% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
\section[CgMonad]{The code generation monad}
See the beginning of the top-level @CodeGen@ module, to see how this
monadic stuff fits into the Big Picture.
module CgMonad (
initC, thenC, thenFC, listCs, listFCs, mapCs, mapFCs,
returnFC, fixC, fixC_, checkedAbsC,
stmtC, stmtsC, labelC, emitStmts, nopC, whenC, newLabelC,
newUnique, newUniqSupply,
CgStmts, emitCgStmts, forkCgStmts, cgStmtsToBlocks,
getCgStmts', getCgStmts,
noCgStmts, oneCgStmt, consCgStmt,
emitDecl, emitProc, emitSimpleProc,
forkClosureBody, forkStatics, forkAlts, forkEval,
forkEvalHelp, forkProc, codeOnly,
SemiTaggingStuff, ConTagZ,
setEndOfBlockInfo, getEndOfBlockInfo,
setSRT, getSRT,
setSRTLabel, getSRTLabel,
setTickyCtrLabel, getTickyCtrLabel,
StackUsage(..), HeapUsage(..),
VirtualSpOffset, VirtualHpOffset,
initStkUsage, initHpUsage,
getHpUsage, setHpUsage,
getState, setState, getInfoDown, getDynFlags, getThisPackage,
getStkUsage, setStkUsage,
getBinds, setBinds, getStaticBinds,
CgInfoDownwards(..), CgState(..)
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import CgBindery ( CgBindings, nukeVolatileBinds )
import DynFlags
import BlockId
import OldCmm
import OldCmmUtils
import CLabel
import StgSyn (SRT)
import ClosureInfo( ConTagZ )
import SMRep
import Module
import Id
import VarEnv
import OrdList
import Unique
import UniqSupply
import Outputable
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
infixr 9 `thenC`
infixr 9 `thenFC`
%* *
\subsection[CgMonad-environment]{Stuff for manipulating environments}
%* *
This monadery has some information that it only passes {\em
downwards}, as well as some ``state'' which is modified as we go
data CgInfoDownwards
= MkCgInfoDown {
cgd_dflags :: DynFlags,
cgd_mod :: Module,
cgd_statics :: CgBindings,
cgd_srt_lbl :: CLabel,
cgd_srt :: SRT,
cgd_ticky :: CLabel,
cgd_eob :: EndOfBlockInfo
initCgInfoDown :: DynFlags -> Module -> CgInfoDownwards
initCgInfoDown dflags mod
= MkCgInfoDown { cgd_dflags = dflags,
cgd_mod = mod,
cgd_statics = emptyVarEnv,
cgd_srt_lbl = error "initC: srt_lbl",
cgd_srt = error "initC: srt",
cgd_ticky = mkTopTickyCtrLabel,
cgd_eob = initEobInfo }
data CgState
= MkCgState {
cgs_stmts :: OrdList CgStmt,
cgs_tops :: OrdList CmmDecl,
cgs_binds :: CgBindings,
cgs_stk_usg :: StackUsage,
cgs_hp_usg :: HeapUsage,
cgs_uniqs :: UniqSupply }
initCgState :: UniqSupply -> CgState
initCgState uniqs
= MkCgState { cgs_stmts = nilOL, cgs_tops = nilOL,
cgs_binds = emptyVarEnv,
cgs_stk_usg = initStkUsage,
cgs_hp_usg = initHpUsage,
cgs_uniqs = uniqs }
@EndOfBlockInfo@ tells what to do at the end of this block of code or,
if the expression is a @case@, what to do at the end of each
data EndOfBlockInfo
= EndOfBlockInfo
initEobInfo :: EndOfBlockInfo
initEobInfo = EndOfBlockInfo 0 OnStack
Any addressing modes inside @Sequel@ must be ``robust,'' in the sense
that it must survive stack pointer adjustments at the end of the
data Sequel
= OnStack
| CaseAlts
type SemiTaggingStuff
= Maybe
([(ConTagZ, CmmLit)],
%* *
CgStmt type
%* *
The CgStmts type is what the code generator outputs: it is a tree of
statements, including in-line labels. The job of flattenCgStmts is to
turn this into a list of basic blocks, each of which ends in a jump
statement (either a local branch or a non-local jump).
