module GhcMake(
load, LoadHowMuch(..),
noModError, cyclicModuleErr
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
#ifdef GHCI
import qualified Linker ( unload )
import DriverPipeline
import DriverPhases
import GhcMonad
import Module
import HscTypes
import ErrUtils
import DynFlags
import HsSyn
import Finder
import HeaderInfo
import TcIface ( typecheckIface )
import TcRnMonad ( initIfaceCheck )
import RdrName ( RdrName )
import Exception ( evaluate, tryIO )
import Panic
import SysTools
import BasicTypes
import SrcLoc
import Util
import Digraph
import Bag ( listToBag )
import Maybes ( expectJust, mapCatMaybes )
import StringBuffer
import FastString
import Outputable
import UniqFM
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified FiniteMap as Map( insertListWith)
import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, getModificationTime )
import System.IO ( fixIO )
import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError )
import System.Time ( ClockTime )
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.List as List
depanal :: GhcMonad m =>
-> Bool
-> m ModuleGraph
depanal excluded_mods allow_dup_roots = do
hsc_env <- getSession
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
targets = hsc_targets hsc_env
old_graph = hsc_mod_graph hsc_env
liftIO $ showPass dflags "Chasing dependencies"
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (hcat [
text "Chasing modules from: ",
hcat (punctuate comma (map pprTarget targets))])
mod_graph <- liftIO $ downsweep hsc_env old_graph excluded_mods allow_dup_roots
modifySession $ \_ -> hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = mod_graph }
return mod_graph
data LoadHowMuch
= LoadAllTargets
| LoadUpTo ModuleName
| LoadDependenciesOf ModuleName
load :: GhcMonad m => LoadHowMuch -> m SuccessFlag
load how_much = do
mod_graph <- depanal [] False
load2 how_much mod_graph
load2 :: GhcMonad m => LoadHowMuch -> [ModSummary]
-> m SuccessFlag
load2 how_much mod_graph = do
hsc_env <- getSession
let hpt1 = hsc_HPT hsc_env
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let all_home_mods = [ms_mod_name s
| s <- mod_graph, not (isBootSummary s)]
bad_boot_mods = [s | s <- mod_graph, isBootSummary s,
not (ms_mod_name s `elem` all_home_mods)]
ASSERT( null bad_boot_mods ) return ()
let checkHowMuch (LoadUpTo m) = checkMod m
checkHowMuch (LoadDependenciesOf m) = checkMod m
checkHowMuch _ = id
checkMod m and_then
| m `elem` all_home_mods = and_then
| otherwise = do
liftIO $ errorMsg dflags (text "no such module:" <+>
quotes (ppr m))
return Failed
checkHowMuch how_much $ do
let mg2_with_srcimps :: [SCC ModSummary]
mg2_with_srcimps = topSortModuleGraph True mod_graph Nothing
warnUnnecessarySourceImports mg2_with_srcimps
= checkStability hpt1 mg2_with_srcimps all_home_mods
pruned_hpt = pruneHomePackageTable hpt1
(flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps)
_ <- liftIO $ evaluate pruned_hpt
modifySession $ \_ -> hsc_env{ hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext,
hsc_HPT = pruned_hpt }
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Stable obj:" <+> ppr stable_obj $$
text "Stable BCO:" <+> ppr stable_bco)
let stable_linkables = [ linkable
| m <- stable_obj++stable_bco,
Just hmi <- [lookupUFM pruned_hpt m],
Just linkable <- [hm_linkable hmi] ]
liftIO $ unload hsc_env stable_linkables
let full_mg :: [SCC ModSummary]
full_mg = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph Nothing
maybe_top_mod = case how_much of
LoadUpTo m -> Just m
LoadDependenciesOf m -> Just m
_ -> Nothing
partial_mg0 :: [SCC ModSummary]
partial_mg0 = topSortModuleGraph False mod_graph maybe_top_mod
| LoadDependenciesOf _mod <- how_much
= ASSERT( case last partial_mg0 of
AcyclicSCC ms -> ms_mod_name ms == _mod; _ -> False )
List.init partial_mg0
| otherwise
= partial_mg0
stable_mg =
[ AcyclicSCC ms
| AcyclicSCC ms <- full_mg,
ms_mod_name ms `elem` stable_obj++stable_bco,
ms_mod_name ms `notElem` [ ms_mod_name ms' |
AcyclicSCC ms' <- partial_mg ] ]
mg = stable_mg ++ partial_mg
let cleanup hsc_env = intermediateCleanTempFiles dflags
(flattenSCCs mg2_with_srcimps)
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (hang (text "Ready for upsweep")
2 (ppr mg))
setSession hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
(upsweep_ok, modsUpswept)
<- upsweep pruned_hpt stable_mods cleanup mg
let modsDone = reverse modsUpswept
if succeeded upsweep_ok
do liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep completely successful.")
