% % (c) The University of Glasgow 2006 % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998 % The Code Generator This module says how things get going at the top level. @codeGen@ is the interface to the outside world. The \tr{cgTop*} functions drive the mangling of top-level bindings. \begin{code}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-tabs #-}
-- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
-- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and
-- detab the module (please do the detabbing in a separate patch). See
--     http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/CodingStyle#TabsvsSpaces
-- for details

module CodeGen ( codeGen ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

-- Kludge (??) so that CgExpr is reached via at least one non-SOURCE
-- import.  Before, that wasn't the case, and CM therefore didn't 
-- bother to compile it.
import CgExpr           ( {-NOTHING!-} )	-- DO NOT DELETE THIS IMPORT
import CgProf
import CgMonad
import CgBindery
import CgClosure
import CgCon
import CgUtils
import CgHpc

import CLabel
import OldCmm
import OldPprCmm

import StgSyn
import PrelNames
import DynFlags
import StaticFlags

import HscTypes
import CostCentre
import Id
import Name
import TyCon
import Module
import ErrUtils
import Panic
\end{code} \begin{code}
codeGen :: DynFlags
	-> Module
	-> [TyCon]
        -> CollectedCCs         -- (Local/global) cost-centres needing declaring/registering.
	-> [(StgBinding,[(Id,[Id])])]	-- Bindings to convert, with SRTs
	-> HpcInfo
        -> IO [CmmGroup]          -- Output

                -- N.B. returning '[Cmm]' and not 'Cmm' here makes it
                -- possible for object splitting to split up the
                -- pieces later.

codeGen dflags this_mod data_tycons cost_centre_info stg_binds hpc_info
  = do	
  { showPass dflags "CodeGen"

-- Why?
--   ; mapM_ (\x -> seq x (return ())) data_tycons

  ; code_stuff <- initC dflags this_mod $ do 
		{ cmm_binds  <- mapM (getCmm . cgTopBinding dflags) stg_binds
		; cmm_tycons <- mapM cgTyCon data_tycons
		; cmm_init   <- getCmm (mkModuleInit dflags cost_centre_info 
                                             this_mod hpc_info)
                ; return (cmm_init : cmm_binds ++ cmm_tycons)
		-- Put datatype_stuff after code_stuff, because the
		-- datatype closure table (for enumeration types) to
		-- (say) PrelBase_True_closure, which is defined in
		-- code_stuff

                -- Note [codegen-split-init] the cmm_init block must
                -- come FIRST.  This is because when -split-objs is on
                -- we need to combine this block with its
                -- initialisation routines; see Note
                -- [pipeline-split-init].

  ; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_cmm "Cmm" (pprCmms (targetPlatform dflags) code_stuff)

  ; return code_stuff }

        :: DynFlags
	-> CollectedCCs         -- cost centre info
	-> Module
        -> HpcInfo
	-> Code

mkModuleInit dflags cost_centre_info this_mod hpc_info
  = do	{ -- Allocate the static boolean that records if this
        ; whenC (opt_Hpc) $
              hpcTable this_mod hpc_info

        ; whenC (opt_SccProfilingOn) $ do 
	    initCostCentres cost_centre_info

            -- For backwards compatibility: user code may refer to this
            -- label for calling hs_add_root().
        ; emitDecl (CmmData Data (Statics (mkPlainModuleInitLabel this_mod) []))

