return SPCantSolve
k1 = tyVarKind tv1
k2 = tyVarKind tv2
nicer_to_update_tv2 = isSigTyVar tv1 || isSystemName (Var.varName tv2)
Note [Kind errors]
Consider the wanted problem:
alpha ~ (# Int, Int #)
where alpha :: ?? and (# Int, Int #) :: (#). We can't spontaneously solve this constraint,
but we should rather reject the program that give rise to it. If 'trySpontaneousEqTwoWay'
simply returns @CantSolve@ then that wanted constraint is going to propagate all the way and
get quantified over in inference mode. That's bad because we do know at this point that the
constraint is insoluble. Instead, we call 'recKindErrorTcS' here, which will fail later on.
The same applies in canonicalization code in case of kind errors in the givens.
However, when we canonicalize givens we only check for compatibility (@compatKind@).
If there were a kind error in the givens, this means some form of inconsistency or dead code.
You may think that when we spontaneously solve wanteds we may have to look through the
bindings to determine the right kind of the RHS type. E.g one may be worried that xi is
@alpha@ where alpha :: ? and a previous spontaneous solving has set (alpha := f) with (f :: *).
But we orient our constraints so that spontaneously solved ones can rewrite all other constraint
so this situation can't happen.
Note [Spontaneous solving and kind compatibility]
Note that our canonical constraints insist that *all* equalities (tv ~
xi) or (F xis ~ rhs) require the LHS and the RHS to have *compatible*
the same kinds. ("compatible" means one is a subKind of the other.)
- It can't be *equal* kinds, because
b) wanted constraints don't necessarily have identical kinds
eg alpha::? ~ Int
b) a solved wanted constraint becomes a given
- SPJ thinks that *given* constraints (tv ~ tau) always have that
tau has a sub-kind of tv; and when solving wanted constraints
in trySpontaneousEqTwoWay we re-orient to achieve this.
- Note that the kind invariant is maintained by rewriting.
Eg wanted1 rewrites wanted2; if both were compatible kinds before,
wanted2 will be afterwards. Similarly givens.
- Givens from higher-rank, such as:
type family T b :: * -> * -> *
type instance T Bool = (->)
f :: forall a. ((T a ~ (->)) => ...) -> a -> ...
flop = f (...) True
Whereas we would be able to apply the type instance, we would not be able to
use the given (T Bool ~ (->)) in the body of 'flop'
Note [Avoid double unifications]
The spontaneous solver has to return a given which mentions the unified unification
variable *on the left* of the equality. Here is what happens if not:
Original wanted: (a ~ alpha), (alpha ~ Int)
We spontaneously solve the first wanted, without changing the order!
given : a ~ alpha [having unified alpha := a]
Now the second wanted comes along, but he cannot rewrite the given, so we simply continue.
At the end we spontaneously solve that guy, *reunifying* [alpha := Int]
We avoid this problem by orienting the resulting given so that the unification
variable is on the left. [Note that alternatively we could attempt to
enforce this at canonicalization]
See also Note [No touchables as FunEq RHS] in TcSMonad; avoiding
double unifications is the main reason we disallow touchable
unification variables as RHS of type family equations: F xis ~ alpha.
solveWithIdentity :: CoVar -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
solveWithIdentity cv wd tv xi
= do { traceTcS "Sneaky unification:" $
vcat [text "Coercion variable: " <+> ppr wd,
text "Coercion: " <+> pprEq (mkTyVarTy tv) xi,
text "Left Kind is : " <+> ppr (typeKind (mkTyVarTy tv)),
text "Right Kind is : " <+> ppr (typeKind xi)
; setWantedTyBind tv xi
; let refl_xi = mkReflCo xi
; cv_given <- newGivenCoVar (mkTyVarTy tv) xi refl_xi
; when (isWanted wd) (setCoBind cv refl_xi)
; return $ SPSolved (CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv_given
, cc_flavor = mkSolvedFlavor wd UnkSkol
, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi }) }
* *
The interact-with-inert Stage
* *
Note [The Solver Invariant]
We always add Givens first. So you might think that the solver has
the invariant
If the work-item is Given,
then the inert item must Given
But this isn't quite true. Suppose we have,
c1: [W] beta ~ [alpha], c2 : [W] blah, c3 :[W] alpha ~ Int
After processing the first two, we get
c1: [G] beta ~ [alpha], c2 : [W] blah
Now, c3 does not interact with the the given c1, so when we spontaneously
solve c3, we must re-react it with the inert set. So we can attempt a
reaction between inert c2 [W] and work-item c3 [G].
It *is* true that [Solver Invariant]
If the work-item is Given,
AND there is a reaction
then the inert item must Given
or, equivalently,
If the work-item is Given,
and the inert item is Wanted/Derived
then there is no reaction
data InteractResult
= IR { ir_stop :: StopOrContinue
, ir_inert_action :: InertAction
, ir_new_work :: WorkList
, ir_fire :: Maybe String
data InertAction = KeepInert | DropInert
mkIRContinue :: String -> WorkItem -> InertAction -> WorkList -> TcS InteractResult
mkIRContinue rule wi keep newWork
= return $ IR { ir_stop = ContinueWith wi, ir_inert_action = keep
, ir_new_work = newWork, ir_fire = Just rule }
mkIRStopK :: String -> WorkList -> TcS InteractResult
mkIRStopK rule newWork
= return $ IR { ir_stop = Stop, ir_inert_action = KeepInert
, ir_new_work = newWork, ir_fire = Just rule }
mkIRStopD :: String -> WorkList -> TcS InteractResult
mkIRStopD rule newWork