hsc_env1 <- getSession
liftIO $ intermediateCleanTempFiles dflags modsDone hsc_env1
let ofile = outputFile dflags
let no_hs_main = dopt Opt_NoHsMain dflags
main_mod = mainModIs dflags
a_root_is_Main = any ((==main_mod).ms_mod) mod_graph
do_linking = a_root_is_Main || no_hs_main || ghcLink dflags == LinkDynLib
when (ghcLink dflags == LinkBinary
&& isJust ofile && not do_linking) $
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 1 $
text ("Warning: output was redirected with -o, " ++
"but no output will be generated\n" ++
"because there is no " ++
moduleNameString (moduleName main_mod) ++ " module.")
linkresult <- liftIO $ link (ghcLink dflags) dflags do_linking (hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
loadFinish Succeeded linkresult
do liftIO $ debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (text "Upsweep partially successful.")
let modsDone_names
= map ms_mod modsDone
let mods_to_zap_names
= findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone_names
let mods_to_keep
= filter ((`notElem` mods_to_zap_names).ms_mod)
hsc_env1 <- getSession
let hpt4 = retainInTopLevelEnvs (map ms_mod_name mods_to_keep)
(hsc_HPT hsc_env1)
liftIO $ intermediateCleanTempFiles dflags mods_to_keep hsc_env1
ASSERT(all (isJust.hm_linkable)
(eltsUFM (hsc_HPT hsc_env))) do
linkresult <- liftIO $ link (ghcLink dflags) dflags False hpt4
modifySession $ \hsc_env -> hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = hpt4 }
loadFinish Failed linkresult
loadFinish :: GhcMonad m =>
SuccessFlag -> SuccessFlag
-> m SuccessFlag
loadFinish _all_ok Failed
= do hsc_env <- getSession
liftIO $ unload hsc_env []
modifySession discardProg
return Failed
loadFinish all_ok Succeeded
= do modifySession $ \hsc_env -> hsc_env{ hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext }
return all_ok
discardProg :: HscEnv -> HscEnv
discardProg hsc_env
= hsc_env { hsc_mod_graph = emptyMG,
hsc_IC = emptyInteractiveContext,
hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
intermediateCleanTempFiles :: DynFlags -> [ModSummary] -> HscEnv -> IO ()
intermediateCleanTempFiles dflags summaries hsc_env
= cleanTempFilesExcept dflags except
except =
map ms_hspp_file summaries ++
hptObjs (hsc_HPT hsc_env)
guessOutputFile :: GhcMonad m => m ()
guessOutputFile = modifySession $ \env ->
let dflags = hsc_dflags env
mod_graph = hsc_mod_graph env
mainModuleSrcPath :: Maybe String
mainModuleSrcPath = do
let isMain = (== mainModIs dflags) . ms_mod
[ms] <- return (filter isMain mod_graph)
ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)
name = fmap dropExtension mainModuleSrcPath
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
name_exe = fmap (<.> "exe") name
name_exe = name
case outputFile dflags of
Just _ -> env
Nothing -> env { hsc_dflags = dflags { outputFile = name_exe } }
:: HomePackageTable
-> [ModSummary]
-> ([ModuleName],[ModuleName])
-> HomePackageTable
pruneHomePackageTable hpt summ (stable_obj, stable_bco)
= mapUFM prune hpt
where prune hmi
| is_stable modl = hmi'
| otherwise = hmi'{ hm_details = emptyModDetails }
modl = moduleName (mi_module (hm_iface hmi))
hmi' | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi, linkableTime l < ms_hs_date ms
= hmi{ hm_linkable = Nothing }
| otherwise
= hmi
where ms = expectJust "prune" (lookupUFM ms_map modl)
ms_map = listToUFM [(ms_mod_name ms, ms) | ms <- summ]
is_stable m = m `elem` stable_obj || m `elem` stable_bco
findPartiallyCompletedCycles :: [Module] -> [SCC ModSummary] -> [Module]
findPartiallyCompletedCycles modsDone theGraph
= chew theGraph
chew [] = []
chew ((AcyclicSCC _):rest) = chew rest
chew ((CyclicSCC vs):rest)
