It's subtle, because, it'd work fine if we typechecked the constructor args
eagerly -- they don't need the extended type envt. They just get the extended
type envt by accident, because they look at it later.
What this means is that the implicitTyThings MUST NOT DEPEND on any of
the forkM stuff.
tcIfaceDecl :: Bool
-> IfaceDecl
-> IfL TyThing
tcIfaceDecl = tc_iface_decl NoParentTyCon
tc_iface_decl :: TyConParent
-> Bool
-> IfaceDecl
-> IfL TyThing
tc_iface_decl _ ignore_prags (IfaceId {ifName = occ_name, ifType = iface_type,
ifIdDetails = details, ifIdInfo = info})
= do { name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
; ty <- tcIfaceType iface_type
; details <- tcIdDetails ty details
; info <- tcIdInfo ignore_prags name ty info
; return (AnId (mkGlobalId details name ty info)) }
tc_iface_decl parent _ (IfaceData {ifName = occ_name,
ifTyVars = tv_bndrs,
ifCtxt = ctxt, ifGadtSyntax = gadt_syn,
ifCons = rdr_cons,
ifRec = is_rec,
ifFamInst = mb_family })
= bindIfaceTyVars_AT tv_bndrs $ \ tyvars -> do
{ tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
; tycon <- fixM ( \ tycon -> do
{ stupid_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt
; cons <- tcIfaceDataCons tc_name tycon tyvars rdr_cons
; mb_fam_inst <- tcFamInst mb_family
; buildAlgTyCon tc_name tyvars stupid_theta cons is_rec
gadt_syn parent mb_fam_inst
; traceIf (text "tcIfaceDecl4" <+> ppr tycon)
; return (ATyCon tycon) }
tc_iface_decl parent _ (IfaceSyn {ifName = occ_name, ifTyVars = tv_bndrs,
ifSynRhs = mb_rhs_ty,
ifSynKind = kind, ifFamInst = mb_family})
= bindIfaceTyVars_AT tv_bndrs $ \ tyvars -> do
{ tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
; rhs_kind <- tcIfaceType kind
; rhs <- forkM (mk_doc tc_name) $
tc_syn_rhs mb_rhs_ty
; fam_info <- tcFamInst mb_family
; tycon <- buildSynTyCon tc_name tyvars rhs rhs_kind parent fam_info
; return (ATyCon tycon)
mk_doc n = ptext (sLit "Type syonym") <+> ppr n
tc_syn_rhs Nothing = return SynFamilyTyCon
tc_syn_rhs (Just ty) = do { rhs_ty <- tcIfaceType ty
; return (SynonymTyCon rhs_ty) }
tc_iface_decl _parent ignore_prags
(IfaceClass {ifCtxt = rdr_ctxt, ifName = tc_occ,
ifTyVars = tv_bndrs, ifFDs = rdr_fds,
ifATs = rdr_ats, ifSigs = rdr_sigs,
ifRec = tc_isrec })
= bindIfaceTyVars tv_bndrs $ \ tyvars -> do
{ tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop tc_occ
; ctxt <- tcIfaceCtxt rdr_ctxt
; sigs <- mapM tc_sig rdr_sigs
; fds <- mapM tc_fd rdr_fds
; cls <- fixM $ \ cls -> do
{ ats <- mapM (tc_at cls) rdr_ats
; buildClass ignore_prags tc_name tyvars ctxt fds ats sigs tc_isrec }
; return (ATyCon (classTyCon cls)) }
tc_sig (IfaceClassOp occ dm rdr_ty)
= do { op_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ
; op_ty <- forkM (mk_doc op_name rdr_ty) (tcIfaceType rdr_ty)
; return (op_name, dm, op_ty) }
tc_at cls (IfaceAT tc_decl defs_decls)
= do tc <- tc_iface_tc_decl (AssocFamilyTyCon cls) tc_decl
defs <- mapM tc_iface_at_def defs_decls
return (tc, defs)
tc_iface_tc_decl parent decl = do
ATyCon tc <- tc_iface_decl parent ignore_prags decl
return tc
tc_iface_at_def (IfaceATD tvs pat_tys ty) =
bindIfaceTyVars_AT tvs $
\tvs' -> liftM2 (\pats tys -> ATD tvs' pats tys noSrcSpan)
(mapM tcIfaceType pat_tys) (tcIfaceType ty)
mk_doc op_name op_ty = ptext (sLit "Class op") <+> sep [ppr op_name, ppr op_ty]
tc_fd (tvs1, tvs2) = do { tvs1' <- mapM tcIfaceTyVar tvs1
; tvs2' <- mapM tcIfaceTyVar tvs2
; return (tvs1', tvs2') }
tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceForeign {ifName = rdr_name, ifExtName = ext_name})
= do { name <- lookupIfaceTop rdr_name
; return (ATyCon (mkForeignTyCon name ext_name
liftedTypeKind 0)) }
tcFamInst :: Maybe (IfaceTyCon, [IfaceType]) -> IfL (Maybe (TyCon, [Type]))
tcFamInst Nothing = return Nothing
tcFamInst (Just (fam, tys)) = do { famTyCon <- tcIfaceTyCon fam
; insttys <- mapM tcIfaceType tys
; return $ Just (famTyCon, insttys) }
tcIfaceDataCons :: Name -> TyCon -> [TyVar] -> IfaceConDecls -> IfL AlgTyConRhs
tcIfaceDataCons tycon_name tycon _ if_cons
= case if_cons of
IfAbstractTyCon dis -> return (AbstractTyCon dis)
IfOpenDataTyCon -> return DataFamilyTyCon
IfDataTyCon cons -> do { data_cons <- mapM tc_con_decl cons
; return (mkDataTyConRhs data_cons) }
IfNewTyCon con -> do { data_con <- tc_con_decl con
; mkNewTyConRhs tycon_name tycon data_con }
tc_con_decl (IfCon { ifConInfix = is_infix,
ifConUnivTvs = univ_tvs, ifConExTvs = ex_tvs,
ifConOcc = occ, ifConCtxt = ctxt, ifConEqSpec = spec,
ifConArgTys = args, ifConFields = field_lbls,
ifConStricts = stricts})
= bindIfaceTyVars univ_tvs $ \ univ_tyvars -> do
bindIfaceTyVars ex_tvs $ \ ex_tyvars -> do
{ name <- lookupIfaceTop occ
; eq_spec <- tcIfaceEqSpec spec
; theta <- tcIfaceCtxt ctxt
; arg_tys <- forkM (mk_doc name) (mapM tcIfaceType args)
; lbl_names <- mapM lookupIfaceTop field_lbls
; let orig_res_ty = mkFamilyTyConApp tycon
(substTyVars (mkTopTvSubst eq_spec) univ_tyvars)
; buildDataCon name is_infix
stricts lbl_names
univ_tyvars ex_tyvars
eq_spec theta
arg_tys orig_res_ty tycon
mk_doc con_name = ptext (sLit "Constructor") <+> ppr con_name
tcIfaceEqSpec :: [(OccName, IfaceType)] -> IfL [(TyVar, Type)]
tcIfaceEqSpec spec
= mapM do_item spec
do_item (occ, if_ty) = do { tv <- tcIfaceTyVar (occNameFS occ)
; ty <- tcIfaceType if_ty
; return (tv,ty) }
Note [Synonym kind loop]
Notice that we eagerly grab the *kind* from the interface file, but
build a forkM thunk for the *rhs* (and family stuff). To see why,
consider this (Trac #2412)
M.hs: module M where { import X; data T = MkT S }
X.hs: module X where { import {-# SOURCE #-} M; type S = T }
M.hs-boot: module M where { data T }
When kind-checking M.hs we need S's kind. But we do not want to
find S's kind from (typeKind S-rhs), because we don't want to look at
S-rhs yet! Since S is imported from X.hi, S gets just one chance to
be defined, and we must not do that until we've finished with M.T.
Solution: record S's kind in the interface file; now we can safely
look at it.
%* *
%* *
tcIfaceInst :: IfaceInst -> IfL Instance
tcIfaceInst (IfaceInst { ifDFun = dfun_occ, ifOFlag = oflag,
ifInstCls = cls, ifInstTys = mb_tcs })
= do { dfun <- forkM (ptext (sLit "Dict fun") <+> ppr dfun_occ) $
tcIfaceExtId dfun_occ
; let mb_tcs' = map (fmap ifaceTyConName) mb_tcs
; return (mkImportedInstance cls mb_tcs' dfun oflag) }
tcIfaceFamInst :: IfaceFamInst -> IfL FamInst
tcIfaceFamInst (IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstTyCon = tycon,
ifFamInstFam = fam, ifFamInstTys = mb_tcs })
= do tycon' <- forkM (text ("Inst tycon") <+> ppr tycon) $
tcIfaceTyCon tycon
let mb_tcs' = map (fmap ifaceTyConName) mb_tcs
return (mkImportedFamInst fam mb_tcs' tycon')
%* *
%* *
We move a IfaceRule from eps_rules to eps_rule_base when all its LHS free vars
are in the type environment. However, remember that typechecking a Rule may
(as a side effect) augment the type envt, and so we may need to iterate the process.