= return $ IR { ir_stop = Stop, ir_inert_action = DropInert
, ir_new_work = newWork, ir_fire = Just rule }
noInteraction :: Monad m => WorkItem -> m InteractResult
noInteraction wi
= return $ IR { ir_stop = ContinueWith wi, ir_inert_action = KeepInert
, ir_new_work = emptyWorkList, ir_fire = Nothing }
data WhichComesFromInert = LeftComesFromInert | RightComesFromInert
interactWithInertEqsStage :: SimplifierStage
interactWithInertEqsStage depth workItem inert
= Bag.foldrBagM (interactNext depth) initITR (inert_eqs inert)
initITR = SR { sr_inerts = inert { inert_eqs = emptyCCan }
, sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
, sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
interactWithInertsStage :: SimplifierStage
interactWithInertsStage depth workItem inert
= let (relevant, inert_residual) = getISRelevant workItem inert
initITR = SR { sr_inerts = inert_residual
, sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
, sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
in Bag.foldrBagM (interactNext depth) initITR relevant
getISRelevant :: CanonicalCt -> InertSet -> (CanonicalCts, InertSet)
getISRelevant (CFrozenErr {}) is = (emptyCCan, is)
getISRelevant (CDictCan { cc_class = cls } ) is
= let (relevant, residual_map) = getRelevantCts cls (inert_dicts is)
in (relevant, is { inert_dicts = residual_map })
getISRelevant (CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc } ) is
= let (relevant, residual_map) = getRelevantCts tc (inert_funeqs is)
in (relevant, is { inert_funeqs = residual_map })
getISRelevant (CIPCan { cc_ip_nm = nm }) is
= let (relevant, residual_map) = getRelevantCts nm (inert_ips is)
in (relevant, is { inert_ips = residual_map })
getISRelevant _eq_ct is
= let cts = cCanMapToBag (inert_ips is) `unionBags`
cCanMapToBag (inert_dicts is) `unionBags` cCanMapToBag (inert_funeqs is)
in (cts, is { inert_dicts = emptyCCanMap
, inert_ips = emptyCCanMap
, inert_funeqs = emptyCCanMap })
interactNext :: SubGoalDepth -> AtomicInert -> StageResult -> TcS StageResult
interactNext depth inert it
| ContinueWith work_item <- sr_stop it
= do { let inerts = sr_inerts it
; IR { ir_new_work = new_work, ir_inert_action = inert_action
, ir_fire = fire_info, ir_stop = stop }
<- interactWithInert inert work_item
; let mk_msg rule
= text rule <+> keep_doc
<+> vcat [ ptext (sLit "Inert =") <+> ppr inert
, ptext (sLit "Work =") <+> ppr work_item
, ppUnless (isEmptyWorkList new_work) $
ptext (sLit "New =") <+> ppr new_work ]
keep_doc = case inert_action of
KeepInert -> ptext (sLit "[keep]")
DropInert -> ptext (sLit "[drop]")
; case fire_info of
Just rule -> do { bumpStepCountTcS
; traceFireTcS depth (mk_msg rule) }
Nothing -> return ()
; let inerts_new = case inert_action of
KeepInert -> inerts `updInertSet` inert
DropInert -> inerts
; return $ SR { sr_inerts = inerts_new
, sr_new_work = sr_new_work it `unionWorkList` new_work
, sr_stop = stop } }
| otherwise
= return $ it { sr_inerts = (sr_inerts it) `updInertSet` inert }
interactWithInert :: AtomicInert -> WorkItem -> TcS InteractResult
interactWithInert inert workItem
= do { ctxt <- getTcSContext
; let is_allowed = allowedInteraction (simplEqsOnly ctxt) inert workItem
; if is_allowed then
doInteractWithInert inert workItem
noInteraction workItem
allowedInteraction :: Bool -> AtomicInert -> WorkItem -> Bool
allowedInteraction eqs_only (CDictCan {}) (CDictCan {}) = not eqs_only
allowedInteraction eqs_only (CIPCan {}) (CIPCan {}) = not eqs_only
allowedInteraction _ _ _ = True
doInteractWithInert :: CanonicalCt -> CanonicalCt -> TcS InteractResult
inertItem@(CDictCan { cc_id = d1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_class = cls1, cc_tyargs = tys1 })
workItem@(CDictCan { cc_id = d2, cc_flavor = fl2, cc_class = cls2, cc_tyargs = tys2 })
| cls1 == cls2
= do { let pty1 = ClassP cls1 tys1
pty2 = ClassP cls2 tys2
inert_pred_loc = (pty1, pprFlavorArising fl1)
work_item_pred_loc = (pty2, pprFlavorArising fl2)
; any_fundeps
<- if isGivenOrSolved fl1 && isGivenOrSolved fl2 then return Nothing
else let fd_eqns = improveFromAnother inert_pred_loc work_item_pred_loc
wloc = get_workitem_wloc fl2
in rewriteWithFunDeps fd_eqns tys2 wloc
; case any_fundeps of
| eqTypes tys1 tys2 -> solveOneFromTheOther "Cls/Cls" (EvId d1,fl1) workItem
| otherwise -> noInteraction workItem
Just (rewritten_tys2,cos2,fd_work)
| not (eqTypes tys1 rewritten_tys2)
-> do { fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsDerived fd_work
; mkIRContinue "Cls/Cls fundep (not solved)" workItem KeepInert fd_cans }
| otherwise
, let dict_co = mkTyConAppCo (classTyCon cls1) cos2
-> case fl2 of
Given {}
-> pprPanic "Unexpected given!" (ppr inertItem $$ ppr workItem)
Derived {}
-> do { fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsDerived fd_work
; mkIRStopK "Cls/Cls fundep (solved)" fd_cans }
Wanted {}
| isDerived fl1
-> do { setDictBind d2 (EvCast d1 dict_co)
; let inert_w = inertItem { cc_flavor = fl2 }
; fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsWanted fd_work
; mkIRStopD "Cls/Cls fundep (solved)" $
workListFromNonEq inert_w `unionWorkList` fd_cans }
| otherwise
-> do { setDictBind d2 (EvCast d1 dict_co)
; fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsWanted fd_work
; mkIRStopK "Cls/Cls fundep (solved)" fd_cans }
where get_workitem_wloc (Wanted wl) = wl
get_workitem_wloc (Derived wl) = wl
get_workitem_wloc (Given {}) = panic "Unexpected given!"
doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
(CDictCan { cc_id = dv, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_class = cl, cc_tyargs = xis })
| ifl `canRewrite` wfl
, tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes xis
= do { rewritten_dict <- rewriteDict (cv,tv,xi) (dv,wfl,cl,xis)
; mkIRContinue "Eq/Cls" rewritten_dict KeepInert emptyWorkList }
doInteractWithInert (CDictCan { cc_id = dv, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_class = cl, cc_tyargs = xis })
workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
| wfl `canRewrite` ifl
, tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes xis
= do { rewritten_dict <- rewriteDict (cv,tv,xi) (dv,ifl,cl,xis)
; mkIRContinue "Cls/Eq" workItem DropInert (workListFromNonEq rewritten_dict) }
doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
(CIPCan { cc_id = ipid, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_ip_nm = nm, cc_ip_ty = ty })
| ifl `canRewrite` wfl
, tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
= do { rewritten_ip <- rewriteIP (cv,tv,xi) (ipid,wfl,nm,ty)
; mkIRContinue "Eq/IP" rewritten_ip KeepInert emptyWorkList }
doInteractWithInert (CIPCan { cc_id = ipid, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ip_nm = nm, cc_ip_ty = ty })
workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
| wfl `canRewrite` ifl
, tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty
= do { rewritten_ip <- rewriteIP (cv,tv,xi) (ipid,ifl,nm,ty)
; mkIRContinue "IP/Eq" workItem DropInert (workListFromNonEq rewritten_ip) }
doInteractWithInert (CIPCan { cc_id = id1, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ip_nm = nm1, cc_ip_ty = ty1 })
workItem@(CIPCan { cc_flavor = wfl, cc_ip_nm = nm2, cc_ip_ty = ty2 })
| nm1 == nm2 && isGivenOrSolved wfl && isGivenOrSolved ifl
mkIRContinue "IP/IP override" workItem DropInert emptyWorkList
| nm1 == nm2 && ty1 `eqType` ty2
= solveOneFromTheOther "IP/IP" (EvId id1,ifl) workItem
| nm1 == nm2
do { co_var <- newCoVar ty2 ty1
; let flav = Wanted (combineCtLoc ifl wfl)
; cans <- mkCanonical flav co_var
; case wfl of
Given {} -> pprPanic "Unexpected given IP" (ppr workItem)
Derived {} -> pprPanic "Unexpected derived IP" (ppr workItem)
Wanted {} ->
do { setIPBind (cc_id workItem) $
EvCast id1 (mkSymCo (mkCoVarCo co_var))
; mkIRStopK "IP/IP interaction (solved)" cans }
doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv1, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi1 })
(CFunEqCan { cc_id = cv2, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_fun = tc
, cc_tyargs = args, cc_rhs = xi2 })
| ifl `canRewrite` wfl
, tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes (xi2:args)
= do { rewritten_funeq <- rewriteFunEq (cv1,tv,xi1) (cv2,wfl,tc,args,xi2)
; mkIRStopK "Eq/FunEq" (workListFromEq rewritten_funeq) }
doInteractWithInert (CFunEqCan {cc_id = cv1, cc_flavor = ifl, cc_fun = tc
, cc_tyargs = args, cc_rhs = xi1 })
workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv2, cc_flavor = wfl, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi2 })
| wfl `canRewrite` ifl
, tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes (xi1:args)
= do { rewritten_funeq <- rewriteFunEq (cv2,tv,xi2) (cv1,ifl,tc,args,xi1)
; mkIRContinue "FunEq/Eq" workItem DropInert (workListFromEq rewritten_funeq) }
doInteractWithInert (CFunEqCan { cc_id = cv1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_fun = tc1
, cc_tyargs = args1, cc_rhs = xi1 })
workItem@(CFunEqCan { cc_id = cv2, cc_flavor = fl2, cc_fun = tc2
, cc_tyargs = args2, cc_rhs = xi2 })
| tc1 == tc2 && and (zipWith eqType args1 args2)
, Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe fl1
= mkIRContinue "Funeq/Funeq" workItem DropInert emptyWorkList
| tc1 == tc2 && and (zipWith eqType args1 args2)
, Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe fl2
= mkIRStopK "Funeq/Funeq" emptyWorkList
| fl1 `canSolve` fl2 && lhss_match
= do { cans <- rewriteEqLHS LeftComesFromInert (mkCoVarCo cv1,xi1) (cv2,fl2,xi2)
; mkIRStopK "FunEq/FunEq" cans }
| fl2 `canSolve` fl1 && lhss_match
= do { cans <- rewriteEqLHS RightComesFromInert (mkCoVarCo cv2,xi2) (cv1,fl1,xi1)
; mkIRContinue "FunEq/FunEq" workItem DropInert cans }
lhss_match = tc1 == tc2 && eqTypes args1 args2
doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi1 })
workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv2, cc_flavor = fl2, cc_tyvar = tv2, cc_rhs = xi2 })
| fl1 `canSolve` fl2 && tv1 == tv2
= do { cans <- rewriteEqLHS LeftComesFromInert (mkCoVarCo cv1,xi1) (cv2,fl2,xi2)
; mkIRStopK "Eq/Eq lhs" cans }
| fl2 `canSolve` fl1 && tv1 == tv2
= do { cans <- rewriteEqLHS RightComesFromInert (mkCoVarCo cv2,xi2) (cv1,fl1,xi1)
; mkIRContinue "Eq/Eq lhs" workItem DropInert cans }
| fl1 `canRewrite` fl2 && tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType xi2
= do { rewritten_eq <- rewriteEqRHS (cv1,tv1,xi1) (cv2,fl2,tv2,xi2)
; mkIRStopK "Eq/Eq rhs" rewritten_eq }
| fl2 `canRewrite` fl1 && tv2 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfType xi1
= do { rewritten_eq <- rewriteEqRHS (cv2,tv2,xi2) (cv1,fl1,tv1,xi1)
; mkIRContinue "Eq/Eq rhs" workItem DropInert rewritten_eq }
doInteractWithInert (CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi1 })
(CFrozenErr { cc_id = cv2, cc_flavor = fl2 })
| fl1 `canRewrite` fl2 && tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfEvVar cv2
= do { rewritten_frozen <- rewriteFrozen (cv1, tv1, xi1) (cv2, fl2)
; mkIRStopK "Frozen/Eq" rewritten_frozen }
doInteractWithInert (CFrozenErr { cc_id = cv2, cc_flavor = fl2 })
workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_id = cv1, cc_flavor = fl1, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi1 })