= let names_in_this_cycle = nub (map ms_mod vs)
= nub ([done | done <- modsDone,
done `elem` names_in_this_cycle])
chewed_rest = chew rest
if notNull mods_in_this_cycle
&& length mods_in_this_cycle < length names_in_this_cycle
then mods_in_this_cycle ++ chewed_rest
else chewed_rest
unload :: HscEnv -> [Linkable] -> IO ()
unload hsc_env stable_linkables
= case ghcLink (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
#ifdef GHCI
LinkInMemory -> Linker.unload (hsc_dflags hsc_env) stable_linkables
LinkInMemory -> panic "unload: no interpreter"
hsc_env stable_linkables
_other -> return ()
:: HomePackageTable
-> [SCC ModSummary]
-> [ModuleName]
-> ([ModuleName],
checkStability hpt sccs all_home_mods = foldl checkSCC ([],[]) sccs
checkSCC (stable_obj, stable_bco) scc0
| stableObjects = (scc_mods ++ stable_obj, stable_bco)
| stableBCOs = (stable_obj, scc_mods ++ stable_bco)
| otherwise = (stable_obj, stable_bco)
scc = flattenSCC scc0
scc_mods = map ms_mod_name scc
home_module m = m `elem` all_home_mods && m `notElem` scc_mods
scc_allimps = nub (filter home_module (concatMap ms_home_allimps scc))
stable_obj_imps = map (`elem` stable_obj) scc_allimps
stable_bco_imps = map (`elem` stable_bco) scc_allimps
stableObjects =
and stable_obj_imps
&& all object_ok scc
stableBCOs =
and (zipWith (||) stable_obj_imps stable_bco_imps)
&& all bco_ok scc
object_ok ms
| dopt Opt_ForceRecomp (ms_hspp_opts ms) = False
| Just t <- ms_obj_date ms = t >= ms_hs_date ms
&& same_as_prev t
| otherwise = False
same_as_prev t = case lookupUFM hpt (ms_mod_name ms) of
Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi
-> isObjectLinkable l && t == linkableTime l
_other -> True
bco_ok ms
| dopt Opt_ForceRecomp (ms_hspp_opts ms) = False
| otherwise = case lookupUFM hpt (ms_mod_name ms) of
Just hmi | Just l <- hm_linkable hmi ->
not (isObjectLinkable l) &&
linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date ms
_other -> False
:: GhcMonad m
=> HomePackageTable
-> ([ModuleName],[ModuleName])
-> (HscEnv -> IO ())
-> [SCC ModSummary]
-> m (SuccessFlag,
upsweep old_hpt stable_mods cleanup sccs = do
(res, done) <- upsweep' old_hpt [] sccs 1 (length sccs)
return (res, reverse done)
upsweep' _old_hpt done
[] _ _
= return (Succeeded, done)
upsweep' _old_hpt done
(CyclicSCC ms:_) _ _
= do dflags <- getSessionDynFlags
liftIO $ fatalErrorMsg dflags (cyclicModuleErr ms)
return (Failed, done)
upsweep' old_hpt done
(AcyclicSCC mod:mods) mod_index nmods
= do
let logger _mod = defaultWarnErrLogger
hsc_env <- getSession
liftIO (cleanup hsc_env)
<- handleSourceError
(\err -> do logger mod (Just err); return Nothing) $ do
mod_info <- liftIO $ upsweep_mod hsc_env old_hpt stable_mods
mod mod_index nmods
logger mod Nothing
return (Just mod_info)
case mb_mod_info of
Nothing -> return (Failed, done)
Just mod_info -> do
let this_mod = ms_mod_name mod
hpt1 = addToUFM (hsc_HPT hsc_env) this_mod mod_info
hsc_env1 = hsc_env { hsc_HPT = hpt1 }
old_hpt1 | isBootSummary mod = old_hpt
| otherwise = delFromUFM old_hpt this_mod
done' = mod:done
hsc_env2 <- liftIO $ reTypecheckLoop hsc_env1 mod done'
setSession hsc_env2
upsweep' old_hpt1 done' mods (mod_index+1) nmods
upsweep_mod :: HscEnv
-> HomePackageTable
-> ([ModuleName],[ModuleName])
-> ModSummary
-> Int
-> Int
-> IO HomeModInfo
upsweep_mod hsc_env old_hpt (stable_obj, stable_bco) summary mod_index nmods
= let
this_mod_name = ms_mod_name summary
this_mod = ms_mod summary
mb_obj_date = ms_obj_date summary
obj_fn = ml_obj_file (ms_location summary)
hs_date = ms_hs_date summary
is_stable_obj = this_mod_name `elem` stable_obj
is_stable_bco = this_mod_name `elem` stable_bco
old_hmi = lookupUFM old_hpt this_mod_name