tcIfaceRules :: Bool
-> [IfaceRule]
-> IfL [CoreRule]
tcIfaceRules ignore_prags if_rules
| ignore_prags = return []
| otherwise = mapM tcIfaceRule if_rules
tcIfaceRule :: IfaceRule -> IfL CoreRule
tcIfaceRule (IfaceRule {ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act, ifRuleBndrs = bndrs,
ifRuleHead = fn, ifRuleArgs = args, ifRuleRhs = rhs,
ifRuleAuto = auto })
= do { ~(bndrs', args', rhs') <-
forkM (ptext (sLit "Rule") <+> ftext name) $
bindIfaceBndrs bndrs $ \ bndrs' ->
do { args' <- mapM tcIfaceExpr args
; rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs
; return (bndrs', args', rhs') }
; let mb_tcs = map ifTopFreeName args
; return (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn, ru_act = act,
ru_bndrs = bndrs', ru_args = args',
ru_rhs = occurAnalyseExpr rhs',
ru_rough = mb_tcs,
ru_auto = auto,
ru_local = False }) }
ifTopFreeName :: IfaceExpr -> Maybe Name
ifTopFreeName (IfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc _ )) = Just (ifaceTyConName tc)
ifTopFreeName (IfaceApp f _) = ifTopFreeName f
ifTopFreeName (IfaceExt n) = Just n
ifTopFreeName _ = Nothing
%* *
%* *
tcIfaceAnnotations :: [IfaceAnnotation] -> IfL [Annotation]
tcIfaceAnnotations = mapM tcIfaceAnnotation
tcIfaceAnnotation :: IfaceAnnotation -> IfL Annotation
tcIfaceAnnotation (IfaceAnnotation target serialized) = do
target' <- tcIfaceAnnTarget target
return $ Annotation {
ann_target = target',
ann_value = serialized
tcIfaceAnnTarget :: IfaceAnnTarget -> IfL (AnnTarget Name)
tcIfaceAnnTarget (NamedTarget occ) = do
name <- lookupIfaceTop occ
return $ NamedTarget name
tcIfaceAnnTarget (ModuleTarget mod) = do
return $ ModuleTarget mod
%* *
Vectorisation information
%* *
tcIfaceVectInfo :: Module -> TypeEnv -> IfaceVectInfo -> IfL VectInfo
tcIfaceVectInfo mod typeEnv (IfaceVectInfo
{ ifaceVectInfoVar = vars
, ifaceVectInfoTyCon = tycons
, ifaceVectInfoTyConReuse = tyconsReuse
, ifaceVectInfoScalarVars = scalarVars
, ifaceVectInfoScalarTyCons = scalarTyCons
= do { let scalarTyConsSet = mkNameSet scalarTyCons
; vVars <- mapM vectVarMapping vars
; let varsSet = mkVarSet (map fst vVars)
; tyConRes1 <- mapM (vectTyConVectMapping varsSet) tycons
; tyConRes2 <- mapM (vectTyConReuseMapping varsSet) tyconsReuse
; vScalarVars <- mapM vectVar scalarVars
; let (vTyCons, vDataCons, vScSels) = unzip3 (tyConRes1 ++ tyConRes2)
; return $ VectInfo
{ vectInfoVar = mkVarEnv vVars `extendVarEnvList` concat vScSels
, vectInfoTyCon = mkNameEnv vTyCons
, vectInfoDataCon = mkNameEnv (concat vDataCons)
, vectInfoScalarVars = mkVarSet vScalarVars
, vectInfoScalarTyCons = scalarTyConsSet
vectVarMapping name
= do { vName <- lookupOrig mod (mkLocalisedOccName mod mkVectOcc name)
; var <- forkM (ptext (sLit "vect var") <+> ppr name) $
tcIfaceExtId name
; vVar <- forkM (ptext (sLit "vect vVar [mod =") <+>
ppr mod <> ptext (sLit "; nameModule =") <+>
ppr (nameModule name) <> ptext (sLit "]") <+> ppr vName) $
tcIfaceExtId vName
; return (var, (var, vVar))
vectVar name
= forkM (ptext (sLit "vect scalar var") <+> ppr name) $
tcIfaceExtId name
vectTyConVectMapping vars name
= do { vName <- lookupOrig mod (mkLocalisedOccName mod mkVectTyConOcc name)
; vectTyConMapping vars name vName
vectTyConReuseMapping vars name
= vectTyConMapping vars name name
vectTyConMapping vars name vName
= do { tycon <- lookupLocalOrExternalTyCon name
; vTycon <- forkM (ptext (sLit "vTycon of") <+> ppr vName) $
lookupLocalOrExternalTyCon vName
; let isAbstract | isClassTyCon tycon = False
| datacon:_ <- tyConDataCons tycon