| fl1 `canRewrite` fl2 && tv1 `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfEvVar cv2
= do { rewritten_frozen <- rewriteFrozen (cv1, tv1, xi1) (cv2, fl2)
; mkIRContinue "Frozen/Eq" workItem DropInert rewritten_frozen }
doInteractWithInert _ workItem = noInteraction workItem
rewriteDict :: (CoVar, TcTyVar, Xi) -> (DictId, CtFlavor, Class, [Xi]) -> TcS CanonicalCt
rewriteDict (cv,tv,xi) (dv,gw,cl,xis)
= do { let cos = map (liftCoSubstWith [tv] [mkCoVarCo cv]) xis
args = substTysWith [tv] [xi] xis
con = classTyCon cl
dict_co = mkTyConAppCo con cos
; dv' <- newDictVar cl args
; case gw of
Wanted {} -> setDictBind dv (EvCast dv' (mkSymCo dict_co))
Given {} -> setDictBind dv' (EvCast dv dict_co)
Derived {} -> return ()
; return (CDictCan { cc_id = dv'
, cc_flavor = gw
, cc_class = cl
, cc_tyargs = args }) }
rewriteIP :: (CoVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (EvVar,CtFlavor, IPName Name, TcType) -> TcS CanonicalCt
rewriteIP (cv,tv,xi) (ipid,gw,nm,ty)
= do { let ip_co = liftCoSubstWith [tv] [mkCoVarCo cv] ty
ty' = substTyWith [tv] [xi] ty
; ipid' <- newIPVar nm ty'
; case gw of
Wanted {} -> setIPBind ipid (EvCast ipid' (mkSymCo ip_co))
Given {} -> setIPBind ipid' (EvCast ipid ip_co)
Derived {} -> return ()
; return (CIPCan { cc_id = ipid'
, cc_flavor = gw
, cc_ip_nm = nm
, cc_ip_ty = ty' }) }
rewriteFunEq :: (CoVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (CoVar,CtFlavor,TyCon, [Xi], Xi) -> TcS CanonicalCt
rewriteFunEq (cv1,tv,xi1) (cv2,gw, tc,args,xi2)
= do { let co_subst = liftCoSubstWith [tv] [mkCoVarCo cv1]
arg_cos = map co_subst args
args' = substTysWith [tv] [xi1] args
fun_co = mkTyConAppCo tc arg_cos
xi2' = substTyWith [tv] [xi1] xi2
xi2_co = co_subst xi2
; cv2' <- newCoVar (mkTyConApp tc args') xi2'
; case gw of
Wanted {} -> setCoBind cv2 (fun_co `mkTransCo`
mkCoVarCo cv2' `mkTransCo`
mkSymCo xi2_co)
Given {} -> setCoBind cv2' (mkSymCo fun_co `mkTransCo`
mkCoVarCo cv2 `mkTransCo`
Derived {} -> return ()
; return (CFunEqCan { cc_id = cv2'
, cc_flavor = gw
, cc_tyargs = args'
, cc_fun = tc
, cc_rhs = xi2' }) }
rewriteEqRHS :: (CoVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (CoVar,CtFlavor,TcTyVar,Xi) -> TcS WorkList
rewriteEqRHS (cv1,tv1,xi1) (cv2,gw,tv2,xi2)
| Just tv2' <- tcGetTyVar_maybe xi2'
, tv2 == tv2'
= do { when (isWanted gw) (setCoBind cv2 (mkSymCo co2'))
; return emptyWorkList }
| otherwise
= do { cv2' <- newCoVar (mkTyVarTy tv2) xi2'
; case gw of
Wanted {} -> setCoBind cv2 $ mkCoVarCo cv2' `mkTransCo`
mkSymCo co2'
Given {} -> setCoBind cv2' $ mkCoVarCo cv2 `mkTransCo`
Derived {} -> return ()
; canEqToWorkList gw cv2' (mkTyVarTy tv2) xi2' }
xi2' = substTyWith [tv1] [xi1] xi2
co2' = liftCoSubstWith [tv1] [mkCoVarCo cv1] xi2
rewriteEqLHS :: WhichComesFromInert -> (Coercion,Xi) -> (CoVar,CtFlavor,Xi) -> TcS WorkList
rewriteEqLHS LeftComesFromInert (co1,xi1) (cv2,gw,xi2)
= do { cv2' <- newCoVar xi2 xi1
; case gw of
Wanted {} -> setCoBind cv2 $
co1 `mkTransCo` mkSymCo (mkCoVarCo cv2')
Given {} -> setCoBind cv2' $
mkSymCo (mkCoVarCo cv2) `mkTransCo` co1
Derived {} -> return ()
; mkCanonical gw cv2' }
rewriteEqLHS RightComesFromInert (co1,xi1) (cv2,gw,xi2)
= do { cv2' <- newCoVar xi1 xi2
; case gw of
Wanted {} -> setCoBind cv2 $
co1 `mkTransCo` mkCoVarCo cv2'
Given {} -> setCoBind cv2' $
mkSymCo co1 `mkTransCo` mkCoVarCo cv2
Derived {} -> return ()
; mkCanonical gw cv2' }
rewriteFrozen :: (CoVar,TcTyVar,Xi) -> (CoVar,CtFlavor) -> TcS WorkList
rewriteFrozen (cv1, tv1, xi1) (cv2, fl2)
= do { cv2' <- newCoVar ty2a' ty2b'
; case fl2 of
Wanted {} -> setCoBind cv2 $ co2a' `mkTransCo`
mkCoVarCo cv2' `mkTransCo`
mkSymCo co2b'
Given {} -> setCoBind cv2' $ mkSymCo co2a' `mkTransCo`
mkCoVarCo cv2 `mkTransCo`
Derived {} -> return ()
; return (workListFromNonEq $ CFrozenErr { cc_id = cv2', cc_flavor = fl2 }) }
(ty2a, ty2b) = coVarKind cv2
ty2a' = substTyWith [tv1] [xi1] ty2a
ty2b' = substTyWith [tv1] [xi1] ty2b
co2a' = liftCoSubstWith [tv1] [mkCoVarCo cv1] ty2a
co2b' = liftCoSubstWith [tv1] [mkCoVarCo cv1] ty2b
solveOneFromTheOther_ExtraWork :: String -> (EvTerm, CtFlavor)
-> CanonicalCt -> WorkList -> TcS InteractResult
solveOneFromTheOther_ExtraWork info (ev_term,ifl) workItem extra_work
| isDerived wfl
= mkIRStopK ("Solved[DW] " ++ info) extra_work
| isDerived ifl
= mkIRContinue ("Solved[DI] " ++ info) workItem DropInert extra_work
| Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe ifl, isGivenOrSolved wfl
= mkIRContinue ("Solved[SI] " ++ info) workItem DropInert extra_work
| otherwise
= ASSERT( ifl `canSolve` wfl )
do { when (isWanted wfl) $ setEvBind wid ev_term
; mkIRStopK ("Solved " ++ info) extra_work }
wfl = cc_flavor workItem
wid = cc_id workItem
solveOneFromTheOther :: String -> (EvTerm, CtFlavor) -> CanonicalCt -> TcS InteractResult
solveOneFromTheOther str evfl ct
= solveOneFromTheOther_ExtraWork str evfl ct emptyWorkList
Note [Superclasses and recursive dictionaries]
Overlaps with Note [SUPERCLASS-LOOP 1]
Note [Recursive instances and superclases]
ToDo: check overlap and delete redundant stuff
Right before adding a given into the inert set, we must
produce some more work, that will bring the superclasses
of the given into scope. The superclass constraints go into
our worklist.
When we simplify a wanted constraint, if we first see a matching
instance, we may produce new wanted work. To (1) avoid doing this work
twice in the future and (2) to handle recursive dictionaries we may ``cache''
this item as given into our inert set WITHOUT adding its superclass constraints,
otherwise we'd be in danger of creating a loop [In fact this was the exact reason
for doing the isGoodRecEv check in an older version of the type checker].
