% (c) The University of Glasgow 2006
% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
module CgExpr ( cgExpr ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Constants
import StgSyn
import CgMonad
import CostCentre
import SMRep
import CoreSyn
import CgProf
import CgHeapery
import CgBindery
import CgCase
import CgClosure
import CgCon
import CgLetNoEscape
import CgTailCall
import CgInfoTbls
import CgForeignCall
import CgPrimOp
import CgHpc
import CgUtils
import ClosureInfo
import OldCmm
import OldCmmUtils
import VarSet
import Literal
import PrimOp
import Id
import TyCon
import Type
import Maybes
import ListSetOps
import BasicTypes
import Util
import Outputable
import StaticFlags
This module provides the support code for @StgToAbstractC@ to deal
with STG {\em expressions}. See also @CgClosure@, which deals
with closures, and @CgCon@, which deals with constructors.
cgExpr :: StgExpr
-> Code
%* *
%* Tail calls *
%* *
``Applications'' mean {\em tail calls}, a service provided by module
@CgTailCall@. This includes literals, which show up as
@(STGApp (StgLitArg 42) [])@.
cgExpr (StgApp fun args) = cgTailCall fun args
%* *
%* STG ConApps (for inline versions) *
%* *
cgExpr (StgConApp con args)
= do { amodes <- getArgAmodes args
; cgReturnDataCon con amodes }
Literals are similar to constructors; they return by putting
themselves in an appropriate register and returning to the address on
top of the stack.
cgExpr (StgLit lit)
= do { cmm_lit <- cgLit lit
; performPrimReturn rep (CmmLit cmm_lit) }
rep = (typeCgRep) (literalType lit)
%* *
%* PrimOps and foreign calls.
%* *
NOTE about "safe" foreign calls: a safe foreign call is never compiled
inline in a case expression. When we see
case (ccall ...) of { ... }
We generate a proper return address for the alternatives and push the
stack frame before doing the call, so that in the event that the call
re-enters the RTS the stack is in a sane state.
cgExpr (StgOpApp (StgFCallOp fcall _) stg_args res_ty) = do
reps_n_amodes <- getArgAmodes stg_args
arg_exprs = [ (shimForeignCallArg stg_arg expr, stg_arg)
| (stg_arg, (rep,expr)) <- stg_args `zip` reps_n_amodes,
nonVoidArg rep]
arg_tmps <- sequence [ assignTemp arg
| (arg, _) <- arg_exprs]
let arg_hints = zipWith CmmHinted arg_tmps (map (typeForeignHint.stgArgType) stg_args)
(res_reps,res_regs,res_hints) <- newUnboxedTupleRegs res_ty
ccallReturnUnboxedTuple (zip res_reps (map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) res_regs)) $
emitForeignCall (zipWith CmmHinted res_regs res_hints) fcall
arg_hints emptyVarSet
cgExpr (StgOpApp (StgPrimOp TagToEnumOp) [arg] res_ty)
= ASSERT(isEnumerationTyCon tycon)
do { (_rep,amode) <- getArgAmode arg
; amode' <- assignTemp amode
; stmtC (CmmAssign nodeReg (tagToClosure tycon amode'))
; performReturn emitReturnInstr }
tycon = tyConAppTyCon res_ty
cgExpr (StgOpApp (StgPrimOp SeqOp) [StgVarArg a, _] _res_ty)
= cgTailCall a []
cgExpr (StgOpApp (StgPrimOp primop) args res_ty)
| primOpOutOfLine primop
= tailCallPrimOp primop args
| ReturnsPrim VoidRep <- result_info
= do cgPrimOp [] primop args emptyVarSet
performReturn emitReturnInstr
| ReturnsPrim rep <- result_info
= do res <- newTemp (typeCmmType res_ty)
cgPrimOp [res] primop args emptyVarSet
performPrimReturn (primRepToCgRep rep) (CmmReg (CmmLocal res))
| ReturnsAlg tycon <- result_info, isUnboxedTupleTyCon tycon
= do (reps, regs, _hints) <- newUnboxedTupleRegs res_ty
cgPrimOp regs primop args emptyVarSet
returnUnboxedTuple (zip reps (map (CmmReg . CmmLocal) regs))
| ReturnsAlg tycon <- result_info, isEnumerationTyCon tycon
= do tag_reg <- newTemp bWord
cgPrimOp [tag_reg] primop args emptyVarSet
stmtC (CmmAssign nodeReg
(tagToClosure tycon
(CmmReg (CmmLocal tag_reg))))
performReturn emitReturnInstr
result_info = getPrimOpResultInfo primop
cgExpr (StgOpApp (StgPrimCallOp primcall) args _res_ty)
= tailCallPrimCall primcall args
%* *
%* Case expressions *
%* *
Case-expression conversion is complicated enough to have its own
module, @CgCase@.