= not $ dataConWrapId datacon `elemVarSet` vars
| otherwise = True
vDataCons | isAbstract = []
| otherwise = [ (dataConName datacon, (datacon, vDatacon))
| (datacon, vDatacon) <- zip (tyConDataCons tycon)
(tyConDataCons vTycon)
vScSels | Just cls <- tyConClass_maybe tycon
, Just vCls <- tyConClass_maybe vTycon
= [ (sel, (sel, vSel))
| (sel, vSel) <- zip (classAllSelIds cls) (classAllSelIds vCls)
| otherwise
= []
; return ( (name, (tycon, vTycon))
, vDataCons
, vScSels
lookupLocalOrExternalTyCon name
= do { let mb_tycon = lookupTypeEnv typeEnv name
; case mb_tycon of
Just (ATyCon tycon) -> return tycon
Just _ -> notATyConErr
Nothing -> tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceTc name)
notATyConErr = pprPanic "TcIface.tcIfaceVectInfo: not a tycon" (ppr name)
%* *
%* *
tcIfaceType :: IfaceType -> IfL Type
tcIfaceType (IfaceTyVar n) = do { tv <- tcIfaceTyVar n; return (TyVarTy tv) }
tcIfaceType (IfaceAppTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceType t1; t2' <- tcIfaceType t2; return (AppTy t1' t2') }
tcIfaceType (IfaceFunTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceType t1; t2' <- tcIfaceType t2; return (FunTy t1' t2') }
tcIfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc ts) = do { tc' <- tcIfaceTyCon tc; ts' <- tcIfaceTypes ts; return (mkTyConApp tc' ts') }
tcIfaceType (IfaceForAllTy tv t) = bindIfaceTyVar tv $ \ tv' -> do { t' <- tcIfaceType t; return (ForAllTy tv' t') }
tcIfaceType t@(IfaceCoConApp {}) = pprPanic "tcIfaceType" (ppr t)
tcIfaceTypes :: [IfaceType] -> IfL [Type]
tcIfaceTypes tys = mapM tcIfaceType tys
tcIfaceCtxt :: IfaceContext -> IfL ThetaType
tcIfaceCtxt sts = mapM tcIfaceType sts
%* *
%* *
tcIfaceCo :: IfaceType -> IfL Coercion
tcIfaceCo (IfaceTyVar n) = mkCoVarCo <$> tcIfaceCoVar n
tcIfaceCo (IfaceAppTy t1 t2) = mkAppCo <$> tcIfaceCo t1 <*> tcIfaceCo t2
tcIfaceCo (IfaceFunTy t1 t2) = mkFunCo <$> tcIfaceCo t1 <*> tcIfaceCo t2
tcIfaceCo (IfaceTyConApp tc ts) = mkTyConAppCo <$> tcIfaceTyCon tc <*> mapM tcIfaceCo ts
tcIfaceCo (IfaceCoConApp tc ts) = tcIfaceCoApp tc ts
tcIfaceCo (IfaceForAllTy tv t) = bindIfaceTyVar tv $ \ tv' ->
mkForAllCo tv' <$> tcIfaceCo t
tcIfaceCoApp :: IfaceCoCon -> [IfaceType] -> IfL Coercion
tcIfaceCoApp IfaceReflCo [t] = Refl <$> tcIfaceType t
tcIfaceCoApp (IfaceCoAx n) ts = AxiomInstCo <$> tcIfaceCoAxiom n <*> mapM tcIfaceCo ts
tcIfaceCoApp (IfaceIPCoAx ip) ts = AxiomInstCo <$> liftM ipCoAxiom (newIPName ip) <*> mapM tcIfaceCo ts
tcIfaceCoApp IfaceUnsafeCo [t1,t2] = UnsafeCo <$> tcIfaceType t1 <*> tcIfaceType t2
tcIfaceCoApp IfaceSymCo [t] = SymCo <$> tcIfaceCo t
tcIfaceCoApp IfaceTransCo [t1,t2] = TransCo <$> tcIfaceCo t1 <*> tcIfaceCo t2
tcIfaceCoApp IfaceInstCo [t1,t2] = InstCo <$> tcIfaceCo t1 <*> tcIfaceType t2
tcIfaceCoApp (IfaceNthCo d) [t] = NthCo d <$> tcIfaceCo t
tcIfaceCoApp cc ts = pprPanic "toIfaceCoApp" (ppr cc <+> ppr ts)
tcIfaceCoVar :: FastString -> IfL CoVar
tcIfaceCoVar = tcIfaceLclId
%* *
%* *
tcIfaceExpr :: IfaceExpr -> IfL CoreExpr
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceType ty)
= Type <$> tcIfaceType ty
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCo co)
= Coercion <$> tcIfaceCo co
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCast expr co)
= Cast <$> tcIfaceExpr expr <*> tcIfaceCo co
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLcl name)
= Var <$> tcIfaceLclId name
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceExt gbl)
= Var <$> tcIfaceExtId gbl
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLit lit)