        ; whenC (this_mod == mainModIs dflags) $
             emitSimpleProc (mkPlainModuleInitLabel rOOT_MAIN) $ return ()
\end{code} Cost-centre profiling: Besides the usual stuff, we must produce declarations for the cost-centres defined in this module; (The local cost-centres involved in this are passed into the code-generator.) \begin{code}
initCostCentres :: CollectedCCs -> Code
-- Emit the declarations, and return code to register them
initCostCentres (local_CCs, ___extern_CCs, singleton_CCSs)
  | not opt_SccProfilingOn = nopC
  | otherwise
  = do	{ mapM_ emitCostCentreDecl  	 local_CCs
	; mapM_ emitCostCentreStackDecl  singleton_CCSs
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection[codegen-top-bindings]{Converting top-level STG bindings} %* * %************************************************************************ @cgTopBinding@ is only used for top-level bindings, since they need to be allocated statically (not in the heap) and need to be labelled. No unboxed bindings can happen at top level. In the code below, the static bindings are accumulated in the @MkCgState@, and transferred into the ``statics'' slot by @forkStatics@. This is so that we can write the top level processing in a compositional style, with the increasing static environment being plumbed as a state variable. \begin{code}
cgTopBinding :: DynFlags -> (StgBinding,[(Id,[Id])]) -> Code
cgTopBinding dflags (StgNonRec id rhs, srts)
  = do	{ id' <- maybeExternaliseId dflags id
	; mapM_ (mkSRT [id']) srts
	; (id,info) <- cgTopRhs id' rhs
	; addBindC id info 	-- Add the *un-externalised* Id to the envt,
				-- so we find it when we look up occurrences

cgTopBinding dflags (StgRec pairs, srts)
  = do	{ let (bndrs, rhss) = unzip pairs
	; bndrs' <- mapFCs (maybeExternaliseId dflags) bndrs
	; let pairs' = zip bndrs' rhss
	; mapM_ (mkSRT bndrs')  srts
	; _new_binds <- fixC (\ new_binds -> do 
		{ addBindsC new_binds
		; mapFCs ( \ (b,e) -> cgTopRhs b e ) pairs' })
	; nopC }

mkSRT :: [Id] -> (Id,[Id]) -> Code
mkSRT _ (_,[])  = nopC
mkSRT these (id,ids)
  = do	{ ids <- mapFCs remap ids
	; id  <- remap id
	; emitRODataLits "CodeGen.mkSRT" (mkSRTLabel (idName id) (idCafInfo id)) 
	       (map (\id -> CmmLabel $ mkClosureLabel (idName id) (idCafInfo id)) ids)
	-- Sigh, better map all the ids against the environment in 
	-- case they've been externalised (see maybeExternaliseId below).
    remap id = case filter (==id) these of
		(id':_) -> returnFC id'
		[] -> do { info <- getCgIdInfo id; return (cgIdInfoId info) }

-- Urgh!  I tried moving the forkStatics call from the rhss of cgTopRhs
-- to enclose the listFCs in cgTopBinding, but that tickled the
-- statics "error" call in initC.  I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY!

cgTopRhs :: Id -> StgRhs -> FCode (Id, CgIdInfo)
	-- The Id is passed along for setting up a binding...
	-- It's already been externalised if necessary

cgTopRhs bndr (StgRhsCon _cc con args)
  = forkStatics (cgTopRhsCon bndr con args)

cgTopRhs bndr (StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs upd_flag srt args body)
  = ASSERT(null fvs)    -- There should be no free variables
    setSRTLabel (mkSRTLabel (idName bndr) (idCafInfo bndr)) $
    setSRT srt $
    forkStatics (cgTopRhsClosure bndr cc bi upd_flag args body)
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Stuff to support splitting} %* * %************************************************************************ If we're splitting the object, we need to externalise all the top-level names (and then make sure we only use the externalised one in any C label we use which refers to this name). \begin{code}
maybeExternaliseId :: DynFlags -> Id -> FCode Id
maybeExternaliseId dflags id
  | dopt Opt_SplitObjs dflags, 	-- Externalise the name for -split-objs
    isInternalName name = do { mod <- getModuleName
			     ; returnFC (setIdName id (externalise mod)) }
  | otherwise		= returnFC id
    externalise mod = mkExternalName uniq mod new_occ loc
    name    = idName id
    uniq    = nameUnique name
    new_occ = mkLocalOcc uniq (nameOccName name)
    loc     = nameSrcSpan name
	-- We want to conjure up a name that can't clash with any
	-- existing name.  So we generate
	--	Mod_$L243foo
	-- where 243 is the unique.