cgExpr (StgCase expr live_vars save_vars bndr srt alt_type alts)
= setSRT srt $ cgCase expr live_vars save_vars bndr alt_type alts
%* *
%* Let and letrec *
%* *
\subsection[let-and-letrec-codegen]{Converting @StgLet@ and @StgLetrec@}
cgExpr (StgLet (StgNonRec name rhs) expr)
= cgRhs name rhs `thenFC` \ (name, info) ->
addBindC name info `thenC`
cgExpr expr
cgExpr (StgLet (StgRec pairs) expr)
= fixC (\ new_bindings -> addBindsC new_bindings `thenC`
listFCs [ cgRhs b e | (b,e) <- pairs ]
) `thenFC` \ new_bindings ->
addBindsC new_bindings `thenC`
cgExpr expr
cgExpr (StgLetNoEscape live_in_whole_let live_in_rhss bindings body)
= do {
; nukeDeadBindings live_in_whole_let
; (save_assts, rhs_eob_info, maybe_cc_slot)
<- saveVolatileVarsAndRegs live_in_rhss
; emitStmts save_assts
; cgLetNoEscapeBindings live_in_rhss rhs_eob_info
maybe_cc_slot bindings
; setEndOfBlockInfo rhs_eob_info (cgExpr body) }
%* *
%* SCC Expressions *
%* *
SCC expressions are treated specially. They set the current cost
cgExpr (StgSCC cc tick push expr) = do emitSetCCC cc tick push; cgExpr expr
%* *
%* Hpc Tick Boxes *
%* *
cgExpr (StgTick m n expr) = do cgTickBox m n; cgExpr expr
%* *
%* Anything else *
%* *
cgExpr _ = panic "cgExpr"
%* *
%* Non-top-level bindings *
%* *
\subsection[non-top-level-bindings]{Converting non-top-level bindings}
We rely on the support code in @CgCon@ (to do constructors) and
in @CgClosure@ (to do closures).
cgRhs :: Id -> StgRhs -> FCode (Id, CgIdInfo)
cgRhs name (StgRhsCon maybe_cc con args)
= do { amodes <- getArgAmodes args
; idinfo <- buildDynCon name maybe_cc con amodes
; returnFC (name, idinfo) }
cgRhs name (StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs upd_flag srt args body)
= setSRT srt $ mkRhsClosure name cc bi fvs upd_flag args body
mkRhsClosure looks for two special forms of the right-hand side:
a) selector thunks.