= do lit' <- tcIfaceLit lit
return (Lit lit')
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceFCall cc ty) = do
ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
u <- newUnique
return (Var (mkFCallId u cc ty'))
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceTuple boxity args) = do
args' <- mapM tcIfaceExpr args
let con_args = map (Type . exprType) args' ++ args'
return (mkApps (Var con_id) con_args)
arity = length args
con_id = dataConWorkId (tupleCon boxity arity)
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLam bndr body)
= bindIfaceBndr bndr $ \bndr' ->
Lam bndr' <$> tcIfaceExpr body
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceApp fun arg)
= App <$> tcIfaceExpr fun <*> tcIfaceExpr arg
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCase scrut case_bndr alts) = do
scrut' <- tcIfaceExpr scrut
case_bndr_name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS case_bndr)
scrut_ty = exprType scrut'
case_bndr' = mkLocalId case_bndr_name scrut_ty
tc_app = splitTyConApp scrut_ty
extendIfaceIdEnv [case_bndr'] $ do
alts' <- mapM (tcIfaceAlt scrut' tc_app) alts
return (Case scrut' case_bndr' (coreAltsType alts') alts')
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec (IfLetBndr fs ty info) rhs) body)
= do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs)
; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
; id_info <- tcIdInfo False
name ty' info
; let id = mkLocalIdWithInfo name ty' id_info
; rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs
; body' <- extendIfaceIdEnv [id] (tcIfaceExpr body)
; return (Let (NonRec id rhs') body') }
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceRec pairs) body)
= do { ids <- mapM tc_rec_bndr (map fst pairs)
; extendIfaceIdEnv ids $ do
{ pairs' <- zipWithM tc_pair pairs ids
; body' <- tcIfaceExpr body
; return (Let (Rec pairs') body') } }
tc_rec_bndr (IfLetBndr fs ty _)
= do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs)
; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
; return (mkLocalId name ty') }
tc_pair (IfLetBndr _ _ info, rhs) id
= do { rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs
; id_info <- tcIdInfo False
(idName id) (idType id) info
; return (setIdInfo id id_info, rhs') }
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceTick tickish expr) = do
expr' <- tcIfaceExpr expr
tickish' <- tcIfaceTickish tickish
return (Tick tickish' expr')
tcIfaceTickish :: IfaceTickish -> IfM lcl (Tickish Id)
tcIfaceTickish (IfaceHpcTick modl ix) = return (HpcTick modl ix)
tcIfaceTickish (IfaceSCC cc tick push) = return (ProfNote cc tick push)
tcIfaceLit :: Literal -> IfL Literal
tcIfaceLit (LitInteger i _)
= do mkIntegerId <- tcIfaceExtId mkIntegerName
return (mkLitInteger i mkIntegerId)
tcIfaceLit lit = return lit
tcIfaceAlt :: CoreExpr -> (TyCon, [Type])
-> (IfaceConAlt, [FastString], IfaceExpr)
-> IfL (AltCon, [TyVar], CoreExpr)
tcIfaceAlt _ _ (IfaceDefault, names, rhs)
= ASSERT( null names ) do
rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs
return (DEFAULT, [], rhs')
tcIfaceAlt _ _ (IfaceLitAlt lit, names, rhs)
= ASSERT( null names ) do
lit' <- tcIfaceLit lit
rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs
return (LitAlt lit', [], rhs')
tcIfaceAlt scrut (tycon, inst_tys) (IfaceDataAlt data_occ, arg_strs, rhs)
= do { con <- tcIfaceDataCon data_occ
; when (debugIsOn && not (con `elem` tyConDataCons tycon))
(failIfM (ppr scrut $$ ppr con $$ ppr tycon $$ ppr (tyConDataCons tycon)))
; tcIfaceDataAlt con inst_tys arg_strs rhs }