type CgStmts = OrdList CgStmt
data CgStmt
= CgStmt CmmStmt
| CgLabel BlockId
| CgFork BlockId CgStmts
flattenCgStmts :: BlockId -> CgStmts -> [CmmBasicBlock]
flattenCgStmts id stmts =
case flatten (fromOL stmts) of
([],blocks) -> blocks
(block,blocks) -> BasicBlock id block : blocks
flatten [] = ([],[])
flatten [CgLabel id]
= ( [CmmBranch id], [BasicBlock id [CmmBranch id]] )
flatten (CgStmt stmt : stmts)
| isJump stmt
= case dropWhile isOrdinaryStmt stmts of
[] -> ( [stmt], [] )
[CgLabel id] -> ( [stmt], [BasicBlock id [CmmBranch id]])
(CgLabel id : stmts) -> ( [stmt], BasicBlock id block : blocks )
where (block,blocks) = flatten stmts
(CgFork fork_id stmts : ss) ->
flatten (CgFork fork_id stmts : CgStmt stmt : ss)
(CgStmt {} : _) -> panic "CgStmt not seen as ordinary"
flatten (s:ss) =
case s of
CgStmt stmt -> (stmt:block,blocks)
CgLabel id -> ([CmmBranch id],BasicBlock id block:blocks)
CgFork fork_id stmts ->
(block, BasicBlock fork_id fork_block : fork_blocks ++ blocks)
where (fork_block, fork_blocks) = flatten (fromOL stmts)
where (block,blocks) = flatten ss
isJump :: CmmStmt -> Bool
isJump (CmmJump _ _) = True
isJump (CmmBranch _) = True
isJump (CmmSwitch _ _) = True
isJump (CmmReturn _) = True
isJump _ = False
isOrdinaryStmt :: CgStmt -> Bool
isOrdinaryStmt (CgStmt _) = True
isOrdinaryStmt _ = False
%* *
Stack and heap models
%* *
type VirtualHpOffset = WordOff
type VirtualSpOffset = WordOff
data StackUsage
= StackUsage {
virtSp :: VirtualSpOffset,
frameSp :: VirtualSpOffset,
freeStk :: [VirtualSpOffset],
realSp :: VirtualSpOffset,
hwSp :: VirtualSpOffset
data HeapUsage =
HeapUsage {
virtHp :: VirtualHpOffset,
realHp :: VirtualHpOffset
The heap high water mark is the larger of virtHp and hwHp. The latter is
only records the high water marks of forked-off branches, so to find the
heap high water mark you have to take the max of virtHp and hwHp. Remember,
virtHp never retreats!
Note Jan 04: ok, so why do we only look at the virtual Hp??
heapHWM :: HeapUsage -> VirtualHpOffset
heapHWM = virtHp
initStkUsage :: StackUsage
initStkUsage = StackUsage {
virtSp = 0,
frameSp = 0,
freeStk = [],
realSp = 0,
hwSp = 0
initHpUsage :: HeapUsage
initHpUsage = HeapUsage {
virtHp = 0,
realHp = 0
@stateIncUsage@$~e_1~e_2$ incorporates in $e_1$ the stack and heap high water
marks found in $e_2$.