b) AP thunks
If neither happens, it just calls mkClosureLFInfo. You might think
that mkClosureLFInfo should do all this, but it seems wrong for the
latter to look at the structure of an expression
We look at the body of the closure to see if it's a selector---turgid,
but nothing deep. We are looking for a closure of {\em exactly} the
... = [the_fv] \ u [] ->
case the_fv of
con a_1 ... a_n -> a_i
mkRhsClosure :: Id -> CostCentreStack -> StgBinderInfo
-> [Id] -> UpdateFlag -> [Id] -> GenStgExpr Id Id
-> FCode (Id, CgIdInfo)
mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
body@(StgCase (StgApp scrutinee [])
_ _ _ srt
(AlgAlt _)
[(DataAlt con, params, _use_mask,
(StgApp selectee []))])
| the_fv == scrutinee
&& maybeToBool maybe_offset
&& offset_into_int <= mAX_SPEC_SELECTEE_SIZE
setSRT srt $ cgStdRhsClosure bndr cc bi [the_fv] [] body lf_info [StgVarArg the_fv]
lf_info = mkSelectorLFInfo bndr offset_into_int
(isUpdatable upd_flag)
(_, params_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr con (addIdReps params)
maybe_offset = assocMaybe params_w_offsets selectee
Just the_offset = maybe_offset
offset_into_int = the_offset fixedHdrSize
Ap thunks
A more generic AP thunk of the form
x = [ x_1...x_n ] \.. [] -> x_1 ... x_n
A set of these is compiled statically into the RTS, so we just use
those. We could extend the idea to thunks where some of the x_i are
global ids (and hence not free variables), but this would entail
generating a larger thunk. It might be an option for non-optimising
compilation, though.
We only generate an Ap thunk if all the free variables are pointers,
for semi-obvious reasons.
mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi
body@(StgApp fun_id args)
| args `lengthIs` (arity1)
&& all isFollowableArg (map idCgRep fvs)
&& isUpdatable upd_flag
&& arity <= mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE
&& not opt_SccProfilingOn
= cgStdRhsClosure bndr cc bi fvs [] body lf_info payload
lf_info = mkApLFInfo bndr upd_flag arity
payload = StgVarArg fun_id : args
arity = length fvs
The default case
mkRhsClosure bndr cc bi fvs upd_flag args body
= cgRhsClosure bndr cc bi fvs upd_flag args body
%* *
%* Let-no-escape bindings
%* *
cgLetNoEscapeBindings :: StgLiveVars -> EndOfBlockInfo
-> Maybe VirtualSpOffset -> GenStgBinding Id Id
-> Code
cgLetNoEscapeBindings live_in_rhss rhs_eob_info maybe_cc_slot
(StgNonRec binder rhs)
= do { (binder,info) <- cgLetNoEscapeRhs live_in_rhss rhs_eob_info
NonRecursive binder rhs
; addBindC binder info }
cgLetNoEscapeBindings live_in_rhss rhs_eob_info maybe_cc_slot (StgRec pairs)
= do { new_bindings <- fixC (\ new_bindings -> do
{ addBindsC new_bindings
; listFCs [ cgLetNoEscapeRhs full_live_in_rhss
rhs_eob_info maybe_cc_slot Recursive b e
| (b,e) <- pairs ] })
; addBindsC new_bindings }
full_live_in_rhss = live_in_rhss `unionVarSet` (mkVarSet [b | (b,_) <- pairs])
:: StgLiveVars
-> EndOfBlockInfo
-> Maybe VirtualSpOffset
-> RecFlag
-> Id
-> StgRhs
-> FCode (Id, CgIdInfo)
cgLetNoEscapeRhs full_live_in_rhss rhs_eob_info maybe_cc_slot rec binder
(StgRhsClosure cc bi _ _upd_flag srt args body)
setSRT srt $ cgLetNoEscapeClosure binder cc bi full_live_in_rhss rhs_eob_info
maybe_cc_slot rec args body
cgLetNoEscapeRhs full_live_in_rhss rhs_eob_info maybe_cc_slot rec binder
(StgRhsCon cc con args)
= setSRT NoSRT $ cgLetNoEscapeClosure binder cc noBinderInfo
full_live_in_rhss rhs_eob_info maybe_cc_slot rec
(StgConApp con args)
Little helper for primitives that return unboxed tuples.
newUnboxedTupleRegs :: Type -> FCode ([CgRep], [LocalReg], [ForeignHint])
newUnboxedTupleRegs res_ty =
ty_args = tyConAppArgs (repType res_ty)
(reps,hints) = unzip [ (rep, typeForeignHint ty) | ty <- ty_args,
let rep = typeCgRep ty,
nonVoidArg rep ]
make_new_temp rep = newTemp (argMachRep rep)
in do
regs <- mapM make_new_temp reps
return (reps,regs,hints)