dflags = ms_hspp_opts summary
prevailing_target = hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
local_target = hscTarget dflags
target = if prevailing_target /= local_target
&& (not (isObjectTarget prevailing_target)
|| not (isObjectTarget local_target))
then prevailing_target
else local_target
summary' = summary{ ms_hspp_opts = dflags { hscTarget = target } }
= case old_hmi of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just hm_info | isBootSummary summary -> Just iface
| not (mi_boot iface) -> Just iface
| otherwise -> Nothing
iface = hm_iface hm_info
compile_it :: Maybe Linkable -> SourceModified -> IO HomeModInfo
compile_it mb_linkable src_modified =
compile hsc_env summary' mod_index nmods
mb_old_iface mb_linkable src_modified
compile_it_discard_iface :: Maybe Linkable -> SourceModified
-> IO HomeModInfo
compile_it_discard_iface mb_linkable src_modified =
compile hsc_env summary' mod_index nmods
Nothing mb_linkable src_modified
| Just hmi <- old_hmi, Just l <- hm_linkable hmi =
null (linkableUnlinked l)
| otherwise =
implies False _ = True
implies True x = x
case () of
| is_stable_obj, Just hmi <- old_hmi -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "skipping stable obj mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
return hmi
| is_stable_obj, isNothing old_hmi -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling stable on-disk mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
linkable <- liftIO $ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn
(expectJust "upsweep1" mb_obj_date)
compile_it (Just linkable) SourceUnmodifiedAndStable
| not (isObjectTarget target), is_stable_bco,
(target /= HscNothing) `implies` not is_fake_linkable ->
ASSERT(isJust old_hmi)
let Just hmi = old_hmi in do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "skipping stable BCO mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
return hmi
| not (isObjectTarget target),
Just hmi <- old_hmi,
Just l <- hm_linkable hmi,
not (isObjectLinkable l),
(target /= HscNothing) `implies` not is_fake_linkable,
linkableTime l >= ms_hs_date summary -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling non-stable BCO mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
compile_it (Just l) SourceUnmodified
| isObjectTarget target,
Just obj_date <- mb_obj_date,
obj_date >= hs_date -> do
case old_hmi of
Just hmi
| Just l <- hm_linkable hmi,
isObjectLinkable l && linkableTime l == obj_date -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling mod with new on-disk obj:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
compile_it (Just l) SourceUnmodified
_otherwise -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling mod with new on-disk obj2:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
linkable <- liftIO $ findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn obj_date
compile_it_discard_iface (Just linkable) SourceUnmodified
_otherwise -> do
liftIO $ debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 5
(text "compiling mod:" <+> ppr this_mod_name)
compile_it Nothing SourceModified
retainInTopLevelEnvs :: [ModuleName] -> HomePackageTable -> HomePackageTable
retainInTopLevelEnvs keep_these hpt
= listToUFM [ (mod, expectJust "retain" mb_mod_info)
| mod <- keep_these
, let mb_mod_info = lookupUFM hpt mod
, isJust mb_mod_info ]
reTypecheckLoop :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> ModuleGraph -> IO HscEnv
reTypecheckLoop hsc_env ms graph
| not (isBootSummary ms) &&
any (\m -> ms_mod m == this_mod && isBootSummary m) graph
= do
let mss = reachableBackwards (ms_mod_name ms) graph
non_boot = filter (not.isBootSummary) mss