stateIncUsage :: CgState -> CgState -> CgState
stateIncUsage s1 s2@(MkCgState { cgs_stk_usg = stk_usg, cgs_hp_usg = hp_usg })
= s1 { cgs_hp_usg = cgs_hp_usg s1 `maxHpHw` virtHp hp_usg,
cgs_stk_usg = cgs_stk_usg s1 `maxStkHw` hwSp stk_usg }
`addCodeBlocksFrom` s2
stateIncUsageEval :: CgState -> CgState -> CgState
stateIncUsageEval s1 s2
= s1 { cgs_stk_usg = cgs_stk_usg s1 `maxStkHw` hwSp (cgs_stk_usg s2) }
`addCodeBlocksFrom` s2
addCodeBlocksFrom :: CgState -> CgState -> CgState
s1 `addCodeBlocksFrom` s2
= s1 { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts s1 `appOL` cgs_stmts s2,
cgs_tops = cgs_tops s1 `appOL` cgs_tops s2 }
maxHpHw :: HeapUsage -> VirtualHpOffset -> HeapUsage
hp_usg `maxHpHw` hw = hp_usg { virtHp = virtHp hp_usg `max` hw }
maxStkHw :: StackUsage -> VirtualSpOffset -> StackUsage
stk_usg `maxStkHw` hw = stk_usg { hwSp = hwSp stk_usg `max` hw }
%* *
The FCode monad
%* *
newtype FCode a = FCode (CgInfoDownwards -> CgState -> (a, CgState))
type Code = FCode ()
instance Monad FCode where
(>>=) = thenFC
return = returnFC
The Abstract~C is not in the environment so as to improve strictness.
initC :: DynFlags -> Module -> FCode a -> IO a
initC dflags mod (FCode code)
= do { uniqs <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'c'
; case code (initCgInfoDown dflags mod) (initCgState uniqs) of
(res, _) -> return res
returnFC :: a -> FCode a
returnFC val = FCode (\_ state -> (val, state))
thenC :: Code -> FCode a -> FCode a
thenC (FCode m) (FCode k) =
FCode (\info_down state -> let (_,new_state) = m info_down state in
k info_down new_state)
listCs :: [Code] -> Code
listCs [] = return ()
listCs (fc:fcs) = do
listCs fcs
mapCs :: (a -> Code) -> [a] -> Code
mapCs = mapM_
thenFC :: FCode a -> (a -> FCode c) -> FCode c
thenFC (FCode m) k = FCode (
\info_down state ->
(m_result, new_state) = m info_down state
(FCode kcode) = k m_result
kcode info_down new_state
listFCs :: [FCode a] -> FCode [a]
listFCs = sequence
mapFCs :: (a -> FCode b) -> [a] -> FCode [b]
mapFCs = mapM
And the knot-tying combinator:
fixC :: (a -> FCode a) -> FCode a
fixC fcode = FCode (
\info_down state ->
FCode fc = fcode v
result@(v,_) = fc info_down state
fixC_ :: (a -> FCode a) -> FCode ()
fixC_ fcode = fixC fcode >> return ()
%* *
Operators for getting and setting the state and "info_down".