tcIfaceDataAlt :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [FastString] -> IfaceExpr
-> IfL (AltCon, [TyVar], CoreExpr)
tcIfaceDataAlt con inst_tys arg_strs rhs
= do { us <- newUniqueSupply
; let uniqs = uniqsFromSupply us
; let (ex_tvs, arg_ids)
= dataConRepFSInstPat arg_strs uniqs con inst_tys
; rhs' <- extendIfaceTyVarEnv ex_tvs $
extendIfaceIdEnv arg_ids $
tcIfaceExpr rhs
; return (DataAlt con, ex_tvs ++ arg_ids, rhs') }
tcExtCoreBindings :: [IfaceBinding] -> IfL CoreProgram
tcExtCoreBindings [] = return []
tcExtCoreBindings (b:bs) = do_one b (tcExtCoreBindings bs)
do_one :: IfaceBinding -> IfL [CoreBind] -> IfL [CoreBind]
do_one (IfaceNonRec bndr rhs) thing_inside
= do { rhs' <- tcIfaceExpr rhs
; bndr' <- newExtCoreBndr bndr
; extendIfaceIdEnv [bndr'] $ do
{ core_binds <- thing_inside
; return (NonRec bndr' rhs' : core_binds) }}
do_one (IfaceRec pairs) thing_inside
= do { bndrs' <- mapM newExtCoreBndr bndrs
; extendIfaceIdEnv bndrs' $ do
{ rhss' <- mapM tcIfaceExpr rhss
; core_binds <- thing_inside
; return (Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss') : core_binds) }}
(bndrs,rhss) = unzip pairs
%* *
%* *
tcIdDetails :: Type -> IfaceIdDetails -> IfL IdDetails
tcIdDetails _ IfVanillaId = return VanillaId
tcIdDetails ty IfDFunId
= return (DFunId (isNewTyCon (classTyCon cls)))
(_, _, cls, _) = tcSplitDFunTy ty
tcIdDetails _ (IfRecSelId tc naughty)
= do { tc' <- tcIfaceTyCon tc
; return (RecSelId { sel_tycon = tc', sel_naughty = naughty }) }
tcIdInfo :: Bool -> Name -> Type -> IfaceIdInfo -> IfL IdInfo
tcIdInfo ignore_prags name ty info
| ignore_prags = return vanillaIdInfo
| otherwise = case info of
NoInfo -> return vanillaIdInfo
HasInfo info -> foldlM tcPrag init_info info
init_info = vanillaIdInfo
tcPrag :: IdInfo -> IfaceInfoItem -> IfL IdInfo
tcPrag info HsNoCafRefs = return (info `setCafInfo` NoCafRefs)
tcPrag info (HsArity arity) = return (info `setArityInfo` arity)
tcPrag info (HsStrictness str) = return (info `setStrictnessInfo` Just str)
tcPrag info (HsInline prag) = return (info `setInlinePragInfo` prag)
tcPrag info (HsUnfold lb if_unf)
= do { unf <- tcUnfolding name ty info if_unf
; let info1 | lb = info `setOccInfo` strongLoopBreaker
| otherwise = info
; return (info1 `setUnfoldingInfoLazily` unf) }
tcUnfolding :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> IfaceUnfolding -> IfL Unfolding
tcUnfolding name _ info (IfCoreUnfold stable if_expr)
= do { mb_expr <- tcPragExpr name if_expr
; let unf_src = if stable then InlineStable else InlineRhs
; return (case mb_expr of
Nothing -> NoUnfolding
Just expr -> mkUnfolding unf_src
is_bottoming expr) }
is_bottoming = case strictnessInfo info of
Just sig -> isBottomingSig sig
Nothing -> False
tcUnfolding name _ _ (IfCompulsory if_expr)
= do { mb_expr <- tcPragExpr name if_expr
; return (case mb_expr of
Nothing -> NoUnfolding
Just expr -> mkCompulsoryUnfolding expr) }
tcUnfolding name _ _ (IfInlineRule arity unsat_ok boring_ok if_expr)
= do { mb_expr <- tcPragExpr name if_expr
; return (case mb_expr of
Nothing -> NoUnfolding
Just expr -> mkCoreUnfolding InlineStable True expr arity
(UnfWhen unsat_ok boring_ok))
tcUnfolding name dfun_ty _ (IfDFunUnfold ops)
= do { mb_ops1 <- forkM_maybe doc $ mapM tcIfaceExpr ops
; return (case mb_ops1 of
Nothing -> noUnfolding
Just ops1 -> mkDFunUnfolding dfun_ty ops1) }
doc = text "Class ops for dfun" <+> ppr name
tcUnfolding name ty info (IfExtWrapper arity wkr)
= tcIfaceWrapper name ty info arity (tcIfaceExtId wkr)
tcUnfolding name ty info (IfLclWrapper arity wkr)