But now we have added partially solved constraints to the worklist which may
interact with other wanteds. Consider the example:
Example 1:
class Eq b => Foo a b --- 0-th selector
instance Eq a => Foo [a] a --- fooDFun
and wanted (Foo [t] t). We are first going to see that the instance matches
and create an inert set that includes the solved (Foo [t] t) but not its superclasses:
d1 :_g Foo [t] t d1 := EvDFunApp fooDFun d3
Our work list is going to contain a new *wanted* goal
d3 :_w Eq t
Ok, so how do we get recursive dictionaries, at all:
Example 2:
data D r = ZeroD | SuccD (r (D r));
instance (Eq (r (D r))) => Eq (D r) where
ZeroD == ZeroD = True
(SuccD a) == (SuccD b) = a == b
_ == _ = False;
equalDC :: D [] -> D [] -> Bool;
equalDC = (==);
We need to prove (Eq (D [])). Here's how we go:
d1 :_w Eq (D [])
by instance decl, holds if
d2 :_w Eq [D []]
where d1 = dfEqD d2
*BUT* we have an inert set which gives us (no superclasses):
d1 :_g Eq (D [])
By the instance declaration of Eq we can show the 'd2' goal if
d3 :_w Eq (D [])
where d2 = dfEqList d3
d1 = dfEqD d2
Now, however this wanted can interact with our inert d1 to set:
d3 := d1
and solve the goal. Why was this interaction OK? Because, if we chase the
evidence of d1 ~~> dfEqD d2 ~~-> dfEqList d3, so by setting d3 := d1 we
are really setting
d3 := dfEqD2 (dfEqList d3)
which is FINE because the use of d3 is protected by the instance function
So, our strategy is to try to put solved wanted dictionaries into the
inert set along with their superclasses (when this is meaningful,
i.e. when new wanted goals are generated) but solve a wanted dictionary
from a given only in the case where the evidence variable of the
wanted is mentioned in the evidence of the given (recursively through
the evidence binds) in a protected way: more instance function applications
than superclass selectors.
Here are some more examples from GHC's previous type checker
Example 3:
This code arises in the context of "Scrap Your Boilerplate with Class"
class Sat a
class Data ctx a
instance Sat (ctx Char) => Data ctx Char -- dfunData1
instance (Sat (ctx [a]), Data ctx a) => Data ctx [a] -- dfunData2
class Data Maybe a => Foo a
instance Foo t => Sat (Maybe t) -- dfunSat
instance Data Maybe a => Foo a -- dfunFoo1
instance Foo a => Foo [a] -- dfunFoo2
instance Foo [Char] -- dfunFoo3
Consider generating the superclasses of the instance declaration
instance Foo a => Foo [a]
So our problem is this
d0 :_g Foo t
d1 :_w Data Maybe [t]
We may add the given in the inert set, along with its superclasses
[assuming we don't fail because there is a matching instance, see
tryTopReact, given case ]
d0 :_g Foo t
d01 :_g Data Maybe t -- d2 := EvDictSuperClass d0 0
d1 :_w Data Maybe [t]
Then d2 can readily enter the inert, and we also do solving of the wanted
d0 :_g Foo t
d1 :_s Data Maybe [t] d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
d2 :_w Sat (Maybe [t])
d3 :_w Data Maybe t
d01 :_g Data Maybe t
Now, we may simplify d2 more:
d0 :_g Foo t
d1 :_s Data Maybe [t] d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
d1 :_g Data Maybe [t]
d2 :_g Sat (Maybe [t]) d2 := dfunSat d4
d3 :_w Data Maybe t
d4 :_w Foo [t]
d01 :_g Data Maybe t
Now, we can just solve d3.
d0 :_g Foo t
d1 :_s Data Maybe [t] d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
d2 :_g Sat (Maybe [t]) d2 := dfunSat d4
d4 :_w Foo [t]
d01 :_g Data Maybe t
And now we can simplify d4 again, but since it has superclasses we *add* them to the worklist:
d0 :_g Foo t
d1 :_s Data Maybe [t] d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
d2 :_g Sat (Maybe [t]) d2 := dfunSat d4
d4 :_g Foo [t] d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
d5 :_w Foo t
d6 :_g Data Maybe [t] d6 := EvDictSuperClass d4 0
d01 :_g Data Maybe t
Now, d5 can be solved! (and its superclass enter scope)
d0 :_g Foo t
d1 :_s Data Maybe [t] d1 := dfunData2 d2 d3
d2 :_g Sat (Maybe [t]) d2 := dfunSat d4
d4 :_g Foo [t] d4 := dfunFoo2 d5
d5 :_g Foo t d5 := dfunFoo1 d7
d7 :_w Data Maybe t
d6 :_g Data Maybe [t]
d8 :_g Data Maybe t d8 := EvDictSuperClass d5 0
d01 :_g Data Maybe t
Now, two problems:
[1] Suppose we pick d8 and we react him with d01. Which of the two givens should
we keep? Well, we *MUST NOT* drop d01 because d8 contains recursive evidence
that must not be used (look at case interactInert where both inert and workitem
are givens). So we have several options:
- Drop the workitem always (this will drop d8)
This feels very unsafe -- what if the work item was the "good" one
that should be used later to solve another wanted?
- Don't drop anyone: the inert set may contain multiple givens!
[This is currently implemented]
The "don't drop anyone" seems the most safe thing to do, so now we come to problem 2:
[2] We have added both d6 and d01 in the inert set, and we are interacting our wanted
d7. Now the [isRecDictEv] function in the ineration solver
[case inert-given workitem-wanted] will prevent us from interacting d7 := d8
precisely because chasing the evidence of d8 leads us to an unguarded use of d7.
So, no interaction happens there. Then we meet d01 and there is no recursion
problem there [isRectDictEv] gives us the OK to interact and we do solve d7 := d01!
We have to be very, very careful when generating superclasses, lest we
accidentally build a loop. Here's an example:
class S a
class S a => C a where { opc :: a -> a }
class S b => D b where { opd :: b -> b }
instance C Int where
opc = opd
instance D Int where
opd = opc
From (instance C Int) we get the constraint set {ds1:S Int, dd:D Int}
Simplifying, we may well get:
$dfCInt = :C ds1 (opd dd)
dd = $dfDInt
ds1 = $p1 dd
Notice that we spot that we can extract ds1 from dd.
Alas! Alack! We can do the same for (instance D Int):
$dfDInt = :D ds2 (opc dc)
dc = $dfCInt
ds2 = $p1 dc
And now we've defined the superclass in terms of itself.
Two more nasty cases are in
- Satisfy the superclass context *all by itself*
- And do so completely; i.e. no left-over constraints
to mix with the constraints arising from method declarations
We need to be careful when adding "the constaint we are trying to prove".
