-- -- (c) The University of Glasgow 2003-2006 -- -- Functions for constructing bitmaps, which are used in various -- places in generated code (stack frame liveness masks, function -- argument liveness masks, SRT bitmaps). {-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-} -- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge. -- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and -- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See -- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#TabsvsSpaces -- for details module Bitmap ( Bitmap, mkBitmap, intsToBitmap, intsToReverseBitmap, mAX_SMALL_BITMAP_SIZE, seqBitmap, ) where #include "HsVersions.h" #include "../includes/MachDeps.h" import SMRep import Constants import Util import Data.Bits {-| A bitmap represented by a sequence of 'StgWord's on the /target/ architecture. These are used for bitmaps in info tables and other generated code which need to be emitted as sequences of StgWords. -} type Bitmap = [StgWord] -- | Make a bitmap from a sequence of bits mkBitmap :: [Bool] -> Bitmap mkBitmap [] = [] mkBitmap stuff = chunkToBitmap chunk : mkBitmap rest where (chunk, rest) = splitAt wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS stuff chunkToBitmap :: [Bool] -> StgWord chunkToBitmap chunk = foldr (.|.) 0 [ 1 `shiftL` n | (True,n) <- zip chunk [0..] ] -- | Make a bitmap where the slots specified are the /ones/ in the bitmap. -- eg. @[0,1,3], size 4 ==> 0xb@. -- -- The list of @Int@s /must/ be already sorted. intsToBitmap :: Int -> [Int] -> Bitmap intsToBitmap size slots{- must be sorted -} | size <= 0 = [] | otherwise = (foldr (.|.) 0 (map (1 `shiftL`) these)) : intsToBitmap (size - wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS) (map (\x -> x - wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS) rest) where (these,rest) = span (<wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS) slots -- | Make a bitmap where the slots specified are the /zeros/ in the bitmap. -- eg. @[0,1,3], size 4 ==> 0x4@ (we leave any bits outside the size as zero, -- just to make the bitmap easier to read). -- -- The list of @Int@s /must/ be already sorted. intsToReverseBitmap :: Int -> [Int] -> Bitmap intsToReverseBitmap size slots{- must be sorted -} | size <= 0 = [] | otherwise = (foldr xor init (map (1 `shiftL`) these)) : intsToReverseBitmap (size - wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS) (map (\x -> x - wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS) rest) where (these,rest) = span (<wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS) slots init | size >= wORD_SIZE_IN_BITS = complement 0 | otherwise = (1 `shiftL` size) - 1 {- | Magic number, must agree with @BITMAP_BITS_SHIFT@ in InfoTables.h. Some kinds of bitmap pack a size\/bitmap into a single word if possible, or fall back to an external pointer when the bitmap is too large. This value represents the largest size of bitmap that can be packed into a single word. -} mAX_SMALL_BITMAP_SIZE :: Int mAX_SMALL_BITMAP_SIZE | wORD_SIZE == 4 = 27 | otherwise = 58 seqBitmap :: Bitmap -> a -> a seqBitmap = seqList