= tcIfaceWrapper name ty info arity (tcIfaceLclId wkr)
tcIfaceWrapper :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Arity -> IfL Id -> IfL Unfolding
tcIfaceWrapper name ty info arity get_worker
= do { mb_wkr_id <- forkM_maybe doc get_worker
; us <- newUniqueSupply
; return (case mb_wkr_id of
Nothing -> noUnfolding
Just wkr_id -> make_inline_rule wkr_id us) }
doc = text "Worker for" <+> ppr name
make_inline_rule wkr_id us
= mkWwInlineRule wkr_id
(initUs_ us (mkWrapper ty strict_sig) wkr_id)
strict_sig = case strictnessInfo info of
Just sig -> sig
Nothing -> pprPanic "Worker info but no strictness for" (ppr name)
For unfoldings we try to do the job lazily, so that we never type check
an unfolding that isn't going to be looked at.
tcPragExpr :: Name -> IfaceExpr -> IfL (Maybe CoreExpr)
tcPragExpr name expr
= forkM_maybe doc $ do
core_expr' <- tcIfaceExpr expr
ifDOptM Opt_DoCoreLinting $ do
in_scope <- get_in_scope
case lintUnfolding noSrcLoc in_scope core_expr' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just fail_msg -> do { mod <- getIfModule
; pprPanic "Iface Lint failure"
(vcat [ ptext (sLit "In interface for") <+> ppr mod
, hang doc 2 fail_msg
, ppr name <+> equals <+> ppr core_expr'
, ptext (sLit "Iface expr =") <+> ppr expr ]) }
return core_expr'
doc = text "Unfolding of" <+> ppr name
get_in_scope :: IfL [Var]
= do { (gbl_env, lcl_env) <- getEnvs
; rec_ids <- case if_rec_types gbl_env of
Nothing -> return []
Just (_, get_env) -> do
{ type_env <- setLclEnv () get_env
; return (typeEnvIds type_env) }
; return (varEnvElts (if_tv_env lcl_env) ++
varEnvElts (if_id_env lcl_env) ++
rec_ids) }
%* *
Getting from Names to TyThings
%* *
tcIfaceGlobal :: Name -> IfL TyThing
tcIfaceGlobal name
| Just thing <- wiredInNameTyThing_maybe name
= do { ifCheckWiredInThing thing; return thing }
| otherwise
= do { env <- getGblEnv
; case if_rec_types env of {
Just (mod, get_type_env)
| nameIsLocalOrFrom mod name
-> do
{ type_env <- setLclEnv () get_type_env
; case lookupNameEnv type_env name of
Just thing -> return thing
Nothing -> pprPanic "tcIfaceGlobal (local): not found:"
(ppr name $$ ppr type_env) }
; _ -> do
{ hsc_env <- getTopEnv
; mb_thing <- liftIO (lookupTypeHscEnv hsc_env name)
; case mb_thing of {
Just thing -> return thing ;
Nothing -> do
{ mb_thing <- importDecl name
; case mb_thing of
Failed err -> failIfM err
Succeeded thing -> return thing
tcIfaceTyCon :: IfaceTyCon -> IfL TyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceIntTc = tcWiredInTyCon intTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceBoolTc = tcWiredInTyCon boolTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceCharTc = tcWiredInTyCon charTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceListTc = tcWiredInTyCon listTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfacePArrTc = tcWiredInTyCon parrTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceTupTc bx ar) = tcWiredInTyCon (tupleTyCon bx ar)
tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceIPTc n) = do { n' <- newIPName n
; tcWiredInTyCon (ipTyCon n') }
tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceTc name) = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
; return (check_tc (tyThingTyCon thing)) }
check_tc tc
| debugIsOn = case toIfaceTyCon tc of
IfaceTc _ -> tc
_ -> pprTrace "check_tc" (ppr tc) tc
| otherwise = tc