Suppose we are *given* d1:Ord a, and want to deduce (d2:C [a]) where
class Ord a => C a where
instance Ord [a] => C [a] where ...
Then we'll use the instance decl to deduce C [a] from Ord [a], and then add the
superclasses of C [a] to avails. But we must not overwrite the binding
for Ord [a] (which is obtained from Ord a) with a superclass selection or we'll just
build a loop!
Here's another variant, immortalised in tcrun020
class Monad m => C1 m
class C1 m => C2 m x
instance C2 Maybe Bool
For the instance decl we need to build (C1 Maybe), and it's no good if
we run around and add (C2 Maybe Bool) and its superclasses to the avails
before we search for C1 Maybe.
Here's another example
class Eq b => Foo a b
instance Eq a => Foo [a] a
If we are reducing
(Foo [t] t)
we'll first deduce that it holds (via the instance decl). We must not
then overwrite the Eq t constraint with a superclass selection!
At first I had a gross hack, whereby I simply did not add superclass constraints
in addWanted, though I did for addGiven and addIrred. This was sub-optimal,
becuase it lost legitimate superclass sharing, and it still didn't do the job:
I found a very obscure program (now tcrun021) in which improvement meant the
simplifier got two bites a the cherry... so something seemed to be an Stop
first time, but reducible next time.
Now we implement the Right Solution, which is to check for loops directly
when adding superclasses. It's a bit like the occurs check in unification.
Note [Recursive instances and superclases]
Consider this code, which arises in the context of "Scrap Your
Boilerplate with Class".
class Sat a
class Data ctx a
instance Sat (ctx Char) => Data ctx Char
instance (Sat (ctx [a]), Data ctx a) => Data ctx [a]
class Data Maybe a => Foo a
instance Foo t => Sat (Maybe t)
instance Data Maybe a => Foo a
instance Foo a => Foo [a]
instance Foo [Char]
In the instance for Foo [a], when generating evidence for the superclasses
(ie in tcSimplifySuperClasses) we need a superclass (Data Maybe [a]).
Using the instance for Data, we therefore need
(Sat (Maybe [a], Data Maybe a)
But we are given (Foo a), and hence its superclass (Data Maybe a).
So that leaves (Sat (Maybe [a])). Using the instance for Sat means
we need (Foo [a]). And that is the very dictionary we are bulding
an instance for! So we must put that in the "givens". So in this
case we have
Given: Foo a, Foo [a]
Wanted: Data Maybe [a]
BUT we must *not not not* put the *superclasses* of (Foo [a]) in
the givens, which is what 'addGiven' would normally do. Why? Because
(Data Maybe [a]) is the superclass, so we'd "satisfy" the wanted
by selecting a superclass from Foo [a], which simply makes a loop.
On the other hand we *must* put the superclasses of (Foo a) in
the givens, as you can see from the derivation described above.
Conclusion: in the very special case of tcSimplifySuperClasses
we have one 'given' (namely the "this" dictionary) whose superclasses
must not be added to 'givens' by addGiven.
There is a complication though. Suppose there are equalities
instance (Eq a, a~b) => Num (a,b)
Then we normalise the 'givens' wrt the equalities, so the original
given "this" dictionary is cast to one of a different type. So it's a
bit trickier than before to identify the "special" dictionary whose
superclasses must not be added. See test
We need a persistent property of the dictionary to record this
special-ness. Current I'm using the InstLocOrigin (a bit of a hack,
but cool), which is maintained by dictionary normalisation.
Specifically, the InstLocOrigin is
then the no-superclass thing kicks in. WATCH OUT if you fiddle
with InstLocOrigin!
When trying to match a dictionary (D tau) to a top-level instance, or a
type family equation (F taus_1 ~ tau_2) to a top-level family instance,
we do *not* need to expand type synonyms because the matcher will do that for us.
The RHS of a family instance is represented as yet another constructor which is
like a type synonym for the real RHS the programmer declared. Eg:
type instance F (a,a) = [a]
:R32 a = [a] -- internal type synonym introduced
F (a,a) ~ :R32 a -- instance
When we react a family instance with a type family equation in the work list
we keep the synonym-using RHS without expansion.
* *
The top-reaction Stage
* *
data TopInteractResult
= NoTopInt
| SomeTopInt
{ tir_new_work :: WorkList
, tir_new_inert :: StopOrContinue
topReactionsStage :: SimplifierStage
topReactionsStage depth workItem inerts
= do { tir <- tryTopReact inerts workItem
; case tir of
NoTopInt ->
return $ SR { sr_inerts = inerts
, sr_new_work = emptyWorkList
, sr_stop = ContinueWith workItem }
SomeTopInt tir_new_work tir_new_inert ->
do { bumpStepCountTcS
; traceFireTcS depth (ptext (sLit "Top react")
<+> vcat [ ptext (sLit "Work =") <+> ppr workItem
, ptext (sLit "New =") <+> ppr tir_new_work ])
; return $ SR { sr_inerts = inerts
, sr_new_work = tir_new_work
, sr_stop = tir_new_inert
} }
tryTopReact :: InertSet -> WorkItem -> TcS TopInteractResult
tryTopReact inerts workitem
= do {
ctxt <- getTcSContext
; if allowedTopReaction (simplEqsOnly ctxt) workitem
then do { traceTcS "tryTopReact / calling doTopReact" (ppr workitem)
; doTopReact inerts workitem }
else return NoTopInt
allowedTopReaction :: Bool -> WorkItem -> Bool
allowedTopReaction eqs_only (CDictCan {}) = not eqs_only
allowedTopReaction _ _ = True
doTopReact :: InertSet -> WorkItem -> TcS TopInteractResult
doTopReact _inerts (CDictCan { cc_flavor = Given {} })
= return NoTopInt
doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = Derived loc
, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = xis })
= do { instEnvs <- getInstEnvs
; let fd_eqns = improveFromInstEnv instEnvs
(ClassP cls xis, pprArisingAt loc)
; m <- rewriteWithFunDeps fd_eqns xis loc
; case m of
Nothing -> return NoTopInt
Just (xis',_,fd_work) ->
let workItem' = workItem { cc_tyargs = xis' }
in do { fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsDerived fd_work
; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = fd_cans
, tir_new_inert = ContinueWith workItem' }
doTopReact inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = fl@(Wanted loc)
, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = xis })