debugTraceMsg (hsc_dflags hsc_env) 2 $
text "Re-typechecking loop: " <> ppr (map ms_mod_name non_boot)
typecheckLoop hsc_env (map ms_mod_name non_boot)
| otherwise
= return hsc_env
this_mod = ms_mod ms
typecheckLoop :: HscEnv -> [ModuleName] -> IO HscEnv
typecheckLoop hsc_env mods = do
new_hpt <-
fixIO $ \new_hpt -> do
let new_hsc_env = hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = new_hpt }
mds <- initIfaceCheck new_hsc_env $
mapM (typecheckIface . hm_iface) hmis
let new_hpt = addListToUFM old_hpt
(zip mods [ hmi{ hm_details = details }
| (hmi,details) <- zip hmis mds ])
return new_hpt
return hsc_env{ hsc_HPT = new_hpt }
old_hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
hmis = map (expectJust "typecheckLoop" . lookupUFM old_hpt) mods
reachableBackwards :: ModuleName -> [ModSummary] -> [ModSummary]
reachableBackwards mod summaries
= [ ms | (ms,_,_) <- reachableG (transposeG graph) root ]
(graph, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes False summaries
root = expectJust "reachableBackwards" (lookup_node HsBootFile mod)
type SummaryNode = (ModSummary, Int, [Int])
:: Bool
-> [ModSummary]
-> Maybe ModuleName
-> [SCC ModSummary]
topSortModuleGraph drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries mb_root_mod
= map (fmap summaryNodeSummary) $ stronglyConnCompG initial_graph
(graph, lookup_node) = moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries
initial_graph = case mb_root_mod of
Nothing -> graph
Just root_mod ->
let root | Just node <- lookup_node HsSrcFile root_mod, graph `hasVertexG` node = node
| otherwise = ghcError (ProgramError "module does not exist")
in graphFromEdgedVertices (seq root (reachableG graph root))
summaryNodeKey :: SummaryNode -> Int
summaryNodeKey (_, k, _) = k
summaryNodeSummary :: SummaryNode -> ModSummary
summaryNodeSummary (s, _, _) = s
moduleGraphNodes :: Bool -> [ModSummary]
-> (Graph SummaryNode, HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe SummaryNode)
moduleGraphNodes drop_hs_boot_nodes summaries = (graphFromEdgedVertices nodes, lookup_node)
numbered_summaries = zip summaries [1..]
lookup_node :: HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe SummaryNode
lookup_node hs_src mod = Map.lookup (mod, hs_src) node_map
lookup_key :: HscSource -> ModuleName -> Maybe Int
lookup_key hs_src mod = fmap summaryNodeKey (lookup_node hs_src mod)
node_map :: NodeMap SummaryNode
node_map = Map.fromList [ ((moduleName (ms_mod s), ms_hsc_src s), node)
| node@(s, _, _) <- nodes ]
nodes :: [SummaryNode]
nodes = [ (s, key, out_keys)
| (s, key) <- numbered_summaries
, not (isBootSummary s && drop_hs_boot_nodes)
, let out_keys = out_edge_keys hs_boot_key (map unLoc (ms_home_srcimps s)) ++
out_edge_keys HsSrcFile (map unLoc (ms_home_imps s)) ++
if drop_hs_boot_nodes || ms_hsc_src s == HsBootFile
then []
else case lookup_key HsBootFile (ms_mod_name s) of
Nothing -> []
Just k -> [k]) ]
hs_boot_key | drop_hs_boot_nodes = HsSrcFile
| otherwise = HsBootFile
out_edge_keys :: HscSource -> [ModuleName] -> [Int]
out_edge_keys hi_boot ms = mapCatMaybes (lookup_key hi_boot) ms
type NodeKey = (ModuleName, HscSource)
type NodeMap a = Map.Map NodeKey a
msKey :: ModSummary -> NodeKey
msKey (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod, ms_hsc_src = boot }) = (moduleName mod,boot)
mkNodeMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap ModSummary
mkNodeMap summaries = Map.fromList [ (msKey s, s) | s <- summaries]
nodeMapElts :: NodeMap a -> [a]
nodeMapElts = Map.elems
warnUnnecessarySourceImports :: GhcMonad m => [SCC ModSummary] -> m ()
warnUnnecessarySourceImports sccs = do
