% % (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 % (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998 % TcRules: Typechecking transformation rules \begin{code}
module TcRules ( tcRules ) where

import HsSyn
import TcRnMonad
import TcSimplify
import TcMType
import TcType
import TcHsType
import TcExpr
import TcEnv
import Id
import Name
import VarSet
import SrcLoc
import Outputable
import FastString
import Data.List( partition )
\end{code} Note [Typechecking rules] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We *infer* the typ of the LHS, and use that type to *check* the type of the RHS. That means that higher-rank rules work reasonably well. Here's an example (test simplCore/should_compile/rule2.hs) produced by Roman: foo :: (forall m. m a -> m b) -> m a -> m b foo f = ... bar :: (forall m. m a -> m a) -> m a -> m a bar f = ... {-# RULES "foo/bar" foo = bar #-} He wanted the rule to typecheck. \begin{code}
tcRules :: [LRuleDecl Name] -> TcM [LRuleDecl TcId]
tcRules decls = mapM (wrapLocM tcRule) decls

tcRule :: RuleDecl Name -> TcM (RuleDecl TcId)
tcRule (HsRule name act hs_bndrs lhs fv_lhs rhs fv_rhs)
  = addErrCtxt (ruleCtxt name)	$
    do { traceTc "---- Rule ------" (ppr name)

    	-- Note [Typechecking rules]
       ; vars <- tcRuleBndrs hs_bndrs
       ; let (id_bndrs, tv_bndrs) = partition isId vars
       ; (lhs', lhs_lie, rhs', rhs_lie, rule_ty)
            <- tcExtendTyVarEnv tv_bndrs $
               tcExtendIdEnv id_bndrs $
               do { ((lhs', rule_ty), lhs_lie) <- captureConstraints (tcInferRho lhs)
                  ; (rhs', rhs_lie) <- captureConstraints (tcMonoExpr rhs rule_ty)
                  ; return (lhs', lhs_lie, rhs', rhs_lie, rule_ty) }

       ; (lhs_dicts, lhs_ev_binds, rhs_ev_binds) 
             <- simplifyRule name tv_bndrs lhs_lie rhs_lie

	-- IMPORTANT!  We *quantify* over any dicts that appear in the LHS
	-- Reason: 
	--	(a) The particular dictionary isn't important, because its value
	--	   depends only on the type
	--		e.g	gcd Int $fIntegralInt
	--         Here we'd like to match against (gcd Int any_d) for any 'any_d'
	--	(b) We'd like to make available the dictionaries bound 
	--	    on the LHS in the RHS, so quantifying over them is good
	--	    See the 'lhs_dicts' in tcSimplifyAndCheck for the RHS

	-- We quantify over any tyvars free in *either* the rule
	--  *or* the bound variables.  The latter is important.  Consider
	--	ss (x,(y,z)) = (x,z)
	--	RULE:  forall v. fst (ss v) = fst v
	-- The type of the rhs of the rule is just a, but v::(a,(b,c))
	-- We also need to get the free tyvars of the LHS; but we do that
	-- during zonking (see TcHsSyn.zonkRule)

       ; let tpl_ids    = lhs_dicts ++ id_bndrs
             forall_tvs = tyVarsOfTypes (rule_ty : map idType tpl_ids)

	     -- Now figure out what to quantify over
	     -- c.f. TcSimplify.simplifyInfer
       ; zonked_forall_tvs <- zonkTcTyVarsAndFV forall_tvs
       ; gbl_tvs           <- tcGetGlobalTyVars	     -- Already zonked
       ; let extra_bound_tvs = zonked_forall_tvs 	     
       	     		       `minusVarSet` gbl_tvs
       	     		       `delVarSetList` tv_bndrs
       ; qtvs <- zonkQuantifiedTyVars (varSetElems extra_bound_tvs)

       	      -- The tv_bndrs are already skolems, so no need to zonk them
       ; return (HsRule name act
		    (map (RuleBndr . noLoc) (tv_bndrs ++ qtvs ++ tpl_ids))	-- yuk
		    (mkHsDictLet lhs_ev_binds lhs') fv_lhs
		    (mkHsDictLet rhs_ev_binds rhs') fv_rhs) }

tcRuleBndrs :: [RuleBndr Name] -> TcM [Var]
tcRuleBndrs [] 
  = return []
tcRuleBndrs (RuleBndr var : rule_bndrs)
  = do 	{ ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy openTypeKind
        ; vars <- tcRuleBndrs rule_bndrs
	; return (mkLocalId (unLoc var) ty : vars) }
tcRuleBndrs (RuleBndrSig var rn_ty : rule_bndrs)
--  e.g 	x :: a->a
--  The tyvar 'a' is brought into scope first, just as if you'd written
--		a::*, x :: a->a
  = do	{ let ctxt = FunSigCtxt (unLoc var)
	; (tyvars, ty) <- tcHsPatSigType ctxt rn_ty
        ; let skol_tvs = tcSuperSkolTyVars tyvars
	      id_ty = substTyWith tyvars (mkTyVarTys skol_tvs) ty
	      id = mkLocalId (unLoc var) id_ty

	      -- The type variables scope over subsequent bindings; yuk
        ; vars <- tcExtendTyVarEnv skol_tvs $ 
                  tcRuleBndrs rule_bndrs 
	; return (skol_tvs ++ id : vars) }

ruleCtxt :: FastString -> SDoc
ruleCtxt name = ptext (sLit "When checking the transformation rule") <+> 
		doubleQuotes (ftext name)