= do { traceTcS "doTopReact" (ppr workItem)
; instEnvs <- getInstEnvs
; let fd_eqns = improveFromInstEnv instEnvs $ (ClassP cls xis, pprArisingAt loc)
; any_fundeps <- rewriteWithFunDeps fd_eqns xis loc
; case any_fundeps of
Nothing ->
do { lkup_inst_res <- matchClassInst inerts cls xis loc
; case lkup_inst_res of
GenInst wtvs ev_term
-> doSolveFromInstance wtvs ev_term workItem emptyWorkList
-> return NoTopInt
Just (xis',cos,fd_work) ->
do { lkup_inst_res <- matchClassInst inerts cls xis' loc
; case lkup_inst_res of
-> do { fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsDerived fd_work
; return $
SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = fd_cans
, tir_new_inert = ContinueWith workItem } }
GenInst wtvs ev_term
-> do { let dict_co = mkTyConAppCo (classTyCon cls) cos
; fd_cans <- mkCanonicalFDAsWanted fd_work
; dv' <- newDictVar cls xis'
; setDictBind dv' ev_term
; doSolveFromInstance wtvs (EvCast dv' dict_co) workItem fd_cans }
} }
where doSolveFromInstance :: [WantedEvVar]
-> EvTerm
-> CanonicalCt
-> WorkList -> TcS TopInteractResult
doSolveFromInstance wtvs ev_term workItem extra_work
| null wtvs
= do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found nullary instance for" (ppr (cc_id workItem))
; setDictBind (cc_id workItem) ev_term
; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = extra_work
, tir_new_inert = Stop } }
| otherwise
= do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found non-nullary instance for" (ppr (cc_id workItem))
; setDictBind (cc_id workItem) ev_term
; let solved = workItem { cc_flavor = solved_fl }
solved_fl = mkSolvedFlavor fl UnkSkol
; inst_work <- canWanteds wtvs
; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = inst_work `unionWorkList` extra_work
, tir_new_inert = ContinueWith solved } }
doTopReact _inerts (CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl })
| Just GivenSolved <- isGiven_maybe fl
= return NoTopInt
doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CFunEqCan { cc_id = cv, cc_flavor = fl
, cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = args, cc_rhs = xi })
= ASSERT (isSynFamilyTyCon tc)
do { match_res <- matchFam tc args
; case match_res of
MatchInstNo -> return NoTopInt
MatchInstSingle (rep_tc, rep_tys)
-> do { let Just coe_tc = tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe rep_tc
Just rhs_ty = tcView (mkTyConApp rep_tc rep_tys)
coe = mkAxInstCo coe_tc rep_tys
; case fl of
Wanted {} -> do { cv' <- newCoVar rhs_ty xi
; setCoBind cv $ coe `mkTransCo` mkCoVarCo cv'
; can_cts <- mkCanonical fl cv'
; let solved = workItem { cc_flavor = solved_fl }
solved_fl = mkSolvedFlavor fl UnkSkol
; if isEmptyWorkList can_cts then
return (SomeTopInt can_cts Stop)
else return $
SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = can_cts
, tir_new_inert = ContinueWith solved }
Given {} -> do { cv' <- newGivenCoVar xi rhs_ty $
mkSymCo (mkCoVarCo cv) `mkTransCo` coe
; can_cts <- mkCanonical fl cv'
; return $
SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = can_cts
, tir_new_inert = Stop }
Derived {} -> do { cv' <- newDerivedId (EqPred xi rhs_ty)
; can_cts <- mkCanonical fl cv'
; return $
SomeTopInt { tir_new_work = can_cts
, tir_new_inert = Stop }
-> panicTcS $ text "TcSMonad.matchFam returned multiple instances!"
doTopReact _inerts _workItem = return NoTopInt
Note [FunDep and implicit parameter reactions]
Currently, our story of interacting two dictionaries (or a dictionary
and top-level instances) for functional dependencies, and implicit
paramters, is that we simply produce new wanted equalities. So for example
class D a b | a -> b where ...
d1 :g D Int Bool
d2 :w D Int alpha
We generate the extra work item
cv :w alpha ~ Bool
where 'cv' is currently unused. However, this new item reacts with d2,
discharging it in favour of a new constraint d2' thus:
d2' :w D Int Bool
d2 := d2' |> D Int cv
Now d2' can be discharged from d1
We could be more aggressive and try to *immediately* solve the dictionary
using those extra equalities. With the same inert set and work item we
might dischard d2 directly:
cv :w alpha ~ Bool
d2 := d1 |> D Int cv
But in general it's a bit painful to figure out the necessary coercion,
so we just take the first approach. Here is a better example. Consider:
class C a b c | a -> b
[Given] d1 : C T Int Char
[Wanted] d2 : C T beta Int
In this case, it's *not even possible* to solve the wanted immediately.
So we should simply output the functional dependency and add this guy
[but NOT its superclasses] back in the worklist. Even worse:
[Given] d1 : C T Int beta
[Wanted] d2: C T beta Int
Then it is solvable, but its very hard to detect this on the spot.
It's exactly the same with implicit parameters, except that the
"aggressive" approach would be much easier to implement.
Note [When improvement happens]
We fire an improvement rule when
* Two constraints match (modulo the fundep)
e.g. C t1 t2, C t1 t3 where C a b | a->b
The two match because the first arg is identical
* At least one is not Given. If they are both given, we don't fire
the reaction because we have no way of constructing evidence for a
new equality nor does it seem right to create a new wanted goal
(because the goal will most likely contain untouchables, which
can't be solved anyway)!
Note that we *do* fire the improvement if one is Given and one is Derived.
The latter can be a superclass of a wanted goal. Example (tcfail138)
class L a b | a -> b
class (G a, L a b) => C a b
instance C a b' => G (Maybe a)
instance C a b => C (Maybe a) a
instance L (Maybe a) a
When solving the superclasses of the (C (Maybe a) a) instance, we get
Given: C a b ... and hance by superclasses, (G a, L a b)
Wanted: G (Maybe a)
Use the instance decl to get
Wanted: C a b'
The (C a b') is inert, so we generate its Derived superclasses (L a b'),
and now we need improvement between that derived superclass an the Given (L a b)
Note [Overriding implicit parameters]
f :: (?x::a) -> Bool -> a
g v = let ?x::Int = 3
in (f v, let ?x::Bool = True in f v)
This should probably be well typed, with
g :: Bool -> (Int, Bool)
So the inner binding for ?x::Bool *overrides* the outer one.
Hence a work-item Given overrides an inert-item Given.