logWarnings (listToBag (concatMap (check.flattenSCC) sccs))
where check ms =
let mods_in_this_cycle = map ms_mod_name ms in
[ warn i | m <- ms, i <- ms_home_srcimps m,
unLoc i `notElem` mods_in_this_cycle ]
warn :: Located ModuleName -> WarnMsg
warn (L loc mod) =
mkPlainErrMsg loc
(ptext (sLit "Warning: {-# SOURCE #-} unnecessary in import of ")
<+> quotes (ppr mod))
downsweep :: HscEnv
-> [ModSummary]
-> [ModuleName]
-> Bool
-> IO [ModSummary]
downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
= do
rootSummaries <- mapM getRootSummary roots
let root_map = mkRootMap rootSummaries
checkDuplicates root_map
summs <- loop (concatMap msDeps rootSummaries) root_map
return summs
roots = hsc_targets hsc_env
old_summary_map :: NodeMap ModSummary
old_summary_map = mkNodeMap old_summaries
getRootSummary :: Target -> IO ModSummary
getRootSummary (Target (TargetFile file mb_phase) obj_allowed maybe_buf)
= do exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist file
if exists
then summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase
obj_allowed maybe_buf
else throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
text "can't find file:" <+> text file
getRootSummary (Target (TargetModule modl) obj_allowed maybe_buf)
= do maybe_summary <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map False
(L rootLoc modl) obj_allowed
maybe_buf excl_mods
case maybe_summary of
Nothing -> packageModErr modl
Just s -> return s
rootLoc = mkGeneralSrcSpan (fsLit "<command line>")
checkDuplicates :: NodeMap [ModSummary] -> IO ()
checkDuplicates root_map
| allow_dup_roots = return ()
| null dup_roots = return ()
| otherwise = liftIO $ multiRootsErr (head dup_roots)
dup_roots :: [[ModSummary]]
dup_roots = filterOut isSingleton (nodeMapElts root_map)
loop :: [(Located ModuleName,IsBootInterface)]
-> NodeMap [ModSummary]
-> IO [ModSummary]
loop [] done = return (concat (nodeMapElts done))
loop ((wanted_mod, is_boot) : ss) done
| Just summs <- Map.lookup key done
= if isSingleton summs then
loop ss done
do { multiRootsErr summs; return [] }
| otherwise
= do mb_s <- summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map
is_boot wanted_mod True
Nothing excl_mods
case mb_s of
Nothing -> loop ss done
Just s -> loop (msDeps s ++ ss) (Map.insert key [s] done)
key = (unLoc wanted_mod, if is_boot then HsBootFile else HsSrcFile)
mkRootMap :: [ModSummary] -> NodeMap [ModSummary]
mkRootMap summaries = Map.insertListWith (flip (++))
[ (msKey s, [s]) | s <- summaries ]
msDeps :: ModSummary -> [(Located ModuleName, IsBootInterface)]
msDeps s =
concat [ [(m,True), (m,False)] | m <- ms_home_srcimps s ]
++ [ (m,False) | m <- ms_home_imps s ]
home_imps :: [Located (ImportDecl RdrName)] -> [Located ModuleName]
home_imps imps = [ ideclName i | L _ i <- imps, isLocal (ideclPkgQual i) ]
where isLocal Nothing = True
isLocal (Just pkg) | pkg == fsLit "this" = True
isLocal _ = False
ms_home_allimps :: ModSummary -> [ModuleName]
ms_home_allimps ms = map unLoc (ms_home_srcimps ms ++ ms_home_imps ms)
ms_home_srcimps :: ModSummary -> [Located ModuleName]
ms_home_srcimps = home_imps . ms_srcimps
ms_home_imps :: ModSummary -> [Located ModuleName]
ms_home_imps = home_imps . ms_imps
:: HscEnv
-> [ModSummary]
-> FilePath
-> Maybe Phase
-> Bool
-> Maybe (StringBuffer,ClockTime)
-> IO ModSummary
summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase obj_allowed maybe_buf
| Just old_summary <- findSummaryBySourceFile old_summaries file
= do
let location = ms_location old_summary
src_timestamp <- get_src_timestamp
if ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp
then do
obj_timestamp <-
if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