%* *
getState :: FCode CgState
getState = FCode $ \_ state -> (state,state)
setState :: CgState -> FCode ()
setState state = FCode $ \_ _ -> ((),state)
getStkUsage :: FCode StackUsage
getStkUsage = do
state <- getState
return $ cgs_stk_usg state
setStkUsage :: StackUsage -> Code
setStkUsage new_stk_usg = do
state <- getState
setState $ state {cgs_stk_usg = new_stk_usg}
getHpUsage :: FCode HeapUsage
getHpUsage = do
state <- getState
return $ cgs_hp_usg state
setHpUsage :: HeapUsage -> Code
setHpUsage new_hp_usg = do
state <- getState
setState $ state {cgs_hp_usg = new_hp_usg}
getBinds :: FCode CgBindings
getBinds = do
state <- getState
return $ cgs_binds state
setBinds :: CgBindings -> FCode ()
setBinds new_binds = do
state <- getState
setState $ state {cgs_binds = new_binds}
getStaticBinds :: FCode CgBindings
getStaticBinds = do
info <- getInfoDown
return (cgd_statics info)
withState :: FCode a -> CgState -> FCode (a,CgState)
withState (FCode fcode) newstate = FCode $ \info_down state ->
let (retval, state2) = fcode info_down newstate in ((retval,state2), state)
newUniqSupply :: FCode UniqSupply
newUniqSupply = do
state <- getState
let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (cgs_uniqs state)
setState $ state { cgs_uniqs = us1 }
return us2
newUnique :: FCode Unique
newUnique = do
us <- newUniqSupply
return (uniqFromSupply us)
getInfoDown :: FCode CgInfoDownwards
getInfoDown = FCode $ \info_down state -> (info_down,state)
getDynFlags :: FCode DynFlags
getDynFlags = liftM cgd_dflags getInfoDown
getThisPackage :: FCode PackageId
getThisPackage = liftM thisPackage getDynFlags
withInfoDown :: FCode a -> CgInfoDownwards -> FCode a
withInfoDown (FCode fcode) info_down = FCode $ \_ state -> fcode info_down state
doFCode :: FCode a -> CgInfoDownwards -> CgState -> (a,CgState)
doFCode (FCode fcode) info_down state = fcode info_down state
%* *
%* *
@forkClosureBody@ takes a code, $c$, and compiles it in a completely
fresh environment, except that:
- compilation info and statics are passed in unchanged.
The current environment is passed on completely unaltered, except that
abstract C from the fork is incorporated.
@forkProc@ takes a code and compiles it in the current environment,
returning the basic blocks thus constructed. The current environment
is passed on completely unchanged. It is pretty similar to
@getBlocks@, except that the latter does affect the environment.
@forkStatics@ $fc$ compiles $fc$ in an environment whose statics come
from the current bindings, but which is otherwise freshly initialised.
The Abstract~C returned is attached to the current state, but the
bindings and usage information is otherwise unchanged.
forkClosureBody :: Code -> Code
forkClosureBody body_code
= do { info <- getInfoDown
; us <- newUniqSupply
; state <- getState
; let body_info_down = info { cgd_eob = initEobInfo }
((),fork_state) = doFCode body_code body_info_down
(initCgState us)
; ASSERT( isNilOL (cgs_stmts fork_state) )
setState $ state `addCodeBlocksFrom` fork_state }
forkStatics :: FCode a -> FCode a
forkStatics body_code
= do { info <- getInfoDown
; us <- newUniqSupply
; state <- getState
; let rhs_info_down = info { cgd_statics = cgs_binds state,
cgd_eob = initEobInfo }
(result, fork_state_out) = doFCode body_code rhs_info_down
(initCgState us)
; ASSERT( isNilOL (cgs_stmts fork_state_out) )
setState (state `addCodeBlocksFrom` fork_state_out)
; return result }
forkProc :: Code -> FCode CgStmts
forkProc body_code
= do { info_down <- getInfoDown
; us <- newUniqSupply
; state <- getState
; let fork_state_in = (initCgState us)
{ cgs_binds = cgs_binds state,
cgs_stk_usg = cgs_stk_usg state,
cgs_hp_usg = cgs_hp_usg state }
(code_blks, fork_state_out) = doFCode (getCgStmts body_code)
info_down fork_state_in
; setState $ state `stateIncUsageEval` fork_state_out
; return code_blks }
codeOnly :: Code -> Code
codeOnly body_code
= do { info_down <- getInfoDown
; us <- newUniqSupply
; state <- getState
; let fork_state_in = (initCgState us) { cgs_binds = cgs_binds state,
cgs_stk_usg = cgs_stk_usg state,
cgs_hp_usg = cgs_hp_usg state }
((), fork_state_out) = doFCode body_code info_down fork_state_in
; setState $ state `addCodeBlocksFrom` fork_state_out }
@forkAlts@ $bs~d$ takes fcodes $bs$ for the branches of a @case@, and
an fcode for the default case $d$, and compiles each in the current
environment. The current environment is passed on unmodified, except
- the worst stack high-water mark is incorporated
- the virtual Hp is moved on to the worst virtual Hp for the branches
forkAlts :: [FCode a] -> FCode [a]
forkAlts branch_fcodes
= do { info_down <- getInfoDown
; us <- newUniqSupply
; state <- getState
; let compile us branch
= (us2, doFCode branch info_down branch_state)
(us1,us2) = splitUniqSupply us
branch_state = (initCgState us1) {
cgs_binds = cgs_binds state,
cgs_stk_usg = cgs_stk_usg state,
cgs_hp_usg = cgs_hp_usg state }
(_us, results) = mapAccumL compile us branch_fcodes
(branch_results, branch_out_states) = unzip results
; setState $ foldl stateIncUsage state branch_out_states
; return branch_results }
@forkEval@ takes two blocks of code.