Note [Given constraint that matches an instance declaration]
What should we do when we discover that one (or more) top-level
instances match a given (or solved) class constraint? We have
two possibilities:
1. Reject the program. The reason is that there may not be a unique
best strategy for the solver. Example, from the OutsideIn(X) paper:
instance P x => Q [x]
instance (x ~ y) => R [x] y
wob :: forall a b. (Q [b], R b a) => a -> Int
g :: forall a. Q [a] => [a] -> Int
g x = wob x
will generate the impliation constraint:
Q [a] => (Q [beta], R beta [a])
If we react (Q [beta]) with its top-level axiom, we end up with a
(P beta), which we have no way of discharging. On the other hand,
if we react R beta [a] with the top-level we get (beta ~ a), which
is solvable and can help us rewrite (Q [beta]) to (Q [a]) which is
now solvable by the given Q [a].
However, this option is restrictive, for instance [Example 3] from
Note [Recursive dictionaries] will fail to work.
2. Ignore the problem, hoping that the situations where there exist indeed
such multiple strategies are rare: Indeed the cause of the previous
problem is that (R [x] y) yields the new work (x ~ y) which can be
*spontaneously* solved, not using the givens.
We are choosing option 2 below but we might consider having a flag as well.
Note [New Wanted Superclass Work]
Even in the case of wanted constraints, we may add some superclasses
as new given work. The reason is:
To allow FD-like improvement for type families. Assume that
we have a class
class C a b | a -> b
and we have to solve the implication constraint:
C a b => C a beta
Then, FD improvement can help us to produce a new wanted (beta ~ b)
We want to have the same effect with the type family encoding of
functional dependencies. Namely, consider:
class (F a ~ b) => C a b
Now suppose that we have:
given: C a b
wanted: C a beta
By interacting the given we will get given (F a ~ b) which is not
enough by itself to make us discharge (C a beta). However, we
may create a new derived equality from the super-class of the
wanted constraint (C a beta), namely derived (F a ~ beta).
Now we may interact this with given (F a ~ b) to get:
derived : beta ~ b
But 'beta' is a touchable unification variable, and hence OK to
unify it with 'b', replacing the derived evidence with the identity.
This requires trySpontaneousSolve to solve *derived*
equalities that have a touchable in their RHS, *in addition*
to solving wanted equalities.
We also need to somehow use the superclasses to quantify over a minimal,
constraint see note [Minimize by Superclasses] in TcSimplify.
Finally, here is another example where this is useful.
Example 1:
class (F a ~ b) => C a b
And we are given the wanteds:
w1 : C a b
w2 : C a c
w3 : b ~ c
We surely do *not* want to quantify over (b ~ c), since if someone provides
dictionaries for (C a b) and (C a c), these dictionaries can provide a proof
of (b ~ c), hence no extra evidence is necessary. Here is what will happen:
Step 1: We will get new *given* superclass work,
provisionally to our solving of w1 and w2
g1: F a ~ b, g2 : F a ~ c,
w1 : C a b, w2 : C a c, w3 : b ~ c
The evidence for g1 and g2 is a superclass evidence term:
g1 := sc w1, g2 := sc w2
Step 2: The givens will solve the wanted w3, so that
w3 := sym (sc w1) ; sc w2
Step 3: Now, one may naively assume that then w2 can be solve from w1
after rewriting with the (now solved equality) (b ~ c).
But this rewriting is ruled out by the isGoodRectDict!
Conclusion, we will (correctly) end up with the unsolved goals
(C a b, C a c)
NB: The desugarer needs be more clever to deal with equalities
that participate in recursive dictionary bindings.
data LookupInstResult
= NoInstance
| GenInst [WantedEvVar] EvTerm
matchClassInst :: InertSet -> Class -> [Type] -> WantedLoc -> TcS LookupInstResult
matchClassInst inerts clas tys loc
= do { let pred = mkClassPred clas tys
; mb_result <- matchClass clas tys
; untch <- getUntouchables
; case mb_result of
MatchInstNo -> return NoInstance
MatchInstMany -> return NoInstance
MatchInstSingle (_,_)
| given_overlap untch ->
do { traceTcS "Delaying instance application" $
vcat [ text "Workitem=" <+> pprPredTy (ClassP clas tys)
, text "Relevant given dictionaries=" <+> ppr givens_for_this_clas ]
; return NoInstance
MatchInstSingle (dfun_id, mb_inst_tys) ->
do { checkWellStagedDFun pred dfun_id loc
; tys <- instDFunTypes mb_inst_tys
; let (theta, _) = tcSplitPhiTy (applyTys (idType dfun_id) tys)
; if null theta then
return (GenInst [] (EvDFunApp dfun_id tys []))
else do
{ ev_vars <- instDFunConstraints theta
; let wevs = [EvVarX w loc | w <- ev_vars]
; return $ GenInst wevs (EvDFunApp dfun_id tys ev_vars) }
givens_for_this_clas :: CanonicalCts
givens_for_this_clas = Map.lookup clas (cts_given (inert_dicts inerts))
`orElse` emptyBag
given_overlap :: TcsUntouchables -> Bool
given_overlap untch = anyBag (matchable untch) givens_for_this_clas
matchable untch (CDictCan { cc_class = clas_g, cc_tyargs = sys, cc_flavor = fl })
| Just GivenOrig <- isGiven_maybe fl
= ASSERT( clas_g == clas )
case tcUnifyTys (\tv -> if isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch tv &&
tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfTypes tys
then BindMe else Skolem) tys sys of
Nothing -> False
Just _ -> True
| otherwise = False
matchable _tys ct = pprPanic "Expecting dictionary!" (ppr ct)
Note [Instance and Given overlap]
Assume that we have an inert set that looks as follows:
[Given] D [Int]
And an instance declaration:
instance C a => D [a]
A new wanted comes along of the form:
[Wanted] D [alpha]
One possibility is to apply the instance declaration which will leave us
with an unsolvable goal (C alpha). However, later on a new constraint may
arise (for instance due to a functional dependency between two later dictionaries),
that will add the equality (alpha ~ Int), in which case our ([Wanted] D [alpha])
will be transformed to [Wanted] D [Int], which could have been discharged by the given.
The solution is that in matchClassInst and eventually in topReact, we get back with
a matching instance, only when there is no Given in the inerts which is unifiable to
this particular dictionary.
The end effect is that, much as we do for overlapping instances, we delay choosing a
class instance if there is a possibility of another instance OR a given to match our
constraint later on. This fixes bugs #4981 and #5002.
This is arguably not easy to appear in practice due to our aggressive prioritization
of equality solving over other constraints, but it is possible. I've added a test case
in typecheck/should-compile/GivenOverlapping.hs
Moreover notice that our goals here are different than the goals of the top-level
overlapping checks. There we are interested in validating the following principle:
If we inline a function f at a site where the same global instance environment
is available as the instance environment at the definition site of f then we
should get the same behaviour.
But for the Given Overlap check our goal is just related to completeness of
constraint solving.