|| obj_allowed
then liftIO $ getObjTimestamp location False
else return Nothing
return old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp }
new_summary src_timestamp
| otherwise
= do src_timestamp <- get_src_timestamp
new_summary src_timestamp
get_src_timestamp = case maybe_buf of
Just (_,t) -> return t
Nothing -> liftIO $ getModificationTime file
new_summary src_timestamp = do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
(dflags', hspp_fn, buf)
<- preprocessFile hsc_env file mb_phase maybe_buf
(srcimps,the_imps, L _ mod_name) <- getImports dflags' buf hspp_fn file
location <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation dflags mod_name file
mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod_name location
obj_timestamp <-
if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
|| obj_allowed
then liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
else return Nothing
return (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod, ms_hsc_src = HsSrcFile,
ms_location = location,
ms_hspp_file = hspp_fn,
ms_hspp_opts = dflags',
ms_hspp_buf = Just buf,
ms_srcimps = srcimps, ms_textual_imps = the_imps,
ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })
findSummaryBySourceFile :: [ModSummary] -> FilePath -> Maybe ModSummary
findSummaryBySourceFile summaries file
= case [ ms | ms <- summaries, HsSrcFile <- [ms_hsc_src ms],
expectJust "findSummaryBySourceFile" (ml_hs_file (ms_location ms)) == file ] of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> Just x
:: HscEnv
-> NodeMap ModSummary
-> IsBootInterface
-> Located ModuleName
-> Bool
-> Maybe (StringBuffer, ClockTime)
-> [ModuleName]
-> IO (Maybe ModSummary)
summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map is_boot (L loc wanted_mod)
obj_allowed maybe_buf excl_mods
| wanted_mod `elem` excl_mods
= return Nothing
| Just old_summary <- Map.lookup (wanted_mod, hsc_src) old_summary_map
= do
let location = ms_location old_summary
src_fn = expectJust "summariseModule" (ml_hs_file location)
case maybe_buf of
Just (_,t) -> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
Nothing -> do
m <- tryIO (getModificationTime src_fn)
case m of
Right t -> check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn t
Left e | isDoesNotExistError e -> find_it
| otherwise -> ioError e
| otherwise = find_it
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
hsc_src = if is_boot then HsBootFile else HsSrcFile
check_timestamp old_summary location src_fn src_timestamp
| ms_hs_date old_summary == src_timestamp = do
obj_timestamp <-
if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
|| obj_allowed
then getObjTimestamp location is_boot
else return Nothing
return (Just old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })
| otherwise =
new_summary location (ms_mod old_summary) src_fn src_timestamp
find_it = do
uncacheModule hsc_env wanted_mod
found <- findImportedModule hsc_env wanted_mod Nothing
case found of
Found location mod
| isJust (ml_hs_file location) ->
just_found location mod
| otherwise ->
ASSERT(modulePackageId mod /= thisPackage dflags)
return Nothing
err -> noModError dflags loc wanted_mod err
just_found location mod = do
let location' | is_boot = addBootSuffixLocn location
| otherwise = location
src_fn = expectJust "summarise2" (ml_hs_file location')
maybe_t <- modificationTimeIfExists src_fn
case maybe_t of
Nothing -> noHsFileErr loc src_fn
Just t -> new_summary location' mod src_fn t
new_summary location mod src_fn src_timestamp
= do
(dflags', hspp_fn, buf) <- preprocessFile hsc_env src_fn Nothing maybe_buf
(srcimps, the_imps, L mod_loc mod_name) <- getImports dflags' buf hspp_fn src_fn