- The first meddles with the environment to set it up as expected by
the alternatives of a @case@ which does an eval (or gc-possible primop).
- The second block is the code for the alternatives.
(plus info for semi-tagging purposes)
@forkEval@ picks up the virtual stack pointer and returns a suitable
@EndOfBlockInfo@ for the caller to use, together with whatever value
is returned by the second block.
It uses @initEnvForAlternatives@ to initialise the environment, and
@stateIncUsageAlt@ to incorporate usage; the latter ignores the heap
forkEval :: EndOfBlockInfo
-> Code
-> FCode Sequel
-> FCode EndOfBlockInfo
forkEval body_eob_info env_code body_code
= do { (v, sequel) <- forkEvalHelp body_eob_info env_code body_code
; returnFC (EndOfBlockInfo v sequel) }
forkEvalHelp :: EndOfBlockInfo
-> Code
-> FCode a
-> FCode (VirtualSpOffset,
forkEvalHelp body_eob_info env_code body_code
= do { info_down <- getInfoDown
; us <- newUniqSupply
; state <- getState
; let { info_down_for_body = info_down {cgd_eob = body_eob_info}
; (_, env_state) = doFCode env_code info_down_for_body
(state {cgs_uniqs = us})
; state_for_body = (initCgState (cgs_uniqs env_state))
{ cgs_binds = binds_for_body,
cgs_stk_usg = stk_usg_for_body }
; binds_for_body = nukeVolatileBinds (cgs_binds env_state)
; stk_usg_from_env = cgs_stk_usg env_state
; virtSp_from_env = virtSp stk_usg_from_env
; stk_usg_for_body = stk_usg_from_env {realSp = virtSp_from_env,
hwSp = virtSp_from_env}
; (value_returned, state_at_end_return)
= doFCode body_code info_down_for_body state_for_body
; ASSERT( isNilOL (cgs_stmts state_at_end_return) )
setState $ state `stateIncUsageEval` state_at_end_return
; return (virtSp_from_env, value_returned) }
nopC :: Code
nopC = return ()
whenC :: Bool -> Code -> Code
whenC True code = code
whenC False _ = nopC
stmtC :: CmmStmt -> Code
stmtC stmt = emitCgStmt (CgStmt stmt)
labelC :: BlockId -> Code
labelC id = emitCgStmt (CgLabel id)
newLabelC :: FCode BlockId
newLabelC = do { u <- newUnique
; return $ mkBlockId u }
checkedAbsC :: CmmStmt -> Code
checkedAbsC stmt = emitStmts (if isNopStmt stmt then nilOL
else unitOL stmt)
stmtsC :: [CmmStmt] -> Code
stmtsC stmts = emitStmts (toOL stmts)
emitStmts :: CmmStmts -> Code
emitStmts stmts = emitCgStmts (fmap CgStmt stmts)
forkLabelledCode :: Code -> FCode BlockId
forkLabelledCode code = getCgStmts code >>= forkCgStmts
emitCgStmt :: CgStmt -> Code
emitCgStmt stmt
= do { state <- getState
; setState $ state { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts state `snocOL` stmt }
emitDecl :: CmmDecl -> Code
emitDecl decl
= do { state <- getState
; setState $ state { cgs_tops = cgs_tops state `snocOL` decl } }