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceLiftedTypeKindTc = return liftedTypeKindTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceOpenTypeKindTc = return openTypeKindTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceUnliftedTypeKindTc = return unliftedTypeKindTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceArgTypeKindTc = return argTypeKindTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceUbxTupleKindTc = return ubxTupleKindTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceConstraintKindTc = return constraintKindTyCon
tcIfaceTyCon IfaceSuperKindTc = return tySuperKindTyCon
tcWiredInTyCon :: TyCon -> IfL TyCon
tcWiredInTyCon tc = do { ifCheckWiredInThing (ATyCon tc)
; return tc }
tcIfaceCoAxiom :: Name -> IfL CoAxiom
tcIfaceCoAxiom name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
; return (tyThingCoAxiom thing) }
tcIfaceDataCon :: Name -> IfL DataCon
tcIfaceDataCon name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
; case thing of
ADataCon dc -> return dc
_ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceExtDC" (ppr name$$ ppr thing) }
tcIfaceExtId :: Name -> IfL Id
tcIfaceExtId name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
; case thing of
AnId id -> return id
_ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceExtId" (ppr name$$ ppr thing) }
%* *
%* *
bindIfaceBndr :: IfaceBndr -> (CoreBndr -> IfL a) -> IfL a
bindIfaceBndr (IfaceIdBndr (fs, ty)) thing_inside
= do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS fs)
; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
; let id = mkLocalId name ty'
; extendIfaceIdEnv [id] (thing_inside id) }
bindIfaceBndr (IfaceTvBndr bndr) thing_inside
= bindIfaceTyVar bndr thing_inside
bindIfaceBndrs :: [IfaceBndr] -> ([CoreBndr] -> IfL a) -> IfL a
bindIfaceBndrs [] thing_inside = thing_inside []
bindIfaceBndrs (b:bs) thing_inside
= bindIfaceBndr b $ \ b' ->
bindIfaceBndrs bs $ \ bs' ->
thing_inside (b':bs')
newExtCoreBndr :: IfaceLetBndr -> IfL Id
newExtCoreBndr (IfLetBndr var ty _)
= do { mod <- getIfModule
; name <- newGlobalBinder mod (mkVarOccFS var) noSrcSpan
; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
; return (mkLocalId name ty') }
bindIfaceTyVar :: IfaceTvBndr -> (TyVar -> IfL a) -> IfL a
bindIfaceTyVar (occ,kind) thing_inside
= do { name <- newIfaceName (mkTyVarOccFS occ)
; tyvar <- mk_iface_tyvar name kind
; extendIfaceTyVarEnv [tyvar] (thing_inside tyvar) }
bindIfaceTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> ([TyVar] -> IfL a) -> IfL a
bindIfaceTyVars bndrs thing_inside
= do { names <- newIfaceNames (map mkTyVarOccFS occs)
; let (kis_kind, tys_kind) = span isSuperIfaceKind kinds
(kis_name, tys_name) = splitAt (length kis_kind) names
; kvs <- zipWithM mk_iface_tyvar kis_name kis_kind
; extendIfaceTyVarEnv kvs $ do
{ tvs <- zipWithM mk_iface_tyvar tys_name tys_kind
; extendIfaceTyVarEnv tvs (thing_inside (kvs ++ tvs)) } }
(occs,kinds) = unzip bndrs
isSuperIfaceKind :: IfaceKind -> Bool
isSuperIfaceKind (IfaceTyConApp IfaceSuperKindTc []) = True
isSuperIfaceKind _ = False
mk_iface_tyvar :: Name -> IfaceKind -> IfL TyVar
mk_iface_tyvar name ifKind
= do { kind <- tcIfaceType ifKind
; return (Var.mkTyVar name kind) }
bindIfaceTyVars_AT :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> ([TyVar] -> IfL a) -> IfL a
bindIfaceTyVars_AT [] thing_inside
= thing_inside []
bindIfaceTyVars_AT (b@(tv_occ,_) : bs) thing_inside
= do { mb_tv <- lookupIfaceTyVar tv_occ
; let bind_b :: (TyVar -> IfL a) -> IfL a
bind_b = case mb_tv of
Just b' -> \k -> k b'
Nothing -> bindIfaceTyVar b
; bind_b $ \b' ->
bindIfaceTyVars_AT bs $ \bs' ->
thing_inside (b':bs') }