when (mod_name /= wanted_mod) $
throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg mod_loc $
text "File name does not match module name:"
$$ text "Saw:" <+> quotes (ppr mod_name)
$$ text "Expected:" <+> quotes (ppr wanted_mod)
obj_timestamp <-
if isObjectTarget (hscTarget (hsc_dflags hsc_env))
|| obj_allowed
then getObjTimestamp location is_boot
else return Nothing
return (Just (ModSummary { ms_mod = mod,
ms_hsc_src = hsc_src,
ms_location = location,
ms_hspp_file = hspp_fn,
ms_hspp_opts = dflags',
ms_hspp_buf = Just buf,
ms_srcimps = srcimps,
ms_textual_imps = the_imps,
ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp }))
getObjTimestamp :: ModLocation -> Bool -> IO (Maybe ClockTime)
getObjTimestamp location is_boot
= if is_boot then return Nothing
else modificationTimeIfExists (ml_obj_file location)
preprocessFile :: HscEnv
-> FilePath
-> Maybe Phase
-> Maybe (StringBuffer,ClockTime)
-> IO (DynFlags, FilePath, StringBuffer)
preprocessFile hsc_env src_fn mb_phase Nothing
= do
(dflags', hspp_fn) <- preprocess hsc_env (src_fn, mb_phase)
buf <- hGetStringBuffer hspp_fn
return (dflags', hspp_fn, buf)
preprocessFile hsc_env src_fn mb_phase (Just (buf, _time))
= do
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
let local_opts = getOptions dflags buf src_fn
(dflags', leftovers, warns)
<- parseDynamicFilePragma dflags local_opts
checkProcessArgsResult leftovers
handleFlagWarnings dflags' warns
let needs_preprocessing
| Just (Unlit _) <- mb_phase = True
| Nothing <- mb_phase, Unlit _ <- startPhase src_fn = True
| xopt Opt_Cpp dflags' = True
| dopt Opt_Pp dflags' = True
| otherwise = False
when needs_preprocessing $
ghcError (ProgramError "buffer needs preprocesing; interactive check disabled")
return (dflags', src_fn, buf)
noModError :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> ModuleName -> FindResult -> IO ab
noModError dflags loc wanted_mod err
= throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg loc $ cannotFindModule dflags wanted_mod err
noHsFileErr :: SrcSpan -> String -> IO a
noHsFileErr loc path
= throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg loc $ text "Can't find" <+> text path
packageModErr :: ModuleName -> IO a
packageModErr mod
= throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+> text "is a package module"
multiRootsErr :: [ModSummary] -> IO ()
multiRootsErr [] = panic "multiRootsErr"
multiRootsErr summs@(summ1:_)
= throwOneError $ mkPlainErrMsg noSrcSpan $
text "module" <+> quotes (ppr mod) <+>
text "is defined in multiple files:" <+>
sep (map text files)
mod = ms_mod summ1
files = map (expectJust "checkDup" . ml_hs_file . ms_location) summs
cyclicModuleErr :: [ModSummary] -> SDoc
cyclicModuleErr mss
= ASSERT( not (null mss) )
case findCycle graph of
Nothing -> ptext (sLit "Unexpected non-cycle") <+> ppr mss
Just path -> vcat [ ptext (sLit "Module imports form a cycle:")
, nest 2 (show_path path) ]
graph :: [Node NodeKey ModSummary]
graph = [(ms, msKey ms, get_deps ms) | ms <- mss]
get_deps :: ModSummary -> [NodeKey]
get_deps ms = ([ (unLoc m, HsBootFile) | m <- ms_home_srcimps ms ] ++
[ (unLoc m, HsSrcFile) | m <- ms_home_imps ms ])
show_path [] = panic "show_path"
show_path [m] = ptext (sLit "module") <+> ppr_ms m
<+> ptext (sLit "imports itself")
show_path (m1:m2:ms) = vcat ( nest 7 (ptext (sLit "module") <+> ppr_ms m1)
: nest 6 (ptext (sLit "imports") <+> ppr_ms m2)
: go ms )
go [] = [ptext (sLit "which imports") <+> ppr_ms m1]
go (m:ms) = (ptext (sLit "which imports") <+> ppr_ms m) : go ms
ppr_ms :: ModSummary -> SDoc
ppr_ms ms = quotes (ppr (moduleName (ms_mod ms))) <+>
(parens (text (msHsFilePath ms)))