emitProc :: CmmInfo -> CLabel -> [CmmFormal] -> [CmmBasicBlock] -> Code
emitProc info lbl [] blocks
= do { let proc_block = CmmProc info lbl (ListGraph blocks)
; state <- getState
; setState $ state { cgs_tops = cgs_tops state `snocOL` proc_block } }
emitProc _ _ (_:_) _ = panic "emitProc called with nonempty args"
emitSimpleProc :: CLabel -> Code -> Code
emitSimpleProc lbl code
= do { stmts <- getCgStmts code
; blks <- cgStmtsToBlocks stmts
; emitProc (CmmInfo Nothing Nothing CmmNonInfoTable) lbl [] blks }
getCmm :: Code -> FCode CmmGroup
getCmm code
= do { state1 <- getState
; ((), state2) <- withState code (state1 { cgs_tops = nilOL })
; setState $ state2 { cgs_tops = cgs_tops state1 }
; return (fromOL (cgs_tops state2))
emitCgStmts :: CgStmts -> Code
emitCgStmts stmts
= do { state <- getState
; setState $ state { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts state `appOL` stmts } }
forkCgStmts :: CgStmts -> FCode BlockId
forkCgStmts stmts
= do { id <- newLabelC
; emitCgStmt (CgFork id stmts)
; return id
cgStmtsToBlocks :: CgStmts -> FCode [CmmBasicBlock]
cgStmtsToBlocks stmts
= do { id <- newLabelC
; return (flattenCgStmts id stmts)
getCgStmts' :: FCode a -> FCode (a, CgStmts)
getCgStmts' fcode
= do { state1 <- getState
; (a, state2) <- withState fcode (state1 { cgs_stmts = nilOL })
; setState $ state2 { cgs_stmts = cgs_stmts state1 }
; return (a, cgs_stmts state2) }
getCgStmts :: FCode a -> FCode CgStmts
getCgStmts fcode = do { (_,stmts) <- getCgStmts' fcode; return stmts }
noCgStmts :: CgStmts
noCgStmts = nilOL
oneCgStmt :: CmmStmt -> CgStmts
oneCgStmt stmt = unitOL (CgStmt stmt)
consCgStmt :: CmmStmt -> CgStmts -> CgStmts
consCgStmt stmt stmts = CgStmt stmt `consOL` stmts
getModuleName :: FCode Module
getModuleName = do { info <- getInfoDown; return (cgd_mod info) }
setEndOfBlockInfo :: EndOfBlockInfo -> Code -> Code
setEndOfBlockInfo eob_info code = do
info <- getInfoDown
withInfoDown code (info {cgd_eob = eob_info})
getEndOfBlockInfo :: FCode EndOfBlockInfo
getEndOfBlockInfo = do
info <- getInfoDown
return (cgd_eob info)
getSRTLabel :: FCode CLabel
getSRTLabel = do info <- getInfoDown
return (cgd_srt_lbl info)
setSRTLabel :: CLabel -> FCode a -> FCode a
setSRTLabel srt_lbl code
= do info <- getInfoDown
withInfoDown code (info { cgd_srt_lbl = srt_lbl})
getSRT :: FCode SRT
getSRT = do info <- getInfoDown
return (cgd_srt info)
setSRT :: SRT -> FCode a -> FCode a
setSRT srt code
= do info <- getInfoDown
withInfoDown code (info { cgd_srt = srt})
getTickyCtrLabel :: FCode CLabel
getTickyCtrLabel = do
info <- getInfoDown
return (cgd_ticky info)
setTickyCtrLabel :: CLabel -> Code -> Code
setTickyCtrLabel ticky code = do
info <- getInfoDown
withInfoDown code (info {cgd_ticky = ticky})